### Entity type review - Checklist An Entity may be of type Node, Taxonomy, User etc. In order to use this checklist on an issue [copy the source code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dropdog/docs/master/docs/review/entity.md) into the issue and treat the checklist accordingly. **IMPORTANT**: If one or more checkboxes of the list do not apply (eg there is no need for **Multilingual Settings**) please REMOVE the related checkbox to avoid misunderstand. **A. Basic checklist:** 1. [ ] Commits are atomic 2. [ ] Pull request (or branch) is atomic 3. [ ] One Entity Type per Drupal Feature 4. [ ] Entity type correct machine_name pattern 5. [ ] DFeature correct machine_name pattern 6. [ ] Fields correct machine_name pattern 7. [ ] Fields have a description 8. [ ] Fields are not shared (exceptions need to be added on the commit messages) 9. [ ] Display modes are not specific (for this Entity Type) 10. [ ] Usage of Taxonomy vs Entityreference is OK 11. [ ] Default core body field has been deleted 12. [ ] DFeature has user permissions 13. [ ] DFeature has been tested (locally or remotely) 14. [ ] All the dependencies exist already on D.O. or on the Github profile 15. [ ] Multilingual settings have be set (if need to) 16. [ ] Domain access (module) have been set (if need to) 17. [ ] Pathauto alias patterns (module) have been set (if need to) 18. [ ] Workbench_moderation (module) settings have been set (if need to) ---------- **B. Extended checklist:** 1. [ ] DFeature contains the related DViews 2. [ ] Entity type contains Tests 3. [ ] DFeature has no dependency to itself 4. [ ] DFeature configuration files exist in place 5. [ ] Additional README.txt with how to information has been added (if needed)