## [0.22.0] - 2024-04-13 ### Features - Support http2-prior-knowledge, see #356 (@zuisong) - Directly bind to interface name on supported platforms, see #359 (@ducaale) - Enable stream when content-type is `text/event-stream`, see #360 (@zuisong) - Decode utf-8 encoded string when formatting non-streaming JSON response, see #361 (@zuisong) ### Other - Upgrade to hyper v1, see #357 (@zuisong) - Use `serde-transcode` to optimize JSON formatting, see #362 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.21.0] - 2024-01-28 ### Features - Display remote address in metadata when `-vv` or `--meta` flag is used, see #348 (@zuisong) ### Other - Default `XH_CONFIG_DIR` to `~/.config/xh` in macOS, see #353 (@ducaale) ## [0.20.1] - 2023-11-19 ### Features - Add `--resolve` for overriding DNS resolution, see #327 (@ducaale) ## [0.19.4] - 2023-10-22 ### Other - Explicitly enable serde's derive feature, see #334 (@jayvdb) ## [0.19.3] - 2023-10-21 ### Other - Make `network-interface` an optional dependency, see #332 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.19.2] - 2023-10-21 ### Features - Add `--interface` for binding to a local IP address or interface, see #307 (@ducaale) - Translate `--raw` flag when using `--curl`, see #308 (@ducaale) - Support duplicate header keys in session files, see #313 (@ducaale) - Support persisting cookies from multiple domains, see #314 (@ducaale) - Control output formatting (JSON indent-level, header sorting, etc) via `--format-options`, see #318 (@Bnyro) and #319 (@ducaale) ### Bug fixes - Disable cURL's URL globbing, see #325 (@ducaale) - Improve PATH handling in `install.ps1`, see #264 (@henno) ### Other - Update Rustls to v0.21.0, see #311 (@ducaale) ## [0.18.0] - 2023-02-20 ### Features - Support reading query param and header values from a file, see #288 (@ducaale) - Highlight Syntax errors found while tokenizing a JSON path, see #260 (@ducaale) - Support outputting the metadata of a response via `--meta`, `--print=m` or `-vv`, see #240 (@ducaale) ### Bug fixes - Fix panic when when parsing connection timeout, see #295 (@sorairolake) ### Breaking changes - Remove `-m` as a short flag for `--multipart`, see #299 (@ducaale) ## [0.17.0] - 2022-11-08 ### Features - Add support for nested json syntax, see #217 (@ducaale) - Add Support for bearer auth in `.netrc`, see #267 (@porglezomp) - Support forcing ipv4/ipv6, see #276 (@zuisong) ### Other - Allow building xh using native-tls only, see #281 (@jirutka) - Warn users when translating `--follow` + non GET method, see #280 (@jgoday) ## [0.16.1] - 2022-05-22 ### Bug fixes - fix HEAD request failing on compressed response, see #257 (@ducaale) ### Other - Configurable install dir for `install.sh` via `XH_BINDIR` env variable, see #256 (@lispyclouds) - Use exit status 2 and 6 for `request timeout` and `too many redirects` errors respectively, see #258 (@sorairolake) ## [0.16.0] - 2022-04-17 ### Features - Add support for URLs with leading `://` to allow quick conversion of pasted URLs into HTTPie/xh command e.g `http://httpbin.org/json` → `$ http ://httpbin.org/json`, see #232 (@ducaale) - Support sending multiple request headers with the same key, see #242 (@ducaale) ### Bug fixes - Don't remove `content-encoding` and `content-length` headers while processing gzip/deflate/brotli encoded responses, see #241 (@ducaale) ### Other - Replace structopt with clap3.x, see #216 (@ducaale) and #235 (@blyxxyz) - Improve output coloring performance by switching to incremental highlighting, see #228 (@blyxxyz) - Faster `--stream` output formatting by switching to full buffering and manual flushing, see #233 (@blyxxyz) - Automate the generation of negation flags, see #234 (@blyxxyz) - Display download's elapsed time as seconds, see #236 (@ducaale) ## [0.15.0] - 2022-01-27 ### Features - Add support for `--raw` flag, see #202 (@ducaale) - Add Fruity theme, see #206 (@ducaale) - Use a custom netrc parser that supports comments and is more faithful to HTTPie, see #207 (@blyxxyz) - Add browser-style text encoding detection, see #203 (@blyxxyz) - Enable using OS certificate store with rustls, see #225 (@austinbutler) - Improve quoting and update options from `--curl`, see #200 (@blyxxyz) ### Bug fixes - Expand tilde in request items that contain a path, see #209 (@ducaale) - Get version from `-V` when generating manpages, see #214 (@ducaale) ### Other - Statically link C-runtime for MSVC Windows, see #221 (@ducaale) - Add `install.ps1` for Windows, see #220 (@ChrisK-0) - Add aarch64 support, see #213 (@myhro) ## [0.14.1] - 2021-11-26 ### Bug fixes - Do not print response body unconditionally, see #197 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Do not rebuild when no