// ==UserScript== // @name SBB Cool Helper // @namespace maxhyt.SBBCoolHelper // @version 2.1.0 // @description Add VIP features to SBB site // @license AGPL-3.0-or-later // @author Maxhyt // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ducng99/SBBCoolHelper/master/SBBCoolHelper.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ducng99/SBBCoolHelper/master/SBBCoolHelper.user.js // @match https://sb.ltn.fi/* // @icon https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip2/sb.ltn.fi.ico // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // Extensions /** * Append a new element to the DOM from a string * @param {string} elementInString string representation of an element * @return {Element} the new element appended */ Element.prototype.appendFromString = function(elementInString) { let tmpDOM = document.createElement('div'); tmpDOM.innerHTML = elementInString; return this.appendChild(tmpDOM.firstChild); } GM_addStyle(` .voteButton { display: inline-block; width: 1.3em; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0.2em; margin-left: 0.3em; margin-right: 0.3em; } @keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } .voteButton.loading { animation: spin 0.75s cubic-bezier(.3,.75,.47,1) infinite; } div.disabled { opacity: 0.5; cursor: not-allowed; } `); // Constants // Icons by Font Awesome const THUMBS_UP_ICON = ''; const THUMBS_DOWN_ICON = ''; const ROTATE_LEFT_ICON = ''; const VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS = { Up: 1, Down: 0, Undo: 20 }; const CATEGORIES = { 'sponsor': 'Sponsor', 'selfpromo': 'Unpaid/Self promotion', 'interaction': 'Interaction reminder', 'intro': 'Intermission/Intro animation', 'outro': 'Endcards/Credits', 'preview': 'Preview/Recap/Hook', 'music_offtopic': 'Music: Non-music', 'filler': 'Filler Tangent', 'poi_highlight': 'Highlight', 'exclusive_access': 'Exclusive Access', 'chapter': 'Chapter' }; const CATEGORIES_VALUES = Object.keys(CATEGORIES); const ACTION_TYPES = { 'skip': 'Skip', 'mute': 'Mute', 'full': 'Full video', 'poi': 'Point of interest', 'chapter': 'Chapter' }; const ACTION_TYPES_VALUES = Object.keys(ACTION_TYPES); const STORAGE_VARS = { PrivateUserID: 'userID', PublicUserID: 'publicUserID', Username: 'username', IsVIP: 'isVIP' }; // Please give me enum JS 😢 const TOAST_TYPE = { Normal: 0, Warning: 1, Danger: 2 }; // Global variables let IsStarted = false; let VoteHeaderIndex = -1; let CategoryHeaderIndex = -1; const DarkModeButton = document.body.querySelector('#darkmode'); // Button to set User ID const userIDSetButton = DarkModeButton.parentNode.appendFromString(''); userIDSetButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const userID = prompt("Enter your private user ID:"); if (VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { GM_setValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID, userID); SendGetUserInfo((info) => { ShowToast('Saved!'); UpdateSetUserIDButton(info.username, info.isVIP); if (!IsStarted) Main(); }); } else if (userID) { ShowToast("Invalid user ID! Please try again.", TOAST_TYPE.Warning); } }); // If private ID is stored, get other user info associated with it if not already stored if (VerifyPrivateUserID(GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID))) { let publicUserID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PublicUserID); let username = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.Username); let isVIP = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.IsVIP); if (publicUserID && username && isVIP) { UpdateSetUserIDButton(username, isVIP); if (!IsStarted) Main(); } else { SendGetUserInfo((info) => { UpdateSetUserIDButton(info.username, info.isVIP); if (!IsStarted) Main(); }); } } else { userIDSetButton.classList.add('btn-warning'); } /** * Update the Set UserID button to show the current user * @param {string} username * @param {boolean} isVIP */ function UpdateSetUserIDButton(username, isVIP) { userIDSetButton.classList.remove('btn-warning'); userIDSetButton.classList.add('btn-secondary'); userIDSetButton.textContent = ''; if (isVIP) { userIDSetButton.append('👑 '); } else { userIDSetButton.append('👨‍💻 '); } // Show max 10 characters userIDSetButton.append(`${username.substring(0, 10)}`); } // Setup toasts container const TOASTS_CONTAINER = document.body.appendFromString(`
