# UHM Syntax Highlight Preliminary version of ST3 syntax highlighter for preliminary version of [Hive][1]'s wavetable [scripting language][2]. [1]: https://u-he.com/products/hive/ [2]: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=511390 Work in progress. Use at your own risk. ## Install 1. Package Control: - `Contrl+Shift+P` > `Package Control: Install Package` > `UHM Syntax` 2. Manual: - download zip archive - extract zip archive to Sublime's `\Packages\` folder. (To find your `\Packages\` folder, run `Preferences` > `Browse Packages...` from Sublime's menu) ## Screenshots Mariana ![UHM syntax with Mariana color scheme](./Screenshots/mariana.png) Monokai ![UHM syntax with Monokai color scheme](./Screenshots/monokai.png) Base16 Pastel Paws ![UHM syntax Base16 Pastel Paws color scheme](./Screenshots/base16_pastel_paws.png)