# Ghetto CoffeeScript Unfortunately you sometimes still have to use JavaScript. Protect your eyes and pretend you have sugary syntax with this colour scheme. ![Ghetto CoffeeScript](http://i.imgur.com/85LsnRC.png "Slightly better") ## Installation ### Sublime Text For the sublime text editor the colour scheme can be installed using [Package Control.](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) Select the 'Ghetto CoffeeScript' package from the official repository. Otherwise, first find your Sublime Text packages directory. This can be found using the `Preferences -> Browse Packages` menu from within Sublime Text 2. Then either create a `ghetto-coffeescript` folder within this directory and copy the contents of the github repository inside or clone the repo with GIT from within the packages directory: git clone https://github.com/dunckr/ghetto-coffeescript ## Activating the Colour Scheme ### Sublime Text To use the colour scheme you can either select from the preferences: Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Color Scheme -> ghetto-coffeescript -> GhettoCoffeeScript Or you can add to your user preferences: * Open your User Settings Preferences file `Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User` * Add/update the following property `"color_scheme": "GhettoCoffeeScript.tmTheme" **Example Sublime Text User Settings** { "color_scheme": "GhettoCoffeeScript.tmTheme" } ## License MIT © [Duncan Beaton](http://dunckr.com)