[INFO] ID=0x0409 Name=English Version=2.1.9 Author= 1=OK 2=Cancel [DIALOG_1] 0=General 3=&Language: 4=&Start ImgDrive with Windows 5=Show ImgDrive in the system &tray 6=&Check for updates automatically 7=&Keep history of recent files 9=Cascaded &menu for recent files 10=&Number of recent files [DIALOG_2] 0=Integration 3=&Integrate ImgDrive into shell context menu 4=&Associate ImgDrive with: [DIALOG_3] 3=Recreate seek table for: %s.\nThis can take up to 20 seconds, please wait a moment. 4=%d%% Time Elapsed: %d s [DIALOG_4] 0=Change Drive Letter for %C: 3=&New Drive Letter: [DIALOG_5] 0=Login 3=Enter your credentials to connect to: %s 4=&User: 5=&Password: 6=&Remember my credentials [DIALOG_6] 0=ImgDrive 3=Unable to mount image: 4=Send an error report to help fix this problem [DIALOG_7] 0=About ImgDrive [DIALOG_9] 0=Create Image File from Folder 1=&Start 3=Please select or drop a folder to create an image file. 4=Source folder: 5=Destination file: 6=&UDF 2.50 7=Volume Label: [DIALOG_10] 0=Copy Disc to Image File 1=&Start 3=Source drive: 4=Destination file: 5=Shutdown the computer when done [DIALOG_11] 0=General 3=Vendor: 4=Product: 5=Revision: 6=Firmware date: 7=Serial number: 8=Buffer size: 9=Region code: 10=RPC scheme: 11=User changes remaining: 12=Vendor resets remaining: 13=Location: 14=Drive letter: 15=Tag: [DIALOG_12] 0=Features 3=Read 4=Write 5=Other [DIALOG_13] 0=Media [DIALOG_14] 0=File Viewer [DIALOG_15] 0=Sector Viewer 3=LBA: [DIALOG_16] 0=Register ImgDrive 3=Help 4=Paste the license key which you received into the box below. [DIALOG_17] 0=Drive 3=&Hide empty drives 4=Change drive &icons 5=&Automount last image 6=Unmount drive when &ejecting 7=&Unmount all drives when exiting ImgDrive 8=&Disable AutoRun and AutoPlay for virtual drives [DIALOG_18] 0=Input Password 3=Password: [DIALOG_19] 0=Convert Image File 1=Convert 3=Need to convert the image format before mounting: 4=Destination file: [DIALOG_20] 0=Shortcuts 3=Double click on a shortcut to enter a new key combination.\nClick here to reset all shortcuts. [DIALOG_21] 0=Hotkeys 3=Open ImgDrive: 4=Unmount All: 5=Create hotkeys to activate ImgDrive from other applications while ImgDrive is running. 6=Drive Menu [DIALOG_22] 0=Command Line Help [DIALOG_23] 0=Organize Favorites 3=Tips: You can use drag-and-drop to add files or folders. [DIALOG_24] 0=Select Category 3=Add '%s' to: 4=New Category [DIALOG_25] 0=Customize Context Menu 3=&Current menu items: 4=&Available menu items: 5=Cascaded menu for &favorite files 6=Cascaded menu for &recent files 7=&Reset 8=&Preview [DIALOG_A] 0=Software Update 3=A new version of %s is available! 4=%s is now available - you have %s. Would you like to download it now? 5=Release Notes: 6=Skip This Version 7=Remind Me Later 8=Install Now 9=Downloading - %s of %s 10=You're up to date!\n\n%s is currently the newest version available. 11=An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later. 12=An error occurred while downloading the update. Please try again later. [DIALOG_B] 1=Send 3=%s has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 4=Please send us this error report to help fix the problem and improve this software. [DIALOG_C] 0=Feedback 1=Submit 3=Your email address (optional) 4=Please explain the bug or issue. [MENU_1] 3=Add &Files... 4=Add Fol&der... 5=Add New &Category 6=Add New &Separator 9=&Reload 10=Remove &Missing 11=Move &Up 12=Move Do&wn 13=&Delete 14=&Rename 15=Sort by &Name 16=Sort by &Path 17=Sort by &Type 18=E&xpand/Collapse All 19=Show F&ull File Path [STRING] 0=&Mount 1=&Unmount 2=Mount to &%C: 3=Mount to &%C: %s 4=Drive &%C: 5=Drive &%C: %s 6=All Image Files 7=All Files 8=&Options... 