pipeline { /* These should really be in a vault/credentials store but for testing * they'll be added as parameters that can be overridden in the job * configuration. */ parameters { string(name: 'BIGIP_ADDRESS', defaultValue: '', description: 'The IP address for BIG-IP management.') string(name: 'BIGIP_USER', defaultValue: 'notmyuser', description: 'The user account for authentication.') password(name: 'BIGIP_PASSWORD', defaultValue: 'notmypassword', description: 'The password for authentication.') booleanParam(name: 'DISABLE_TLS_VERIFICATION', defaultValue: true, description: 'Disable TLS and HTTPS certificate checking.') } agent { docker { image 'f5devcentral/f5-cli:latest' } } stages { stage('Prepare F5 CLI configuration') { steps { script { if(params.DISABLE_TLS_VERIFICATION) { echo 'Configuring F5 CLI to ignore TLS/HTTPS certificate errors' sh 'f5 config set-defaults --disable-ssl-warnings true' } } script { echo "Authenticating to BIG-IP instance at ${params.BIGIP_ADDRESS}" sh "f5 login --authentication-provider bigip --host ${params.BIGIP_ADDRESS} --user ${params.BIGIP_USER} --password ${params.BIGIP_PASSWORD}" } } } stage('Verify that AS3 is installed (or not)') { steps { script { echo 'Running AS3 extension check' sh 'f5 bigip extension package verify --component as3' } } } stage('Pull declaration from github (or not)') { steps { script { echo 'Pull Waff Policy from Github' sh 'wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dudesweet/simpleAS3Declare/master/basicwafpolicy.json -O basicwafpolicy.json' } } } stage('Post declaration to BigIP (or not)') { steps { script { echo 'Post declaration to BigIP (or not)' sh 'f5 bigip extension service create --component as3 --install-component --declaration basicwafpolicy.json' } } } } }