2024-02-16 Martin Dvorak * Released v2.0.0 - a major release that removes unused features and brings several new features like Wingman. * Feature: Wingman brings OpenAI LLM integration allowing to compose, rewrite, summarize, NER or fix grammar of notes. * Feature: Notebook Tree view brings ability to organize Notebooks to a tree (outline). * Feature: Libraries bring ability to index external PDF files and generate Notebooks which represent them in MindForger. Synchronization and removal of the library (directory with files) is supported as well. * Feature: Emojis dialog allowing to use Unicode-based emojis in Notebooks and Notes names or text. * Feature: CLI can newly search knowledge on the internet sites - like Wikipedia, arXiv, or StackOverflow - on phrase which is the current context (Notebook or Note name; selected text or text under the cursor) in order to get more information about the phrase. * Enhancement: CLI rewrite - help, search, knowledge search (Wikipedia, arXiv, search engines) and commands. * Enhancement: Limbo added to the application menu View/Limbo. * Enhancement: Polished Preferences - Appearance refactored to Controls, restart requirement highlighted. * Enhancement: Added up and down button in O/N preview mode to move around O's Ns while presenting a N. * Enhancement: MindForger icon changed to GenAI style. * Enhancement: menu refactoring impacting Scope, and Navigate and various menu items. * Fix: Missing OOTB Eisenhower Matrix is automatically added back to the list of Organizers. * Fix: Conflicting menu keyboard shortcuts resolution (e.g. Organizers view). * Fix: Edit and Format menus re-enabled on single Markdown file configuration. * Upgrade: new version(s) of Qt with enhanced security support added - Qt 5.15.2 LTS is supported on macOS and Windows. * Deprecation: dashboard view removed. * Deprecation: experimental Mitie (NER) code removed (replaced by LLM integration). 2023-01-15 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.55.0 - a minor release which fixes delete of a Note in the Notebook view that now keeps selected an adjacent Note, improves page up/page down navigation in table widgets, adds charset to the exported HTML head, adds new Note templates, and renames Repository to Workspace in the UI (source code kept intact). 2022-03-07 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.54.0 - macOS fix release: Qt downgraded from 5.9.9 (security) (macOS only), native L&F theme used by default, fixes which avoid loss of data (RD_ONLY file detection, preview links click, ...), macOS menu shortcuts (new Notebook, Note refactoring, ...), polished MindForger logo and menu icons, main window is not wider than screen on boot, view/edit bottom buttons work even if double-click 2 edit is disabled, toolbar is not hidden on window minimization, platform-driven default editor key binding fixes, Vim keybinding removal, Kanban/EM selection model and moves rewritten (at most one row selected, items can be moved around columns with shortcuts), home/end/page up/page down navigation in recent, notebooks and note tree listings. Note editor: Emacs editor keybinding enhancements (^-y, alt-w, ^-w, alt-d, ...), new buletted/numbered lists and code fences auto indentation on Enter, pair characters ({[" auto completion. Non-repository (MD file mode) fixes: Edit menu availability. * See also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/milestone/69?closed=1. 2021-12-26 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.53.0 - Custom Eisenhower Matrix on tags, Kanban style organizer on tags, repository specific configuration, lazy (PDF) documents indexation POC, edit Note in external editor/WYSIWYG (or tool), CSV export with one-hot-encoded tags, terminal allowing to run commands from MindForger, configuration of custom CSS file for HTML viewer, hunspell-based spell check, cmark-gfm upgrade to the latest version (0.29.0.gfm.2), various minor improvements (CSV export progress bar, configurable click view to edit, ...) and bug fixes (Note cloning, Markdown lists syntax highlighting, tags escaping, ...), Doxygen source code documentation generator. * See also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/milestone/68?closed=1. 2020-03-08 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.52.0 - Production quality Autolinking (cmark-gfm and Trie based), macOS improvements (keyboard shortcuts, drag & drop, key characters, ...), discount (MD to HTML processor) removal. * See also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/milestone/59?closed=1. 2020-02-16 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.51.0 - Live HTML preview, (partially) fixed Mermed diagrams, persistent Os table listing and various minor improvements and bug fixes. * See also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/milestone/60?closed=1. 2020-01-18 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.50.0 - New dashboard view, complete fulltext search rewamp, toolbar switch to flat icons theme; new menu items icons; images and attachments can be added with drag&drop, images and icons can be automatically copied to MindForger repository, added Notebook and Note completion on Ctrl-/, persistent hoist mode, (not released: autolinking rewrite to cmark-gfm for high performance, robust and extensible implementation). * See also https://github.com/dvorka/mindforger/milestone/44?closed=1. 2019-03-09 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.49.2 - Stabilization: fixed scrolling loop on Win, missing Win installer icon, panel maximization of FTS result page. 2019-03-06 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.49.1 - Stabilization: Ctrl-mouse wheel HTML preview zooming removed on Windows as it caused MindForger to crash. 2019-03-03 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.49.0 - native Windows version, Discount replaced with cmark-gfm as HTML preview engine and fix of 100% CPU consumption in table views. 2019-02-03 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.48.3 - Stabilization: partial fix of 100% CPU consumption in table views on Ubuntu 18.04. 2018-11-13 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.48.2 - Autolinking stabilization: less breaking of MD lines with links, math and code. 2018-11-10 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.48.0 - CSV export, autolinking preview, MathJax format menu. 2018-10-03 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.47.0 - Knowledge graph navigator, regex-based FTS, HTML notebook export, TWiki document import, recent notes (significant improvement), asynchronous associations calculation and Docker distro. 2018-09-03 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.46.0 - Normal terminology (nerd-style terminology can be enabled in the configuration) and toolbar. 2018-07-10 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.43.0 - Eisenhower matrix, tags view and recent notes view. 2018-05-30 Martin Dvorak * Released v1.42.0 - The first MindForger release on the day of my 42nd birthday. 2018-01-07 Martin Dvorak * The first commit to public Git repository. 2016-09-29 Martin Dvorak * The first line of the project written.