#!/bin/bash # Update (or install) build-tools to latest release on https://github.com/drud/build-tools/releases/latest set -e LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -L -s -H 'Accept: application/json' https://github.com/drud/build-tools/releases/latest) # The releases are returned in the format {"id":3622206,"tag_name":"hello-",...}, we have to extract the tag_name. LATEST_VERSION=$(echo $LATEST_RELEASE | sed -e 's/.*"tag_name":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/') URL="https://github.com/drud/build-tools/releases/download/$LATEST_VERSION" tag=${LATEST_VERSION} tarball_url="https://github.com/drud/build-tools/archive/$tag.tar.gz" internal_name=build-tools-${tag#v} local_file=/tmp/$internal_name.tgz # If there is a current build-tools, get permission and remove if [ "${PWD##*/}" = "build-tools" ]; then echo "OK to replace current build-tools at $PWD?" read -p "Replace build-tools with latest version? y/N" -n 1 -r echo if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi cd .. # If no current build-tools, prompt, get permission to add else echo "OK to add current build-tools at $PWD/build-tools?" read -p "Add build-tools with latest version? y/N" -n 1 -r echo if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then echo "Exiting" exit 1 fi fi wget -q -O $local_file $tarball_url tar -xf $local_file rm -rf build-tools/* cp -r $internal_name/ build-tools/ rm -rf $internal_name/ rm -rf build-tools/{tests,circle.yml,.circleci,.github,.appveyor.yml,.buildkite,.autotests} touch build-tools/build-tools-VERSION-$tag.txt git add build-tools echo "Updated build-tools to $tag $base_url" | git commit -F -