const config = require('./config.json'); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const {Logging} = require('@google-cloud/logging'); const logging = new Logging({ projectId: config.PROJECT_ID, keyFilename: config.CREDENTIALS_PATH }); /** * Logs Spinnaker events to Stackdriver Logging. * * @param {!Object} req Cloud Function request context. * @param {!Object} res Cloud Function response context. */ exports.spinnakerAuditLog = function spinnakerAuditLog (req, res) { log('req.body.payload=' + JSON.stringify(req.body.payload), null, null, 'DEBUG'); try { verifyWebhook(req.get('authorization') || ''); if (req.body.eventName !== 'spinnaker_events' || req.body.payload === undefined) { res.status(400).send('Spinnaker audit log request body is malformed.'); } else { var content = req.body.payload.content; var eventSource = req.body.payload.details.source; var eventType = req.body.payload.details.type; var execution = content.execution; var context = content.context; var stageDetails = (execution && execution.stages && execution.stages.length > 0) ? execution.stages.find(stage => stage.status === 'RUNNING') : {}; var user = execution && execution.authentication && execution.authentication.user ? execution.authentication.user : 'n/a'; if (execution && execution.trigger) { if (execution.trigger.runAsUser) { user = execution.trigger.runAsUser; } else if (execution.trigger.user) { user = execution.trigger.user; } } var creationTimestamp =, config.TIMEZONE).format('ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss z'); var reasonSegment; if (eventSource === 'igor') { if (eventType === 'build') { var lastBuild = content.project.lastBuild; var jenkinsTimestamp =, config.TIMEZONE).format('ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss z'); if (lastBuild.result === 'SUCCESS') { log('Jenkins project ' + + ' successfully completed build #' + lastBuild.number + ' at ' + jenkinsTimestamp + '.', null, null); } else { log('Jenkins project ' + + ' completed build #' + lastBuild.number + ' with status ' + lastBuild.result + ' at ' + jenkinsTimestamp + '.', null, null, 'ERROR'); } } else if (eventType === 'docker') { log('Docker tag ' + content.tag + ' was pushed to repository ' + content.repository + ' in registry ' + content.registry + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', null, null); } } else if (eventType === 'git') { log('Received webhook for project ' + content.slug + ' in org ' + content.repoProject + ' from ' + eventSource + ' at commit ' + content.hash + ' on branch ' + content.branch + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', null, null); } else if (eventType === 'orca:stage:starting' && !stageDetails.syntheticStageOwner) { if (!content.standalone) { log('User ' + user + ' executed operation ' + + ' (of type ' + stageDetails.type + ') via pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,; } else if (stageDetails.type === 'savePipeline') { log('User ' + user + ' executed operation (' + execution.description + ') at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', null, null); } else { reasonSegment = context.reason ? ' for reason "' + context.reason + '"' : ''; log('User ' + user + ' executed ad-hoc operation ' + execution.stages[0].type + ' (' + execution.description + ')' + reasonSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', null, null); } } else if (eventType === 'orca:pipeline:starting') { var parametersSegment = execution.trigger.parameters ? ' (with parameters ' + JSON.stringify(execution.trigger.parameters) + ')' : ''; log('User ' + user + ' executed pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' via ' + execution.trigger.type + ' trigger' + parametersSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,; } else if (eventType === 'orca:pipeline:failed' && execution.canceled) { var cancellationUser = execution.canceledBy ? execution.canceledBy : null; if (cancellationUser) { reasonSegment = execution.cancellationReason ? ' for reason "' + execution.cancellationReason + '"' : ''; log('User ' + cancellationUser + ' canceled pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + reasonSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,, 'WARNING'); } else { log('Pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' failed at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,, 'ERROR'); } } else if (eventType === 'orca:pipeline:complete') { log('Pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' completed at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,; } else if (!content.standalone && context && stageDetails && stageDetails.type === 'manualJudgment' && eventType === 'orca:task:failed') { var judgmentInputSegment = context.judgmentInput ? ' (judgment "' + context.judgmentInput + '" was selected)' : ''; log('User ' + context.lastModifiedBy + ' judged stage ' + + ' of pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' to stop' + judgmentInputSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,, 'WARNING'); } else if (!content.standalone && context && stageDetails && stageDetails.type === 'manualJudgment' && eventType === 'orca:task:complete') { var judgmentInputSegment = context.judgmentInput ? ' (judgment "' + context.judgmentInput + '" was selected)' : ''; log('User ' + context.lastModifiedBy + ' judged stage ' + + ' of pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' to continue' + judgmentInputSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.'); } else if (eventType === 'orca:task:failed') { var failureReasonSegment = context.exception && context.exception.details && context.exception.details.errors && context.exception.details.errors[0] ? ' due to ' + JSON.stringify(context.exception.details.errors) : ''; if (!content.standalone) { log('Operation ' + + ' (of type ' + stageDetails.type + ') of pipeline ' + + ' of application ' + execution.application + ' failed' + failureReasonSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', execution.application,, 'ERROR'); } else { log('Ad-hoc operation ' + stageDetails.type + ' failed' + failureReasonSegment + ' at ' + creationTimestamp + '.', null, null, 'ERROR'); } } res.status(200).send('Success: ' + req.body.eventName); } } catch (err) { log(err, 'ERROR'); res.status(err.code || 500).send(err); } }; /** * Verify that the webhook request came from spinnaker/echo. * * @param {string} authorization The authorization header of the request, e.g. "Basic ZmdvOhJhcg==" */ function verifyWebhook (authorization) { const basicAuth = new Buffer(authorization.replace('Basic ', ''), 'base64').toString(); const parts = basicAuth.split(':'); if (parts[0] !== config.USERNAME || parts[1] !== config.PASSWORD) { const error = new Error('Invalid credentials'); error.code = 401; throw error; } } /** * Writes message to StackDriver with specified severity. * * @param {string} message - The message to log to StackDriver logging. * @param {('ALERT', 'CRITICAL', 'DEBUG', 'EMERGENCY', 'ERROR', 'INFO', 'NOTICE', 'WARNING', 'WRITE')} severity - The * severity of the logged message. Defaults to 'INFO'. */ function log(message, application, pipeline, severity = 'INFO') { var log = logging.log(config.AUDIT_LOG_NAME); var metadata = {resource: {type: 'cloud_function'}, severity: severity}; var jsonPayload = {message: message}; if (application) { jsonPayload.application = application; } if (pipeline) { jsonPayload.pipeline = pipeline; } var entry = log.entry(metadata, jsonPayload); log.write(entry); }