Anna-Diana, Krissie, Lauree, Phaedra, Tildi, Georgeanne found themselves dropped off at the same house. How awkward. ------------- REPORT 1 2038-01-18 17:36:05 PT Krissie entered the garage to find Georgeanne standing there. Krissie eyed Georgeanne's mind-blowing purse with envy. Lauree entered the front yard. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Lauree stared at Tildi suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 2 2038-01-18 17:36:32 PT Anna-Diana looked around the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Krissie looked around the garage. The BMW caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree found Phaedra in the living room. Lauree avoided Phaedra. As Phaedra entered the living room, she saw Tildi making trouble. "Where did you get that crimson coat, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Georgeanne entered the patio. "Wow, check out that gas grill," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 3 2038-01-18 17:39:16 PT Anna-Diana entered the foyer. She noticed the chandelier. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Phaedra and Tildi had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 4 2038-01-18 17:40:14 PT Nobody was in the front yard, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Tildi entered the foyer to find Phaedra standing there. Tildi played nervously with her amazing skirt in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The garage was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The riding lawnmower reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 5 2038-01-18 17:42:33 PT Anna-Diana walked into the foyer and saw Phaedra. Great. Anna-Diana eyed Phaedra's crimson scarf with envy. She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the coffee table, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Phaedra and Tildi had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. ------------- REPORT 6 2038-01-18 17:44:05 PT Anna-Diana entered the foyer. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Anna-Diana avoided Tildi. The garage was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that riding lawnmower," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Tildi and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Georgeanne entered the patio. She noticed the gas grill. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 7 2038-01-18 17:46:41 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. Anna-Diana flipped through some books. After some time, Tildi found herself in the foyer. The next thing she saw was the side table, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 8 2038-01-18 17:48:35 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the gas grill uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.The living room held two items of interest to Phaedra: the flat screen TV and Lauree. Lauree stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Phaedra, as if in a fugue state. "I had a dream I was in a supermarket and I was the last in there. They were closing, so I was leaving and the store guy says, \"Just for your comfort we have Stottie Pippen and Tupac Shakur here.\" I played b-ball with Scottie Pippen and with Tupak, and I shook both their hands." Nobody was in the kitchen, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The fridge caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 9 2038-01-18 17:51:56 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. The mahogany work desk reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Krissie. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation.Tildi and Lauree had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the patio. She dutifully avoided the gas grill out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 10 2038-01-18 17:53:32 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the coffee table out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Phaedra and Krissie ran into each other in the dining room. "Krissie, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Krissie seemed wary, but her face softened. "I don't remember any details about this dream. I just know they were going to draft 7 women in the army (Vietnam war) and they went down the line of women and said, \"Do you want to fight for your country?\" I wasn't in the dream. It was like I was watching it happen." After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Georgeanne entered the kitchen. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 11 2038-01-18 17:55:49 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. Tildi looked around the front yard. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne entered the kitchen. She noticed the knife set. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 12 2038-01-18 17:57:36 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the patio. "Wow, check out that gas grill," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne looked around the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 13 2038-01-18 17:58:56 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. "Wow, check out that lawn furniture," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. She stared at the riding lawnmower uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi found Lauree in the front yard. Tildi stared at Lauree suspiciously. She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 14 2038-01-18 18:01:00 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. Anna-Diana jiggled the toilet handle. Krissie entered the kitchen. Krissie rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Tildi. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The dining room table reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 15 2038-01-18 18:03:32 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the tribal Afghan rug, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the dining room table uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Lauree looked around the foyer. She noticed the chandelier. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.Phaedra and Tildi had a nice conversation. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. She dutifully avoided the lawn furniture out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... ------------- REPORT 16 2038-01-18 18:06:19 PT Anna-Diana looked around the bath. The framed photo of a fish caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the knife set. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the front yard, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the tree, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. ------------- REPORT 17 2038-01-18 18:07:45 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the front yard, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Tildi and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 18 2038-01-18 18:10:32 PT The garage was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the BMW, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne looked around the kitchen. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 19 2038-01-18 18:11:08 PT "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Lauree. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Lauree flipped through some books. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the patio. She dutifully avoided the gas grill out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Anna-Diana. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 20 2038-01-18 18:15:46 PT Anna-Diana looked around the bath. She dutifully avoided the toilet out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. After some time, Krissie found herself in the breakfast nook. Krissie drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? The garage was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 21 2038-01-18 18:18:16 PT Krissie encountered Georgeanne in the breakfast nook. Georgeanne was crying. Krissie acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Georgeanne obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was walking down an alley when I came to a corner onto a big street. On the corner inside a big door a girl and boy were making a mattress. The girl hated me but the boy was my friend and he came out to talk with me. Then he held a model helicopter above his head and started to fly, so I followed him. Then we sat on a ridge coming out of a building. He said he could fly like me now but not without the helicopter. All of a sudden the ridge we were on broke, and we fell. Then further down the street I saw a lady in a business suit coming towards us. I started to run, but she was able to catch me. I tried to get away by flying but she was holding onto me so tight I could hardly get off the ground. Then she took me to a store that reminded me of Korea. Then she said I could have anything I wanted but I refused. Then the people from the north came by and got me away from the lady and took me skiing in some odd apparel."Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Tildi entered the living room. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 22 2038-01-18 18:22:06 PT Anna-Diana found Lauree in the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana eyed Lauree's amazing hat with envy. Tildi looked around the foyer. Tildi debated just leaving the house. Georgeanne entered the breakfast nook to find Krissie standing there. Georgeanne played nervously with her incredible sweater in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. ------------- REPORT 23 2038-01-18 18:22:44 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. Nobody was in the great hall, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Phaedra entered the dining room. "Wow, check out that silverware," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi looked around the foyer. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 24 2038-01-18 18:24:43 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the foyer, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 25 2038-01-18 18:26:19 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Krissie walked into the dining room and saw Phaedra. Great. Krissie avoided Phaedra. The library was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the breakfast nook. Georgeanne drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Anna-Diana. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 26 2038-01-18 18:27:47 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.She thought about Tildi. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? As Krissie entered the dining room, she saw Phaedra making trouble. Phaedra was crying. Krissie acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Phaedra obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was sitting on my bed and I looked up and saw a centaur. It fit the description of \"Chem\" in the Nords of Zanth by Peirs Anthony. On her back rode a women (sic) with green hair. They told me to get on the centaur's back and go with them. I did and we left. We ended up at a house in S.F. They told me to go knock on the door. I did and the person who opened it was my current crush." Lauree looked around the master bathroom. She stared at the blonde onyx countertop uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Phaedra and Krissie ran into each other in the dining room. Krissie looked directly at Phaedra. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "Me, Irene and Anna were way up high on a boat mast and were about to parachute down. It was thousands of feet. Anna was looking over the edge and she fell all the way down into the water and died. We jumped after her but landed safely. Then we were all sad because Irene didn't have her best friend and we both liked Anna." The library was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that bookshelf," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne entered the breakfast nook. Georgeanne drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? ------------- REPORT 27 2038-01-18 18:34:40 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the dining room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the great hall, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Krissie. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 28 2038-01-18 18:37:01 PT Nobody was in the library, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Georgeanne. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. The next thing she saw was the fridge, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the dining room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi found Lauree in the master bedroom. Tildi eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody was in the patio, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that gas grill," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 29 2038-01-18 18:40:18 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. Lauree looked around the master bedroom. She noticed the king-sized bed. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Tildi. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 30 2038-01-18 18:41:14 PT The foyer was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the side table. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Krissie entered the pantry. Krissie looked for some paper towels. ------------- REPORT 31 2038-01-18 18:41:46 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Tildi. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra looked around the living room. She stared at the coffee table uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. ------------- REPORT 32 2038-01-18 18:44:44 PT "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana flipped through some books.She thought about Krissie. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The kitchen was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... After some time, Lauree found herself in the great hall. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. She noticed the chandelier. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi looked around the front yard. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. ------------- REPORT 33 2038-01-18 18:46:37 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. She stared at the bookshelf uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. After some time, Tildi found herself in the garage. The BMW reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 34 2038-01-18 18:47:18 PT The bath was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana looked around for tampons, finding none. Krissie entered the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. Phaedra entered the library. Phaedra flipped through some books.Georgeanne and Tildi had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 35 2038-01-18 18:47:45 PT The great hall held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the family portrait and Lauree. Anna-Diana eyed Lauree's amazing hat with envy. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The knife set caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Phaedra entered the library. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the garage. She dutifully avoided the riding lawnmower out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 36 2038-01-18 18:50:52 PT The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. She noticed the mop. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The lawn furniture caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne looked around the front yard. Georgeanne ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 37 2038-01-18 18:52:55 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the knife set, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree looked around the bath. Lauree looked around for tampons, finding none.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 38 2038-01-18 18:55:05 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Lauree entered the bath. She stared at the framed photo of a fish uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. The living room was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. The front yard was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the lawn. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 39 2038-01-18 18:56:41 PT "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Phaedra. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Georgeanne and Tildi ran into each other in the living room. "Where did you get that crimson coat, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. ------------- REPORT 40 2038-01-18 18:59:14 PT Tildi and Georgeanne ran into each other in the dining room. "Where did you get that incredible sweater, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. ------------- REPORT 41 2038-01-18 18:59:30 PT Lauree entered the great hall. Anna-Diana was there, as if waiting. "Dreams," Lauree said. "Tell me about your dreams." Anna-Diana almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was skiing alone at Badger Pass in Yosemite and everyone just disappeared, no one was there. I was alone and I felt lost, I got scared cause it started snowing, then a blizzard came and I started making a dome out of snow to keep me warm, but it didn't work. A big wind came and I felt my toes freezing (and then I woke up with a big jerk and I was sweating)." Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Phaedra. She loved her so damn much. ------------- REPORT 42 2038-01-18 19:02:25 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Lauree found herself in the library. Lauree tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The toaster reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Georgeanne entered the patio. She noticed the gas grill. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Lauree. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 43 2038-01-18 19:04:51 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the library. Lauree tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.Phaedra found Anna-Diana in the master bedroom. "Anna-Diana, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Anna-Diana seemed wary, but her face softened. "All I remember is being a caterpillar (I think I was male, because I remember coming \"home from work\" and finding my wife already there). We were in a cherry tree. The first dream I can only remember hugging a fairly young boy, and his two older brothers saying something along the lines of \"Don't become too attached.\" The dream after (before the caterpillars) I as in the Nature Company store, or maybe a science museum gift shop."Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 44 2038-01-18 19:06:38 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. "Wow, check out that side table," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The great hall was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi entered the kitchen to find Georgeanne standing there. Tildi stared at Georgeanne suspiciously. She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne entered the kitchen. Tildi was there, as if waiting. "Dreams," Georgeanne said. "Tell me about your dreams." Tildi almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I dreamt I was lying in the snow in Alaska and was having seizures and nobody was coming to help me. That's because I realized in my dream that I was actually in my bed. In my dream, I was dreaming. (In real life, when I woke up, I found I had a fever of 102 degrees and was chilled. I was having violent convulsions and my throat was dry from coughing. My head was bleeding because I hit my head on the bedside table during one of my convulsions. Nobody had come to help me.)" ------------- REPORT 45 2038-01-18 19:10:33 PT Anna-Diana looked around the master bedroom. The king-sized bed reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.As Krissie entered the dining room, she saw Tildi making trouble. Tildi looked directly at Krissie. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was with a couple of kids (3 boys, 2 girls) and an adult. We were driving to some fun house thing. In the dream, I knew who these people were, but when I wake up I have no idea who they are. The fun house was a big multicolored building. We got inside, and all of the sudden, a really scary face appeared on the wall. I don't remember exactly what he said, but he was laughing and telling us that this was all a game. He also said we would never get out. I didn't know where I was. Suddenly, a chair lift appeared and we got on. Then I woke up." Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the great hall. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Anna-Diana. She loved her so damn much. Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the pantry. She stared at the bric-a-brac uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 46 1901-12-13 12:48:29 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the master bedroom. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the gas grill uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Lauree entered the front yard. "Wow, check out that tree," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Tildi. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 47 1901-12-13 12:50:34 PT "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. The lawn furniture caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the front yard, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. The living room was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Georgeanne looked around the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 48 1901-12-13 12:52:03 PT Anna-Diana looked around the master bedroom. The next thing she saw was the king-sized bed, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the fridge uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. After some time, Lauree found herself in the front yard. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Nobody was in the living room, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the coffee table uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 49 1901-12-13 12:53:37 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the knife set, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. The next thing she saw was the side table, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 50 1901-12-13 12:54:44 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the pantry. The next thing she saw was the bric-a-brac, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The side table reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. The front yard was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the tree out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 51 1901-12-13 12:57:21 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the side table, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Phaedra found Anna-Diana in the great hall. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. As Georgeanne entered the kitchen, she saw Krissie making trouble. Georgeanne eyed Krissie's amazing necklace with envy. She thought about Krissie. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 52 1901-12-13 12:59:55 PT Lauree entered the foyer. The next thing she saw was the chandelier, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Krissie. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Tildi entered the front yard. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She dutifully avoided the dining room table out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 53 1901-12-13 13:02:07 PT The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. The garage held two items of interest to Tildi: the riding lawnmower and Krissie. Tildi stared at Krissie suspiciously. Georgeanne looked around the patio. "Wow, check out that lawn furniture," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 54 1901-12-13 13:03:18 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. After some time, Lauree found herself in the foyer. The chandelier reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 55 1901-12-13 13:04:50 PT Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation.Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the guest bedroom. She stared at the poster of a... Monet? uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The garage was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The riding lawnmower reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 56 1901-12-13 13:06:24 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Krissie considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. The foyer was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 57 1901-12-13 13:07:13 PT "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the lawn furniture uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Phaedra walked into the great hall and saw Lauree. Great. Phaedra played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 58 1901-12-13 13:08:37 PT Anna-Diana and Tildi had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the great hall, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 59 1901-12-13 13:09:48 PT Anna-Diana entered the library to find Tildi standing there. Anna-Diana avoided Tildi. The pantry was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The broom caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Tildi encountered Anna-Diana in the library. Tildi eyed Anna-Diana's aquamarine watch with envy. Georgeanne looked around the breakfast nook. She noticed the table. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 60 1901-12-13 13:12:15 PT "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. "Wow, check out that chandelier," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She liked her so damn much. Why did everyone want to be like her? Krissie entered the pantry. The bric-a-brac caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Lauree looked around the great hall. