var http = require('https'), fs = require('fs'), // Promisify a request // from : httpRequest = function (params, postData) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var req = http.request(params, function (res) { // reject on bad status if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) { return reject(new Error('statusCode=' + res.statusCode)); } // cumulate data var body = []; res.on('data', function (chunk) { body.push(chunk); }); // resolve on end res.on('end', function () { try { body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(body).toString()); } catch (e) { reject(e); } resolve(body); }); }); // reject on request error req.on('error', function (err) { // This is not a "Second reject", just a different sort of failure reject(err); }); if (postData) { req.write(postData); } // IMPORTANT req.end(); }); }, // the first promise I wrote myself readFile = function (path, filename) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { fs.readFile(path + filename, 'utf8', function (err, data) { if (err) { log(err); reject('Error reading file: ' + err); } resolve(data); }); }); }, // get an access key, or token from apikeys.json. getKey = function (apiName) { apiName = apiName || 'github'; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { readFile(hexo.base_dir, 'apikeys.json').then(function (content) { resolve(JSON.parse(content)[apiName]); }).catch (function () { log('error getting api key for : ' + apiName); reject(''); }); }); }, // log method for this file log = function (mess) { console.log('**********'); if (typeof mess != 'string') { console.log('my-tags: non-string: '); console.log(mess); } else { console.log('my-tags : ' + mess); } console.log('**********'); }; // build time hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_buildtime', function (args) { return '' + new Date() + ''; }); // write a random message on building hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_say', function (args) { // use the given say type or defaul to simpsons var sayType = args[0] || 'simpsons', data = { simpsons : { defaultName : 'The Simpsons', says : [ ['I’d rather let a thousand guilty men go free than chase after them.', 'Chief Wiggum'], ['It’s all over, people! We don’t have a prayer!', 'Reverend Lovejoy'], ['Inflammable means flammable? What a country.', 'Dr. Nick Riviera'], ['My eyes! The goggles do nothing!', 'Rainer Wolfcastle'], ['Oh, loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix.', 'Comic Book Guy'] ] }, watts : { defaultName : 'Allen Watts', says : [ 'No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. ', 'You do not play a sonata in order to reach the final chord, and if the meanings of things were simply in ends, composers would write nothing but finales.', 'Human desire tends to be insatiable.' ] } }, len = data[sayType].says.length, index = Math.floor(Math.random() * len), text = data[sayType].says[index]; if (typeof text === 'object') { text = '\"' + text[0] + '\" -' + text[1]; } else { text = '\"' + text + '\" -' + data[sayType].defaultName; } return '' + text + ''; }); // async call to fixer hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_fixer', function (args) { log('making a request...'); return httpRequest({ host : '', method : 'GET', path : '/latest' }).then(function (data) { log('request is good.'); // just assume the data is good and go for it, because I feel lucky. var html = '

date of rates: ' + + '<\/p>', rate; for (rate in data.rates) { html += '

' + rate + ' : ' + data.rates[rate] + '<\/p>'; } return html; }).catch (function (err) { log('bad request.'); log(err); return '

Error getting data :( <\/p>'; }); }, { async : true }); // async call to for pic 10 numbers. hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_pickten', function (args) { log('making a request...'); var daysBack = args[0] || 1, now = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 86400000 * daysBack); return httpRequest({ host : '', port : 80, method : 'GET', path : '/resource/bycu-cw7c.json?draw_date=' + now.getFullYear() + '-' + ('0' + now.getMonth()).slice(-2) + '-' + (('0' + now.getDate()).slice(-2)) + 'T00:00:00' }).then(function (content) { log('request is good.') return '

The winning NY Pic 10 numbers form ' + daysBack + ' days back from ' + now + ' is: <\/p>' + '

' + content[0].winning_numbers + ' ( Draw Date: ' + content[0].draw_date + ' )<\/p>'; }).catch (function (err) { log('bad request.'); log(err); return '

Error getting the Data<\/p>'; }); }, { async : true }); // read a file from the base dir forward. hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_readfile', function (args) { var filename = args[0]; log('reading file : ' + filename); return readFile(hexo.base_dir, filename).then(function (content) { log('file read good.'); return '

' + content + '
'; }).catch (function (err) { log('error reading file'); return '
Error reading file ' + filename + '
'; }); }, { async : true }); var formatRepos = function (content) { html = '
 Here are my repos at github.

'; content.forEach(function (repo) { html += '' + + '
'; html += repo.description + '

'; }); return html + '
'; }; // read a file from the base dir forward. hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_github', function (args) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { getKey('github').then(function (key) { resolve(key); }).catch (function () { reject(''); }); }).then(function (key) { return httpRequest({ host : '', method : 'GET', path : '/users/dustinpfister/repos?access_token=' + key, headers : { 'user-agent' : 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)' } }).then(function (content) { log('request is good.'); return formatRepos(content); }).catch (function (err) { log('bad request.'); log(err); return '
Error getting the data from github <\/pre>';


    }).catch (function () {

        return '
error with the github
'; }); }, { async : true }); /* add some keywords */ hexo.extend.tag.register('mytags_postwords', function (args) { // groups of keywords var keyGroups = { js_core : 'js,javaScript,core&32;javaScript', js_node : 'node.js,nodejs,sever,backend', hexo_core : 'hexo,,static&32;site&32;generator' }; // the output string of keywords str = '', // split the string into an array keyList = args[0].split(','); // run threw the keyList, build keyword string, and look for key groups keyList.forEach(function (keyword) { // the group name (if a group) var groupName = keyword.substr(1, keyword.length); if (keyword.match(/!\w+/)) { // if we have group keywords, add them in if (keyGroups[groupName]) { str += keyGroups[groupName] + ','; } } else { // else just add in the keyword str += keyword + ','; } }); // return the keywords return '\n\n'; });