9=Options 10=&Number of Drives 11=Unmount &All 12=Mount &Folder... 13=&About 14=E&xit 15=&Eject 16=&Load 17=&Change Drive Letter... 18=&Open 19=&Hide Empty Drives 20=Unrecognized media or invalid format. 21=Can't find the file %s. 22=Name 23=&Homepage 24=Open File Location 25=&Support 26=&Check for Update 27=&Create Image File from Folder... 28=&Properties 29=&Remove Missing Files 30=&Clear List 31=ID 32=Drive 33=Image 34=&File 35=&Tools 36=&Help 37=Forever 38=&Mount Image... 39=%d drives, %d mounted 40=This program is freeware. 41=Licensed to %s\r\nMax users: %d\r\nFree updates until: %s 42=&Stay on Top 43=Create 44=&View 45=Toolbar 46=Status Bar 47=Unmount Image 48=Copy &Disc to Image File... 49=Burn Image File 50=Toolbar Text 51=Copy 52=Burn 53=Copying %s... 54=%s MB/s, Time Elapsed: %s, Time Remaining: %s 55=Process completed successfully! 56=There isn't enough free space on drive %C:! 57='%s' already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it? 58=No disc 59=Open &ImgDrive 60=Erasing disc 61=Formatting disc 62=Writing 63=Synchronizing cache 64=Finished 65=&Refresh 66=LBA 67=Size 68=Size (Bytes) 69=Date Modified 70=File Viewer 71=Sector Viewer 72=E&xtract File 73=Session %d 74=Track %d 75=Session 76=Track 77=&Register... 78=Thanks for registering! 79=The registration key you entered is not valid. 80=Are you sure you want to cancel? 81=Extension 82=Associated with 83=Install &Driver 84=Uninstall &Driver 85=Installing driver...\nThis may take up to one minute, please wait... 86=ImgDrive will now install its driver which is required to create a virtual CD-ROM.\n\nDo you want to continue? 87=We have detected an incompatible driver %s, do you want to update to %s? 88=We have detected an incompatible driver %s, please reinstall ImgDrive! 89=You need to restart your computer to use ImgDrive! 90=Are you sure you want to uninstall? 91=This version of %s will not work on your computer. Please download the %s version instead. 92=The driver required for ImgDrive is not installed. Please reinstall ImgDrive!\n\nIf the issue still persists, please click OK to send us feedback. 93=Convert 94=Convert Image File... 95=This file format is not supported. The audio CD image should be 16-bit/44.1 kHz stereo.\n\nFile: %s\nBit depth: %d-bit\nSampling rate: %s kHz\nChannel(s): %d 96=Volume Label 97=&Other Drives 98=Lar&ge Icons 99=S&mall Icons 100=&List 101=&Details 102=Couldn't Mount File 103=Type 104=Shortcut 105=Drive %c: 106=Are you sure you want to reset all shortcuts? 107=Command 108=Port %d, Bus %d, Target %d, LUN %d 109=SCSI 110=Are you sure you want to clear all history? 111=&Recent Files 112=&Command Line Help 113=Close 114=The drive corresponding to this hotkey has not yet been created, do you want to create it now? 115=&Remove file from recent files list 116=This key is already assigned to '%s'! 117=N/A 118=&Help 119=UNREGISTERED 120=Unregistered free version 121=F&avorites 122=&Organize Favorites... 123=&Add to Favorites... 124=Tag 125=Documents|Games|Pictures|Movies|Music 126=Exit + Remove Driver 127=―――――――――― 128=Extension 129=Favorites 130=Category 131=Are you sure you want to delete? 132=The favorite item '%s' already exists. 133=You are accessing Pro features 134=This is an unregistered free version, you can try Pro for free or purchase a license to unlock Pro features. 135=&Try Pro 136=&Purchase 137=&Customize Context Menu...