get_id(); $product_type = $product->get_type(); $remarketing_id = $product_id; $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); if ( 'variation' === $product_type ) { $parent_product_id = $product->get_parent_id(); $product_cat = gtm4wp_get_product_category( $parent_product_id, $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCUSEFULLCATEGORYPATH ] ); } else { $product_cat = gtm4wp_get_product_category( $product_id, $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCUSEFULLCATEGORYPATH ] ); } $product_cat_parts = explode( '/', $product_cat ); if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCUSESKU ] && ( '' !== $product_sku ) ) { $remarketing_id = $product_sku; } $_temp_productdata = array( 'internal_id' => $product_id, 'item_id' => $remarketing_id, 'item_name' => $product->get_title(), 'sku' => $product_sku ? $product_sku : $product_id, 'price' => round( (float) wc_get_price_to_display( $product ), 2 ), // Unfortunately this does not force a .00 postfix for integers. 'stocklevel' => $product->get_stock_quantity(), 'stockstatus' => $product->get_stock_status(), 'google_business_vertical' => $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCBUSINESSVERTICAL ], ); if ( 'variation' === $product_type ) { $_temp_productdata['item_group_id'] = $parent_product_id; } if ( 1 === count( $product_cat_parts ) ) { $_temp_productdata['item_category'] = $product_cat_parts[0]; } elseif ( count( $product_cat_parts ) > 1 ) { $_temp_productdata['item_category'] = $product_cat_parts[0]; $max_category_levels = min( 5, count( $product_cat_parts ) ); for ( $i = 1; $i < $max_category_levels; $i++ ) { $_temp_productdata[ 'item_category' . ( $i + 1 ) ] = $product_cat_parts[ $i ]; } } $_temp_productdata[ gtm4wp_get_gads_product_id_variable_name( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCBUSINESSVERTICAL ] ) ] = gtm4wp_prefix_productid( $_temp_productdata['item_id'], $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCREMPRODIDPREFIX ] ); if ( '' !== $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCEECBRANDTAXONOMY ] ) { if ( isset( $parent_product_id ) && ( 0 !== $parent_product_id ) ) { $product_id_to_query = $parent_product_id; } else { $product_id_to_query = $product_id; } $_temp_productdata['item_brand'] = gtm4wp_get_product_term( $product_id_to_query, $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCEECBRANDTAXONOMY ] ); } if ( 'variation' === $product_type ) { $_temp_productdata['item_variant'] = implode( ',', $product->get_variation_attributes() ); } $_temp_productdata = array_merge( $_temp_productdata, $additional_product_attributes ); /** * Filters the ecommerce array before using it for tracking. * Can be used to add custom dimensions and metrics on your own or to later existing product attributes based on your own logic. * * Called before outputting any of the following ecommerce action. * The action can be identified using the attributes_used_for parameter of the filter. * * purchase: order received page * cart: cart page * checkout: checkout page * productdetail: product detail page * readdedtocart: user clicked on the “Undo” link on the cart page after removing an item * addtocartsingle: product added to cart * widgetproduct: product shown in a sidebar widget * productlist: product shown in a product list (category page or special product list like ‘New products’) * groupedproductlist: product shown on a product detail page of a grouped product * * @param array $_temp_productdata An associative array containing all GA4 product attributes as well as any custom attribute * @param string $attributes_used_for The name of the ecommerce action where this product will be used */ return apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_PRODUCT_ARRAY, $_temp_productdata, $attributes_used_for ); } /** * Takes a WooCommerce order and returns an associative array that can be used * for enhanced ecommerce tracking and Google Ads dynamic remarketing (legacy version). * * @param WC_Order $order The order that needs to be processed. * @return array An array with an array of product data. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_order_items( $order ) { $order_data = array(); if ( ! $order ) { return $order_data; } if ( ! ( $order instanceof WC_Order ) ) { return $order_data; } $order_items = $order->get_items(); if ( $order_items ) { foreach ( $order_items as $order_item ) { /** * This filter allows 3rd party code to exclude specific products from reporting. * * @param bool true Constant value telling 3rd party code that the order item will be included in reporting if not changed by the filter. * @param WC_Order_Item $order_item The order item object retrived from WooCommerce. * * return bool If the filter returns false, the order item will be omitted from processing. */ if ( ! apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_ORDER_ITEM, true, $order_item ) ) { continue; } $product = $order_item->get_product(); $inc_tax = ( 'incl' === get_option( 'woocommerce_tax_display_shop' ) ); $product_price = round( (float) $order->get_item_total( $order_item, $inc_tax ), 2 ); $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'quantity' => $order_item->get_quantity(), 'price' => $product_price, ), 'purchase' ); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); if ( $eec_product_array ) { $order_data[] = $eec_product_array; } } } // No need to apply a filter here since all products in the array have been already filtered in gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product(). return $order_data; } /** * Returns an associative array that can be used in the data layer to output the raw order data. * * @param WC_Order $order The WooCommerce order object. * @param array $order_items An array including product data generated with gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product(). * @return array */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_raw_order_datalayer( $order, $order_items ) { $order_data = array(); if ( ! ( $order