# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring mid-middleware custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring category: db # The monitoring type eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws... app: dm # The monitoring i18n name name: zh-CN: 达梦数据库 en-US: DM DB # The description and help of this monitoring type help: zh-CN: HertzBeat 对 DM达梦数据库 的通用性能指标(basic、status、thread)进行采集监控,支持版本为 DM8+。
您可以点击“新建 达梦数据库”并进行配置,或者选择“更多操作”,导入已有配置。 en-US: HertzBeat monitors DM database of basic performance metrics such as status and thread, the version we support is DM8+. You could click the "New DM" button and proceed with the configuration or import an existing setup through the "More Actions" menu. zh-TW: HertzBeat 對 DM達夢數據庫 的通用性能指標(basic、status、thread)進行采集監控,支持版本爲 DM8+。
您可以點擊“新建 達夢數據庫”並進行配置,或者選擇“更多操作”,導入已有配置。 helpLink: zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/dm en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/dm # Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition) params: # field-param field key - field: host # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 目标Host en-US: Target Host # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: host # required-true or false required: true # field-param field key - field: port # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 端口 en-US: Port # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[0,65535]' # required-true or false required: true # default value defaultValue: 5236 # param field input placeholder placeholder: 'Please input port' # field-param field key - field: username # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 用户名 en-US: Username # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: text # when type is text, use limit to limit string length limit: 50 # required-true or false required: false # hide param-true or false hide: true # field-param field key - field: password # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 用户密码 en-US: Password # type-param field type(most mapping the html input tag) type: password # required-true or false required: false # hide param-true or false hide: true # field-param field key - field: timeout # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 超时时间 en-US: Timeout # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[400,200000]' # required-true or false required: true # default value defaultValue: 3000 # collect metrics config list metrics: # metrics - basic - name: basic i18n: zh-CN: 基本信息 en-US: Basic Info # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue priority: 0 # collect metrics content fields: # field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB'), label-whether it is a metrics label field - field: PORT_NUM i18n: zh-CN: 端口号 en-US: Port Number type: 1 - field: CTL_PATH i18n: zh-CN: 控制路径 en-US: Control Path type: 1 - field: MAX_SESSIONS i18n: zh-CN: 最大会话数 en-US: Max Sessions type: 0 # (optional)metrics field alias name, it is used as an alias field to map and convert the collected data and metrics field aliasFields: - PORT_NUM - CTL_PATH - MAX_SESSIONS # mapping and conversion expressions, use these and aliasField above to calculate metrics value # eg: cores=core1+core2, usage=usage, waitTime=allTime-runningTime calculates: - PORT_NUM=PORT_NUM - CTL_PATH=CTL_PATH - MAX_SESSIONS=MAX_SESSIONS # the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk protocol: jdbc # the config content when protocol is jdbc jdbc: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ platform: dm username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ database: ^_^database^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ # SQL Query Method:oneRow, multiRow, columns queryType: columns # script sql sql: select PARA_NAME, PARA_VALUE from SYS."V$DM_INI" where PARA_NAME = 'MAX_SESSIONS'or PARA_NAME = 'CTL_PATH' or PARA_NAME = 'PORT_NUM'; # JDBC url url: ^_^url^_^ - name: status i18n: zh-CN: 状态 en-US: Status priority: 1 fields: - field: status i18n: zh-CN: 状态 en-US: Status type: 1 protocol: jdbc jdbc: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ platform: dm username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ database: ^_^database^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ # SQL Query Method:oneRow, multiRow, columns queryType: oneRow sql: SELECT status$ as status FROM v$instance; url: ^_^url^_^ - name: thread i18n: zh-CN: 线程 en-US: Thread priority: 2 fields: - field: dm_sql_thd i18n: zh-CN: SQL线程数 en-US: SQL Thread type: 0 - field: dm_io_thd i18n: zh-CN: I/O线程数 en-US: I/O Thread type: 0 - field: dm_quit_thd i18n: zh-CN: 退出线程数 en-US: Quit Thread type: 0 aliasFields: - dm_sql_thd - dm_io_thd - dm_quit_thd calculates: - dm_sql_thd=dm_sql_thd - dm_io_thd=dm_io_thd - dm_quit_thd=dm_quit_thd protocol: jdbc jdbc: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ platform: dm username: ^_^username^_^ password: ^_^password^_^ database: ^_^database^_^ timeout: ^_^timeout^_^ # SQL Query Method:oneRow, multiRow, columns queryType: columns sql: SELECT DISTINCT NAME, COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM V$THREADS GROUP BY NAME ORDER BY NUM DESC; url: ^_^url^_^