syntax or theme file has changed, see #194 (@blyxxyz) - Remove curl from `dev-dependencies` by replacing httpmock with hyper, see #190 (@ducaale) ## [0.14.0] - 2021-11-15 ### Features - Add `--http-version` for forcing a specific http version, see #161 (@ducaale) - Support overwriting response's mime and charset via `--response-mime` and `--response-charset` respectively, see #184 (@ducaale) - Add support for digest authentication, see #176 (@ducaale) - Add `--ssl` option for forcing a specific TLS version, see #168 (@blyxxyz) ### Bug fixes - Preserve case of `--verify` path, see #181 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Enable LTO on the release profile, see #177 (@sorairolake) - Replace `lazy_static` with `once_cell`, see #187 (@sorairolake) - Include enabled features in `--version` flag's output, see #188 and #191 (@sorairolake) - Support displaying units smaller than a second in download result, see #192 (@sorairolake) - Change to use binary prefix in `--download`, see #193 (@sorairolake) ## [0.13.0] - 2021-09-16 ### Features - Add `--all` flag for printing intermediate requests and responses, see #137 (@ducaale) - Support customising what sections are printed from intermediary requests and responses via the `--history-print` flag, see #137 (@ducaale) ### Bug fixes - Apply header title case for consecutive dashes, see #170 (@blyxxyz) - Avoid printing unnecessary line separators when `--all` flag is used, see #174 (@ducaale) ### Other - Include Debian package in release artifacts, see #172 (@ducaale) ## [0.12.0] - 2021-08-06 ### Features - Add support for HTTPie's [Sessions](https://httpie.io/docs#sessions), see #125 (@ducaale) - Send and display headers names as title case for non-HTTP/2 requests and responses, see #167 (@blyxxyz) - Support using the system's TLS library via `--native-tls` flag, see #154 (@blyxxyz) - Support reading args from a config file, see #165 (@ducaale) ## [0.11.0] - 2021-07-26 ### Features - Support `REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE` & `CURL_CA_BUNDLE` env variables, see #146 (@ducaale) - Enable color and wrapping for `--help`, see #151 (@QuarticCat) - Add monokai theme, #157 (@ducaale) - handle responses compressed in deflate format, see #158 (@ducaale) - Support setting the filename for multipart uploads, see #164 (@blyxxyz) ### Bug fixes - Do not hardcode `/tmp` in the install script, see #149 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Re-enable HTTP/2 adaptive window, see #150 (@blyxxyz) ### Breaking changes - `--check-status` is now on by default. You can opt-out of this change by enabling xh's [strict compatibility mode](https://github.com/ducaale/xh#strict-compatibility-mode), see #155 (@ducaale) ## [0.10.0] - 2021-05-17 ### Features - Support reading DataField and JsonField value from a file, see #118 (@ducaale) - Add percentage of progress to download progress bar, see #119 (@sorairolake) - Add the timeout flag, see #131 (@sorairolake) - Support installation via a shell script, see #122 (@ducaale) - Support reading request body from file, see #140 (@blyxxyz) ### Bug fixes - Fix progress bar ETA when resuming download, see #116 (@blyxxyz) - Replace `deflate` in Accept-Encoding to `br`, see #128 (@sorairolake) - Set Accept-Encoding to `identity` in download mode, see #130 (@sorairolake) - Replace HTTP/2 adaptive window by fixed window to prevent crashes, see #138 (@blyxxyz) - Fix a bug where same file cannot be re-downloaded, see #139 (@ducaale) - Enforce accept-encoding to be `identity` in download mode, see #141 (@ducaale) ### Other - Unvendor jsonxf, see #124 (@blyxxyz) - Add config file for clippy, see #123 (@sorairolake) ## [0.9.2] - 2021-03-24 ### Bug fixes - Escape backslash in JSON highlighting definition, see #108 (@blyxxyz) - Do not require filenames to be valid unicode, see #112 (@blyxxyz) - Preserve the order of JSON keys in requests, see #113 (@ducaale) - Keep bar coloring consistent with other colored output (e.g. don't color it if $NO_COLOR is set), see #114 (@blyxxyz) - Prevent mitsuhiko/indicatif#144 in narrow terminals, see #114 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - JSON records are now separated by double newlines, see #109 (@blyxxyz) - Writing to a redirect or a file now doesn't stream unless you use --stream, like HTTPie, and it properly decodes the response when it needs to, see #111 (@blyxxyz) - Writing formatted JSON to a file is now significantly faster, see #111 (@blyxxyz) - Use adaptive window for HTTP/2, see #115 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.9.1] - 2021-03-16 ### Bug fixes - Don't include the `--verify` flag in usage when it is not used, see #100 (@ducaale) - Don't color progress indicators