`); /** * Unleash da powah */ function Main() { IsStarted = true; const segmentsTable = document.body.querySelector('table'); const tableHeaders = [...segmentsTable.querySelectorAll('th')]; const tableRows = [...segmentsTable.querySelectorAll('tbody tr')]; // Grab index for "Votes" and "Category" columns tableHeaders.forEach((header, i) => { if (header.textContent.includes('Votes')) { VoteHeaderIndex = i; } else if (header.textContent.includes('Category')) { CategoryHeaderIndex = i; } }); // Add buttons to each segments in table tableRows.forEach(row => { AddVotingButtonsToRow(row); AddCategoryChangeButtonToRow(row); }); // VIP only buttons if (GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.IsVIP)) { // Add category lock & purge segments button let videoID = ''; const youtubeURL = document.body.querySelector('li.list-group-item > a[href^="https://www.youtube.com"], li.list-group-item > a[href^="https://youtu.be"]')?.href; if (youtubeURL) { if (youtubeURL.includes('youtube.com')) { videoID = new URL(youtubeURL).searchParams.get('v'); } else if (youtubeURL.includes('youtu.be')) { videoID = new URL(youtubeURL).pathname.substring(1); } } if (videoID) { const navbarContainer = DarkModeButton.parentNode; // Category lock button if (!navbarContainer.querySelector(".categoryLockButton")) { const categoryLockButton = document.createElement('button'); categoryLockButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-warning', 'me-2', 'categoryLockButton'); categoryLockButton.append('🔒 Lock categories'); categoryLockButton.addEventListener('click', () => ShowLockCategoriesModal(videoID)); navbarContainer.insertBefore(categoryLockButton, DarkModeButton); } // Purge segments button if (!navbarContainer.querySelector(".purgeSegmentsButton")) { const purgeSegmentsButton = document.createElement('button'); purgeSegmentsButton.classList.add('btn', 'btn-danger', 'me-2', 'purgeSegmentsButton'); purgeSegmentsButton.append('🗑 Purge segments'); purgeSegmentsButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const [_, acceptButton] = ShowConfirmModal('Purge segments', `Are you sure you want to purge all segments on ${videoID}?`, () => { SendPurgeSegments(videoID); }); acceptButton.classList.remove('btn-primary'); acceptButton.classList.add('btn-danger'); }); navbarContainer.insertBefore(purgeSegmentsButton, DarkModeButton); } } } } /** * Add upvote, downvote and undo vote buttons to segment row * @param {Element} row */ function AddVotingButtonsToRow(row) { if (!row.children[VoteHeaderIndex].querySelector('.voteButtonsContainer')) { const votingContainer = row.children[VoteHeaderIndex].appendFromString('
'); // Upvote button const upvoteButton = votingContainer.appendFromString(`
`); upvoteButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!upvoteButton.classList.contains('disabled') && confirm('Confirm upvoting?')) { const segmentId = row.querySelector('textarea[name="UUID"]')?.value; DisableVoteButtons(); upvoteButton.classList.add('loading'); SendVoteSegment(segmentId, VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS.Up, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); upvoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); upvoteButton.style.color = 'green'; downvoteButton.style.color = ''; }, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); upvoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); }); } }); // Downvote button const downvoteButton = votingContainer.appendFromString(`
`); if (row.children[VoteHeaderIndex].textContent.includes('🔒')) { if (GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.IsVIP)) { downvoteButton.setAttribute('title', 'This segment is locked by a VIP, be sure to discuss first before downvoting this segment'); downvoteButton.style.color = '#ffc83d'; } else { downvoteButton.setAttribute('title', 'This segment is locked by a VIP'); downvoteButton.classList.add('disabled'); } } else { downvoteButton.setAttribute('title', 'Downvote this segment'); } downvoteButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!downvoteButton.classList.contains('disabled') && confirm('Confirm downvoting?')) { const segmentId = row.querySelector('textarea[name="UUID"]')?.value; DisableVoteButtons(); downvoteButton.classList.add('loading'); SendVoteSegment(segmentId, VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS.Down, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); upvoteButton.style.color = ''; downvoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); downvoteButton.style.color = 'red'; }, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); downvoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); }); } }); // Undo vote button const undovoteButton = votingContainer.appendFromString(`
