# JsValidate for Sublime Text Check your JavaScript for syntax errors: [Esprima](http://esprima.org/) with everyone's favorite text editor: [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com) **Prerequisites:** [EsValidate](http://github.com/duereg/esvalidate) and [Sublime Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/installation) **Mac OS X:** Installing node with homebrew or macports is assumed. The path to esvalidate is hardcoded in this plugin as `/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/local/bin`. There is no reliable way to get the path from your environment. **Linux:** Make sure esvalidate is in your environment path. **Windows:** Installing node with the Windows Installer from nodejs.org is assumed. ## Install esvalidate with npm npm install -g esvalidate ## Install JsValidate with Package Control in Sublime Text 1. `command`-`shift`-`P` *or* `control`-`shift`-`P` in Linux/Windows* 2. type `install p`, select `Package Control: Install Package` 3. type `JsValidate`, select `JsValidate` **Note:** Without Sublime Package Control, you could manually copy this project to your Packages directory as 'JsValidate'. ## Run JsValidate on an active JavaScript file in Sublime Text - `control`-`shift`-`V` *or Tools/Contextual menus or the Command Palette* - `F4` jump to next error row/column - `shift`-`F4` jump to previous error row-column ## Settings * Navigate to **Preferences > Package Settings > JsValidate > Settings - Default**. * To preserve custom settings: * copy default settings to **Preferences > Package Settings > JsValidate > Settings - User** * modify them to your requirements ## Run JsValidate on save By default, JsValidate does not run on save. To change, simply change the setting `run_on_save` for the project to `true`. ## Error: unknown report format sublime. Seeing this error means you are using an outdated version of [EsValidate](http://github.com/duereg/esvalidate). Update to the latest version and this error should go away. ## Blog Posts I wrote some blog posts about creating this plugin and the esvalidate library [here](http://blog.mattblair.co).