#─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── # Description: #─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── # Subview for managing charging of house battery # #─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── # Custom components required: #─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── # - vertical-stack-in-card: https://github.com/ofekashery/vertical-stack-in-card # - mushroom-chips-card: https://github.com/piitaya/lovelace-mushroom # - bar-card: https://github.com/custom-cards/bar-card # - multiple-entity-row: https://github.com/benct/lovelace-multiple-entity-row # - apexcharts-card: https://github.com/RomRider/apexcharts-card # - swipe-card: https://github.com/bramkragten/swipe-card #─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── title: Husbatteri path: home_battery icon: mdi:home-battery-outline subview: true badges: [] cards: - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.mobile_dev_mode state: "off" chip: type: back - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.mobile_dev_mode state: "off" chip: type: template icon: "" content: Husbatteri card_mod: style: | ha-card { --chip-background: transparent; --chip-font-size: 20px; --chip-border-radius: 0%; box-shadow: none !important; } - type: spacer - type: template icon: |- {% if states(entity) == 'off' %} mdi:cog {% else %} mdi:close {% endif %} tap_action: action: toggle entity: input_boolean.config_house - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.config_house state: "off" card: type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card cards: - type: markdown content: > {% set status = state_translated('sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_status') %} {% set status = status | replace('Oplader' ,'Opladning') %} ###   Status {{ status -}} {{ iif(states.sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging.state=='on',' blev startet','') -}} {% if state_attr('sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging','charging_is_planned') == True -%}  den {{ state_attr('sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging','charging_start_time') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%d-%m-%Y, kl. %H:%M') -}} {% endif -%} {% if state_attr('sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging','charging_is_planned') == True -%}  og vil slutte den {{state_attr('sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging','charging_stop_time') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%d-%m-%Y, kl. %H:%M') | replace('/','.') -}} {% endif %} - type: entities entities: - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_house_smart_charging_activated name: Automatisk opladning icon: mdi:auto-fix - type: section label: Batteri - type: custom:bar-card show_header_toggle: false height: 30px entity_row: true animation: "0": state: "on" speed: 5 severity: - color: Red to: "20" from: "0" - color: Orange from: "21" to: "49" - color: Yellow from: "50" to: "60" - color: LawnGreen from: "61" to: "74" - color: Green from: "75" to: "100" positions: icon: "off" indicator: "off" name: "off" value: inside entities: - entity: sensor.solarman_deye_battery_soc icon: mdi:battery-70 unit_of_measurement: "%" state_color: false - type: custom:multiple-entity-row entity: sensor.solar_control_house_battery_target_soc name: Mål for batteri - type: section - type: markdown content: > ###   Planlagt opladning - type: custom:apexcharts-card now: show: true label: Nu color: "#ffc0cb" locale: en header: show: true title: "" show_states: true standard_format: true graph_span: 2d yaxis: - min: ~0 apex_config: forceNiceScale: true span: start: day apex_config: legend: show: false xaxis: labels: show: true format: HH rotate: -45 rotateAlways: true hideOverlappingLabels: true style: fontSize: 10 fontWeight: 10 chart: height: 245px dataLabels: enabled: true offsetY: 0 textAnchor: top style: fontSize: 10px colors: - "#fff" distributed: true background: enabled: false formatter: | EVAL:function(value) { return value.toFixed(2); } series: - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging name: Elpris unit: " kr." color: purple data_generator: > return entity.attributes.raw_two_days.map((entry) => { return [new Date(entry.start), entry.value]; }); type: line float_precision: 2 show: in_header: before_now extend_to: false color_threshold: - value: -1 color: green - value: 1 color: green - value: 2 color: yellow - value: 2.5 color: orange - value: 3 color: red - value: 4 color: darkred - value: 5 color: black - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging name: opladning data_generator: > return entity.attributes.charging_schedule.map((entry) => { return [new Date(entry.start), entry.value]; }); type: area curve: stepline color: darkgrey stroke_width: 3 show: in_header: false extend_to: false - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging name: Prisloft unit: " kr." float_precision: 2 color: red stroke_width: 2 data_generator: > return entity.attributes.raw_two_days.map((entry) => { return [new Date(entry.start), hass.states['number.ev_smart_charging_house_electricity_price_limit'].state]; }); type: line extend_to: false - entity: sensor.ev_smart_charging_house_charging name: Lav pris unit: " kr." color: darkgreen stroke_width: 2 float_precision: 2 data_generator: > return entity.attributes.raw_two_days.map((entry) => { return [new Date(entry.start), hass.states['number.ev_smart_charging_house_low_price_charging_level'].state]; }); type: line extend_to: false experimental: color_threshold: true - type: conditional conditions: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.config_house state: "on" card: type: custom:swipe-card cards: - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card cards: - type: markdown content: > ###   Konfiguration af opladning (1/3) **Oplad til**
Angiver det niveau, som husbatteriet, skal oplades til inden aftenspids eller i løbet af natten. - type: entities entities: - entity: >- input_number.solar_control_house_battery_target_soc_before_peak name: Før aftenspids - entity: input_number.solar_control_house_battery_target_soc_midnight name: Om natten - type: section - type: markdown title: null content: >- **Prisforskel**
Angiver den forskel i kr. pr. kWh, der som minimum skal være i den gennemsnitlige timepris på tidspunktet for hhv. opladning af og brug fra husbatteriet: - type: entities entities: - entity: input_number.solar_control_house_battery_min_saving name: Min. besparelse/kWh - type: section - type: markdown content: >- **Oplad kun ved utilstrækkelig solproduktion**
Angiv grænse for hvornår batteriet skal oplades om natten, hvis den estimerede solproduktion for den kommende dag er lavere end grænsen: - type: entities entities: - entity: input_number.solar_control_production_charge_limit name: Min. solproduktion - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card cards: - type: markdown content: > ###   Konfiguration af opladning (2/3) **Start af opladning**
Det tidligste tidspunkt på dagen, hvor opladningen må starte. Hvis 'None' er valgt, vil start af opladning ikke være begrænset til et specifikt tidspunkt. - type: entities entities: - entity: select.ev_smart_charging_house_charge_start_time name: Start-tidspunkt icon: mdi:clock-start - type: markdown content: >- **Slut på opladning**
Det seneste tidspunkt på dagen, hvor batteriet skal nå målniveauet. Hvis 'None' er valgt, vil opladningen blive optimeret ved at bruge alle timer med tilgængelig prisinformation - også før priser for i morgen er kendte. - type: entities entities: - entity: select.ev_smart_charging_house_charge_completion_time name: Slut-tidspunkt icon: mdi:clock-end - type: divider - type: markdown content: >- **Opladningshastighed**
Opladningshastigheden udtrykt i procent pr. time. For eksempel, hvis batteriet har en samlet kapacitet på 10 kWh og kan oplades med 5 kWh pr. time, skal du indstille denne parameter til 50 (5/10*100). - type: entities entities: - entity: number.ev_smart_charging_house_charging_speed name: Hastighed - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card cards: - type: markdown content: > ###   Konfiguration af opladning (3/3) **Anvend prisloft**
Hvis du anvender prisloft, vil opladning vil ikke blive udført i timer, hvor elprisen er over det fastsatte prisloft.