`); undovoteButton.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!undovoteButton.classList.contains('disabled') && confirm('Confirm undo vote?')) { const segmentId = row.querySelector('textarea[name="UUID"]')?.value; DisableVoteButtons(); undovoteButton.classList.add('loading'); SendVoteSegment(segmentId, VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS.Undo, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); upvoteButton.style.color = ''; downvoteButton.style.color = ''; undovoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); }, () => { EnableVoteButtons(); undovoteButton.classList.remove('loading'); }); } }); row.children[VoteHeaderIndex].style.minWidth = '6.7em'; // Make room for voting buttons function DisableVoteButtons() { upvoteButton.classList.add('disabled'); downvoteButton.classList.add('disabled'); undovoteButton.classList.add('disabled'); } function EnableVoteButtons() { upvoteButton.classList.remove('disabled'); downvoteButton.classList.remove('disabled'); undovoteButton.classList.remove('disabled'); } } } /** * Add category change button to segment row if user is VIP or user created the segment * @param {HTMLElement} row */ function AddCategoryChangeButtonToRow(row) { if (!row.children[CategoryHeaderIndex].querySelector('.changeSegmentBtn') && (GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.IsVIP) || row.querySelector('textarea[name="UserID"]')?.value === GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PublicUserID))) { row.children[CategoryHeaderIndex].appendChild(document.createElement('br')); const categoryChangeButton = row.children[CategoryHeaderIndex].appendFromString(''); categoryChangeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { categoryChangeButton.classList.add('disabled'); const segmentId = row.querySelector('textarea[name="UUID"]')?.value; const category = CATEGORIES_VALUES.find(c => row.children[CategoryHeaderIndex].textContent.toLowerCase().includes(c)); ShowCategoryChangeModal(segmentId, category, () => { categoryChangeButton.classList.remove('disabled'); }); }); } } /** * Show a modal with a list of categories to choose from and a button to save the category * @param {string} segmentId UUID of the segment * @param {string} category current category of the segment * @param {() => void|undefined} onClosed function to call when the modal is closed */ function ShowCategoryChangeModal(segmentId, category, onClosed) { // Create a modal const modal = new Modal; modal.Title = 'Change category'; // Add categories to modal modal.Body.appendFromString(''); const categorySelect = modal.Body.appendFromString(''); CATEGORIES_VALUES.forEach(cat => { const option = categorySelect.appendFromString(``); if (category === cat) { option.selected = true; option.disabled = true; } }); // Assign close function to modal modal.OnClosed = onClosed; // Assign save function to modal modal.AddButton('Save changes', (button) => { if (confirm(`Confirm changing category from "${category}" to "${categorySelect.value}"?`)) { button.classList.add('disabled'); const spinner = button.appendFromString(''); SendCategoryUpdate(segmentId, categorySelect.value, modal.CloseModal.bind(modal), () => { spinner.remove(); button.classList.remove('disabled'); }); } }); } /** * Show a modal to lock categories of a video * @param {string} videoID * @param {() => void|undefined} onClosed function to call when the modal is closed */ function ShowLockCategoriesModal(videoID, onClosed) { // Create a modal const modal = new Modal; modal.Title = 'Lock/Unlock categories for ' + videoID; // Add categories to modal modal.Body.appendFromString('
Choose categories:
'); const selectAllCategoriesButton = modal.Body.appendFromString(''); selectAllCategoriesButton.addEventListener('click', () => { const checkboxes = [...modal.Body.querySelectorAll('#modal_categories_container input[type="checkbox"]')]; if (checkboxes.find(c => c.checked)) { checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { checkbox.checked = false; }); } else { checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => { if (!['filler', 'poi_highlight', 'exclusive_access', 'chapter'].includes(checkbox.value)) { checkbox.checked = true; } }); } }); const categoriesContainer = modal.Body.appendFromString(''); const categoriesContainerLeftCol = categoriesContainer.appendFromString('
'); const categoriesContainerRightCol = categoriesContainer.appendFromString('
'); CATEGORIES_VALUES.forEach((cat, i) => { const box = document.createElement('div'); box.classList.add('form-check'); const checkbox = box.appendFromString(``); box.appendFromString(``); if (i < CATEGORIES_VALUES.length / 2) { categoriesContainerLeftCol.appendChild(box); } else { categoriesContainerRightCol.appendChild(box); } if (cat === 'chapter') { checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => { const chapter_type_checkbox = modal.Body.querySelector('#modal_checkbox_type_chapter') if (chapter_type_checkbox) { chapter_type_checkbox.checked = checkbox.checked; } }); } else if (cat === 'poi_highlight') { checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => { const poi_type_checkbox = modal.Body.querySelector('#modal_checkbox_type_poi') if (poi_type_checkbox) { poi_type_checkbox.checked = checkbox.checked; } }); } }); // Add action types to modal modal.Body.appendFromString('