instanceof WC_Order ) ) { return $order_data; } if ( ! is_array( $order_items ) ) { return $order_data; } $billing_email_hash = gtm4wp_normalize_and_hash_email_address( 'sha256', $order->get_billing_email() ); $billing_first_hash = gtm4wp_normalize_and_hash( 'sha256', $order->get_billing_first_name(), false ); $billing_last_hash = gtm4wp_normalize_and_hash( 'sha256', $order->get_billing_last_name(), false ); $billing_phone_hash = gtm4wp_normalize_and_hash( 'sha256', $order->get_billing_phone(), true ); $order_data = array( 'attributes' => array( 'date' => $order->get_date_created()->date( 'c' ), 'order_number' => $order->get_order_number(), 'order_key' => $order->get_order_key(), 'payment_method' => esc_js( $order->get_payment_method() ), 'payment_method_title' => esc_js( $order->get_payment_method_title() ), 'shipping_method' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_method() ), 'status' => esc_js( $order->get_status() ), 'coupons' => implode( ', ', $order->get_coupon_codes() ), ), 'totals' => array( 'currency' => esc_js( $order->get_currency() ), 'discount_total' => esc_js( $order->get_discount_total() ), 'discount_tax' => esc_js( $order->get_discount_tax() ), 'shipping_total' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_total() ), 'shipping_tax' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_tax() ), 'cart_tax' => esc_js( $order->get_cart_tax() ), 'total' => esc_js( $order->get_total() ), 'total_tax' => esc_js( $order->get_total_tax() ), 'total_discount' => esc_js( $order->get_total_discount() ), 'subtotal' => esc_js( $order->get_subtotal() ), 'tax_totals' => $order->get_tax_totals(), ), 'customer' => array( 'id' => $order->get_customer_id(), 'billing' => array( 'first_name' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_first_name() ), 'first_name_hash' => esc_js( $billing_first_hash ), 'last_name' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_last_name() ), 'last_name_hash' => esc_js( $billing_last_hash ), 'company' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_company() ), 'address_1' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_address_1() ), 'address_2' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_address_2() ), 'city' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_city() ), 'state' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_state() ), 'postcode' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_postcode() ), 'country' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_country() ), 'email' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_email() ), 'emailhash' => esc_js( $billing_email_hash ), // deprecated. 'email_hash' => esc_js( $billing_email_hash ), 'phone' => esc_js( $order->get_billing_phone() ), 'phone_hash' => esc_js( $billing_phone_hash ), ), 'shipping' => array( 'first_name' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_first_name() ), 'last_name' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_last_name() ), 'company' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_company() ), 'address_1' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_address_1() ), 'address_2' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_address_2() ), 'city' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_city() ), 'state' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_state() ), 'postcode' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_postcode() ), 'country' => esc_js( $order->get_shipping_country() ), ), ), 'items' => $order_items, ); /** * Filters the orderData array before using it for tracking. * Can be used to add custom order or even product data into the data layer. * * @param array $order_data An associative array containing all data (head data and products) about the currently placed order. * @param WC_Order $order The WooCommerce order object. */ return apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_ORDER_DATA, $order_data, $order ); } /** * Takes a WooCommerce order and order items and generates the standard/classic and * enhanced ecommerce version of the purchase data layer codes for Universal Analytics. * * @param WC_Order $order The WooCommerce order that needs to be transformed into an enhanced ecommerce data layer. * @param array $order_items The array returned by gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_order_items(). It not set, then function will call gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_order_items(). * @return array The data layer content as an associative array that can be passed to json_encode() to product a JavaScript object used by GTM. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_purchase_datalayer( $order, $order_items = null ) { global $gtm4wp_options; $data_layer = array(); if ( $order instanceof WC_Order ) { if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCEXCLUDETAX ] ) { $order_revenue = (float) ( $order->get_total() - $order->get_total_tax() ); } else { $order_revenue = (float) $order->get_total(); } $order_shipping_cost = (float) $order->get_shipping_total(); if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCEXCLUDESHIPPING ] ) { $order_revenue -= $order_shipping_cost; } $order_currency = $order->get_currency(); $data_layer['event'] = 'purchase'; $data_layer['ecommerce'] = array( 'currency' => $order_currency, 'transaction_id' => $order->get_order_number(), 'affiliation' => '', 'value' => $order_revenue, 'tax' => (float) $order->get_total_tax(), 'shipping' => (float) ( $order->get_shipping_total() ), 'coupon' => implode( ', ', $order->get_coupon_codes() ), ); if ( isset( $order_items ) ) { $_order_items = $order_items; } else { $_order_items = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_order_items( $order ); } if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $data_layer['ecommerce']['items'] = $_order_items; } } /** * Filters the ecommerce purchase data layer content. * Can be used to add custom data to the data layer when the purhcase ecommerce action is included. * * @param array $data_layer An associative array containing the full data layer including purchase header attributes. * @param WC_Order $order The WooCommerce order that needs to be transformed into an enhanced ecommerce data layer. */ return apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_ECC_PURCHASE_DATALAYER, $data_layer, $order ); } /** * Function executed when the main GTM4WP data layer generation happens. * Hooks into gtm4wp_compile_datalayer. * * @param array $data_layer An array of key-value pairs that will be converted into a JavaScript object on the frontend for GTM. * @return array Extended data layer content with WooCommerce data added. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_datalayer_filter_items( $data_layer ) { global $gtm4wp_options; if ( array_key_exists( 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', $_SERVER ) ) { return $data_layer; } $woo = WC(); // Customer data will be present on every pageview if feature is enabled. if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCCUSTOMERDATA ] ) { if ( $woo->customer instanceof WC_Customer ) { // we need to use this instead of $woo->customer as this will load proper total order number and value from the database instead of the session. $woo_customer = new WC_Customer( $woo->customer->get_id() ); $data_layer['customerTotalOrders'] = $woo_customer->get_order_count(); $data_layer['customerTotalOrderValue'] = $woo_customer->get_total_spent(); $data_layer['customerFirstName'] = $woo_customer->get_first_name(); $data_layer['customerLastName'] = $woo_customer->get_last_name(); $data_layer['customerBillingFirstName'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_first_name(); $data_layer['customerBillingLastName'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_last_name(); $data_layer['customerBillingCompany'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_company(); $data_layer['customerBillingAddress1'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_address_1(); $data_layer['customerBillingAddress2'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_address_2(); $data_layer['customerBillingCity'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_city(); $data_layer['customerBillingState'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_state(); $data_layer['customerBillingPostcode'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_postcode(); $data_layer['customerBillingCountry'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_country(); $data_layer['customerBillingEmail'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_email(); $data_layer['customerBillingEmailHash'] = gtm4wp_normalize_and_hash_email_address( 'sha256', $woo_customer->get_billing_email() ); $data_layer['customerBillingPhone'] = $woo_customer->get_billing_phone(); $data_layer['customerShippingFirstName'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_first_name(); $data_layer['customerShippingLastName'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_last_name(); $data_layer['customerShippingCompany'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_company(); $data_layer['customerShippingAddress1'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_address_1(); $data_layer['customerShippingAddress2'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_address_2(); $data_layer['customerShippingCity'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_city(); $data_layer['customerShippingState'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_state(); $data_layer['customerShippingPostcode'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_postcode(); $data_layer['customerShippingCountry'] = $woo_customer->get_shipping_country(); } } // Cart content will be present on every pageview if feature is enabled. if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCEINCLUDECARTINDL ] && isset( $woo ) && isset( $woo->cart ) ) { $current_cart = $woo->cart; $data_layer['cartContent'] = array( 'totals' => array( 'applied_coupons' => $current_cart->get_applied_coupons(), 'discount_total' => $current_cart->get_discount_total(), 'subtotal' => $current_cart->get_subtotal(), 'total' => $current_cart->get_cart_contents_total(), ), 'items' => array(), ); foreach ( $current_cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_id => $cart_item_data ) { /** * Applying WooCommerce's own woocommerce_cart_item_product filter here is essential in order to hide everything * from tracking codes that is not visible to the user as well. */ $product = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', $cart_item_data['data'], $cart_item_data, $cart_item_id ); /** * This filter allows 3rd party code to exclude specific products from reporting. * * @param bool true Constant value telling 3rd party code that the order item will be included in reporting if not changed by the filter. * @param array $cart_item_data Associative array generated by WooCommerce returned by the WC()->cart->get_cart() function call. * * return bool If the filter returns false, the cart item will be omitted from processing. */ if ( ! apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_CART_ITEM, true, $cart_item_data ) || ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_widget_cart_item_visible', true, $cart_item_data, $cart_item_id ) ) { continue; } $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'quantity' => $cart_item_data['quantity'], ), 'cart' ); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); $data_layer['cartContent']['items'][] = $eec_product_array; } } // Product detail view data layer content. if ( is_product() ) { if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $postid = get_the_ID(); $product = wc_get_product( $postid ); $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array(), 'productdetail' ); $data_layer['productRatingCounts'] = $product->get_rating_counts(); $data_layer['productAverageRating'] = (float) $product->get_average_rating(); $data_layer['productReviewCount'] = (int) $product->get_review_count(); $data_layer['productType'] = $product->get_type(); switch ( $data_layer['productType'] ) { case 'variable': $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 1; if ( true === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCVIEWITEMONPARENT ] ) { $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); gtm4wp_datalayer_push( 'view_item', array( 'ecommerce' => array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $eec_product_array['price'], 'items' => array( $eec_product_array, ), ), ) ); } break; case 'grouped': $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 0; break; default: $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 0; $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); gtm4wp_datalayer_push( 'view_item', array( 'ecommerce' => array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $eec_product_array['price'], 'items' => array( $eec_product_array, ), ), ) ); } } } elseif ( is_cart() ) { // Cart page data layer content. if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $gtm4wp_cart_products = array(); $gtm4wp_cart_total = 0; $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); foreach ( $woo->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_id => $cart_item_data ) { /** * Applying WooCommerce's own woocommerce_cart_item_product filter here is essential in order to hide everything * from tracking codes that is not visible to the user as well. */ $product = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', $cart_item_data['data'], $cart_item_data, $cart_item_id ); /** * This filter allows 3rd party code to exclude specific products from reporting. * * @param bool true Constant value telling 3rd party code that the order item will be included in reporting if not changed by the filter. * @param array $cart_item_data Associative array generated by WooCommerce returned by the WC()->cart->get_cart() function call. * * return bool If the filter returns false, the cart item will be omitted from processing. */ if ( ! apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_CART_ITEM, true, $cart_item_data ) ) { continue; } $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'quantity' => $cart_item_data['quantity'], ), 'cart' ); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); $gtm4wp_cart_products[] = $eec_product_array; $gtm4wp_cart_total += $eec_product_array['price'] * $eec_product_array['quantity']; } gtm4wp_datalayer_push( 'view_cart', array( 'ecommerce' => array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $gtm4wp_cart_total, 'items' => $gtm4wp_cart_products, ), ) ); } } elseif ( is_checkout() ) { if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $gtm4wp_checkout_products = array(); $gtm4wp_checkout_total = 0; $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); foreach ( $woo->cart->get_cart() as $cart_item_id => $cart_item_data ) { /** * Applying WooCommerce's own woocommerce_cart_item_product filter here is essential in order to hide everything * from tracking codes that is not visible to the user as well. */ $product = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', $cart_item_data['data'], $cart_item_data, $cart_item_id ); /** * This filter allows 3rd party code to exclude specific products from reporting. * * @param bool true Constant value telling 3rd party code that the order item will be included in reporting if not changed by the filter. * @param array $cart_item_data Associative array generated by WooCommerce returned by the WC()->cart->get_cart() function call. * * return bool If the filter returns false, the cart item will be omitted from processing. */ if ( ! apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_CART_ITEM, true, $cart_item_data ) ) { continue; } $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'quantity' => $cart_item_data['quantity'], ), 'checkout' ); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); $gtm4wp_checkout_products[] = $eec_product_array; $gtm4wp_checkout_total += $eec_product_array['quantity'] * $eec_product_array['price']; } // end foreach cart item gtm4wp_datalayer_push( 'begin_checkout', array( 'ecommerce' => array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $gtm4wp_checkout_total, 'items' => $gtm4wp_checkout_products, ), ) ); wc_enqueue_js( ' window.gtm4wp_checkout_products = ' . wp_json_encode( $gtm4wp_checkout_products ) . '; window.gtm4wp_checkout_value = ' . (float) $gtm4wp_checkout_total . ';' ); } } // Handle add_to_cart event when product was readded after removing from the cart. if ( $woo && $woo->session ) { $cart_readded_hash = $woo->session->get( 'gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart' ); if ( isset( $cart_readded_hash ) ) { $cart_item = $woo->cart->get_cart_item( $cart_readded_hash ); if ( ! empty( $cart_item ) ) { $product = $cart_item['data']; $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'quantity' => $cart_item['quantity'], ), 'readdedtocart' ); $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); unset( $eec_product_array['internal_id'] ); gtm4wp_datalayer_push( 'add_to_cart', array( 'ecommerce' => array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $eec_product_array['price'] * $eec_product_array['quantity'], 'items' => array( $eec_product_array ), ), ) ); } $woo->session->set( 'gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart', null ); } } gtm4wp_fire_additional_datalayer_pushes(); return apply_filters( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_EEC_DATALAYER_PAGELOAD, $data_layer ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_thankyou. * This is a fallback function to output purchase data layer on customized order received pages where * the is_order_received_page() template tag returns false for some reason. * * @param int $order_id The ID of the order placed by the user just recently. * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_thankyou( $order_id ) { global $gtm4wp_options, $gtm4wp_datalayer_name; if ( $order_id > 0 ) { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); } $data_layer = array(); if ( isset( $order ) && $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCORDERMAXAGE ] ) { $now = new DateTime( 'now', $order->get_date_created()->getTimezone() ); if ( $order->is_paid() && $order->get_date_paid() ) { $diff = $now->diff( $order->get_date_paid() ); $minutes = ( $diff->days * 24 * 60 ) + ( $diff->h * 60 ) + $diff->i; } else { $diff = $now->diff( $order->get_date_created() ); $minutes = ( $diff->days * 24 * 60 ) + ( $diff->h * 60 ) + $diff->i; } if ( $minutes > $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCORDERMAXAGE ] ) { unset( $order ); } } $order_items = null; // Raw order data will be outputted regardless of whether the purhcase has been already tracked previously, since this data is not meant to track using GA. if ( isset( $order ) && $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCORDERDATA ] ) { $order_items = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_order_items( $order ); $data_layer['orderData'] = gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_raw_order_datalayer( $order, $order_items ); } $do_not_flag_tracked_order = (bool) ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCNOORDERTRACKEDFLAG ] ); if ( isset( $order ) && ( 1 === (int) $order->get_meta( '_ga_tracked', true ) ) && ! $do_not_flag_tracked_order ) { unset( $order ); } if ( isset( $_COOKIE['gtm4wp_orderid_tracked'] ) ) { $tracked_order_id = filter_var( wp_unslash( $_COOKIE['gtm4wp_orderid_tracked'] ), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ); if ( $tracked_order_id && ( $tracked_order_id === $order_id ) && ! $do_not_flag_tracked_order ) { unset( $order ); } } if ( isset( $order ) && ( 'failed' === $order->get_status() ) ) { // do not track order where payment failed. unset( $order ); } if ( isset( $order ) ) { /** * Variable for Google Smart Shopping campaign new customer reporting. * * @see */ $data_layer['new_customer'] = \Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\API\Reports\Orders\Stats\DataStore::is_returning_customer( $order ) === false; $purchase_data_layer = gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_purchase_datalayer( $order, $order_items ); $data_layer = array_merge( $data_layer, $purchase_data_layer ); $script_tag = ' ' . gtm4wp_generate_script_opening_tag() . ' // Check whether this order has been already tracked in this browser. // Read order id already tracked from cookies or local storage. let gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = ""; if ( !window.localStorage ) { let gtm4wp_cookie = "; " + document.cookie; let gtm4wp_cookie_parts = gtm4wp_cookie.split( "; gtm4wp_orderid_tracked=" ); if ( gtm4wp_cookie_parts.length == 2 ) { gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = gtm4wp_cookie_parts.pop().split(";").shift(); } } else { gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = window.localStorage.getItem( "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked" ); } // Check whether this order has been already tracked before in this browser. let gtm4wp_order_already_tracked = false; if ( gtm4wp_orderid_tracked && ( ' . esc_js( $order->get_order_number() ) . ' == gtm4wp_orderid_tracked ) ) { gtm4wp_order_already_tracked = true; } // only push purchase action if not tracked already. if ( !gtm4wp_order_already_tracked ) { window.' . esc_js( $gtm4wp_datalayer_name ) . ' = window.' . esc_js( $gtm4wp_datalayer_name ) . ' || []; window.' . esc_js( $gtm4wp_datalayer_name ) . '.push(' . wp_json_encode( $data_layer ) . '); } // Store order ID to prevent tracking this purchase again. if ( !window.localStorage ) { var gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire = new Date(); gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.setTime( gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000) ); var gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expires_part = "expires=" + gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.toUTCString(); document.cookie = "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked=" + ' . esc_js( $order->get_order_number() ) . ' + ";" + gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expires_part + ";path=/"; } else { window.localStorage.setItem( "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked", ' . esc_js( $order->get_order_number() ) . ' ); } '; echo htmlspecialchars_decode( //phpcs:ignore wp_kses( $script_tag, gtm4wp_get_sanitize_script_block_rules() ) ); if ( ! $do_not_flag_tracked_order ) { $order->update_meta_data( '_ga_tracked', 1 ); $order->save(); } } } /** * Function executed with the woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button hook. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_single_add_to_cart_tracking() { global $product, $gtm4wp_options; // exit early if there is nothing to do. if ( false === $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { return; } $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array(), 'addtocartsingle' ); echo '' . "\n"; } /** * Ecommerce product array with the product that is currently shown in the cart. * * @var array */ $GLOBALS['gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata'] = ''; /** * Executed during woocommerce_cart_item_product for each product in the cart. * Stores the ecommerce product data into a global variable * to be processed when the cart item is rendered. * * @see * * @param WC_Product $product A WooCommerce product that is shown in the cart. * @param string $cart_item Not used by this hook. * @param string $cart_id Not used by this hook. * @return array Ecommerce product data in an associative array. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_product_filter( $product, $cart_item = '', $cart_id = '' ) { global $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata; $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'productlink' => apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink(), 0 ), ), 'cart' ); $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata = $eec_product_array; return $product; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link. * Adds additional product data into the remove product link of the cart table to be able to track * ecommerce remove_from_cart action with product data. * * @global gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata The previously stored product array in gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_product_filter. * * @param string $remove_from_cart_link The HTML code of the remove from cart link element. * @return string The updated remove product from cart link with product data added in data attributes. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link_filter( $remove_from_cart_link ) { global $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata; if ( ! isset( $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata ) ) { return $remove_from_cart_link; } if ( ! is_array( $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata ) ) { return $remove_from_cart_link; } if ( ! isset( $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata['item_variant'] ) ) { $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata['item_variant'] = ''; } if ( ! isset( $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata['item_brand'] ) ) { $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata['item_brand'] = ''; } $cartlink_with_data = sprintf( 'data-gtm4wp_product_data="%s" href="', esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata ) ) ); $gtm4wp_cart_item_proddata = ''; return gtm4wp_str_replace_first( 'href="', $cartlink_with_data, $remove_from_cart_link ); } /** * Executed during loop_end. * Resets the product impression list name after a specific product list ended rendering. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_reset_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = ''; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_related_products_args. * Sets the currently rendered product list impression name to Related Products. * * @param array $arg Not used by this hook. * @return array */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_related_to_loop( $arg ) { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Related Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); return $arg; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_cross_sells_columns. * Sets the currently rendered product list impression name to Cross-Sell Products. * * @param array $arg Not used by this hook. * @return array */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_cross_sell_to_loop( $arg ) { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Cross-Sell Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); return $arg; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_upsells_columns. * Sets the currently rendered product list impression name to Upsell Products. * * @param array $arg Not used by this hook. * @return array */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_upsells_to_loop( $arg ) { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Upsell Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); return $arg; } /** * Executed during widget_title. * This hook is used for any custom (classic) product list widget with custom title. * The widget title will be used to report a custom product list name into Google Analytics. * This function also resets the $gtm4wp_product_counter global variable to report the first * product in the widget in the proper position. * * @param string $widget_title The title of the widget being rendered. * @return string The updated widget title which is not changed by this function. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_widget_title_filter( $widget_title ) { global $gtm4wp_product_counter, $gtm4wp_last_widget_title; $gtm4wp_product_counter = 1; $gtm4wp_last_widget_title = $widget_title . __( ' (widget)', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); return $widget_title; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_recent_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_recent_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Recent Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_sale_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_sale_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Sale Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_best_selling_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_best_selling_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Best Selling Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_top_rated_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_top_rated_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Top Rated Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_featured_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_featured_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Featured Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_shortcode_before_related_products_loop. * Sets the product list title for product list impression reporting. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_related_products_loop() { global $woocommerce_loop; $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] = __( 'Related Products', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_before_template_part. * Starts output buffering in order to be able to add product data attributes to the link element * of a product list (classic) widget. * * @param string $template_name The template part that is being rendered. * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_template_part( $template_name ) { ob_start(); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_after_template_part. * Stops output buffering and gets the generated content since woocommerce_before_template_part. * Adds data attributes into the product link to be able to track product list impression and * click actions with Google Tag Manager. * * @param string $template_name