\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article} % use "amsart" instead of "article" for AMSLaTeX format \usepackage{geometry} % See geometry.pdf to learn the layout options. There are lots. \geometry{letterpaper} % ... or a4paper or a5paper or ... %\geometry{landscape} % Activate for rotated page geometry %\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent \usepackage{graphicx} % Use pdf, png, jpg, or epsĀ§ with pdflatex; use eps in DVI mode % TeX will automatically convert eps --> pdf in pdflatex \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{enumitem} \geometry{margin=.75in} \pagenumbering{gobble} % TODO: Add the image path here! %SetFonts %SetFonts \begin{document} \begin{center} \section*{Lab 4} % TODO: Your name here \end{center} % TODO: Add your first section here! % TODO: Add your first subsection here! % TODO: Make a list here! % TODO: Enter your first formula in-line here! % TODO: Enter your second formula as its own block here! % TODO: Enter your third formula as its own block here! % TODO: Enter your fourth multiline equation here! % TODO: End your list here! % TODO: Add an image here! \end{document}