# # A minimalist Drush config file. # See https://www.drush.org/latest/using-drush-configuration/ for lots more documentation. # # Preflight configuration. drush: include: - '${env.HOME}/.drush/commands' - /usr/share/drush/commands paths: config: # Load additional config files. Is silently skipped if not found. Filename must be drush.yml - ${env.HOME}/.drush/config/drush.yml alias-path: - '${env.HOME}/.drush/sites' - /etc/drush/sites # Global options. options: # Specify the base_url that should be used when generating links. # uri: 'http://example.com/subdir' # Command-specific options. command: sql: dump: options: # Uncomment to omit cache and similar tables (including during a sql:sync). # structure-tables-key: common # Non-options. ssh: # Specify options to pass to ssh. The default is to prohibit # password authentication, and is included here, so you may add additional # parameters without losing the default configuration. options: '-o PasswordAuthentication=no' # This string is valid for Bash shell. Override in case you need something different. See https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues/3816. pipefail: 'set -o pipefail; '