--- layout: post title: Truncate Queue Table in Oracle EBS category : Oracle tags : [Oracle, Database, DBA, EBS, Exception] --- ## Truncate Table database version SQL> select * from v$version; BANNER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production PL/SQL Release - Production CORE Production TNS for IBM/AIX RISC System/6000: Version - Production NLSRTL Version - Production truncate table truncate table ASO.ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T; segment size SELECT DS.OWNER, DS.SEGMENT_NAME, DS.SEGMENT_TYPE, (SUM(BYTES) / 1024 / 1024) "SEGMENT_SIZE(MB)" FROM DBA_SEGMENTS DS WHERE DS.SEGMENT_NAME = UPPER('&segment') GROUP BY DS.OWNER, DS.SEGMENT_NAME, DS.SEGMENT_TYPE; OWNER SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE SEGMENT_SIZE(MB) ------ ------------------------ --------------- ------------------------ ASO ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T TABLE 34908 ## Metalink Note suggested truncate operation 1.truncate table reuse storage Connect as apps truncate table ASO.ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T REUSE STORAGE; truncate table ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_I REUSE STORAGE; truncate table ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_H REUSE STORAGE; truncate table ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_T REUSE STORAGE; COMMIT; 2.grant execute privilege Connect as sysdba grant execute on SYS.DBMS_AQADM to ASO WITH GRANT OPTION; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_AQADM to APPS WITH GRANT OPTION; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_AQ to ASO WITH GRANT OPTION; grant execute on SYS.DBMS_AQ to APPS WITH GRANT OPTION; 3.execute asoqueue.sql # su - me $ cd $ASO_TOP/patch/115/sql/ $ pwd /u2/TEST/me/testappl/aso/11.5.0/patch/115/sql $ ls -l asoqueue.sql -rwxr-xr-x 1 me dba 60010 Jun 16 12:55 asoqueue.sql $ sqlplus apps/p0809ad @asoqueue apps p0809ad aso aso system manager ... ... Connected. Grant succeeded. GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_AQ TO aso * ERROR at line 1: ORA-04021: timeout occurred while waiting to lock object SYS.DBMS_AQ ... ... 4.deallocate unused space ALTER TABLE ASO.ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T DEALLOCATE UNUSED; ALTER TABLE ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_I DEALLOCATE UNUSED; ALTER TABLE ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_H DEALLOCATE UNUSED; ALTER TABLE ASO.AQ$_ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T_T DEALLOCATE UNUSED; ## Error Message ORA-04021: Timeout occurred while waiting to lock object SYS.DBMS_AQADM. You encounter this error when running the Runtime Repository Assistant. There are two possible resolutions to this issue. Cause: The Runtime Assistant grants 'Execute' privileges on the SYS user dbms_aq packages to the Runtime Repository users being created. The database server waits for a lock on the dbms_aq package before it can apply this grant. If the package is in use by another user, the Runtime Repository will encounter error ORA-04021 from the database server. Action: Using Oracle Enterprise Manager, connect to the database server and identify the session that is using the dbms_aq. Exit the application that is holding the lock and then recreate a new set of Warehouse Builder Runtime Repository users. Action: Wait until the application holding the lock finishes running. From `SQL*Plus`, connect as SYS user and execute the following SQL statements: grant execute on sys.dbms_aq to scott; grant execute on sys.dbms_aqadm to scott; When the above statements are successful, execute the following SQL statements: revoke execute on sys.dbms_aq from scott; revoke execute on sys.dbms_aqadm from scott; Recreate a new set of Warehouse Builder Runtime Repository users. Restart the Runtime Platform Service by running the ORACLE_HOME\owb\rtp\sql\start_service.sql script. ## Diagnose while re-executing asoqueue.sql $ whoami testora $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jul 3 16:25:02 2013 Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production SQL> oradebug setmypid oradebug unlimit oradebug hanganalyze 3 Statement processed. SQL> Statement processed. SQL> Hang Analysis in /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc SQL> SQL> oradebug setmypid oradebug unlimit oradebug hanganalyze 3 Statement processed. SQL> Statement processed. SQL> Hang Analysis in /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc SQL> SQL> select sid,event from v$session_wait; SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 pmon timer 2 rdbms ipc message 3 rdbms ipc message 6 rdbms ipc message 7 rdbms ipc message 10 rdbms ipc message 9 rdbms ipc message 4 rdbms ipc message 5 smon timer 31 library cache pin 32 library cache pin SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 38 library cache pin 46 library cache pin 92 library cache pin 114 library cache pin 157 library cache pin 184 library cache pin 190 library cache pin 186 library cache pin 170 library cache pin 127 library cache pin 106 library cache pin SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 80 library cache pin 20 pipe get 43 pipe get 63 pipe get 65 pipe get 223 pipe get 210 pipe get 155 pipe get 150 pipe get 144 pipe get 140 pipe get SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 126 pipe get 124 pipe get 116 pipe get 113 pipe get 79 SQL*Net message to client 8 SQL*Net message from client 11 SQL*Net message from client 12 SQL*Net message from client 21 SQL*Net message from client 24 SQL*Net message from client 27 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 29 SQL*Net message from client 41 SQL*Net message from client 40 SQL*Net message from client 39 SQL*Net message from client 37 SQL*Net message from client 36 SQL*Net message from client 35 SQL*Net message from client 34 SQL*Net message from client 33 SQL*Net message from client 30 SQL*Net message from client 61 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 60 SQL*Net message from client 59 SQL*Net message from client 58 SQL*Net message from client 57 SQL*Net message from client 56 SQL*Net message from client 54 SQL*Net