Choose action types:
'); const actionTypesContainer = modal.Body.appendFromString(''); ACTION_TYPES_VALUES.forEach(type => { const box = actionTypesContainer.appendFromString('
'); const checkbox = box.appendFromString(``); box.appendFromString(``); actionTypesContainer.appendChild(box); if (type === 'chapter' || type === 'poi') { checkbox.disabled = true; checkbox.classList.add('disabled'); checkbox.checked = false; } }); // Add reason to modal modal.Body.appendFromString('
'); const reasonTextarea = modal.Body.appendFromString(''); // Assign close function to modal modal.OnClosed = onClosed; // Add unlock button to modal modal.AddButton('🔓 Unlock', (button) => { const categories = [...modal.Body.querySelectorAll('#modal_categories_container input[type="checkbox"]:checked')].map(c => c.value); const actionTypes = [...modal.Body.querySelectorAll('#modal_action_types_container input[type="checkbox"]:checked')].map(t => t.value); if (categories.length === 0 || actionTypes.length === 0) { ShowToast('Please select at least one category and action type to unlock.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); } else if (confirm('Confirm unlocking these categories?\n\n' + categories.join(', '))) { button.classList.add('disabled'); const spinner = button.appendFromString(''); SendUnlockCategories(videoID, categories, actionTypes, modal.CloseModal.bind(modal), () => { spinner.remove(); button.classList.remove('disabled'); }); } }); // Add lock button to modal modal.AddButton('🔒 Lock', (button) => { // Bootstrap will clone the `categoriesContainer` and `actionTypesContainer` (I think), therefore we need to get the values by querying the body const categories = [...modal.Body.querySelectorAll('#modal_categories_container input[type="checkbox"]:checked')].map(c => c.value); const actionTypes = [...modal.Body.querySelectorAll('#modal_action_types_container input[type="checkbox"]:checked')].map(t => t.value); const reason = reasonTextarea.value; if (categories.length === 0 || actionTypes.length === 0) { ShowToast('Please select at least one category and action type to lock.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); } else if (confirm('Confirm locking these categories?\n\n' + categories.join(', '))) { button.classList.add('disabled'); const spinner = button.appendFromString(''); SendLockCategories(videoID, categories, actionTypes, reason, modal.CloseModal.bind(modal), () => { spinner.remove(); button.classList.remove('disabled'); }); } }); } /** * Show a confirmation modal * @param {string} title modal's title * @param {string} message modal's message * @param {() => void|undefined} onAccept function to be called when user press Yes button * @param {() => void|undefined} onDecline function to be called when user press No button * @returns {[Modal, HTMLButtonElement, HTMLButtonElement]} the modal instance, accept and decline buttons */ function ShowConfirmModal(title, message, onAccept, onDecline) { const modal = new Modal; modal.Title = title; modal.Body.appendFromString(`


`); const acceptButton = modal.AddButton('Yes', () => { if (onAccept) onAccept(); modal.CloseModal().bind(modal); }); const declineButton = modal.AddButton('No', () => { if (onDecline) onDecline(); modal.CloseModal().bind(modal); }); declineButton.classList.remove('btn-primary'); declineButton.classList.add('btn-secondary'); return [modal, acceptButton, declineButton]; } /** * I'm crazy am I? */ class Modal { /** @type {bootstrap.Modal} */ _bootstrapModal; /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ _modal; /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ _modalBody; /** @type {HTMLHeadElement} */ _title; /** @type {() => any|undefined} */ _onClosed; constructor() { // Create the modal this._modal = document.body.appendFromString(``); this._title = this._modal.querySelector('.modal-title'); this._modalBody = this._modal.querySelector('.modal-body'); document.body.appendChild(this._modal); this._bootstrapModal = new bootstrap.Modal(this._modal); this._bootstrapModal.show(); this._modal.addEventListener('hide.bs.modal', () => { if (this._onClosed) this._onClosed(); }); this._modal.addEventListener('hidden.bs.modal', this._modal.remove); } CloseModal() { this._bootstrapModal.hide(); } /** * Add a button at the bottom of the modal (primary buttons) * @param {string} text Button text * @param {(button: HTMLButtonElement) => any} action Action to perform when button is clicked * @return {HTMLButtonElement} The button element */ AddButton(text, action) { const button = this._modal.querySelector('.modal-footer').appendFromString(``); button.addEventListener('click', () => action(button)); return button; } /** * @param {string} title */ set