/* Astro Tooltips @dylang, created May 17 2011 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Recommended Usage: Data attribute. data-tooltip="optional selector for the tip" data-tooltip-html="If
is empty then
is required" data-tooltip-style="optional className" //defaults to showing tip above content, "side" will show the tip to the left or right data-tooltip-disable //disables the tooltip data-tooltip-offset="2" //px distance from trigger ------------------------------------------------------------------ Optional Usage: jQuery Plugin // You should never need this. Adding the data attributes should be enough. $(triggerElement).tooltip({ selector: 'optional selector or jquery object', style: 'optional className', html: 'optional html if content is not used' offset: 2 //px distance from trigger }); // Show a tooltip, should never be needed $(triggerElement).tooltip({action: 'show'}); // Hide a tooltip, should never be needed $(triggerElement).tooltip({action: 'hide'}); // Enable/Disable the tooltip $(triggerElement).tooltip({action: 'enable|disable'}); ------------------------------------------------------------------ Tips and Examples The trigger element always gets the class "highlight" while the tooltip is active. Tooltips activate on mouse hover and keyboard focus. The selector can be a child of the trigger or an element elsewhere in the DOM. Child:
Child tooltip
Tooltip in DOM
*/ (function($){ //Tooltip container and pointer is shared for all tips var $container = $('
' + '
' + '
' + '
'), $pointer = $container.find('.tooltip-pointer'), $pointerBorder = $container.find('.tooltip-pointer-border'); // For active element var $activeTrigger, // The element that the user hovered over $activeContent, // The specific tooltip content activeStyle, // Current style being used hide_timer; // Timer for hiding the tooltip // Constants var MILLISECONDS_BEFORE_TIP_HIDES = 30, POINTER_OFFSET = 19, DEFAULT_OFFSET = 2; var $window = $(window); function hide() { hide_timer = setTimeout(function() { $container.fadeOut('fast'); if ($activeTrigger) { $activeTrigger.removeClass('highlight'); } }, MILLISECONDS_BEFORE_TIP_HIDES); } function positionPointer(direction, side) { $container.removeClass('tooltip-left tooltip-right tooltip-down tooltip-up'); var containerHeight = $container.height(); if (side) { // container is left or right of the trigger $pointerBorder.css({top: containerHeight/2}); $pointer.css({top: containerHeight/2 + 3}); //move pointer up three so there is room for the border } else { // Container is above or below the trigger //Remove modifications from other style of tooltips $pointerBorder.css({top: ''}); $pointer.css({top: ''}); } $container.addClass('tooltip-' + direction); } function position($trigger, side) { var top, left, direction; //up/down/left/right var offset = POINTER_OFFSET + $trigger.data('tooltip-offset'); var containerSize = { width: $container.outerWidth(), height: $container.outerHeight() }; var triggerSize = { width: $trigger.outerWidth(), height: $trigger.outerHeight() }; var triggerPosition = $trigger.offset(); if (side) { //show tip to the left or right side top = triggerPosition.top - (containerSize.height/2 - triggerSize.height/2); left = triggerPosition.left - containerSize.width - offset; direction = 'right'; if (left < 0) { left = triggerPosition.left + triggerSize.width + offset; direction = 'left'; } } else { //show tip above unless there isn't enough room then show below top = triggerPosition.top - containerSize.height - offset; left = triggerPosition.left + (triggerSize.width/2 - containerSize.width/2); direction = 'down'; if (top < $window.scrollTop()) { top = triggerPosition.top + triggerSize.height + offset; direction = 'up'; } } return { top: top, left: left, direction: direction } } function show($trigger, $content, style){ clearTimeout(hide_timer); // Hide previous tooltip if it's still showing if ($activeTrigger) { $activeTrigger.removeClass('highlight'); } if ($activeContent) { $activeContent.hide(); } if (activeStyle) { $container.removeClass(activeStyle); } $trigger.addClass('highlight'); // show this tip content $content.show(); var containerPosition = position($trigger, style === 'side'); $container .stop() //stop the fade if it was fading .addClass(style) .show() .css({ top: containerPosition.top, left: containerPosition.left, opacity: 1, //fade in fully zoom: '', //fix IE6/7 bug that would crop the pointer filter: '' //fix IE6/7 bug that would crop the pointer }); positionPointer(containerPosition.direction, style === 'side'); $activeTrigger = $trigger; $activeContent = $content; activeStyle = style; } $.fn.tooltip = function(options) { options = options || {}; return this.each(function() { var $trigger = $(this), tooltipSelector = options.selector || $trigger.data('tooltip'), tooltipHTML = options.html || $trigger.data('tooltip-html'), style = options.style || $trigger.data('tooltip-style'), offset = options.offset || $trigger.data('tooltip-offset') || DEFAULT_OFFSET, $content = $trigger.data('$tooltip-content'); //might be cached; if (!$content) { if (tooltipSelector) { $content = $trigger.find(tooltipSelector); //child of trigger // didn't find, it, look on the whole page if (!$content.length) { //absolute selector $content = $(tooltipSelector); } tooltipHTML = $content.html(); } if (tooltipHTML) { $content = $('
') .hide() .html(tooltipHTML) .appendTo($container); // cache it $trigger.data('$tooltip-content', $content); } } $trigger.data('tooltip-offset', offset); switch (options.action) { case 'show': if (!$trigger.is('[data-tooltip-disable]')) { show($trigger, $content, style); } break; case 'hide': hide(); break; case 'disable': $trigger.attr('data-tooltip-disable', ''); break; case 'enable': $trigger.removeAttr('data-tooltip-disable'); break; default: break; } // If the jquery plugin is used this enables the delegate to work if (!$trigger.attr('data-tooltip')){ $trigger.attr('data-tooltip', ''); } }); }; $(function(){ $container .hide() .hover(function(){ // Keep the tooltip up if the user hovers over it clearTimeout(hide_timer); }, function(){ // Start the hiding if the user leaves the tooltip hide(); }) .appendTo('body'); }); $.doc.delegate('[data-tooltip]', { 'mouseenter focus': function() { $(this).tooltip({ action: 'show' }); }, 'mouseleave blur': function() { hide(); } }); })(jQuery);