library(FSA) # for Subset(), residPlot(), fitPlot() setwd("C:/aaaWork/Web/fishR/courses/Vermont2014/CourseMaterial/") # Derek's Computer d <- read.csv("Data/MnFats.csv",header=TRUE) d <- Subset(d,sex!="UNK") # removed one unknown sex individual (for simplicity) d <- within(d, { fyear <- factor(year) loglen <- log(len) logwt <- log(wt) } ) view(d) clr <- rgb(0,0,0,1/4) lm1 <- lm(wt~len,data=d) names(lm1) coef(lm1) residuals(lm1)[1:10] # only show first 10 residuals fitted(lm1)[1:10] # only show first 10 fitted values plot(residuals(lm1)~fitted(lm1),pch=16,col=clr) # manual construction -- Left residPlot(lm1,col=clr) # auto construction -- Right lm2 <- lm(logwt~loglen,data=d) residPlot(lm2,col=clr) # Left hist(~residuals(lm2)) # Middle fitPlot(lm2, # Right d[172,] # Outlier? d[d$len>395 & d$len<405,] # Fish w/ similar len d1 <- d[-172,] # Remove the fish lm3 <- lm(logwt~loglen,data=d1) anova(lm3) summary(lm3) coef(lm3) confint(lm3) # Predict weight for 400 mm individual ( p1 <- predict(lm3,data.frame(loglen=log(400)),interval="prediction") ) exp(p1) plot(wt~len,data=d1,xlab="Total Length (mm)",ylab="Weight (g)",pch=16,col=clr) ( cf <- coef(lm3) ) curve(exp(cf[1])*x^cf[2],from=275,to=900,col="red",lwd=2,add=TRUE) plot(wt~len,data=d1,xlab="Total Length (mm)",ylab="Weight (g)",pch=16,col=clr) curve(exp(cf[1])*x^cf[2],from=275,to=900,col="red",lwd=3,add=TRUE) ( cfOut <- coef(lm2) ) curve(exp(cfOut[1])*x^cfOut[2],from=275,to=900,col="blue",lwd=1,add=TRUE) legend("topleft",c("without Outlier","with Outlier"),col=c("red","blue"),lwd=2,bty="n") # Predict weight for all lengths b/w 275 and 900 mm xs <- seq(275,900,1) pW <- exp(predict(lm3,data.frame(loglen=log(xs)),interval="prediction")) pW[1:5,] # first five rows plot(wt~len,data=d1,xlab="Total Length (mm)",ylab="Weight (g)",pch=16,col=clr) lines(pW[,"fit"]~xs,col="red",lwd=2) lines(pW[,"lwr"]~xs,col="red",lty=2) lines(pW[,"upr"]~xs,col="red",lty=2)