# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # The monitoring type category:service-application service monitoring db-database monitoring custom-custom monitoring os-operating system monitoring category: bigdata # The monitoring type eg: linux windows tomcat mysql aws... app: flink # The monitoring i18n name name: zh-CN: Apache Flink en-US: Apache Flink # The description and help of this monitoring type help: zh-CN: Hertzbeat 对 Flink流引擎的通用指标进行测量监控。
您可以点击 “新建 Flink流引擎” 并进行配置,或者选择“更多操作”,导入已有配置。 en-US: Hertzbeat monitoring Flink Stream through general performance metric. You could click the "New Flink Stream" button and proceed with the configuration or import an existing setup through the "More Actions" menu. zh-TW: Hertzbeat 對 Flink流引擎的通用名額進行量測監控。
您可以點擊“新建Flink流引擎”並進行配寘,或者選擇“更多操作”,導入已有配寘。 helpLink: zh-CN: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/zh-cn/docs/help/flink en-US: https://hertzbeat.apache.org/docs/help/flink # Input params define for monitoring(render web ui by the definition) params: # field-param field key - field: host # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 目标Host en-US: Target Host # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: host # required-true or false required: true # field-param field key - field: port # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 端口 en-US: Port # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: number # when type is number, range is required range: '[0,65535]' # required-true or false required: true # default value defaultValue: 8081 # field-param field key - field: ssl # name-param field display i18n name name: zh-CN: 启动SSL en-US: SSL # type-param field type(boolean mapping the html switch tag) type: boolean # required-true or false required: false # field-param field key - field: authType name: zh-CN: 认证方式 en-US: Auth Type # type-param field type(most mapping the html input type) type: radio required: false hide: true # when type is radio checkbox, use option to show optional values {name1:value1,name2:value2} options: - label: Basic Auth value: Basic Auth - label: Digest Auth value: Digest Auth - field: username name: zh-CN: 用户名 en-US: Username type: text limit: 50 required: false hide: true - field: password name: zh-CN: 密码 en-US: Password type: password required: false hide: true # collect metrics config list metrics: # metrics - basic - name: basic # metrics scheduling priority(0->127)->(high->low), metrics with the same priority will be scheduled in parallel # priority 0's metrics is availability metrics, it will be scheduled first, only availability metrics collect success will the scheduling continue priority: 0 # collect metrics content fields: # field-metric name, type-metric type(0-number,1-string), unit-metric unit('%','ms','MB'), label-whether it is a metrics label field - field: flink-version type: 1 i18n: zh-CN: 版本 en-US: Version # the protocol used for monitoring, eg: sql, ssh, http, telnet, wmi, snmp, sdk protocol: http # the config content when protocol is http http: # http host: ipv4 ipv6 domain host: ^_^host^_^ # http port port: ^_^port^_^ # http url url: /v1/config # http method: GET POST PUT DELETE PATCH method: GET # if enabled https ssl: ^_^ssl^_^ # http auth authorization: # http auth type: Basic Auth, Digest Auth, Bearer Token type: ^_^authType^_^ basicAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^ basicAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^ digestAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^ digestAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^ # http response data parse type: default-hertzbeat rule, jsonpath-jsonpath script, website-for website monitoring, prometheus-prometheus exporter rule parseType: default - name: overview priority: 1 fields: - field: slots_total # slots count type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 插槽总数 en-US: Slots Total - field: slots_used # slots used count type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 已用插槽数 en-US: Slots Used - field: task_total # task count type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 任务总数 en-US: Task Total - field: jobs_running # Number of running tasks type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 正在运行的任务数 en-US: Jobs Running - field: jobs_failed # Number of failed tasks type: 0 i18n: zh-CN: 已经失败的任务数 en-US: Jobs Failed aliasFields: - slots-total - slots-available - jobs-running - jobs-finished - jobs-cancelled - jobs-failed calculates: - slots_total=slots-total - slots_used=slots-total-slots-available - task_total=jobs-running+jobs-finished+jobs-cancelled+jobs-failed - jobs_running=jobs-running - jobs_failed=jobs-failed protocol: http http: host: ^_^host^_^ port: ^_^port^_^ url: /v1/overview method: GET ssl: ^_^ssl^_^ authorization: type: ^_^authType^_^ basicAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^ basicAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^ digestAuthUsername: ^_^username^_^ digestAuthPassword: ^_^password^_^ parseType: default