Title(title) { this._title.append(title); } /** * @param {() => any} onClosed */ set OnClosed(onClosed) { this._onClosed = onClosed; } get Body() { return this._modalBody; } } /** * Display a toast message (duh) * @param {string} message message to display * @param {TOAST_TYPE} type toast type (normal, warning, danger) */ function ShowToast(message, type = TOAST_TYPE.Normal) { const toast = TOASTS_CONTAINER.appendFromString(``); switch (type) { case TOAST_TYPE.Normal: toast.classList.add('text-white', 'bg-dark'); break; case TOAST_TYPE.Warning: toast.classList.add('text-black', 'bg-warning'); break; case TOAST_TYPE.Danger: toast.classList.add('text-white', 'bg-danger'); break; default: break; } new bootstrap.Toast(toast).show(); } /** * Send request to API for voting on segments * @param {string} uuid * @param {VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS} voteID * @param {() => void|undefined} onSuccess function to call when the request is successful * @param {() => void|undefined} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendVoteSegment(uuid, voteID, onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); if (!VerifyUUID(uuid)) { ShowToast(`Invalid segment ID: "${uuid}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (Object.values(VOTE_SEG_OPTIONS).indexOf(voteID) === -1) { ShowToast(`Invalid vote ID: "${voteID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: `https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=${uuid}&userID=${userID}&type=${voteID}`, responseType: 'json', timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 403: ShowToast('Vote is rejected\n\n' + response.response.message, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 400: ShowToast('Failed to vote on the segment. Please check the segment info and your User ID\n\n' + 'UUID: ' + uuid + '\n' + 'Type: ' + voteID, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: ShowToast('Voted!'); if (onSuccess) onSuccess(); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } /** * Update category of a segment * @param {string} uuid segment UUID * @param {string} category the new category of the segment * @param {() => void|undefined} onSuccess function to call when the request is successful * @param {() => void|undefined} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendCategoryUpdate(uuid, category, onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); if (!VerifyUUID(uuid)) { ShowToast(`Invalid segment ID: "${uuid}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (!(category in CATEGORIES)) { ShowToast(`Invalid category name: "${category}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: `https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/voteOnSponsorTime?UUID=${uuid}&userID=${userID}&category=${category}`, responseType: 'json', timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 403: ShowToast('Update is rejected\n\n' + response.response.message, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 400: ShowToast('Failed to update the category. Please check the segment info and your User ID\n\n' + 'UUID: ' + uuid + '\n' + 'Category: ' + category, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: ShowToast('Updated!'); if (onSuccess) onSuccess(); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } /** * Send request to lock categories for a video * @param {string} videoID * @param {string[]} categories an array of categories being locked * @param {string[]} actionTypes an array of action types being locked * @param {string} reason why these categories are locked * @param {() => void|undefined} onSuccess function to call when the request is successful * @param {() => void|undefined} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendLockCategories(videoID, categories, actionTypes, reason, onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); const invalidCategories = categories.filter(c => !(c in CATEGORIES)); const invalidActionTypes = actionTypes.filter(t => !(t in ACTION_TYPES)); if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (invalidCategories.length > 0) { ShowToast('Invalid categories: ' + invalidCategories.join(', '), TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (invalidActionTypes.length > 0) { ShowToast('Invalid action types: ' + invalidActionTypes.join(', '), TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: 'https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/lockCategories', data: JSON.stringify({ videoID, userID, categories, actionTypes, reason }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 400: ShowToast('Failed to lock categories. Please check these info and your User ID\n\n' + 'Video ID: ' + videoID + '\n' + 'Categories: ' + categories.join(', ') + '\n' + 'Action types: ' + actionTypes.join(', ') + '\n' + 'Reason: ' + reason, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 403: ShowToast('Lock is rejected. You are not a VIP', TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: ShowToast('Locked!'); if (onSuccess) onSuccess(); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } /** * Send request to unlock categories for a video * @param {string} videoID * @param {string[]} categories an array of categories being locked * @param {string[]} actionTypes an array of action types being locked * @param {() => void|undefined} onSuccess function to call when the request is successful * @param {() => void|undefined} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendUnlockCategories(videoID, categories, actionTypes, onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); const invalidCategories = categories.filter(c => !(c in CATEGORIES)); const invalidActionTypes = actionTypes.filter(t => !(t in ACTION_TYPES)); if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (invalidCategories.length > 0) { ShowToast('Invalid categories: ' + invalidCategories.join(', '), TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else if (invalidActionTypes.length > 0) { ShowToast('Invalid action types: ' + invalidActionTypes.join(', '), TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'DELETE', url: 'https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/lockCategories', data: JSON.stringify({ videoID, userID, categories, actionTypes }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, responseType: 'json', timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 400: ShowToast('Failed to unlock categories. Please check these info and your User ID\n\n' + 'Video ID: ' + videoID + '\n' + 'Categories: ' + categories.join(', ') + '\n' + 'Action types: ' + actionTypes.join(', '), TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 403: ShowToast('Unlock is rejected. You are not a VIP', TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: ShowToast(response.response.message); if (onSuccess) onSuccess(); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } /** * Send request to remove all segments on a video * @param {string} videoID * @param {() => void|undefined} onSuccess function to call when the request is successful * @param {() => void|undefined} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendPurgeSegments(videoID, onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'POST', url: 'https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/purgeAllSegments', data: JSON.stringify({ videoID, userID }), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 400: ShowToast('Failed to purge segments. Please check these info and your User ID\n\n' + 'Video ID: ' + videoID, TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 403: ShowToast('Purge is rejected. You are not a VIP', TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: ShowToast('Purged all segments!'); if (onSuccess) onSuccess(); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } /** * Send request to receive information about the current user and store it in the GM storage * @param {({publicUserID: string, username: string, isVIP: boolean}) => void} onSuccess * @param {() => void} onError function to call when the request returns an error or there is an error with input */ function SendGetUserInfo(onSuccess, onError) { const userID = GM_getValue(STORAGE_VARS.PrivateUserID); if (!VerifyPrivateUserID(userID)) { ShowToast(`Invalid user ID: "${userID}"`, TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } else { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: `https://sponsor.ajay.app/api/userInfo?userID=${userID}&values=["userID","userName","vip"]`, responseType: 'json', timeout: 5000, onload: function(response) { switch (response.status) { case 400: ShowToast('Failed to get user info. Please check your User ID', TOAST_TYPE.Danger); if (onError) onError(); break; case 200: GM_setValue(STORAGE_VARS.PublicUserID, response.response.userID); GM_setValue(STORAGE_VARS.Username, response.response.userName); GM_setValue(STORAGE_VARS.IsVIP, response.response.vip); if (onSuccess) onSuccess({ publicUserID: response.response.userID, username: response.response.userName, isVIP: response.response.vip }); break; default: ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); break; } }, onerror: function() { ShowToast('Failed to send the request, something might be wrong with the server or your internet is 💩.', TOAST_TYPE.Warning); if (onError) onError(); } }); } } // Utilities function VerifyUUID(uuid) { return /^[a-f0-9]{64,65}$/.test(uuid); } function VerifyPrivateUserID(userID) { return userID && userID.length >= 32; } // Event listener for new segments document.addEventListener('newSegments', (event) => Main()); })();