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Phaedra. "Wow, check out that teak dresser," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. The library was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi flipped through some books. Georgeanne entered the kitchen. Georgeanne checked the fridge for snacks. ------------- REPORT 61 1901-12-13 13:13:53 PT Anna-Diana encountered Lauree in the library. "Where did you get that amazing hat, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her. Krissie entered the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She noticed the lawn furniture. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 62 1901-12-13 13:15:12 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the great hall. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. After some time, Tildi found herself in the library. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the kitchen. Georgeanne checked the fridge for snacks. ------------- REPORT 63 1901-12-13 13:17:15 PT Anna-Diana looked around the bath. Anna-Diana looked around for tampons, finding none.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Lauree looked around the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. Tildi looked around the library. The bookshelf caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 64 1901-12-13 13:18:17 PT Nobody was in the bath, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana jiggled the toilet handle. The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Lauree entered the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She dutifully avoided the lawn furniture out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 65 1901-12-13 13:19:34 PT Nobody was in the bath, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the toilet, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree looked around the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house.Tildi and Phaedra ran into each other in the great hall. "Dreams," Tildi said. "Tell me about your dreams." Phaedra almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was sitting on my bed and I looked up and saw a centaur. It fit the description of \"Chem\" in the Nords of Zanth by Peirs Anthony. On her back rode a women (sic) with green hair. They told me to get on the centaur's back and go with them. I did and we left. We ended up at a house in S.F. They told me to go knock on the door. I did and the person who opened it was my current crush." ------------- REPORT 66 1901-12-13 13:22:42 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Krissie entered the kitchen. "Wow, check out that oven," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra looked around the master bedroom. "Wow, check out that king-sized bed," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Tildi looked around the library. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Lauree. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 67 1901-12-13 13:25:58 PT Anna-Diana looked around the great hall. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the oven out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. After some time, Lauree found herself in the front yard. Lauree ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. The foyer was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi debated just leaving the house. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 68 1901-12-13 13:28:12 PT "Perfect, I've got the breakfast nook all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Tildi entered the front yard. She stared at the tree uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 69 1901-12-13 13:31:16 PT "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Krissie. The oven caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Lauree. She noticed the side table. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Tildi. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the king-sized bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Krissie. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi entered the front yard. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the pantry, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne looked for some paper towels. ------------- REPORT 70 1901-12-13 13:34:29 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. As Phaedra entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. Phaedra stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. The front yard was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 71 1901-12-13 13:35:05 PT "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. "Wow, check out that tribal Afghan rug," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The coffee table reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Phaedra looked around the master bedroom. She noticed the king-sized bed. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. She dutifully avoided the lawn out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 72 1901-12-13 13:38:55 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree entered the living room. The next thing she saw was the flat screen TV, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi looked around the front yard. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. She envied her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 73 1901-12-13 13:40:30 PT Lauree entered the living room. She dutifully avoided the flat screen TV out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. "Wow, check out that lawn," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The kitchen held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the oven and Krissie. Georgeanne avoided Krissie. ------------- REPORT 74 1901-12-13 13:42:00 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the front yard, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the master bathroom. The next thing she saw was the blonde onyx bathtub, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Tildi looked around the living room. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne entered the dining room to find Krissie standing there. Georgeanne avoided Krissie. ------------- REPORT 75 1901-12-13 13:43:16 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the front yard, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Georgeanne and Krissie ran into each other in the dining room. "Where did you get that amazing necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. She thought about Krissie. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 76 1901-12-13 13:46:12 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. The front yard was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. Lauree ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the master bedroom. She dutifully avoided the teak dresser out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? As Tildi entered the dining room, she saw Krissie making trouble. "Krissie, what did you dream about last night?" asked Tildi. Krissie seemed wary, but her face softened. "Everybody was at My school and it was about 10:00. We were just chillin' at the upper courts in the dark. Me and Will were holding hands and walking together and it was so nice. Will took 6 little kids to some fort and I was pissed off that I couldn't be with him." The living room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 77 1901-12-13 13:50:39 PT Nobody was in the front yard, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The tree reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Nobody was in the living room, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 78 1901-12-13 13:52:10 PT Krissie entered the kitchen. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Krissie stared at Tildi suspiciously. Georgeanne looked around the dining room. She noticed the silverware. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 79 1901-12-13 13:52:34 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Tildi looked around the kitchen. The next thing she saw was the oven, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the dining room, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that dining room table," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 80 1901-12-13 13:55:04 PT Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The teak dresser caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Lauree. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. Phaedra looked around the great hall. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the patio, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The lawn furniture caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... ------------- REPORT 81 1901-12-13 14:01:25 PT Krissie entered the kitchen. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Krissie avoided Tildi. She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. She stared at the silverware uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.Georgeanne and Tildi had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 82 1901-12-13 14:02:56 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. As Phaedra entered the guest bedroom, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. Phaedra avoided Anna-Diana. She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 83 1901-12-13 14:04:03 PT Anna-Diana looked around the guest bedroom. The set of curtains reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. The dining room was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that dining room table," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Phaedra entered the great hall. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Krissie. She wanted that amazing necklace. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Tildi entered the kitchen to find Krissie standing there. Tildi eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. ------------- REPORT 84 1901-12-13 14:07:05 PT Phaedra and Anna-Diana ran into each other in the guest bedroom. Phaedra eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy.Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 85 1901-12-13 14:07:36 PT Anna-Diana encountered Phaedra in the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana eyed Phaedra's crimson scarf with envy.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. The living room was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 86 1901-12-13 14:09:01 PT The guest bedroom held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the set of curtains and Phaedra. Anna-Diana stared at Phaedra suspiciously.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. After some time, Tildi found herself in the pantry. She noticed the mop. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 87 1901-12-13 14:10:10 PT Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the bed uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Krissie entered the patio to find Georgeanne standing there. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 88 1901-12-13 14:12:01 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. She stared at the lawn furniture uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Lauree entered the foyer. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. She noticed the dining room table. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 89 1901-12-13 14:13:40 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. The next thing she saw was the bookshelf, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. The BMW reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Georgeanne. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Lauree entered the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. Phaedra entered the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx flooring out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought.Tildi walked into the kitchen and saw Georgeanne. Great. "Dreams," Tildi said. "Tell me about your dreams." Georgeanne almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was at swim practice. My whole class was there. We all changed and went outside and got in the pool and started swimming. The pool was much larger than usual, and about 40 feet deep. I heard that my friend Louis was walking through the building, so I wanted to see him and I got out as soon as I could, but he had left when I got outside." ------------- REPORT 90 1901-12-13 14:17:06 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Krissie looked around the garage. Krissie tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. Lauree entered the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. Georgeanne entered the dining room to find Tildi standing there. Georgeanne stared at Tildi suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 91 1901-12-13 14:18:46 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Krissie entered the front yard. The lawn caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Lauree looked around the living room. Lauree bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Phaedra walked into the master bedroom and saw Anna-Diana. Great. Phaedra stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously.Tildi and Georgeanne ran into each other in the patio. Georgeanne looked directly at Tildi. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I'm in a sort of candy-land and everything is mainly red and white like those peppermint things. There's a big mushroom-shaped thing that looks like a peppermint candy, and it's boinging like a trampoline. Whenever I jumped on it I would be suspended in place and a soda would appear in one hand and some candy in another. Then I'd drop back down to the ground and play in candy land!" ------------- REPORT 92 1901-12-13 14:22:04 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx toilet out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. She stared at the tree uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. After some time, Lauree found herself in the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while.She thought about Tildi. Why couldn't she be more like her? After some time, Tildi found herself in the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 93 1901-12-13 14:23:14 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the foyer. Krissie debated just leaving the house. The living room was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. After some time, Tildi found herself in the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. The patio was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The lawn furniture reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 94 1901-12-13 14:24:35 PT After some time, Phaedra found herself in the bath. She noticed the toilet. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The toaster reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. ------------- REPORT 95 1901-12-13 14:26:41 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx flooring out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Anna-Diana. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... After some time, Krissie found herself in the foyer. Krissie debated just leaving the house. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree flipped through some books.She thought about Krissie. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the dining room. She noticed the dining room table. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 96 1901-12-13 14:29:02 PT "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Nobody was in the library, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree flipped through some books.Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that fridge," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 97 1901-12-13 14:30:59 PT Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 98 1901-12-13 14:31:17 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 99 1901-12-13 14:31:33 PT Lauree encountered Phaedra in the great hall. Phaedra was crying. Lauree acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Phaedra obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was sitting with some girlfriends on a grassy hill when all of a sudden a fire broke out and everyone was running. Then the fire disappeared and we all turned into cat people and went swimming in a pool of milk." Phaedra and Lauree ran into each other in the great hall. Phaedra played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. After some time, Tildi found herself in the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that toaster," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 100 1901-12-13 14:33:28 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The garage was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The riding lawnmower reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 101 1901-12-13 14:35:37 PT Nobody was in the library, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The bookshelf caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. After some time, Tildi found herself in the kitchen. "Wow, check out that knife set," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Georgeanne entered the front yard. The next thing she saw was the lawn, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 102 1901-12-13 14:38:03 PT Anna-Diana looked around the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Krissie entered the kitchen. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Krissie eyed Tildi's amazing skirt with envy. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Lauree. She stared at the tribal Afghan rug uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. ------------- REPORT 103 1901-12-13 14:39:46 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx bathtub out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 104 1901-12-13 14:40:51 PT The foyer was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the side table. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Phaedra. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra looked around the master bathroom. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx countertop," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. Nobody was in the pantry, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 105 1901-12-13 14:44:45 PT "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. The bookshelf reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Krissie looked around the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Tildi. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Lauree. "Wow, check out that teak dresser," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra looked around the master bathroom. The next thing she saw was the blonde onyx countertop, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Tildi looked around the pantry. The broom reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 106 1901-12-13 14:47:21 PT Nobody was in the library, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that bookshelf," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree found Phaedra in the master bedroom. Lauree stared at Phaedra suspiciously. After some time, Tildi found herself in the pantry. Tildi looked for some paper towels. Nobody was in the foyer, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 107 1901-12-13 14:48:32 PT Anna-Diana entered the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. The foyer was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 108 1901-12-13 14:49:07 PT Anna-Diana entered the library to find Georgeanne standing there. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her.Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. Georgeanne entered the library. Anna-Diana was there, as if waiting. Georgeanne stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 109 1901-12-13 14:50:40 PT Anna-Diana looked around the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Georgeanne entered the library. "Wow, check out that bookshelf," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 110 1901-12-13 14:51:25 PT Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. After some time, Lauree found herself in the guest bedroom. "Wow, check out that bed," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 111 1901-12-13 14:51:52 PT Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 112 1901-12-13 14:52:07 PT Anna-Diana entered the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Lauree entered the library. Lauree flipped through some books.Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 113 1901-12-13 14:52:29 PT "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Krissie. The next thing she saw was the silverware, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree flipped through some books. Phaedra looked around the guest bedroom. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Georgeanne. "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She stared at the king-sized bed uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 114 1901-12-13 14:54:50 PT Anna-Diana looked around the living room. "Wow, check out that flat screen TV," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. Krissie encountered Tildi in the kitchen. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Tildi. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Lauree flipped through some books. Phaedra walked into the great hall and saw Georgeanne. Great. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. Tildi entered the kitchen to find Krissie standing there. Tildi played nervously with her amazing skirt in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. She thought about Krissie. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 115 1901-12-13 14:56:34 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Nobody was in the library, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne flipped through some books.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. ------------- REPORT 116 1901-12-13 14:57:14 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the garage. Anna-Diana peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was.She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Krissie looked around the kitchen. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 117 1901-12-13 14:58:28 PT Nobody was in the garage, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The riding lawnmower caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? After some time, Krissie found herself in the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. Tildi looked around the dining room. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 118 1901-12-13 15:00:36 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Anna-Diana tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. After some time, Krissie found herself in the pantry. Krissie surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. As Lauree entered the master bedroom, she saw Georgeanne making trouble. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Tildi. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne entered the master bedroom to find Lauree standing there. Georgeanne stared at Lauree suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 119 1901-12-13 15:02:08 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra entered the great hall. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 120 1901-12-13 15:03:00 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Phaedra entered the master bedroom. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. Phaedra eyed Georgeanne's mind-blowing purse with envy. ------------- REPORT 121 1901-12-13 15:04:07 PT Anna-Diana walked into the great hall and saw Phaedra. Great. Anna-Diana played nervously with her teal scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Krissie considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Lauree guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra encountered Anna-Diana in the great hall. Phaedra eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy. ------------- REPORT 122 1901-12-13 15:06:52 PT Anna-Diana encountered Georgeanne in the great hall. Georgeanne stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Anna-Diana, as if in a fugue state. "I was standing by a pot of flowers and suddenly this huge black train drove past me. The weird thing was the train scared me very much. It seemed bigger and louder than most trains." The garage was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The riding lawnmower caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree encountered Georgeanne in the great hall. "Dreams," Lauree said. "Tell me about your dreams." Georgeanne almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "It was like watching a cartoon show. There was this guy and he left home & met a girl, but she didn't like him all that much. He was pretty stupid. Back home his little sis (about 5 years old) & his parents are watching a movie. The parents were sitting on her to keep her quiet. All I saw was their butts and her head & shoulders. She was squirming and when she finally got her head out she yelled something like \"(brother's name) got out of the house and is running around with a girl!\" Then back to the girl & guy. They suddenly had a fat guy friend with them. They did some stuff, but all I remember is a scene with the guy on a pay phone in a hotel with the other two standing around. The girl got mad and walked away. The guy dropped the phone and followed. There was more but I don't remember it." Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Georgeanne found Anna-Diana in the great hall. Georgeanne avoided Anna-Diana. ------------- REPORT 123 1901-12-13 15:13:05 PT Anna-Diana walked into the master bedroom and saw Georgeanne. Great. Anna-Diana played nervously with her aquamarine watch in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Nobody was in the garage, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. The foyer was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi looked around the dining room. The next thing she saw was the dining room table, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... The master bedroom held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the king-sized bed and Anna-Diana. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. ------------- REPORT 124 1901-12-13 15:17:17 PT The master bathroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx bathtub out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. After some time, Krissie found herself in the garage. Krissie considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place.She thought about Lauree. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Lauree found Georgeanne in the great hall. Lauree eyed Georgeanne's incredible sweater with envy. She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that incredible sweater. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The front yard was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Tildi entered the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. ------------- REPORT 125 1901-12-13 15:20:08 PT Georgeanne entered the library. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 126 1901-12-13 15:20:33 PT "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Krissie. The bookshelf reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 127 1901-12-13 15:21:40 PT Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the patio, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the lawn furniture. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the bath, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne looked around for tampons, finding none. ------------- REPORT 128 1901-12-13 15:22:47 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the master bathroom. She stared at the blonde onyx toilet uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The foyer was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that side table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.The great hall held two items of interest to Lauree: the tribal Afghan rug and Georgeanne. "Georgeanne, what did you dream about last night?" asked Lauree. Georgeanne seemed wary, but her face softened. "All I remember is the end of the dream: I was at a typical My school party, out on one of our many lawns, eating little sandwiches, and little cookies, and drinking tea, on a fairly cheerful Sunday afternoon. Then I went home and started making myself a brownie (just one) when my mom started asking me questions about a guy she thought I liked." Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Phaedra bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. The great hall held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the tribal Afghan rug and Lauree. Georgeanne played nervously with her incredible sweater in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. ------------- REPORT 129 1901-12-13 15:26:35 PT Krissie entered the living room. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Tildi looked around the dining room. "Wow, check out that silverware," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 130 1901-12-13 15:27:15 PT "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the silverware uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The great hall held two items of interest to Lauree: the tribal Afghan rug and Anna-Diana. Lauree stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. Phaedra looked around the living room. Phaedra bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 131 1901-12-13 15:28:12 PT Anna-Diana entered the library. She dutifully avoided the mahogany work desk out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Nobody was in the front yard, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. She noticed the oven. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 132 1901-12-13 15:30:39 PT The library held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the bookshelf and Georgeanne. Anna-Diana eyed Georgeanne's incredible sweater with envy. Krissie entered the garage. The next thing she saw was the riding lawnmower, which left her feeling disquieted. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Lauree entered the great hall. Lauree took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. The front yard was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 133 1901-12-13 15:32:53 PT The front yard was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the tree uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Tildi entered the patio. Krissie was there, as if waiting. Tildi eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. She thought about Krissie. She hated her so damn much. ------------- REPORT 134 1901-12-13 15:33:38 PT The library was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana flipped through some books. The garage was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. The riding lawnmower reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 135 1901-12-13 15:34:29 PT Lauree looked around the guest bedroom. The bed reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Phaedra looked around the front yard. Phaedra started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 136 1901-12-13 15:35:30 PT Krissie encountered Tildi in the dining room. "Where did you get that crimson coat, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Georgeanne entered the guest bedroom. She dutifully avoided the set of curtains out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 137 1901-12-13 15:36:50 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. Anna-Diana flipped through some books.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. The living room was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 138 1901-12-13 15:37:44 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Lauree entered the guest bedroom. Lauree imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Phaedra found Krissie in the dining room. Phaedra played nervously with her crimson scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. The patio was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the lawn furniture. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 139 1901-12-13 15:39:25 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall to find Georgeanne standing there. Anna-Diana stared at Georgeanne suspiciously. Phaedra looked around the patio. She stared at the gas grill uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the garage, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops.Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 140 1901-12-13 15:40:13 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Lauree looked around the guest bedroom. "Wow, check out that bed," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the dining room. She noticed the silverware. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Tildi. The BMW reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the bath. She noticed the toilet. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 141 1901-12-13 15:43:59 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. Lauree guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. Why couldn't she be more like her? Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The framed photo of a fish caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 142 1901-12-13 15:46:50 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the pantry. She stared at the mop uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree looked around the guest bedroom. The next thing she saw was the bed, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra checked the fridge for snacks.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Georgeanne entered the great hall to find Tildi standing there. "Where did you get that crimson coat, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. ------------- REPORT 143 1901-12-13 15:48:25 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Lauree was there, as if waiting. "Where did you get that amazing hat, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her. She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Krissie. "Wow, check out that oven," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra entered the pantry. Phaedra looked for some paper towels. ------------- REPORT 144 1901-12-13 15:49:41 PT Nobody was in the library, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana flipped through some books.Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Tildi and Lauree had a nice conversation. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. ------------- REPORT 145 1901-12-13 15:50:41 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Krissie looked around the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree looked around the library. Lauree flipped through some books. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the kitchen. Phaedra checked the fridge for snacks. Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 146 1901-12-13 15:52:58 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Krissie turned on the TV for a while. Georgeanne entered the great hall. Georgeanne stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Anna-Diana. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 147 1901-12-13 15:54:09 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Krissie. "Wow, check out that side table," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the dining room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the dining room table. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Tildi and Georgeanne ran into each other in the master bedroom. Georgeanne was crying. Tildi acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Georgeanne obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was staying with Patrick for the summer. It wasn't his house, though. It was way out in the middle of nowhere, and his parents weren't around. He could drive (he backed out of the driveway at 50 mph), but we both rode mountain bikes to some dimly lit store where he wanted to buy a wooden model airplane. It was a long dream, but in most of it I seemed to be changing clothes. I would just get out of bed and change from sleepwear to normal clothes, or vice versa. I had a broken leg." ------------- REPORT 148 1901-12-13 15:57:45 PT Krissie and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. The foyer held two items of interest to Lauree: the side table and Anna-Diana. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. She thought about Anna-Diana. She hated her so damn much. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Nobody was in the living room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Georgeanne entered the great hall. The next thing she saw was the family portrait, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 149 1901-12-13 15:59:42 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation. Krissie found Anna-Diana in the foyer. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. The library was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the mahogany work desk, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 150 1901-12-13 16:01:31 PT Nobody was in the front yard, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. The foyer held two items of interest to Lauree: the side table and Anna-Diana. Lauree eyed Anna-Diana's aquamarine watch with envy. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the kitchen. Phaedra checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 151 1901-12-13 16:03:04 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. The next thing she saw was the coffee table, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra entered the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that juicer," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 152 1901-12-13 16:05:41 PT Anna-Diana looked around the garage. The next thing she saw was the riding lawnmower, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Krissie looked around the foyer. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. The bath was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The framed photo of a fish reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 153 1901-12-13 16:07:47 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. The BMW caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Krissie entered the foyer. She dutifully avoided the chandelier out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the breakfast nook. Phaedra drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? The great hall was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the tribal Afghan rug uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 154 1901-12-13 16:09:27 PT "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. She dutifully avoided the riding lawnmower out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. After some time, Krissie found herself in the library. She noticed the bookshelf. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Lauree found herself in the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Phaedra. She envied her so damn much. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Lauree. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 155 1901-12-13 16:12:59 PT The front yard was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The tree reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The bookshelf reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the great hall. Georgeanne stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 156 1901-12-13 16:15:12 PT Anna-Diana looked around the front yard. "Wow, check out that lawn," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the pantry, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the broom out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Phaedra rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Tildi entered the master bedroom. "Wow, check out that king-sized bed," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the guest bedroom. She noticed the bed. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Anna-Diana. ------------- REPORT 157 1901-12-13 16:17:52 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.She thought about Krissie. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie debated just leaving the house. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The next thing she saw was the family portrait, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 158 1901-12-13 16:20:06 PT Krissie encountered Anna-Diana in the foyer. Anna-Diana looked directly at Krissie. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was a big fish and I was swimming through the air and I fell through a hole in a tree. I fell down to an underground river where a man with a big nose was saying, \"Moo, Oh how I love you.\" And he was saying this to a cat sitting on a pedestal. Then I woke up." Lauree looked around the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that juicer," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. The master bathroom was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The blonde onyx countertop caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 159 1901-12-13 16:23:01 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. The bookshelf caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The living room was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie turned on the TV for a while. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the bath, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain. ------------- REPORT 160 1901-12-13 16:25:08 PT "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. Krissie entered the living room. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Lauree found herself in the breakfast nook. The next thing she saw was the toaster, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra looked around the patio. She noticed the lawn furniture. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. Nobody was in the great hall, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 161 1901-12-13 16:28:47 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Krissie entered the foyer. Krissie debated just leaving the house. Nobody was in the breakfast nook, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the toaster uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 162 1901-12-13 16:29:28 PT Nobody was in the living room, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The flat screen TV reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Tildi and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Georgeanne. "Wow, check out that set of curtains," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 163 1901-12-13 16:31:18 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Krissie and Phaedra ran into each other in the living room. Krissie stared at Phaedra suspiciously. After some time, Lauree found herself in the pantry. She stared at the bric-a-brac uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra and Krissie ran into each other in the living room. "Dreams," Phaedra said. "Tell me about your dreams." Krissie almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was walking through a jail when I came to a room where everybody was wearing bikinis. One weirdo said that soon the whole world would be wearing bikinis. The I left and went though a thin hallway that had barred windows in it, with people's hands reaching out and touching me. Then I came to a room filled with weird people. I even saw a rat person come out from under the table. The owner of the place took him away. Then I became friends with the owner and he told me that some people were coming to look at the prison soon. He asked me my opinion of the place. I suggested that he doesn't let them go through the hallway with the hands. So we built another hallway with nothing in it." Georgeanne entered the guest bedroom to find Tildi standing there. "Where did you get that amazing skirt, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 164 1901-12-13 16:36:09 PT The living room was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree surrepticiously rearranged the supplies.She thought about Tildi. She hated her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Phaedra entered the front yard. "Wow, check out that tree," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 165 1901-12-13 16:37:24 PT The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The poster of a... Monet? reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Krissie. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Krissie. The next thing she saw was the dining room table, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree looked around the kitchen. "Wow, check out that fridge," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the garage. Phaedra peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was. Tildi entered the great hall. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. "Where did you get that incredible sweater, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. She thought about Georgeanne. Georgeanne and Tildi had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 166 1901-12-13 16:40:15 PT As Anna-Diana entered the great hall, she saw Tildi making trouble. "Tildi, what did you dream about last night?" asked Anna-Diana. Tildi seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was lying on my bed in my room, but everything in my room was on fire. I couldn't get my covers off me and my vision started to blur. I saw my great-grandmother coming through the fire to get to me and take me up to Heaven with her. I walked to the door where she was. Then I was whizzing through a tunnel with her while a golden light was pulling us on. I loved it. (Real: when I woke up my mom was shaking me and she said that I hadn't been breathing and she couldn't find a pulse on me.)"Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the garage, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Tildi and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 167 1901-12-13 16:44:11 PT Phaedra found Georgeanne in the great hall. Phaedra stared at Georgeanne suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 168 1901-12-13 16:44:21 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. Lauree found Krissie in the dining room. "Where did you get that incredible necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain. ------------- REPORT 169 1901-12-13 16:45:08 PT Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Tildi and Phaedra ran into each other in the great hall. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. Georgeanne walked into the master bathroom and saw Anna-Diana. Great. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. ------------- REPORT 170 1901-12-13 16:45:50 PT Krissie found Lauree in the kitchen. Lauree looked directly at Krissie. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was leaving a hospital, and some guy stepped on my foot. My leg was pronounced broken. They gave me a cast thing that velcroed on. When I got home I called Jacob. I woke up right before I left for camp. I was carried home just like Kerri Strug was at the Olympics." Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. The bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 171 1901-12-13 16:47:53 PT Nobody was in the breakfast nook, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? After some time, Lauree found herself in the pantry. Lauree surrepticiously rearranged the supplies.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? After some time, Tildi found herself in the great hall. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 172 1901-12-13 16:49:54 PT Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. Lauree and Krissie ran into each other in the kitchen. Lauree avoided Krissie. Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that set of curtains," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The great hall was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Nobody was in the master bathroom, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx flooring out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 173 1901-12-13 16:52:11 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 174 1901-12-13 16:52:47 PT Anna-Diana entered the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Lauree found Krissie in the kitchen. "Where did you get that incredible necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. Phaedra relieved herself. The great hall was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Georgeanne. She loved her so damn much. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 175 1901-12-13 16:54:41 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Krissie entered the kitchen to find Lauree standing there. Krissie avoided Lauree.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Phaedra looked around the bath. Phaedra was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain.She thought about Anna-Diana. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Nobody was in the great hall, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 176 1901-12-13 16:57:11 PT Krissie looked around the kitchen. Krissie checked the fridge for snacks. After some time, Tildi found herself in the great hall. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 177 1901-12-13 16:57:50 PT Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. Tildi entered the library. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. ------------- REPORT 178 1901-12-13 16:58:18 PT "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the oven uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Tildi debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 179 1901-12-13 17:00:02 PT Anna-Diana entered the front yard. Anna-Diana started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Krissie looked around the dining room. "Wow, check out that dining room table," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi looked around the foyer. Tildi debated just leaving the house.Georgeanne entered the great hall. Phaedra was there, as if waiting. "Phaedra, what did you dream about last night?" asked Georgeanne. Phaedra seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was walking through a jail when I came to a room where everybody was wearing bikinis. One weirdo said that soon the whole world would be wearing bikinis. The I left and went though a thin hallway that had barred windows in it, with people's hands reaching out and touching me. Then I came to a room filled with weird people. I even saw a rat person come out from under the table. The owner of the place took him away. Then I became friends with the owner and he told me that some people were coming to look at the prison soon. He asked me my opinion of the place. I suggested that he doesn't let them go through the hallway with the hands. So we built another hallway with nothing in it." ------------- REPORT 180 1901-12-13 17:04:18 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Tildi. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 181 1901-12-13 17:07:01 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. Anna-Diana started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Krissie entered the kitchen. Krissie rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Lauree. The next thing she saw was the riding lawnmower, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Krissie. She envied her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Tildi looked around the foyer. Tildi debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 182 1901-12-13 17:09:06 PT Anna-Diana entered the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Nobody was in the dining room, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Nobody was in the front yard, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Phaedra entered the master bedroom. The next thing she saw was the king-sized bed, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi looked around the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. Nobody was in the library, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. ------------- REPORT 183 1901-12-13 17:11:07 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Lauree peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was. Nobody was in the library, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne flipped through some books. ------------- REPORT 184 1901-12-13 17:11:42 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. The BMW caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 185 1901-12-13 17:12:18 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. She noticed the flat screen TV. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the garage, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the riding lawnmower. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. "Wow, check out that tribal Afghan rug," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne looked around the front yard. Georgeanne started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. ------------- REPORT 186 1901-12-13 17:14:17 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the garage. Krissie tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops.Lauree found Phaedra in the master bedroom. Phaedra looked directly at Lauree. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "My cousin's friend was over who I'd never met but always wanted to meet. When I saw Michael's friend I couldn't believe it 'cause he was tall and fine and looked about 14! (I'm 13.) I kept asking him and Michael \"are you really only 9 years old?\" and he would answer yes! That's all I remember." Nobody was in the front yard, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The tree caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 187 1901-12-13 17:16:43 PT After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. The next thing she saw was the side table, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 188 1901-12-13 17:17:50 PT "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Krissie. She noticed the BMW. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. Lauree found Phaedra in the master bedroom. Lauree eyed Phaedra's mind-blowing purse with envy. She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 189 1901-12-13 17:19:42 PT Tildi looked around the front yard. "Wow, check out that tree," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 190 1901-12-13 17:20:42 PT The living room was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The coffee table reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The great hall was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the tribal Afghan rug uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 191 1901-12-13 17:21:35 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room to find Tildi standing there. Anna-Diana played nervously with her teal scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Tildi. Tildi entered the living room to find Anna-Diana standing there. Tildi played nervously with her amazing skirt in a successful bid to avoid talking to Anna-Diana. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the guest bedroom. She dutifully avoided the set of curtains out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Tildi. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. ------------- REPORT 192 1901-12-13 17:22:48 PT The living room was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the coffee table. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Lauree entered the master bathroom. The blonde onyx flooring reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 193 1901-12-13 17:24:00 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the foyer. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Krissie found herself in the living room. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the great hall. The next thing she saw was the family portrait, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the patio, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that gas grill," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The library was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that mahogany work desk," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 194 1901-12-13 17:26:51 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation. Phaedra encountered Georgeanne in the library. Phaedra avoided Georgeanne. She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The patio was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the gas grill, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Georgeanne walked into the library and saw Phaedra. Great. Georgeanne stared at Phaedra suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 195 1901-12-13 17:29:01 PT Nobody was in the living room, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. She dutifully avoided the family portrait out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The next thing she saw was the lawn furniture, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne entered the foyer. Krissie was there, as if waiting. Georgeanne stared at Krissie suspiciously. She thought about Krissie. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 196 1901-12-13 17:31:14 PT The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? After some time, Phaedra found herself in the great hall. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 197 1901-12-13 17:32:57 PT The front yard was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The tree caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Krissie found Georgeanne in the living room. "Where did you get that incredible sweater, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 198 1901-12-13 17:34:22 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the front yard. Anna-Diana ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. After some time, Tildi found herself in the breakfast nook. Tildi drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Nobody was in the foyer, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that chandelier," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 199 1901-12-13 17:35:53 PT Anna-Diana found Georgeanne in the foyer. Georgeanne stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Anna-Diana, as if in a fugue state. "I was standing by a pot of flowers and suddenly this huge black train drove past me. The weird thing was the train scared me very much. It seemed bigger and louder than most trains." Krissie entered the living room. Krissie turned on the TV for a while. The great hall held two items of interest to Lauree: the family portrait and Phaedra. "Where did you get that crimson scarf, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi entered the breakfast nook. Tildi drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 200 1901-12-13 17:38:28 PT Anna-Diana entered the foyer to find Krissie standing there. Anna-Diana eyed Krissie's amazing necklace with envy. As Krissie entered the foyer, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. Krissie eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Georgeanne found Krissie in the foyer. Georgeanne stared at Krissie suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 201 1901-12-13 17:39:22 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation.Krissie and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. The master bathroom was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. The blonde onyx bathtub caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Phaedra entered the great hall. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 202 1901-12-13 17:40:59 PT Nobody was in the garage, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops.She thought about Phaedra. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The front yard was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 203 1901-12-13 17:42:47 PT The garage was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 204 1901-12-13 17:44:02 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the garage. She dutifully avoided the riding lawnmower out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Krissie found herself in the living room. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Phaedra entered the master bedroom to find Lauree standing there. Phaedra eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. Nobody was in the patio, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that lawn furniture," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 205 1901-12-13 17:45:16 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. The lawn reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. After some time, Krissie found herself in the foyer. She dutifully avoided the side table out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. The oven reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the patio, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the gas grill, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 206 1901-12-13 17:47:40 PT Anna-Diana entered the front yard. "Wow, check out that lawn," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that poster of a... Monet?," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi looked around the breakfast nook. "Wow, check out that table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. She dutifully avoided the gas grill out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 207 1901-12-13 17:50:09 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Tildi entered the breakfast nook. Tildi drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the silverware out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 208 1901-12-13 17:51:41 PT Anna-Diana walked into the library and saw Lauree. Great. Anna-Diana stared at Lauree suspiciously. Lauree found Anna-Diana in the library. Lauree avoided Anna-Diana. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 209 1901-12-13 17:52:24 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. The next thing she saw was the mahogany work desk, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Georgeanne looked around the kitchen. The knife set caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 210 1901-12-13 17:53:33 PT Krissie looked around the library. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the chandelier uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra entered the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx countertop out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Georgeanne entered the kitchen. "Wow, check out that fridge," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 211 1901-12-13 17:56:34 PT As Anna-Diana entered the master bedroom, she saw Phaedra making trouble. "Phaedra, what did you dream about last night?" asked Anna-Diana. Phaedra seemed wary, but her face softened. "Melissa and I went to a Beatles concert at Sand Harbor. Onlly the stage was in a different spot. There was this cabin where you get tickets and we're looking for my mom to get a blanket to sit down on. We were just walking around and then there was a pause where nothing happened. Then the dream ended." Krissie entered the library to find Lauree standing there. Krissie eyed Lauree's amazing hat with envy.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. The pantry was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne looked for some paper towels.She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 212 1901-12-13 17:59:51 PT Krissie encountered Lauree in the foyer. Krissie avoided Lauree. She thought about Lauree. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 213 1901-12-13 18:00:32 PT Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. ------------- REPORT 214 1901-12-13 18:00:56 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. Anna-Diana flipped through some books.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Nobody was in the foyer, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie debated just leaving the house.She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Lauree bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Phaedra entered the master bedroom. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 215 1901-12-13 18:02:43 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Krissie debated just leaving the house. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Lauree. She dutifully avoided the flat screen TV out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 216 1901-12-13 18:03:24 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the foyer. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi entered the garage. Tildi tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. Georgeanne entered the kitchen. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. ------------- REPORT 217 1901-12-13 18:04:33 PT ------------- REPORT 218 1901-12-13 18:04:34 PT "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the pantry, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The broom reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Phaedra entered the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx toilet out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 219 1901-12-13 18:06:49 PT Krissie found Georgeanne in the patio. Krissie avoided Georgeanne. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. As Georgeanne entered the patio, she saw Krissie making trouble. Georgeanne avoided Krissie. ------------- REPORT 220 1901-12-13 18:08:07 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Lauree checked the fridge for snacks. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the great hall. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Krissie. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 221 1901-12-13 18:09:06 PT Phaedra found Anna-Diana in the master bedroom. Phaedra eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy. The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 222 1901-12-13 18:09:51 PT Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The family portrait caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 223 1901-12-13 18:10:27 PT Anna-Diana looked around the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. The living room was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the coffee table. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. The poster of a... Monet? reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 224 1901-12-13 18:11:23 PT The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. The foyer was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie debated just leaving the house. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. The tree reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 225 1901-12-13 18:13:19 PT Anna-Diana entered the master bedroom. The next thing she saw was the king-sized bed, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Lauree entered the kitchen. Lauree rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. The great hall was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 226 1901-12-13 18:15:19 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Nobody was in the front yard, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 227 1901-12-13 18:16:28 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Krissie looked around the living room. The next thing she saw was the flat screen TV, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi looked around the front yard. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 228 1901-12-13 18:17:08 PT Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.Phaedra encountered Anna-Diana in the great hall. Anna-Diana was crying. Phaedra acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Anna-Diana obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was standing by a pot of flowers and suddenly this huge black train drove past me. The weird thing was the train scared me very much. It seemed bigger and louder than most trains." After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 229 1901-12-13 18:19:30 PT Krissie looked around the front yard. Krissie ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Lauree looked around the garage. The BMW caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 230 1901-12-13 18:20:25 PT Lauree looked around the garage. The next thing she saw was the BMW, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra found Anna-Diana in the foyer. Phaedra eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy. She thought about Anna-Diana. She loved her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Tildi entered the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 231 1901-12-13 18:21:29 PT Krissie and Phaedra ran into each other in the foyer. "Where did you get that crimson scarf, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Phaedra. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She dutifully avoided the riding lawnmower out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 232 1901-12-13 18:23:14 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra ran into each other in the living room. Anna-Diana avoided Phaedra.Krissie found Tildi in the foyer. Tildi looked directly at Krissie. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I went to a play, where I could not see the screen for the whole first act. I the second act I suddenly realized that there was another screen (the play was now a movie) that I could watch. All I can remember about the play is that it was about a princess."Lauree encountered Krissie in the foyer. "Dreams," Lauree said. "Tell me about your dreams." Krissie almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was sitting at home, back in my Mom's bedroom, lying in bed. Then I heard the dog barking really loud. I yelled at my mom to ask why she was barking but I got no response. I got up out of bed & no one else was home." Phaedra found Anna-Diana in the living room. Phaedra stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. As Tildi entered the foyer, she saw Lauree making trouble. Tildi avoided Lauree. She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the front yard. Georgeanne started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. ------------- REPORT 233 1901-12-13 18:27:54 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.As Phaedra entered the living room, she saw Tildi making trouble. "Tildi, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Tildi seemed wary, but her face softened. "Me and my brother Max were swimming in the ocean. I jumped off a cliff to join him, and we decided we'd stay there overnight. So then we had to go to higher ground, and we hiked up a bunch of hills as the sun was setting (it was really pretty), then found a cabin we could stay in, that nobody else was using. Then my parents stopped by to make sure everything was okay, and that I had taken my contacts out."Tildi and Phaedra had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 234 1901-12-13 18:29:45 PT Nobody was in the living room, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. Krissie started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.Phaedra and Tildi had a nice conversation.Tildi and Phaedra had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The riding lawnmower caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 235 1901-12-13 18:31:36 PT The living room was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. ------------- REPORT 236 1901-12-13 18:32:12 PT Anna-Diana looked around the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 237 1901-12-13 18:32:40 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the chandelier uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra entered the library. Phaedra flipped through some books. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. The next thing she saw was the coffee table, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 238 1901-12-13 18:33:44 PT "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Georgeanne entered the guest bedroom. She noticed the set of curtains. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. ------------- REPORT 239 1901-12-13 18:34:57 PT Nobody was in the front yard, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 240 1901-12-13 18:35:33 PT "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie flipped through some books. After some time, Lauree found herself in the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. "Wow, check out that coffee table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the garage, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the riding lawnmower out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Phaedra. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 241 1901-12-13 18:37:17 PT Anna-Diana found Georgeanne in the great hall. Anna-Diana played nervously with her aquamarine watch in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Lauree. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The living room held two items of interest to Phaedra: the flat screen TV and Lauree. Phaedra stared at Lauree suspiciously. "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Tildi. She noticed the lawn. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne encountered Anna-Diana in the great hall. Georgeanne stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 242 1901-12-13 18:42:02 PT After some time, Phaedra found herself in the foyer. She noticed the side table. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Tildi looked around the garage. She stared at the riding lawnmower uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Georgeanne guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. ------------- REPORT 243 1901-12-13 18:43:27 PT Lauree entered the patio. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Phaedra. She stared at the side table uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 244 1901-12-13 18:44:30 PT The guest bedroom held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the set of curtains and Georgeanne. Anna-Diana played nervously with her aquamarine watch in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. The library was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Phaedra. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. "Wow, check out that lawn," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Georgeanne found Anna-Diana in the guest bedroom. Georgeanne played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Anna-Diana. ------------- REPORT 245 1901-12-13 18:47:00 PT Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?Krissie found Georgeanne in the great hall. Georgeanne was crying. Krissie acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Georgeanne obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I walked into school and everyone was in a circle (all the kids) and no one would let me in. They just ignored me. Even my best friend ignored me. I was left alone. I ran up to the bathroom and started crying. When I asked my best friend whats up, she just said, \"Go away, I don't like you.\"" Lauree looked around the patio. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Phaedra. She stared at the side table uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 246 1901-12-13 18:52:35 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the living room, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the coffee table. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. As Georgeanne entered the great hall, she saw Krissie making trouble. Georgeanne eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. ------------- REPORT 247 1901-12-13 18:53:55 PT "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra looked around the library. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. After some time, Tildi found herself in the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 248 1901-12-13 18:55:48 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. "Perfect, I've got the patio all to myself," thought Tildi. The next thing she saw was the gas grill, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 249 1901-12-13 18:56:26 PT The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The king-sized bed reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. After some time, Lauree found herself in the garage. "Wow, check out that riding lawnmower," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. The library was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks.The bath held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the toilet and Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Georgeanne, as if in a fugue state. "I was sledding on a hill that was covered with a thick forest. First, I was sledding from the top to the bottom, but I soon was only going halfway up. When I started only going halfway up, the snow started tomelt." ------------- REPORT 250 1901-12-13 18:58:40 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. The blonde onyx bathtub reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? The garage was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that riding lawnmower," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Tildi looked around the pantry. Tildi looked for some paper towels.She thought about Krissie. Georgeanne entered the great hall to find Anna-Diana standing there. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. ------------- REPORT 251 1901-12-13 19:01:25 PT Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra found Lauree in the great hall. Lauree stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Phaedra, as if in a fugue state. "I was a Carebear from the show \"Carebears\" and my Carebear friends and I were riding around on rainbows and having a good time. Suddenly the leader of the carebears got really mad at me for no reason and told me I was banished. I hadn't done anything, so I didn't leave. When he found out, he was going to put me in jail, but I got away before he could." "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Tildi. "Wow, check out that bric-a-brac," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne entered the guest bedroom. Georgeanne guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. ------------- REPORT 252 1901-12-13 19:02:57 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. Anna-Diana stared at Georgeanne suspiciously. "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Tildi. Tildi looked for some paper towels.She thought about Tildi. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 253 1901-12-13 19:04:44 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Anna-Diana stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Krissie encountered Phaedra in the master bedroom. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. Tildi looked for some paper towels. Georgeanne looked around the bath. She stared at the framed photo of a fish uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 254 1901-12-13 19:06:33 PT The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that poster of a... Monet?," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. As Krissie entered the great hall, she saw Phaedra making trouble. Krissie avoided Phaedra.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. Georgeanne encountered Phaedra in the great hall. Georgeanne avoided Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 255 1901-12-13 19:09:37 PT Anna-Diana entered the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the side table uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. She noticed the broom. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 256 1901-12-13 19:10:57 PT Lauree looked around the front yard. Lauree ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Tildi entered the kitchen. The next thing she saw was the oven, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 257 1901-12-13 19:11:33 PT As Anna-Diana entered the great hall, she saw Krissie making trouble. "Where did you get that amazing necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Lauree debated just leaving the house. Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 258 1901-12-13 19:12:49 PT Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the chandelier. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the master bedroom. She dutifully avoided the teak dresser out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Tildi. She noticed the mop. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She envied her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 259 1901-12-13 19:15:22 PT Anna-Diana looked around the guest bedroom. She noticed the set of curtains. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. The pantry was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the broom out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 260 1901-12-13 19:17:02 PT "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree debated just leaving the house.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 261 1901-12-13 19:18:54 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Anna-Diana imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Lauree looked around the library. Lauree flipped through some books. Phaedra looked around the bath. Phaedra relieved herself. The great hall was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 262 1901-12-13 19:20:11 PT Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. Tildi surrepticiously rearranged the supplies.She thought about Krissie. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 263 1901-12-13 19:21:53 PT Krissie and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. She stared at the lawn uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The family portrait caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the pantry, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi looked for some paper towels. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. "Wow, check out that mahogany work desk," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 264 1901-12-13 19:23:25 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the great hall. The family portrait reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.Krissie entered the master bedroom. Phaedra was there, as if waiting. "Phaedra, what did you dream about last night?" asked Krissie. Phaedra seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was talking to Katie on the phone and suddenly realized that I had pictures of both Glenn and Chloe. She was excited and wanted to come over." After some time, Lauree found herself in the living room. She stared at the coffee table uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Tildi found herself in the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. The library was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 265 1901-12-13 19:26:11 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Tildi looked around the pantry. The next thing she saw was the bric-a-brac, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne entered the library. She stared at the bookshelf uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 266 1901-12-13 19:28:17 PT Anna-Diana entered the bath. Anna-Diana was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the library. Georgeanne flipped through some books. ------------- REPORT 267 1901-12-13 19:29:56 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the library. Georgeanne tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. ------------- REPORT 268 1901-12-13 19:30:57 PT Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. Nobody was in the bath, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the nautical themed shower curtain uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the great hall. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 269 1901-12-13 19:32:31 PT Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. The mahogany work desk reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 270 1901-12-13 19:33:54 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Krissie entered the guest bedroom. Krissie guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. The kitchen was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. Lauree checked the fridge for snacks. Phaedra walked into the great hall and saw Georgeanne. Great. Phaedra played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 271 1901-12-13 19:35:00 PT Anna-Diana entered the bath. The toilet reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Krissie imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Anna-Diana. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the dining room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the dining room table, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The great hall was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. The library was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that bookshelf," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 272 1901-12-13 19:40:22 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the bath. Anna-Diana relieved herself.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that incredible sweater. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 273 1901-12-13 19:41:14 PT Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation.As Georgeanne entered the great hall, she saw Phaedra making trouble. Phaedra was crying. Georgeanne acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Phaedra obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was lying on my bed in my room, but everything in my room was on fire. I couldn't get my covers off me and my vision started to blur. I saw my great-grandmother coming through the fire to get to me and take me up to Heaven with her. I walked to the door where she was. Then I was whizzing through a tunnel with her while a golden light was pulling us on. I loved it. (Real: when I woke up my mom was shaking me and she said that I hadn't been breathing and she couldn't find a pulse on me.)" ------------- REPORT 274 1901-12-13 19:44:16 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Phaedra. She noticed the bed. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. Georgeanne found Krissie in the great hall. Georgeanne stared at Krissie suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 275 1901-12-13 19:45:56 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the bath. The next thing she saw was the toilet, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while. Georgeanne entered the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Lauree. She loved her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 276 1901-12-13 19:47:37 PT Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Phaedra guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Georgeanne flipped through some books.She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 277 1901-12-13 19:48:42 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the master bedroom. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra and Krissie ran into each other in the guest bedroom. Phaedra played nervously with her crimson scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. Georgeanne entered the library. Georgeanne flipped through some books.She thought about Anna-Diana. She liked her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 278 1901-12-13 19:50:10 PT Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi entered the living room. The next thing she saw was the coffee table, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 279 1901-12-13 19:51:26 PT Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. "Wow, check out that lawn furniture," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in.Phaedra found Krissie in the guest bedroom. "Krissie, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Krissie seemed wary, but her face softened. "My cousin's friend was over who I'd never met but always wanted to meet. When I saw Michael's friend I couldn't believe it 'cause he was tall and fine and looked about 14! (I'm 13.) I kept asking him and Michael \"are you really only 9 years old?\" and he would answer yes! That's all I remember." Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. She stared at the chandelier uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne relieved herself.She thought about Tildi. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 280 1901-12-13 19:54:16 PT Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. The mahogany work desk caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne looked around the bath. Georgeanne was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? ------------- REPORT 281 1901-12-13 19:55:21 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. "Wow, check out that king-sized bed," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. The foyer was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The side table reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 282 1901-12-13 19:56:11 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the master bedroom. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. The great hall was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the coffee table, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. She noticed the bookshelf. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Anna-Diana. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. The foyer was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the chandelier, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne entered the bath. "Wow, check out that framed photo of a fish," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 283 1901-12-13 20:01:15 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the master bedroom. The teak dresser caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Krissie guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The front yard was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. As Phaedra entered the foyer, she saw Tildi making trouble. Phaedra played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Tildi.Tildi encountered Phaedra in the foyer. Phaedra was crying. Tildi acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Phaedra obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "Well, me and a whole bunch of teenagers were in a circle at a park in the City. We were hangin' out, playin' football and, weird enough, smoking weed. I only took one or two puffs but it was crazy. I knew two people there. They were close friends but not my age: 17-18." Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. She noticed the toilet. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 284 1901-12-13 20:05:44 PT Krissie entered the great hall. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. "Where did you get that incredible sweater, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. Lauree looked around the garage. Lauree peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was. ------------- REPORT 285 1901-12-13 20:06:27 PT Anna-Diana walked into the great hall and saw Tildi. Great. Anna-Diana eyed Tildi's crimson coat with envy. Krissie looked around the library. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. The foyer was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the side table out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain.She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 286 1901-12-13 20:09:26 PT Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Georgeanne. She loved her so damn much. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 287 1901-12-13 20:10:01 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation.Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Lauree. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the foyer, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The side table reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. The library was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne flipped through some books. ------------- REPORT 288 1901-12-13 20:11:39 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Krissie entered the guest bedroom. Krissie imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. She stared at the mahogany work desk uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 289 1901-12-13 20:12:49 PT Krissie entered the great hall. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Phaedra. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Lauree entered the guest bedroom. She stared at the bed uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra entered the library to find Tildi standing there. Phaedra avoided Tildi. "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne relieved herself. ------------- REPORT 290 1901-12-13 20:13:56 PT Krissie entered the guest bedroom. Krissie imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Lauree entered the great hall to find Phaedra standing there. Lauree stared at Phaedra suspiciously. As Phaedra entered the great hall, she saw Lauree making trouble. Phaedra played nervously with her crimson scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. Tildi entered the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 291 1901-12-13 20:15:26 PT Anna-Diana and Tildi had a nice conversation. After some time, Krissie found herself in the guest bedroom. Krissie guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra entered the great hall to find Anna-Diana standing there. Phaedra eyed Anna-Diana's aquamarine watch with envy. She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 292 1901-12-13 20:17:50 PT As Krissie entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. "Where did you get that teal scarf, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Tildi entered the great hall to find Krissie standing there. Tildi played nervously with her crimson coat in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. ------------- REPORT 293 1901-12-13 20:18:32 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the library. She dutifully avoided the mahogany work desk out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 294 1901-12-13 20:19:16 PT "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Lauree. She stared at the nautical themed shower curtain uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 295 1901-12-13 20:20:16 PT "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana relieved herself.She thought about Phaedra. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne encountered Tildi in the great hall. Georgeanne eyed Tildi's crimson coat with envy. ------------- REPORT 296 1901-12-13 20:21:26 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. After some time, Lauree found herself in the master bedroom. The next thing she saw was the teak dresser, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.Phaedra and Tildi had a nice conversation. As Georgeanne entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. Georgeanne stared at Anna-Diana suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 297 1901-12-13 20:22:23 PT Anna-Diana entered the bath. The next thing she saw was the toilet, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Krissie entered the master bedroom. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Lauree stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Krissie, as if in a fugue state. "I was watching 90210, and one girl was mad at the other and she was sending vicious notes to the other. Then all of a sudden I was in this room and there was this huge open door leading into an eating room, like a summer camp type eating room. In the room I was in there were letters on the wall like the ones on 90210, which was strange. Anyway, I got into the eating room and I see P. At the same time we both made that signal with our index fingers to come to each other and mouthed the words, \"yeah, we're not shy.\" Then we walked towards each other. My mom then woke me up." "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 298 1901-12-13 20:25:20 PT Krissie entered the master bathroom to find Lauree standing there. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree.Lauree entered the master bathroom. Krissie was there, as if waiting. Krissie was crying. Lauree acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Krissie obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "I was just hanging out near my locker, getting my stuff out, and had closed it. My perspective switched from birds-eye view to my POV right after this guy I liked, Neil, suddenly turned and embraced me. Then he walked away like nothing had happened. No one was left in the area but me." Phaedra found Tildi in the great hall. Phaedra avoided Tildi. "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Georgeanne. "Wow, check out that set of curtains," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 299 1901-12-13 20:27:32 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. "Georgeanne, what did you dream about last night?" asked Anna-Diana. Georgeanne seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was talking to Katie on the phone and suddenly realized that I had pictures of both Glenn and Chloe. She was excited and wanted to come over." The master bathroom held two items of interest to Lauree: the blonde onyx bathtub and Krissie. Lauree stared at Krissie suspiciously. She thought about Krissie. Nobody really knew how she felt. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. Phaedra jiggled the toilet handle.Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 300 1901-12-13 20:29:21 PT Anna-Diana looked around the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Lauree found Krissie in the master bedroom. Lauree stared at Krissie suspiciously. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. She dutifully avoided the nautical themed shower curtain out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Georgeanne entered the library to find Tildi standing there. Georgeanne stared at Tildi suspiciously. She thought about Tildi. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 301 1901-12-13 20:31:15 PT The great hall held two items of interest to Phaedra: the tribal Afghan rug and Lauree. Phaedra stared at Lauree suspiciously. Tildi entered the library. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Phaedra. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 302 1901-12-13 20:32:35 PT Krissie entered the great hall to find Tildi standing there. "Tildi, what did you dream about last night?" asked Krissie. Tildi seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was at some kind of flea market that had a bunch of really cool jewelry shops, and it had a calendar shop. So then my mom introduces me to this lady, a very strange looking lady. After the lady goes to one of the shops, my mom whispers to my grandma that she is a rapist. I heard that and was scared. So I look around at one jewelry shop when I have to go to the bathroom. The strange lady came by and I told her I had to go. She said, \"I'll take you,\" and grinned at me. I screamed for my grandma and when she came I said to both of them, \"Will you both take me?\" because I didn't want to be alone with the lady. My grandma told me she would be delighted to take me to the bathroom. The bathroom is all set up like a stable and I go in one of the stalls. Then my grandma said she had to leave and I was going to have to walk alone with this lady. When I get into the stall, it's not a stall. There's a rodeo going on. My friend Diana was there and I asked her if she could walk me back, but she couldn't. All of a sudden I remember it's my dad's birthday, so I leave the rodeo and the strange lady tugged me around and I started yelling. Then I woke up."Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation. As Tildi entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. "Where did you get that teal scarf, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. She thought about Anna-Diana. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. "Wow, check out that side table," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 303 1901-12-13 20:38:33 PT Lauree looked around the library. Lauree flipped through some books.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. The guest bedroom was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. Georgeanne looked around the front yard. She dutifully avoided the tree out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 304 1901-12-13 20:39:52 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation.Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the front yard. She noticed the tree. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 305 1901-12-13 20:40:27 PT As Anna-Diana entered the library, she saw Phaedra making trouble. "Where did you get that crimson scarf, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Krissie entered the great hall. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Lauree and Anna-Diana ran into each other in the library. Anna-Diana stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Lauree, as if in a fugue state. "I was talking to Katie on the phone and suddenly realized that I had pictures of both Glenn and Chloe. She was excited and wanted to come over." Georgeanne entered the foyer. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 306 1901-12-13 20:43:19 PT Anna-Diana entered the library. Anna-Diana flipped through some books. The great hall held two items of interest to Lauree: the family portrait and Krissie. Lauree stared at Krissie suspiciously.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. The coffee table reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 307 1901-12-13 20:44:48 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.Lauree and Krissie ran into each other in the bath. "Dreams," Lauree said. "Tell me about your dreams." Krissie almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was in my room making outfits any everything, with some guy helping me, and the next thing I know I was in my yard at 9:00 a.m. drowning in the rain with my best friend. A car went by and my friend said that was her mom, so we better get inside and get ready to go. She started really shivering so I said fine. We tried to grab all the paper. She ran inside with a bunch of scraps of paper, well I tried to get the rest. Then my mom and dad pulled in so I ran inside and my sisters were on the couch and we started talking. Then I noticed there was muddy paw prints from my dog going up the stairs. So I thought I have to go clean it." Phaedra looked around the guest bedroom. The next thing she saw was the poster of a... Monet?, which left her feeling disquieted. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi looked around the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Georgeanne looked around the living room. Georgeanne bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 308 1901-12-13 20:49:21 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Anna-Diana eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. Phaedra entered the guest bedroom. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 309 1901-12-13 20:50:24 PT Krissie looked around the library. The mahogany work desk reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Phaedra entered the guest bedroom. Phaedra imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Anna-Diana. Why did everyone want to be like her? The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the silverware uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 310 1901-12-13 20:51:55 PT Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Phaedra found Krissie in the great hall. Phaedra avoided Krissie. Nobody was in the dining room, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the silverware, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 311 1901-12-13 20:52:53 PT Anna-Diana entered the bath to find Phaedra standing there. Anna-Diana eyed Phaedra's crimson scarf with envy.Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. Tildi found Krissie in the master bedroom. Tildi eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. ------------- REPORT 312 1901-12-13 20:53:24 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. The nautical themed shower curtain reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 313 1901-12-13 20:55:12 PT Krissie and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. As Lauree entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. Lauree played nervously with her amazing hat in a successful bid to avoid talking to Anna-Diana. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the bath. She stared at the framed photo of a fish uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Georgeanne checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... ------------- REPORT 314 1901-12-13 20:56:41 PT Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. The great hall held two items of interest to Phaedra: the family portrait and Lauree. "Where did you get that amazing hat, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her. Tildi looked around the master bathroom. She noticed the blonde onyx bathtub. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Georgeanne checked the fridge for snacks. ------------- REPORT 315 1901-12-13 20:57:48 PT As Anna-Diana entered the master bathroom, she saw Tildi making trouble. Anna-Diana stared at Tildi suspiciously. She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. She noticed the nautical themed shower curtain. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Lauree looked around the guest bedroom. She stared at the poster of a... Monet? uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 316 1901-12-13 21:01:20 PT Anna-Diana entered the master bathroom. Tildi was there, as if waiting. "Where did you get that crimson coat, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. She thought about Tildi. Why couldn't she be more like her? After some time, Lauree found herself in the guest bedroom. Lauree imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? After some time, Phaedra found herself in the great hall. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 317 1901-12-13 21:03:07 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the guest bedroom. Lauree guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the living room. The flat screen TV caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 318 1901-12-13 21:04:24 PT Anna-Diana entered the master bathroom to find Tildi standing there. Tildi looked directly at Anna-Diana. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "Everybody was at My school and it was about 10:00. We were just chillin' at the upper courts in the dark. Me and Will were holding hands and walking together and it was so nice. Will took 6 little kids to some fort and I was pissed off that I couldn't be with him." After some time, Krissie found herself in the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 319 1901-12-13 21:06:02 PT ------------- REPORT 320 1901-12-13 21:06:03 PT Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Lauree. She dutifully avoided the bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation.Tildi and Phaedra had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 321 1901-12-13 21:07:20 PT Anna-Diana found Tildi in the great hall. Anna-Diana stared at Tildi suspiciously. Lauree entered the guest bedroom. The next thing she saw was the bed, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. ------------- REPORT 322 1901-12-13 21:08:06 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. She dutifully avoided the bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 323 1901-12-13 21:08:47 PT Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. The nautical themed shower curtain reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 324 1901-12-13 21:09:59 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation.Krissie and Tildi had a nice conversation. Phaedra and Anna-Diana ran into each other in the great hall. "Where did you get that teal scarf, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. Nobody was in the bath, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the nautical themed shower curtain, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 325 1901-12-13 21:10:58 PT Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the bath. She dutifully avoided the framed photo of a fish out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. The great hall held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the tribal Afghan rug and Tildi. "Where did you get that amazing skirt, Tildi?" Tildi ignored her. ------------- REPORT 326 1901-12-13 21:11:56 PT Krissie walked into the great hall and saw Lauree. Great. Krissie eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the bath. Phaedra relieved herself. ------------- REPORT 327 1901-12-13 21:12:23 PT Anna-Diana and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. "Wow, check out that framed photo of a fish," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 328 1901-12-13 21:13:30 PT ------------- REPORT 329 1901-12-13 21:13:31 PT After some time, Tildi found herself in the guest bedroom. The set of curtains reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the bath. Georgeanne jiggled the toilet handle. ------------- REPORT 330 1901-12-13 21:14:02 PT Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 331 1901-12-13 21:14:11 PT Nobody was in the foyer, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Lauree. She noticed the king-sized bed. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Tildi walked into the great hall and saw Phaedra. Great. Tildi played nervously with her amazing skirt in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. She liked her so damn much. ------------- REPORT 332 1901-12-13 21:15:22 PT Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 333 1901-12-13 21:15:53 PT "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana turned on the TV for a while. Krissie looked around the bath. Krissie was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain. Lauree looked around the master bedroom. The next thing she saw was the king-sized bed, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in.Georgeanne and Phaedra had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 334 1901-12-13 21:16:52 PT The dining room was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the silverware, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Lauree entered the master bedroom. She stared at the king-sized bed uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi entered the foyer. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 335 1901-12-13 21:18:10 PT Anna-Diana looked around the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. Krissie entered the bath. The next thing she saw was the framed photo of a fish, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. The library was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra flipped through some books.She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the front yard, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the great hall. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 336 1901-12-13 21:19:54 PT Krissie and Georgeanne ran into each other in the great hall. "Georgeanne, what did you dream about last night?" asked Krissie. Georgeanne seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was sitting at home, back in my Mom's bedroom, lying in bed. Then I heard the dog barking really loud. I yelled at my mom to ask why she was barking but I got no response. I got up out of bed & no one else was home." Phaedra looked around the foyer. Phaedra debated just leaving the house. Tildi entered the living room. Tildi bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Georgeanne walked into the great hall and saw Krissie. Great. Georgeanne avoided Krissie. ------------- REPORT 337 1901-12-13 21:21:39 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the kitchen. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Lauree. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the front yard, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Georgeanne entered the library. Phaedra was there, as if waiting. Georgeanne avoided Phaedra. ------------- REPORT 338 1901-12-13 21:23:37 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree encountered Krissie in the great hall. Lauree avoided Krissie. Phaedra encountered Georgeanne in the library. Phaedra avoided Georgeanne. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. She noticed the flat screen TV. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 339 1901-12-13 21:24:57 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the guest bedroom. She noticed the set of curtains. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. After some time, Tildi found herself in the living room. Tildi turned on the TV for a while.She thought about Lauree. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? The foyer held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the side table and Phaedra. Georgeanne played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. ------------- REPORT 340 1901-12-13 21:26:39 PT Anna-Diana entered the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. The great hall held two items of interest to Lauree: the family portrait and Krissie. "Where did you get that amazing necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. Nobody was in the living room, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 341 1901-12-13 21:28:23 PT Anna-Diana and Tildi had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 342 1901-12-13 21:28:36 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The next thing she saw was the gas grill, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. After some time, Tildi found herself in the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the foyer. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 343 1901-12-13 21:29:15 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the garage. She noticed the riding lawnmower. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Krissie. She dutifully avoided the set of curtains out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. Phaedra found Georgeanne in the front yard. Phaedra avoided Georgeanne. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. The bric-a-brac caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne entered the front yard to find Phaedra standing there. Phaedra stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Georgeanne, as if in a fugue state. "I was at home with my mom (we had just walked in the door), and this lady asked if she could come in. I asked for her name and who she was, and she started yelling at me. Then they broke into the house. Then we were at an apartment complex and I was in my PJs. Those same robbers came and stabbed me and my mom with some bamboo stick. I ran and called 911 and they came very quickly. But when the ambulance came, our wounds had healed and we were all fine. But they caught the robbers, and put them in jail." ------------- REPORT 344 1901-12-13 21:32:18 PT Anna-Diana looked around the garage. She noticed the BMW. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie entered the great hall. She dutifully avoided the family portrait out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Phaedra entered the foyer. She dutifully avoided the side table out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Tildi looked around the pantry. Tildi surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. Georgeanne looked around the front yard. Georgeanne started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. ------------- REPORT 345 1901-12-13 21:34:42 PT As Krissie entered the great hall, she saw Anna-Diana making trouble. "Where did you get that aquamarine watch, Anna-Diana?" Anna-Diana ignored her. She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Phaedra flipped through some books. Tildi looked around the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. ------------- REPORT 346 1901-12-13 21:35:47 PT Anna-Diana encountered Krissie in the great hall. Krissie was crying. Anna-Diana acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Krissie obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "Me and some school friends had a circus in my room but it was like real, because there was a huge swing that went round and round in my room. It was so high and scary. The people who came had these inventions in the back of their cars, but we never got to see them." Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Tildi looked around the breakfast nook. Tildi drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Phaedra. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 347 1901-12-13 21:38:35 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The tribal Afghan rug reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. The library was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the foyer. She dutifully avoided the chandelier out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the front yard. She dutifully avoided the lawn out of some primal respect for its otherness. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 348 1901-12-13 21:40:38 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. Krissie entered the library. "Wow, check out that mahogany work desk," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Lauree walked into the master bedroom and saw Anna-Diana. Great. Lauree eyed Anna-Diana's teal scarf with envy. Nobody was in the living room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while. The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. The front yard was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 349 1901-12-13 21:43:07 PT Anna-Diana walked into the master bathroom and saw Lauree. Great. Anna-Diana avoided Lauree. Phaedra entered the front yard. Phaedra started to climb the tree, then thought better of it. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the knife set. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that incredible sweater. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 350 1901-12-13 21:45:10 PT Krissie entered the library. She dutifully avoided the bookshelf out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra walked into the living room and saw Georgeanne. Great. Phaedra eyed Georgeanne's incredible sweater with envy. ------------- REPORT 351 1901-12-13 21:45:58 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The oven caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 352 1901-12-13 21:46:32 PT The great hall was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx toilet," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 353 1901-12-13 21:47:16 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation.Lauree and Anna-Diana ran into each other in the master bedroom. Anna-Diana looked directly at Lauree. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was in this weird building, with a few friends. We were all just talking and hanging out, when all of the sudden this weird shadow appears on the wall. Then these ghost-like creatures came flying at us. We tried to call our parents, but the phone was dead." ------------- REPORT 354 1901-12-13 21:48:24 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the great hall. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the foyer, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Lauree. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Nobody was in the living room, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne turned on the TV for a while.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 355 1901-12-13 21:51:10 PT Lauree looked around the great hall. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The gas grill reminded her of her mother. Barf. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne encountered Phaedra in the foyer. Georgeanne eyed Phaedra's mind-blowing purse with envy. ------------- REPORT 356 1901-12-13 21:53:25 PT Anna-Diana entered the master bedroom. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Anna-Diana played nervously with her teal scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. She thought about Lauree. She hated her so damn much. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Krissie. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. The living room was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while. Tildi looked around the dining room. The dining room table reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Krissie. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne looked around the front yard. "Wow, check out that tree," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 357 1901-12-13 21:57:05 PT "Perfect, I've got the guest bedroom all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. After some time, Lauree found herself in the great hall. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Nobody was in the dining room, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Nobody was in the foyer, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 358 1901-12-13 21:59:18 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the great hall. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra entered the garage. Phaedra peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was.Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 359 1901-12-13 22:00:16 PT Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the king-sized bed. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Lauree. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Krissie. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. The garage was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. Tildi checked the fridge for snacks.The library held two items of interest to Georgeanne: the bookshelf and Lauree. "Lauree, what did you dream about last night?" asked Georgeanne. Lauree seemed wary, but her face softened. "I went to school and we were doing Drama. Steve asked me, Melissa and Liz to sing in front of everybody. I don't like sitting in front of people so I sort of mouthed it: Then Steve, the Director, said Great! Liz, you're cast as Juliet, Melissa, you're cast as Lady Capulet, and Kelly, you're cast as the nurse. I felt cheated. I cried and said \"I never even auditioned for the parts.\" Steve said that Melissa could sing the song in the play. I didn't even want the part of the nurse. I wanted Juliet." ------------- REPORT 360 1901-12-13 22:04:14 PT After some time, Krissie found herself in the bath. The next thing she saw was the framed photo of a fish, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Lauree found Anna-Diana in the great hall. Lauree eyed Anna-Diana's aquamarine watch with envy.The great hall held two items of interest to Phaedra: the family portrait and Lauree. "Dreams," Phaedra said. "Tell me about your dreams." Lauree almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was in the war hospital running around trying to take care of patients, but I was running out of time or something. Then some other nurses came (Lt. Bfjik, and General Camand) and told me to take a break. The weird thing was that I knew that I was the one running around, caring for patients, but I didn't look like myself at all. The two nurses were my friends, Nina and Hilary, but they didn't look how they look now, either!" Tildi looked around the pantry. "Wow, check out that mop," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She hated her so damn much. She wanted that incredible necklace. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 361 1901-12-13 22:08:15 PT Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the bed uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Phaedra entered the master bedroom. The teak dresser reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 362 1901-12-13 22:09:19 PT Krissie entered the guest bedroom to find Lauree standing there. Krissie stared at Lauree suspiciously. She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody was in the pantry, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the bric-a-brac out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne encountered Phaedra in the master bedroom. Georgeanne avoided Phaedra. ------------- REPORT 363 1901-12-13 22:10:15 PT "Perfect, I've got the bath all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana looked around for tampons, finding none.She thought about Krissie. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? After some time, Krissie found herself in the great hall. She dutifully avoided the family portrait out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Lauree found herself in the guest bedroom. Lauree imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? ------------- REPORT 364 1901-12-13 22:12:46 PT Anna-Diana entered the great hall. Anna-Diana took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. Phaedra entered the master bedroom. She dutifully avoided the king-sized bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Georgeanne looked around the master bathroom. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx countertop out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 365 1901-12-13 22:14:23 PT Anna-Diana looked around the library. Anna-Diana tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.As Phaedra entered the master bedroom, she saw Georgeanne making trouble. Georgeanne looked directly at Phaedra. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was at the movies with Bill (a classmate) and then we got in some kind of a quarrel and he left. Then P. (I love him!) walked in and said, \"Why are you here alone?\" I replied, \"Because my date left.\" Then he sat down next to me and we watched the movie together." "Perfect, I've got the kitchen all to myself," thought Tildi. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 366 1901-12-13 22:16:52 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the guest bedroom. Lauree imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? Georgeanne and Krissie ran into each other in the great hall. "Where did you get that incredible necklace, Krissie?" Krissie ignored her. ------------- REPORT 367 1901-12-13 22:17:28 PT "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra looked around the master bedroom. The teak dresser caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Georgeanne entered the great hall to find Lauree standing there. Georgeanne stared at Lauree suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 368 1901-12-13 22:18:37 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. Lauree entered the great hall. Lauree took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Tildi. The next thing she saw was the silverware, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that incredible sweater. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 369 1901-12-13 22:20:17 PT As Krissie entered the great hall, she saw Lauree making trouble. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree.Lauree found Krissie in the great hall. Krissie was crying. Lauree acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Krissie obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "The first part of the dream I was with a bunch of friends and we felt like doing something stupid and rebellious, but we figured we'd better have my other friend Sally along. Since nobody else knew the way to her house, I drove. Eventually we just sat around talking, eating cookies, and making scrap-books in the middle of the night, up in Sally's loft. I had some mini-dream about being in a computer game. Me and my family and family friends went to this Club Med, and they were all a part of the Club Med circus team, and they wanted me to do the trapeze. I'm an acrophobic, so they couldn't get me to do it. Right at the end of my dreams, Whitney Houston sang \"I will always love you.\"" Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that king-sized bed," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 370 1901-12-13 22:25:09 PT Anna-Diana and Tildi had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Krissie. She dutifully avoided the family portrait out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 371 1901-12-13 22:25:39 PT Krissie encountered Lauree in the great hall. "Where did you get that amazing hat, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her.Tildi and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 372 1901-12-13 22:25:56 PT Nobody was in the foyer, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house. Krissie walked into the great hall and saw Lauree. Great. "Where did you get that emerald phone, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Tildi. The lawn caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Lauree. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne and Phaedra had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 373 1901-12-13 22:27:41 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room. The flat screen TV caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 374 1901-12-13 22:28:24 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the guest bedroom. Krissie imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? The library was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. She stared at the bookshelf uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. The foyer was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Phaedra. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 375 1901-12-13 22:31:22 PT Anna-Diana looked around the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. Krissie encountered Lauree in the great hall. "Where did you get that emerald phone, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. ------------- REPORT 376 1901-12-13 22:32:14 PT Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it?She thought about Krissie. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. After some time, Tildi found herself in the front yard. The tree reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 377 1901-12-13 22:34:02 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Lauree walked into the great hall and saw Phaedra. Great. Lauree played nervously with her emerald phone in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. Nobody was in the front yard, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. As Georgeanne entered the guest bedroom, she saw Krissie making trouble. Georgeanne eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. ------------- REPORT 378 1901-12-13 22:35:20 PT Lauree entered the bath. The next thing she saw was the framed photo of a fish, which left her feeling disquieted. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Phaedra encountered Georgeanne in the great hall. "Dreams," Phaedra said. "Tell me about your dreams." Georgeanne almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I forget most except that these 2 guys get in a fight. The one who wins is saying \"Would you do this to me?\" The other guy just laughs. The guy who wins says, \"Well, then suck this.\" He puts his penis all over the other guy's mouth. Later they are walking on rocky hills and the guy who lost is wiping his mouth with a towel and saying \"Aw, that's disgusting.\""Georgeanne and Phaedra had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 379 1901-12-13 22:36:58 PT Krissie entered the great hall. Lauree was there, as if waiting. "Lauree, what did you dream about last night?" asked Krissie. Lauree seemed wary, but her face softened. "The Starship Voyager had a large delegation from a strange planet. Be'lanna Torres was working with the son of the leaders. She says she wants to show him something while they're in engineering. She beckons him behind a tree into a garden; he is confused. She takes two willow branches off a tree and I get the feeling she is about to start the Klingon mating ritual. The next thing I know I am in a bedroom. The son is in a bed with his grandma (I guess there wasn't enough room). Be'lanna was standing next to the bed. Also the whole alien delegation is in there and everyone is wearing ceremonial robes, even Be'lanna and the people in bed. Then either Be'lanna or the son said to each other they had a lot of fun last night. The leaders looked very disapproving and the guards started to spin their spears." Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Phaedra flipped through some books.She thought about Phaedra. She loved her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. The next thing she saw was the side table, which left her feeling disquieted. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Georgeanne looked around the guest bedroom. Georgeanne imagined what kind of people had stayed in the bed. How many people had had sex in it? ------------- REPORT 380 1901-12-13 22:41:59 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. Anna-Diana surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. Nobody was in the library, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. ------------- REPORT 381 1901-12-13 22:42:43 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. The bath was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the toilet out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Phaedra looked around the library. Phaedra flipped through some books. Nobody was in the garage, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. ------------- REPORT 382 1901-12-13 22:43:58 PT Anna-Diana looked around the breakfast nook. The toaster reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Krissie entered the great hall. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Anna-Diana. She wanted that teal scarf. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Tildi considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place. ------------- REPORT 383 1901-12-13 22:46:24 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. After some time, Krissie found herself in the library. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Phaedra looked around the foyer. She stared at the chandelier uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Tildi looked around the patio. She stared at the lawn furniture uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 384 1901-12-13 22:49:34 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the breakfast nook. She dutifully avoided the juicer out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought.Krissie and Lauree had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the living room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while. Georgeanne entered the great hall. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Georgeanne eyed Lauree's amazing hat with envy. ------------- REPORT 385 1901-12-13 22:51:07 PT "Perfect, I've got the breakfast nook all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Anna-Diana. She hated her so damn much. She wanted that aquamarine watch. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Nobody was in the great hall, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Phaedra. "Wow, check out that flat screen TV," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 386 1901-12-13 22:53:25 PT Anna-Diana entered the kitchen. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the dining room. The dining room table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 387 1901-12-13 22:54:06 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the pantry. "Wow, check out that broom," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Tildi. She liked her so damn much. She wanted that amazing skirt. Nothing else would do. Krissie entered the great hall. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Krissie eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. She thought about Lauree. Nobody was in the master bathroom, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the blonde onyx countertop, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Tildi. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 388 1901-12-13 22:56:29 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. Anna-Diana surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra debated just leaving the house. "Perfect, I've got the master bathroom all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The blonde onyx toilet caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 389 1901-12-13 22:57:24 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The next thing she saw was the family portrait, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Tildi considered getting on that lawnmower and riding it out of this place.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 390 1901-12-13 22:58:35 PT Anna-Diana looked around the breakfast nook. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Lauree looked around the guest bedroom. Lauree guessed that this was the most boring room in the house. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra debated just leaving the house. The garage was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the BMW, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 391 1901-12-13 22:59:40 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the breakfast nook. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Lauree. She loved her so damn much. Why did everyone want to be like her? The front yard was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. The tree caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Tildi found Krissie in the great hall. Tildi eyed Krissie's amazing necklace with envy. ------------- REPORT 392 1901-12-13 23:01:37 PT Anna-Diana entered the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. Krissie entered the bath. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Krissie eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. She thought about Lauree. Nobody really knew how she felt. Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the living room. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while. The library was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 393 1901-12-13 23:02:59 PT Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. She noticed the flat screen TV. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Tildi found herself in the library. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The next thing she saw was the teak dresser, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 394 1901-12-13 23:04:43 PT After some time, Lauree found herself in the great hall. Lauree took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. Nobody was in the master bedroom, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the king-sized bed. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 395 1901-12-13 23:05:43 PT Lauree entered the bath. Lauree relieved herself. Phaedra looked around the front yard. She noticed the lawn. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the library, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Georgeanne encountered Krissie in the great hall. Georgeanne avoided Krissie. ------------- REPORT 396 1901-12-13 23:06:50 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the dining room. The dining room table reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 397 1901-12-13 23:07:28 PT Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Tildi entered the library. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 398 1901-12-13 23:08:32 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. After some time, Lauree found herself in the master bathroom. The blonde onyx flooring caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Phaedra. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Tildi and Phaedra had a nice conversation. The bath was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She noticed the nautical themed shower curtain. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Krissie. She loved her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 399 1901-12-13 23:11:14 PT The great hall held two items of interest to Krissie: the family portrait and Georgeanne. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. After some time, Lauree found herself in the master bedroom. She stared at the king-sized bed uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. The foyer was empty. Finally, Phaedra thought, somewhere she could think. Phaedra debated just leaving the house. The library was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. Tildi flipped through some books.Georgeanne and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 400 1901-12-13 23:12:56 PT Krissie entered the bath. Krissie jiggled the toilet handle.She thought about Anna-Diana. She envied her so damn much. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. She dutifully avoided the tree out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Tildi. "Wow, check out that family portrait," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. ------------- REPORT 401 1901-12-13 23:15:02 PT Lauree and Tildi had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the living room, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The flat screen TV reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in.Tildi and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 402 1901-12-13 23:15:51 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. Krissie jiggled the toilet handle. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. She stared at the flat screen TV uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Georgeanne. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi looked around the master bedroom. She dutifully avoided the king-sized bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. She wanted that amazing necklace. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 403 1901-12-13 23:17:38 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. After some time, Lauree found herself in the bath. Lauree jiggled the toilet handle. ------------- REPORT 404 1901-12-13 23:17:56 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. She noticed the broom. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Krissie walked into the great hall and saw Lauree. Great. Krissie eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy.Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. "Wow, check out that chandelier," she said to no one in particular. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Phaedra. She loved her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Georgeanne. She noticed the mahogany work desk. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 405 1901-12-13 23:21:20 PT Anna-Diana looked around the pantry. The next thing she saw was the broom, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Phaedra looked around the foyer. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The great hall was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the tribal Afghan rug out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 406 1901-12-13 23:23:25 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Krissie. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. The foyer held two items of interest to Phaedra: the side table and Lauree. Phaedra avoided Lauree. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the bath. The nautical themed shower curtain reminded her of her mother. Barf. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 407 1901-12-13 23:25:09 PT Anna-Diana looked around the kitchen. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. Lauree entered the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. "Wow, check out that chandelier," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Tildi entered the master bathroom. The next thing she saw was the blonde onyx toilet, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. The great hall was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 408 1901-12-13 23:26:50 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Lauree had a nice conversation.As Georgeanne entered the library, she saw Krissie making trouble. Krissie stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Georgeanne, as if in a fugue state. "I was with Hilary and over a little ways was Roger's coffin. Briggs walked up to it and signed his name on it. Then a bunch of my friends went and did the same. I started to cry. I just cried and cried." ------------- REPORT 409 1901-12-13 23:28:11 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. After some time, Krissie found herself in the library. She stared at the bookshelf uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Lauree entered the front yard. Lauree started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.Phaedra and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 410 1901-12-13 23:29:07 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the kitchen. The fridge reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Krissie debated just leaving the house.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the library, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the mahogany work desk out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. She noticed the blonde onyx bathtub. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the living room. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Phaedra. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 411 1901-12-13 23:33:15 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the breakfast nook. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this? Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Phaedra debated just leaving the house. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. She noticed the blonde onyx toilet. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 412 1901-12-13 23:34:20 PT Krissie entered the front yard. The next thing she saw was the lawn, which left her feeling disquieted. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Phaedra entered the living room. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while.Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 413 1901-12-13 23:35:22 PT Nobody was in the front yard, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. She dutifully avoided the gas grill out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 414 1901-12-13 23:36:40 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the patio. The lawn furniture caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Krissie encountered Lauree in the living room. "Where did you get that emerald phone, Lauree?" Lauree ignored her. Nobody was in the master bathroom, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx flooring out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. ------------- REPORT 415 1901-12-13 23:38:31 PT Nobody was in the garage, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that BMW," she said to no one in particular. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the kitchen. She stared at the knife set uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. ------------- REPORT 416 1901-12-13 23:40:07 PT Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the kitchen. She dutifully avoided the knife set out of some primal respect for its otherness. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 417 1901-12-13 23:40:40 PT As Anna-Diana entered the patio, she saw Georgeanne making trouble. "Where did you get that incredible sweater, Georgeanne?" Georgeanne ignored her. She thought about Georgeanne. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. After some time, Lauree found herself in the front yard. Lauree ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while.Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 418 1901-12-13 23:43:05 PT Krissie entered the pantry. Krissie surrepticiously rearranged the supplies. The living room held two items of interest to Phaedra: the coffee table and Lauree. Phaedra eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy. ------------- REPORT 419 1901-12-13 23:43:28 PT Krissie entered the pantry. She stared at the bric-a-brac uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. "Wow, check out that side table," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Phaedra turned on the TV for a while. The dining room was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The silverware caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. ------------- REPORT 420 1901-12-13 23:44:53 PT Anna-Diana and Krissie had a nice conversation.Krissie and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation.Lauree and Phaedra ran into each other in the front yard. Phaedra stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Lauree, as if in a fugue state. "Me and my brother Max were swimming in the ocean. I jumped off a cliff to join him, and we decided we'd stay there overnight. So then we had to go to higher ground, and we hiked up a bunch of hills as the sun was setting (it was really pretty), then found a cabin we could stay in, that nobody else was using. Then my parents stopped by to make sure everything was okay, and that I had taken my contacts out." ------------- REPORT 421 1901-12-13 23:46:18 PT "Perfect, I've got the breakfast nook all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. After some time, Phaedra found herself in the living room. She dutifully avoided the flat screen TV out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi looked around the master bedroom. "Wow, check out that teak dresser," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.She thought about Lauree. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne and Lauree ran into each other in the front yard. Georgeanne avoided Lauree. ------------- REPORT 422 1901-12-13 23:47:51 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the breakfast nook. She noticed the table. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. ------------- REPORT 423 1901-12-13 23:48:26 PT Anna-Diana entered the kitchen. She noticed the oven. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Phaedra entered the library. The bookshelf reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in.Georgeanne entered the living room to find Lauree standing there. Lauree looked directly at Georgeanne. "I had the weirdest dream," she said. "I was sitting in humanities class in classroom #1 at my school. In the middle of his lecture, the teacher, came out of the closet and told us he was gay. None of (us) really cared, even though it was a big deal to him." ------------- REPORT 424 1901-12-13 23:50:45 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol. The living room was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the coffee table out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.As Lauree entered the foyer, she saw Georgeanne making trouble. Georgeanne stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Lauree, as if in a fugue state. "I was having a birthday party and my friends started to arrive at my house. But before I knew it there were hundreds of people in my house who I didn't know. I was trying to get them to leave, but it was so crazy and there were just too many of them. My mom was going insane because the house was getting trashed, but my friends weren't helping, they were just partying away." "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra tried and failed to open the lock on the desk.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 425 1901-12-13 23:54:21 PT Nobody was in the kitchen, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Anna-Diana rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Tildi. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Krissie found Lauree in the living room. Krissie stared at Lauree suspiciously. Lauree entered the living room. Georgeanne was there, as if waiting. Lauree stared at Georgeanne suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 426 1901-12-13 23:55:27 PT Krissie and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. The living room was empty. Finally, Lauree thought, somewhere she could think. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra entered the bath. The toilet reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The master bedroom was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that teak dresser," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 427 1901-12-13 23:56:56 PT Lauree and Georgeanne had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Nobody was in the master bathroom, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the blonde onyx flooring out of some primal respect for its otherness. She wished the booze would kick in. Georgeanne entered the dining room to find Lauree standing there. Georgeanne played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Lauree. She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 428 1901-12-13 23:59:23 PT The breakfast nook was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana drank some juice, fuck it, right? Whose house even was this?She thought about Tildi. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. The master bathroom was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. The blonde onyx countertop caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 429 1901-12-14 00:01:55 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. She dutifully avoided the fridge out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that emerald phone. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree encountered Krissie in the living room. Lauree avoided Krissie. She thought about Krissie. She wanted that amazing necklace. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the master bedroom all to myself," thought Phaedra. She stared at the teak dresser uncomprehendingly. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Tildi looked around the master bathroom. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx countertop," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 430 1901-12-14 00:04:22 PT Anna-Diana looked around the pantry. She noticed the broom. Kinda tacky. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Lauree found herself in the front yard. The lawn reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. "Wow, check out that tribal Afghan rug," she said to no one in particular. She wished the booze would kick in. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 431 1901-12-14 00:06:10 PT Nobody was in the pantry, so Anna-Diana found herself uncharacteristically at ease. The bric-a-brac reminded her of her mother. Barf. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie flipped through some books.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Lauree debated just leaving the house.Phaedra encountered Tildi in the great hall. "Tildi, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Tildi seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was staying with Patrick for the summer. It wasn't his house, though. It was way out in the middle of nowhere, and his parents weren't around. He could drive (he backed out of the driveway at 50 mph), but we both rode mountain bikes to some dimly lit store where he wanted to buy a wooden model airplane. It was a long dream, but in most of it I seemed to be changing clothes. I would just get out of bed and change from sleepwear to normal clothes, or vice versa. I had a broken leg." Tildi entered the great hall to find Phaedra standing there. "Where did you get that crimson scarf, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. She thought about Phaedra. She liked her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the front yard. Georgeanne started to climb the tree, then thought better of it.She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 432 1901-12-14 00:11:33 PT Nobody was in the great hall, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the tribal Afghan rug. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Lauree. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. She dutifully avoided the toilet out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Tildi looked around the master bedroom. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the front yard. "Wow, check out that tree," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Tildi. She hated her so damn much. She wanted that crimson coat. Nothing else would do. ------------- REPORT 433 1901-12-14 00:14:54 PT The kitchen was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. Krissie breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. She stared at the side table uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra entered the bath. The toilet caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Georgeanne entered the living room. Georgeanne turned on the TV for a while. ------------- REPORT 434 1901-12-14 00:17:36 PT "Perfect, I've got the pantry all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana looked for some paper towels. After some time, Lauree found herself in the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra entered the great hall. She noticed the family portrait. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Georgeanne. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? The front yard was empty. Finally, Georgeanne thought, somewhere she could think. The tree reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. Nobody really knew how she felt. ------------- REPORT 435 1901-12-14 00:18:55 PT Anna-Diana entered the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks. The library was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Lauree found Georgeanne in the front yard. Lauree eyed Georgeanne's incredible sweater with envy. She thought about Georgeanne. She loved her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? After some time, Tildi found herself in the master bedroom. She noticed the teak dresser. Kinda tacky. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 436 1901-12-14 00:22:41 PT The pantry was empty. Finally, Anna-Diana thought, somewhere she could think. The bric-a-brac caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie flipped through some books. After some time, Lauree found herself in the foyer. "Wow, check out that chandelier," she said to no one in particular. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bedroom. The king-sized bed caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. The master bathroom was empty. Finally, Tildi thought, somewhere she could think. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx countertop," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. The riding lawnmower reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Phaedra. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 437 1901-12-14 00:26:27 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the kitchen. Anna-Diana checked the fridge for snacks.She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? As Krissie entered the foyer, she saw Lauree making trouble. Lauree stiffened and began to ramble, not noticing Krissie, as if in a fugue state. "I was sleeping over at my friend's house, and we were having a great time. I took a shower and used their shampoo, when I got my friend's brother started screaming how the shampoo cost hundreds of dollars and he was going to kill me. I got scared and started to run because he was coming after me with an axe. My friend was trying to calm him down, it was just a big chase scene, and the whole time all I had on was a towel."Lauree and Krissie had a nice conversation. Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. Phaedra took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. ------------- REPORT 438 1901-12-14 00:29:47 PT Nobody was in the living room, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the flat screen TV. Kinda tacky. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Phaedra. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Nobody was in the kitchen, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne rifled through the cabinets for alcohol.She thought about Tildi. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? ------------- REPORT 439 1901-12-14 00:32:02 PT Anna-Diana looked around the living room. Anna-Diana turned on the TV for a while. Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Georgeanne entered the dining room. Lauree was there, as if waiting. Georgeanne stared at Lauree suspiciously. ------------- REPORT 440 1901-12-14 00:33:02 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Anna-Diana turned on the TV for a while. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Lauree found Georgeanne in the dining room. "Dreams," Lauree said. "Tell me about your dreams." Georgeanne almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was in the war hospital running around trying to take care of patients, but I was running out of time or something. Then some other nurses came (Lt. Bfjik, and General Camand) and told me to take a break. The weird thing was that I knew that I was the one running around, caring for patients, but I didn't look like myself at all. The two nurses were my friends, Nina and Hilary, but they didn't look how they look now, either!" Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. She stared at the nautical themed shower curtain uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Georgeanne and Lauree had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 441 1901-12-14 00:36:49 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room to find Georgeanne standing there. Anna-Diana played nervously with her teal scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. "Perfect, I've got the library all to myself," thought Krissie. She stared at the bookshelf uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. She hated her so damn much. It was almost too much to deal with. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Georgeanne and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 442 1901-12-14 00:38:51 PT Krissie entered the great hall to find Phaedra standing there. Krissie stared at Phaedra suspiciously.Phaedra entered the great hall. Krissie was there, as if waiting. "Krissie, what did you dream about last night?" asked Phaedra. Krissie seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was talking to Katie on the phone and suddenly realized that I had pictures of both Glenn and Chloe. She was excited and wanted to come over."Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 443 1901-12-14 00:40:09 PT Anna-Diana looked around the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.She thought about Phaedra. Phaedra entered the great hall to find Krissie standing there. Phaedra avoided Krissie. She thought about Krissie. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Georgeanne looked around the foyer. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 444 1901-12-14 00:41:34 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. Krissie looked around the bath. The nautical themed shower curtain reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Tildi entered the great hall to find Phaedra standing there. "Where did you get that crimson scarf, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. She thought about Phaedra. She liked her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Nobody really knew how she felt. Georgeanne entered the foyer. The chandelier caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 445 1901-12-14 00:42:52 PT Krissie looked around the bath. She dutifully avoided the framed photo of a fish out of some primal respect for its otherness. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Georgeanne. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the great hall, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Phaedra stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be.She thought about Krissie. She liked her so damn much. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Nobody was in the foyer, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 446 1901-12-14 00:46:25 PT Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the kitchen. She noticed the knife set. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Georgeanne. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Phaedra entered the guest bedroom. The next thing she saw was the set of curtains, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Lauree. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Tildi and Krissie ran into each other in the great hall. "Krissie, what did you dream about last night?" asked Tildi. Krissie seemed wary, but her face softened. "I was walking in a forest, humming to myself. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I heard someone call my name, so I turned around. Some strange guy was chasing after me. I tried to run but my feet wouldn't move. I was trapped." "Perfect, I've got the front yard all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 447 1901-12-14 00:51:25 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the living room. The flat screen TV reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Krissie found Phaedra in the guest bedroom. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the pantry. She noticed the mop. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Tildi found herself in the great hall. Tildi stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. ------------- REPORT 448 1901-12-14 00:53:09 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the foyer. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Lauree entered the pantry. "Wow, check out that bric-a-brac," she said to no one in particular. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the poster of a... Monet? out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her.She thought about Anna-Diana. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The next thing she saw was the flat screen TV, which left her feeling disquieted. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 449 1901-12-14 00:55:29 PT Lauree entered the kitchen. She noticed the oven. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Lauree. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the living room. Georgeanne bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 450 1901-12-14 00:56:55 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Anna-Diana turned on the TV for a while.She thought about Krissie. It was almost too much to deal with. Why couldn't she be more like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Lauree entered the kitchen. She stared at the fridge uncomprehendingly. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Phaedra and Krissie had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the great hall, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the dining room. She noticed the dining room table. Kinda tacky. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 451 1901-12-14 00:59:42 PT Nobody was in the library, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the foyer, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She dutifully avoided the chandelier out of some primal respect for its otherness. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.She thought about Krissie. Nobody was in the bath, so Tildi found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Tildi was afraid, as she always was, that a murderer lay in ambush behind the shower curtain. Georgeanne looked around the dining room. The silverware reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 452 1901-12-14 01:01:48 PT The library was empty. Finally, Krissie thought, somewhere she could think. The mahogany work desk reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Lauree entered the kitchen. The fridge reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought. Tildi entered the bath. Tildi relieved herself. "Perfect, I've got the dining room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. "Wow, check out that dining room table," she said to no one in particular. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Krissie. She wanted that amazing necklace. Nothing else would do. Nobody really knew how she felt. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. ------------- REPORT 453 1901-12-14 01:03:37 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room. Anna-Diana bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence.She thought about Tildi. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Why did everyone want to be like her? ------------- REPORT 454 1901-12-14 01:04:23 PT Krissie and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Tildi looked around the bath. The next thing she saw was the framed photo of a fish, which left her feeling disquieted. She wished the booze would kick in. ------------- REPORT 455 1901-12-14 01:04:52 PT The patio held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the lawn furniture and Lauree. Anna-Diana eyed Lauree's emerald phone with envy.The patio held two items of interest to Lauree: the gas grill and Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana was crying. Lauree acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Anna-Diana obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "A male narrator said that women become infatuated with men who don't love them. I saw a black and white picture of several couples with the female beaming and the male with an uneasy look on his face." Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. Georgeanne bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 456 1901-12-14 01:07:04 PT Anna-Diana looked around the garage. Anna-Diana tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. As Krissie entered the library, she saw Phaedra making trouble. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra entered the library to find Krissie standing there. Phaedra played nervously with her mind-blowing purse in a successful bid to avoid talking to Krissie. Tildi looked around the great hall. She stared at the family portrait uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in.She thought about Anna-Diana. "Perfect, I've got the living room all to myself," thought Georgeanne. Georgeanne bounced on the sofa, hoping to recapture her childhood innocence. ------------- REPORT 457 1901-12-14 01:09:38 PT The front yard held two items of interest to Anna-Diana: the tree and Georgeanne. Anna-Diana played nervously with her aquamarine watch in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. She thought about Georgeanne. She wanted that mind-blowing purse. Nothing else would do. Why couldn't she be more like her? Why did everyone want to be like her? Phaedra breathed deeply and took in sights of the foyer. Phaedra debated just leaving the house.She thought about Georgeanne. She envied her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the bath. Tildi relieved herself. ------------- REPORT 458 1901-12-14 01:11:17 PT Georgeanne entered the front yard. Georgeanne ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days. ------------- REPORT 459 1901-12-14 01:11:31 PT Anna-Diana breathed deeply and took in sights of the living room. The flat screen TV reminded her of her mother. Barf. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house.Krissie encountered Tildi in the great hall. "Dreams," Krissie said. "Tell me about your dreams." Tildi almost said nothing, but thought better of it. "I was going to fence someone but all of the swords didn't have long blades. I asked some buy to fence and he turned out to be my friend's brother. We were talking and he told me he was taking calculus XZ. Then he smiled at me and I think I liked him. He said two nice things to me and said something about the difference in our age. Then he said, \"You aren't using my sister to get to me?\" I said no and he said, \"I don't want my sister to get hurt.\" Before that, we were at camp and assigned to jobs before the feast. I went downstairs to this beach; someone was telling me about how people died in a volcano here. It reminded me of Mt. Vesuvius. Then me & Jeanette went down a dark road in a car to go grocery shopping even though it wasn't my job. Then I went down stairs to the boys school where my old crush R. went to school. I was looking for him but I couldn't find him." Phaedra entered the library. Phaedra flipped through some books.She thought about Tildi. She hated her so damn much. Why couldn't she be more like her? Tildi encountered Krissie in the great hall. Tildi eyed Krissie's incredible necklace with envy. She thought about Krissie. Nobody was in the foyer, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne debated just leaving the house. ------------- REPORT 460 1901-12-14 01:15:18 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room. The coffee table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life.Tildi walked into the library and saw Georgeanne. Great. Georgeanne was crying. Tildi acted on instinct. "Tell me all about it." she said. Georgeanne obliged in an unbecoming outpouring. "There were these really cute guys outside of my house and they stopped at my neighbor's house to ask who I was, so I ran upstairs and told my sister. We went outside to talk to the guys but as we stood outside my mom drove up and crashed into the car in front of her."Georgeanne and Tildi had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 461 1901-12-14 01:16:40 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room to find Phaedra standing there. "Where did you get that mind-blowing purse, Phaedra?" Phaedra ignored her. Krissie entered the guest bedroom. She stared at the bed uncomprehendingly. She didn't give it a second thought. Tildi entered the great hall. The family portrait reminded her of her mother. Barf. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. After some time, Georgeanne found herself in the foyer. The chandelier reminded her of her mother. Barf. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 462 1901-12-14 01:18:17 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra ran into each other in the living room. Anna-Diana avoided Phaedra. She thought about Phaedra. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Nobody really knew how she felt. Nobody was in the guest bedroom, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie guessed that this was the most boring room in the house.She thought about Anna-Diana. It was almost too much to deal with. Maybe if they could just be real with each other for once... Why did everyone want to be like her? Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the garage. Lauree tried to jimmy the lock on the car and ended up setting off the alarm. Whoops. Georgeanne looked around the front yard. She noticed the lawn. Kinda tacky. She was hoping it would distract her, if for some brief moment, from her life. ------------- REPORT 463 1901-12-14 01:21:08 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. "Perfect, I've got the great hall all to myself," thought Krissie. She dutifully avoided the family portrait out of some primal respect for its otherness. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. The living room held two items of interest to Phaedra: the coffee table and Anna-Diana. Phaedra played nervously with her crimson scarf in a successful bid to avoid talking to Anna-Diana. ------------- REPORT 464 1901-12-14 01:22:36 PT "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Anna-Diana. Anna-Diana debated just leaving the house.She thought about Lauree. She envied her so damn much. She wanted that amazing hat. Nothing else would do. It was almost too much to deal with. Why did she come to this stupid house party in the first place? Krissie entered the guest bedroom. The next thing she saw was the bed, which left her feeling disquieted. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. Lauree looked around the living room. Lauree turned on the TV for a while. Phaedra looked around the dining room. The next thing she saw was the silverware, which left her feeling disquieted. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 465 1901-12-14 01:25:09 PT Anna-Diana entered the living room. She stared at the coffee table uncomprehendingly. She wished the booze would kick in. Nobody was in the great hall, so Krissie found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Krissie stared down the hall, which seemed longer than it had any right to be. Phaedra entered the patio. "Wow, check out that gas grill," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. After some time, Tildi found herself in the master bedroom. She dutifully avoided the king-sized bed out of some primal respect for its otherness. Why she noticed in the first place was beyond her. "Perfect, I've got the garage all to myself," thought Georgeanne. The next thing she saw was the BMW, which left her feeling disquieted. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 466 1901-12-14 01:27:11 PT Anna-Diana and Lauree had a nice conversation. Krissie looked around the guest bedroom. The poster of a... Monet? reminded her of her mother. Barf. She didn't give it a second thought.She thought about Tildi. It was almost too much to deal with. Just thinking about it made her want to puke. Lauree and Phaedra had a nice conversation.Phaedra and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. ------------- REPORT 467 1901-12-14 01:27:57 PT Krissie found Georgeanne in the great hall. Krissie played nervously with her incredible necklace in a successful bid to avoid talking to Georgeanne. ------------- REPORT 468 1901-12-14 01:28:13 PT Lauree and Anna-Diana had a nice conversation. Nobody was in the great hall, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the tribal Afghan rug uncomprehendingly. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 469 1901-12-14 01:29:05 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the front yard. Anna-Diana ran her fingers through the well-manicured grass, dreaming of better days.She thought about Phaedra. She wanted that crimson scarf. Nothing else would do. Why did everyone want to be like her? Krissie looked around the master bathroom. She noticed the blonde onyx toilet. Kinda tacky. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the foyer, so Lauree found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the chandelier uncomprehendingly. She heard a noise from somewhere else in the house. Nobody was in the patio, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She noticed the lawn furniture. Kinda tacky. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. ------------- REPORT 470 1901-12-14 01:30:34 PT Anna-Diana and Phaedra had a nice conversation. Krissie entered the master bedroom. Tildi was there, as if waiting. Krissie stared at Tildi suspiciously. "Perfect, I've got the foyer all to myself," thought Lauree. The side table caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it.Tildi and Krissie had a nice conversation. Georgeanne breathed deeply and took in sights of the great hall. The tribal Afghan rug caught her eye. She thought it was the ugliest thing she'd ever seen. She didn't give it a second thought. ------------- REPORT 471 1901-12-14 01:32:15 PT After some time, Anna-Diana found herself in the garage. Anna-Diana peered in the car door for some kind of clue as to whose house this was. Lauree breathed deeply and took in sights of the library. Lauree tried and failed to open the lock on the desk. Nobody was in the front yard, so Phaedra found herself uncharacteristically at ease. She stared at the tree uncomprehendingly. Things. The house was full of things. When she got old enough to have a house, she'd own nothing. Tildi breathed deeply and took in sights of the master bathroom. "Wow, check out that blonde onyx flooring," she said to no one in particular. Part of her, a larger part than she cared to admit, wanted to smash it. Nobody was in the great hall, so Georgeanne found herself uncharacteristically at ease. Georgeanne took off her shoes, got a running start, a slid in her socks down the slick hardwood floors.