when color is disabled, see #103 (@ducaale) ### Other - JSON requests coloring is now twice as fast, see #96 (@blyxxyz) - Unify flags and options in help, see #100 (@ducaale) - Replace ansi_term by termcolor for better Windows support, see #105 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.9.0] - 2021-03-08 ### Features - Add `--no-FLAG` variants of flags. This is useful for disabling any flags you might have in your alias, see #86 (@blyxxyz) - Support non-standard HTTP methods, see #89 (@blyxxyz) - Add support for getting credentials from .netrc plus a `--ignore-netrc` flag to disable that functionality, see #87 (@dwink) ## [0.8.1] - 2021-03-01 ### Features - Highlight Javascript and CSS, see #82 (@blyxxyz) - Check if text is actually JSON before formatting it, see #82 (@blyxxyz) - Default to a content-type of application/json when reading a body from stdin, see #82 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.8.0] - 2021-02-28 ### Features - More robust detection of the method and URL arguments, see #55 (@blyxxyz) - Improvements to the generation downloaded filenames, see #56 (@blyxxyz) - `--continue` now works for resuming downloads. It was incomplete before, see #59 (@blyxxyz) - `--check-status` is supported, and is automatically active for downloads (so you don't download error pages), see #59 (@blyxxyz) - Add the `--proxy` option, see #62 (@otaconix) - Add `--bearer` flag for Bearer Authentication and remove `--auth-type`, see #64 (@blyxxyz) - Add support for manpages, see #64 (@blyxxyz) - Add _help_ subcommand for printing long help and update `--help` to print short help, see #64 (@blyxxyz) - Support escaping characters in request items with backslash, see #66 (@blyxxyz) - Add support for `--verify` to skip the host’s SSL certificate verification, see #44 (@jihchi, @otaconix) - Add support for `--cert/cert-key` for using client side certificate for the SSL communication, see #44 (@jihchi, @otaconix) - Add `--curl` flag to print equivalent curl command, see #69 (@blyxxyz) - Replace `--default-scheme` by `--https`. `--default-scheme` is still kept as an undocumented flag, see #73 (@blyxxyz) - If `xh` is invoked as `xhs`, `https`, or `xhttps`, run as if `--https` was used, see #73 (@blyxxyz) - Support `NO_COLOR` environment variable to turn colors off by default, see #73 (@blyxxyz) - Make `--json`/`--form`/`--multipart` override each other and force content-type. If you use multiple of those flags, all but the last will be ignored. And if you use them without request items the appropriate headers will still be set, see #73 (@blyxxyz) - Try to detect undeclared JSON response bodies: If the response is javascript or plain text, check if it's JSON, see #73 (@blyxxyz) - Add shell autocompletion generation, see #76 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Make structopt usage more consistent, see #67 (@blyxxyz) - Remove use of async, make --stream work consistently, see #41 (@blyxxyz) - Introduce clippy and fmt in CI, see #75 (@ducaale) ## [0.7.0] - 2021-02-12 ### Features - Follow redirects if downloading a file, see #51 (@blyxxyz) - Allow form value regex to match newlines, see #46 (@blyxxyz) - Adds --headers option, see #42 (@sanpii) ### Other - Rename ht binary to xh ## [0.6.0] - 2021-02-08 ### Features - Add support for OPTIONS HTTP method, see #17 (@plombard) - Add `--body` flag for printing only response body, see #38 (@idanski) - Add content length to file upload stream, see #32 (@blyxxyz) - Include User-Agent header in outgoing requests, see #33 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Ensure filename from `content-disposition` doesn't overwrite existing files, isn't a hidden file, or doesn't end up outside the current directory, see #37 (@blyxxyz) - Bubble errors up to main() instead of panicking see #37 (@blyxxyz) ## [0.5.0] - 2021-02-07 ### Features - Add support for HEAD requests, see #16 (@Till--H) - Support setting the content-type for files in multipart requests e.g `ht httpbin.org/post --multipart pic@cat.png;type=image/png` - Add `--follow` and `--max-redirects` for configuring redirect behaviour, see #19 (@Till--H) ### Bug fixes - Render white text as the default foreground color, see #21 (@blyxxyz) - Don't insert lines when streaming json. - Do not explicitly add `Host` header, see #26 (@blyxxyz) ### Other - Init parsing regex for RequestItem once, see #22 (@jRimbault) ## [0.4.0] - 2021-02-06 ### Features - Support streaming responses. This on by default for unformatted responses and can also be enabled via the `--stream` flag ## [0.3.5] - 2021-01-31 ### Features - Support output redirection for downloads e.g `ht -d httpbin.org/json > temp.json` ### Other - Upgrade to Tokio 1.x.