--- title: "RMarkdown Example" author: "Derek H. Ogle" date: "Tuesday, February 17, 2015" output: word_document: fig_caption: yes pdf_document: fig_caption: yes html_document: fig_caption: yes --- ```{r setup, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE} # THIS SECTION CAN BE GENERALLY BE IGNORED IF VIEWED AS AN R SCRIPT ############ library(knitr) source("../knitr_setup.R") # A list of required packages -- for reproducibilities purpose rqrd <- c("FSA") # END OF SECTION TO BE IGNORED ################################################# library(FSA) # catchCurve ``` # Introduction Brook trout are important. Isle Royale is a fun place to sample fish. # Methods We electrofished. Caught and aged fish. Used a catch curve analysis to estimate the instantaneous mortality rate. # Results ```{r echo=FALSE, results='hide'} df <- data.frame(age=0:5,catch=c(47,72,126,104,81,64)) df$logct <- log(df$catch) ttl.catch <- sum(df$catch) max.catch <- max(df$catch) age.at.max.catch <- df$age[which(df$catch==max.catch)] cc1 <- catchCurve(catch~age,data=df,ages=age.at.max.catch:5) sum1 <- summary(cc1) ci1 <- confint(cc1) ``` A total of `r ttl.catch` brook trout were captured. The maximum catch of `r max.catch` fish occurred at age-`r age.at.max.catch`. The instantaneous mortality rate computed for ages `r age.at.max.catch` to `r max(df$age)` was `r round(sum1["Z","Estimate"],3)` with a 95\% confidence interval from `r round(ci1["Z",1],3)` to `r round(ci1["Z",2],3)`. ```{r CatchCurve, echo=FALSE, fig.cap='Log catch versus age for Tobin Harbor Brook Trout, with the ages used for estimating Z shown.', fig.pos='h', fig.height=2.5, fig.width=2.5} plot(cc1) ``` # Discussion We did great work.