// DO NOT MODIFY this file, it may be overriden on upgrade. Its only purpuse is // to document available options and set their default values. // // If you want to change any of the following options create a new file (e.g. // `My.cfg`) in this directory that has the same structure and put the options // you want to change there. // // IF YOU ARE A MODDER do not distribute this file with your mod. Create a new // file `MyMod.cfg` in this direcotry that has the same structure but only // containing options you are overriding. Do not put it in other directories as // it might get processed earlier than this file so your settings will get // overriden with these defaults. TextureReplacer { // Dump material/texture name pairs to log when performing general texture // replacement pass. Log entries are of the form // // [] // // This option is intended for texture pack designers. logTextures = false // Dump full hierarchy (nodes, meshes, textures ...) of Kerbals. // This option is intended for mod developers. logKerbalHierarchy = false // Dump names of all meshes with corresponding shaders on parts with // TRReflection part module. // This option is intended for part designers. logReflectiveMeshes = false // Enable toolbar icon that activates GUI for customising Kerbals. isGUIEnabled = true // Resolution of cube texture faces that is used for real reflections. reflectionResolution = 256 // Once per how many frames one reflection should be updated. At most one // reflection per frame is updated for scalability reasons. reflectionInterval = 4 // Reflection colour. Reflection is multiplied by this RGB colour before it is // added to the visor colour. visorReflectionColour = 1.0 1.0 1.0 // Map identical textures: // // = // // where `` is the internal texture name and the `` is the // destination texture; either a name of an internal texture or a texture's // path inside `GameData/`. For example, if you want to have the same texture // for all IVA and EVA suits in `Default/` just place `whiteSuite_diffuse` in // there and add the following two mappings: // // orangeSuite_diffuse = TextureReplacer/Default/whiteSuite_diffuse // paleBlueSuite_diffuse = TextureReplacer/Default/whiteSuite_diffuse // // It will have the same effect as having three copies (`whiteSuite_diffuse`, // `orangeSuite_diffuse` and `paleBlueSuite_diffuse`) of the same texture in // `Default/`. // // For de-duplicating textures inside `Skins/` and `Suits/` directories, you // have to specify the whole texture path as the texture name, for example: // // TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Pilot/kerbalMain = TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Pilot/EVAtexture // TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Pilot/kerbalMainGrey = TextureReplacer/Suits/TR/Pilot/EVAtexture // // You can also map to internal textures. E.g. if you want the veteran orange // suit as the default EVA suit, add the following mapping: // // whiteSuite_diffuse = orangeSuite_diffuse // TextureMap { whiteSuite_diffuse = orangeSuite_diffuse } // Custom skins and suits for specific Kerbals. Entries are of the form: // // name = skinDir [suitDir] // // `skinDir` is a subdirectory inside `Skins/` containing skin textures, // `DEFAULT.m` (default male), `DEFAULT.f` (default female) or `GENERIC` // (unset). `suitDir` is a subdirectory inside `Suits/` containing suit // textures, `DEFAULT` (standard suit), `DEFAULT.S` (slim suit), `DEFAULT.V` // (vintage suit) or `DEFAULT.F` (future suit), or `GENERIC` (unset). When // `suitDir` is missing, `GENERIC` is assumed. // // Examples: // // Huey Kerman = skin1 suit1 // Dewey Kerman = skin2 DEFAULT // Louie Kerman = skin3 // Donald Kerman = DEFAULT.m GENERIC // Daisy Kerman = skin4 DEFAULT.F // Scrooge Kerman = GENERIC DEFAULT.V // // THESE SETTINGS ARE OVERRIDDEN BY PER-GAME SETTINGS SET IN THE GUI! CustomKerbals {} // Class-specific suits. // // className = suitDir // // where `className` is `Pilot`, `Engineer` or `Scientist` and `suitDir` is a // suit directory from `Suits/`, `GENERIC` (= unset), `DEFAULT`, `DEFAULT.S` // `DEFAULT.V` or `DEFAULT.F`. Custom experience traits are supported, too. // `className` must match `name` property in a `EXPERIENCE_TRAIT` // configuration. // // Examples: // // Pilot = Suit1 // Engineer = DEFAULT.F // Scientist = GENERIC // // THESE SETTINGS ARE OVERRIDDEN BY PER-GAME SETTINGS SET IN THE GUI! ClassSuits {} }