+++ title = "Sawmill: A Modular Layout Builder for Hugo and Forestry.io" type = "page" [[blocks]] background_image = "/uploads/2018/04/20/logs-splash.png" background_style = "Dark" heading = "Sawmill" size = "Big" subheading = "A Modular Layout Builder for Hugo and [Forestry.io](https://forestry.io)" template = "hero-section" [[blocks]] content = "**Sawmill** is a simplistic Hugo theme built to take advantage of [Forestry CMS](https://forestry.io \"Forestry.io\")'s Blocks feature.\n\nThis theme includes a few basic components to get started with Blocks right away and create dynamic, visually interesting layouts. Once you get the hang of Sawmill's modular content strategy, you are encouraged to start creating your own components to fit the needs of your website." template = "body-copy" [[blocks]] background_style = "Brand Color" heading = "Features" size = "Small" template = "hero-section" [[blocks]] background_style = "Light" content = "[Bulma](https://bulma.io/) is a modern, responsive CSS framework with a flexbox-based grid system. " heading = "Built With Bulma" image = "/uploads/2018/04/19/bulma-logo.png" image_position = "Left" template = "media-feature" [[blocks]] background_style = "Light" content = "The theme's primary color and logo are customizable from your `config.toml` file." heading = "Customizable Branding" image = "/uploads/2018/04/19/headingcolors-1.png" image_position = "Right" image_shadow = true template = "media-feature" [[blocks]] background_style = "Dark" content = "This theme is designed to work out-of-the-box with [Forestry.io's](https://forestry.io) **Blocks** feature. Just copy the theme's `.forestry/front_matter/templates` directory into the top level of your project, or get started even faster with the [starter project](https://github.com/dwalkr/sawmill-starter)." heading = "Made For Forestry" image = "/uploads/2018/04/19/blocks-ss.png" image_position = "Left" image_shadow = true template = "media-feature" [[blocks]] button_text = "View on Github" button_url = "https://github.com/dwalkr/sawmill" heading = "Let's Get Started" template = "call-to-action" +++