The template part that is being rendered. This functions looks for content-widget-product.php. * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_after_template_part( $template_name ) { global $product, $gtm4wp_product_counter, $gtm4wp_last_widget_title; $productitem = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ( 'content-widget-product.php' === $template_name ) { $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'productlink' => apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink(), 0 ), 'item_list_name' => $gtm4wp_last_widget_title, 'index' => $gtm4wp_product_counter, ), 'widgetproduct' ); if ( ! isset( $eec_product_array['item_brand'] ) ) { $eec_product_array['item_brand'] = ''; } $productlink_with_data = sprintf( 'data-gtm4wp_product_data="%s" href="', esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $eec_product_array ) ) ); $gtm4wp_product_counter++; $productitem = str_replace( 'href="', $productlink_with_data, $productitem ); } /* $productitem is initialized as the template itself outputs a product item. Therefore I can not pass this to wp_kses() as it can include eventually any HTML. This filter function only adds additional attributes to the link element that points to a product detail page. Attribute values are escaped above. */ echo $productitem; // phpcs:ignore } /** * Generates a element that can be used as a hidden addition to the DOM to be able to report * product list impressions and clicks on list pages like product category or tag pages. * * @param WC_Product $product A WooCommerce product object. * @param string $listtype The name of the product list where the product is currently shown. * @param string $itemix The index of the product in the product list. The first product should have the index no. 1. * @param string $permalink The link where the click should land when a users clicks on this product element. * @return string A hidden element that includes all product data needed for enhanced ecommerce reporting in product lists. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_product_list_item_extra_tag( $product, $listtype, $itemix, $permalink ) { if ( ! isset( $product ) ) { return; } if ( ! ( $product instanceof WC_Product ) ) { return false; } if ( is_search() ) { $list_name = __( 'Search Results', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } elseif ( '' !== $listtype ) { $list_name = $listtype; } else { $list_name = __( 'General Product List', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); } $paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) ? get_query_var( 'paged' ) : 1; $posts_per_page = get_query_var( 'posts_per_page' ); if ( $posts_per_page < 1 ) { $posts_per_page = 1; } $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'productlink' => $permalink, 'item_list_name' => $list_name, 'index' => (int) $itemix + ( $posts_per_page * ( $paged - 1 ) ), 'product_type' => $product->get_type(), ), 'productlist' ); if ( ! isset( $eec_product_array['item_brand'] ) ) { $eec_product_array['item_brand'] = ''; } return sprintf( '', esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $eec_product_array ) ) ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item. * Shows a hidden element with product data to report enhanced ecommerce * product impression and click actions in product lists. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item() { global $product, $woocommerce_loop; $listtype = ''; if ( isset( $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] ) && ( '' !== $woocommerce_loop['listtype'] ) ) { $listtype = $woocommerce_loop['listtype']; } $itemix = ''; if ( isset( $woocommerce_loop['loop'] ) && ( '' !== $woocommerce_loop['loop'] ) ) { $itemix = $woocommerce_loop['loop']; } // no need to escape here as everthing is handled within the function call with esc_attr() and esc_url(). echo gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_product_list_item_extra_tag( //phpcs:ignore $product, $listtype, $itemix, apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink(), 0 ) ); } /** * Executed during woocommerce_cart_item_restored. * When the user restores the just removed cart item, this function stores the cart item key to * be able to generate an add_to_cart event after restoration completes. * * @param string $cart_item_key A unique cart item key. * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_restored( $cart_item_key ) { $woo = WC(); if ( $woo && $woo->session ) { $woo->session->set( 'gtm4wp_product_readded_to_cart', $cart_item_key ); } } /** * Executed during wp_enqueue_scripts. * Loads ecommerce frontend JavaScript codes to track on site events and interactions. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_enqueue_scripts() { global $gtm4wp_options, $gtp4wp_script_path; if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $in_footer = (bool) apply_filters( 'gtm4wp_' . GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'gtm4wp-ecommerce-generic', $gtp4wp_script_path . 'gtm4wp-ecommerce-generic.js', array(), GTM4WP_VERSION, $in_footer ); wp_enqueue_script( 'gtm4wp-woocommerce', $gtp4wp_script_path . 