**BEMÆRK:** Dette kan føre til, at opladningen ikke når den definerede mål-batteriniveau. - type: entities entities: - entity: switch.ev_smart_charging_house_apply_price_limit name: Anvend prisloft icon: mdi:format-paragraph-spacing - entity: number.ev_smart_charging_house_electricity_price_limit name: Prisloft - type: markdown content: >- {% set current_time = now().hour -%} {% set ns = namespace(prices = []) -%} {% set prices = state_attr("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter", "today") | list + state_attr("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter", "tomorrow") | list if state_attr("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter", "tomorrow_valid") and states.sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter.attributes.tomorrow[0] | float >0 else state_attr("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter", "today") -%} {% set forecast0 = state_attr("sensor.solcast_pv_forecast_forecast_today", "detailedHourly") -%} {% set start_index = current_time | int -%} {% set start_index = 0 %} {% set end_index = ([ prices | length] | min ) | int -%} {% set ns.p_td_00_06 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_td_06_17 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_td_17_21 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_td_21_00 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_td_00_06 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_td_06_17 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_td_17_21 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_td_21_00 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_tm_00_06 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_tm_06_17 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_tm_17_21 = 0 -%} {% set ns.p_tm_21_00 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_tm_00_06 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_tm_06_17 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_tm_17_21 = 0 -%} {% set ns.f_tm_21_00 = 0 -%} {% for index in range(start_index, end_index) -%} {%- set price = prices[index] | float -%} {% if (index < 6) -%}{% set ns.p_td_00_06 = price+ns.p_td_00_06 -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 5 and index < 17) -%}{% set ns.p_td_06_17 = price+ns.p_td_06_17 -%}{% set ns.f_td_06_17 = ns.f_td_06_17 + forecast0[index].pv_estimate-%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 16 and index < 21) -%}{% set ns.p_td_17_21 = price+ns.p_td_17_21 -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 20 and index < 24) -%}{% set ns.p_td_21_00 = price+ns.p_td_21_00 -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 23 and index < 30) -%}{% set ns.p_tm_00_06 = ns.p_tm_00_06+price -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 29 and index < 41) -%}{% set ns.p_tm_06_17 = ns.p_tm_06_17+price -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 40 and index < 45) -%}{% set ns.p_tm_17_21 = ns.p_tm_17_21+price -%}{% endif-%} {% if (index > 44 and index < 48) -%}{% set ns.p_tm_21_00 = ns.p_tm_21_00+price -%}{% endif-%} {% endfor -%} {% set p_td_00_06_avg = ns.p_td_00_06/6 %} {% set p_td_06_17_avg = ns.p_td_06_17/11 %} {% set p_td_17_21_avg = ns.p_td_17_21/4 %} {% set p_td_21_00_avg = ns.p_td_21_00/3 %} {% set p_tm_00_06_avg = ns.p_tm_00_06/6 %} {% set p_tm_06_17_avg = ns.p_tm_06_17/11 %} {% set p_tm_17_21_avg = ns.p_tm_17_21/4 %} {% set p_tm_21_00_avg = ns.p_tm_21_00/3 %} {% if end_index > 25 %} {% endif %}
I dag 00-06{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_00_06_avg) }}
I dag 06-17{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_06_17_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_06_17_avg - p_td_00_06_avg) }}
I dag 17-21{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_17_21_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_17_21_avg - p_td_06_17_avg) }}
I dag 21-00{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_21_00_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_td_21_00_avg - p_td_17_21_avg) }}
I morgen 00-06{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_00_06_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_00_06_avg - p_td_21_00_avg) }}
I morgen 06-17{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_06_17_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_06_17_avg - p_tm_00_06_avg) }}
I morgen 17-21{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_17_21_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_17_21_avg - p_tm_06_17_avg) }}
I morgen 21-00{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_21_00_avg) }}{{ "%.2f" | format(p_tm_21_00_avg - p_tm_17_21_avg) }}
title: Elpriser - gennemsnit visibility: - condition: state entity: input_boolean.config_house state: "off"