'gtm4wp-woocommerce.js', array( 'jquery' ), GTM4WP_VERSION, $in_footer ); } } /** * Executed during wc_quick_view_before_single_product. * This function makes GTM4WP compatible with the WooCommerce Quick View plugin. * It allows GTM4WP to fire product detail action when quick view is opened. * * @return void */ function gtm4wp_wc_quick_view_before_single_product() { global $gtm4wp_options; $data_layer = array( 'event' => 'view_item', ); if ( $gtm4wp_options[ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { $postid = get_the_ID(); $product = wc_get_product( $postid ); $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array(), 'productdetail' ); $data_layer['productRatingCounts'] = $product->get_rating_counts(); $data_layer['productAverageRating'] = (float) $product->get_average_rating(); $data_layer['productReviewCount'] = (int) $product->get_review_count(); $data_layer['productType'] = $product->get_type(); switch ( $data_layer['productType'] ) { case 'variable': $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 1; break; case 'grouped': $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 0; break; default: $data_layer['productIsVariable'] = 0; $gtm4wp_currency = get_woocommerce_currency(); $data_layer['ecommerce'] = array( 'currency' => $gtm4wp_currency, 'value' => $eec_product_array['price'], 'item' => $eec_product_array, ); } } echo ' '; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_grouped_product_list_column_label. * Adds product list impression info into every product listed on a grouped product detail page to * track product list impression and click interactions for individual products in the grouped product. * * @param string $labelvalue Not used by this function, returns the value without modifying it. * @param WC_Product $product The WooCommerce product object being shown. * @return string The string that has been passed to the $labelvalue parameter without any modification. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_grouped_product_list_column_label( $labelvalue, $product ) { global $gtm4wp_grouped_product_ix; if ( ! isset( $product ) ) { return $labelvalue; } $list_name = __( 'Grouped Product Detail Page', 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager' ); $eec_product_array = gtm4wp_woocommerce_process_product( $product, array( 'productlink' => $product->get_permalink(), 'item_list_name' => $list_name, 'index' => $gtm4wp_grouped_product_ix, ), 'groupedproductlist' ); $gtm4wp_grouped_product_ix++; if ( ! isset( $eec_product_array['item_brand'] ) ) { $eec_product_array['item_brand'] = ''; } $labelvalue .= sprintf( '', esc_attr( wp_json_encode( $eec_product_array ) ) ); return $labelvalue; } /** * Executed during woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html. * Adds product list impression data into a product list that has been generated using the block templates * provided by WooCommerce. This allows proper tracking ot WooCommerce Blocks with product list * impression and click actions. * * @param string $content Product grid item HTML. * @param object $data Product data passed to the template. * @param WC_Product $product Product object. * @return string The product grid item HTML with added hidden element for ecommerce tracking. */ function gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_productdata_to_wc_block( $content, $data, $product ) { $product_data_tag = gtm4wp_woocommerce_get_product_list_item_extra_tag( $product, '', 0, $data->permalink ); return preg_replace( '//i', '$0' . $product_data_tag, $content ); } add_filter( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_COMPILE_DATALAYER, 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_datalayer_filter_items' ); add_filter( 'loop_end', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_reset_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_add_to_cart_button', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_single_add_to_cart_tracking' ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_enqueue_scripts' ); add_filter( GTM4WP_WPFILTER_ADDGLOBALVARS_ARRAY, 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_global_vars' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_blocks_product_grid_item_html', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_productdata_to_wc_block', 10, 3 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_thankyou' ); if ( true === $GLOBALS['gtm4wp_options'][ GTM4WP_OPTION_INTEGRATE_WCTRACKECOMMERCE ] ) { add_action( 'woocommerce_before_template_part', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_template_part' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_after_template_part', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_after_template_part' ); add_filter( 'widget_title', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_widget_title_filter' ); add_action( 'wc_quick_view_before_single_product', 'gtm4wp_wc_quick_view_before_single_product' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_grouped_product_list_column_label', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_grouped_product_list_column_label', 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_item_product', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_product_filter' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_remove_link_filter' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_cart_item_restored', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_cart_item_restored' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_related_products_args', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_related_to_loop' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_related_products_columns', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_related_to_loop' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_cross_sells_columns', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_cross_sell_to_loop' ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_upsells_columns', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_add_upsells_to_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_recent_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_recent_products_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_sale_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_sale_products_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_best_selling_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_best_selling_products_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_top_rated_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_top_rated_products_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_featured_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_featured_products_loop' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_shortcode_before_related_products_loop', 'gtm4wp_woocommerce_before_related_products_loop' ); }