message from client 53 SQL*Net message from client 52 SQL*Net message from client 97 SQL*Net message from client 96 SQL*Net message from client 95 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 94 SQL*Net message from client 91 SQL*Net message from client 90 SQL*Net message from client 88 SQL*Net message from client 86 SQL*Net message from client 84 SQL*Net message from client 122 SQL*Net message from client 121 SQL*Net message from client 120 SQL*Net message from client 119 SQL*Net message from client 118 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 117 SQL*Net message from client 110 SQL*Net message from client 109 SQL*Net message from client 108 SQL*Net message from client 145 SQL*Net message from client 143 SQL*Net message from client 142 SQL*Net message from client 141 SQL*Net message from client 139 SQL*Net message from client 138 SQL*Net message from client 137 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 136 SQL*Net message from client 135 SQL*Net message from client 227 SQL*Net message from client 225 SQL*Net message from client 222 SQL*Net message from client 221 SQL*Net message from client 220 SQL*Net message from client 219 SQL*Net message from client 218 SQL*Net message from client 217 SQL*Net message from client 216 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 215 SQL*Net message from client 214 SQL*Net message from client 213 SQL*Net message from client 212 SQL*Net message from client 211 SQL*Net message from client 209 SQL*Net message from client 208 SQL*Net message from client 207 SQL*Net message from client 205 SQL*Net message from client 204 SQL*Net message from client 203 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 202 SQL*Net message from client 201 SQL*Net message from client 199 SQL*Net message from client 198 SQL*Net message from client 197 SQL*Net message from client 196 SQL*Net message from client 195 SQL*Net message from client 194 SQL*Net message from client 193 SQL*Net message from client 189 SQL*Net message from client 188 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 187 SQL*Net message from client 185 SQL*Net message from client 183 SQL*Net message from client 180 SQL*Net message from client 179 SQL*Net message from client 178 SQL*Net message from client 177 SQL*Net message from client 176 SQL*Net message from client 175 SQL*Net message from client 174 SQL*Net message from client 173 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 172 SQL*Net message from client 168 SQL*Net message from client 167 SQL*Net message from client 166 SQL*Net message from client 165 SQL*Net message from client 164 SQL*Net message from client 163 SQL*Net message from client 162 SQL*Net message from client 161 SQL*Net message from client 160 SQL*Net message from client 156 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 154 SQL*Net message from client 153 SQL*Net message from client 152 SQL*Net message from client 151 SQL*Net message from client 149 SQL*Net message from client 148 SQL*Net message from client 147 SQL*Net message from client 146 SQL*Net message from client 134 SQL*Net message from client 133 SQL*Net message from client 131 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 130 SQL*Net message from client 129 SQL*Net message from client 128 SQL*Net message from client 125 SQL*Net message from client 123 SQL*Net message from client 105 SQL*Net message from client 104 SQL*Net message from client 103 SQL*Net message from client 102 SQL*Net message from client 101 SQL*Net message from client 100 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 99 SQL*Net message from client 98 SQL*Net message from client 83 SQL*Net message from client 82 SQL*Net message from client 81 SQL*Net message from client 77 SQL*Net message from client 76 SQL*Net message from client 75 SQL*Net message from client 74 SQL*Net message from client 73 SQL*Net message from client 72 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 71 SQL*Net message from client 70 SQL*Net message from client 69 SQL*Net message from client 68 SQL*Net message from client 67 SQL*Net message from client 66 SQL*Net message from client 62 SQL*Net message from client 51 SQL*Net message from client 50 SQL*Net message from client 49 SQL*Net message from client 48 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 47 SQL*Net message from client 45 SQL*Net message from client 44 SQL*Net message from client 42 SQL*Net message from client 28 SQL*Net message from client 26 SQL*Net message from client 22 SQL*Net message from client 14 SQL*Net message from client 16 SQL*Net message from client 17 SQL*Net message from client 18 SQL*Net message from client SID EVENT ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 19 queue messages 206 queue messages 171 queue messages 78 queue messages 23 wakeup time manager 203 rows selected. SQL> select /*+ ordered */ w1.sid waiting_session, h1.sid holding_session, w.kgllktype lock_or_pin, w.kgllkhdl address, decode(h.kgllkmod, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') mode_held, decode(w.kgllkreq, 0, 'None', 1, 'Null', 2, 'Share', 3, 'Exclusive', 'Unknown') mode_requested from dba_kgllock w, dba_kgllock h, v$session w1, v$session h1 where (((h.kgllkmod != 0) and (h.kgllkmod != 1) and ((h.kgllkreq = 0) or (h.kgllkreq = 1))) and (((w.kgllkmod = 0) or (w.kgllkmod= 1)) and ((w.kgllkreq != 0) and (w.kgllkreq != 1)))) and w.kgllktype = h.kgllktype and w.kgllkhdl = h.kgllkhdl and w.kgllkuse = w1.saddr and h.kgllkuse = h1.saddr / WAITING_SESSION HOLDING_SESSION LOCK ADDRESS MODE_HELD MODE_REQU --------------- --------------- ---- ---------------- --------- --------- 175 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 127 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 114 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 110 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 106 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 80 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Exclusive 46 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 31 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 30 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 28 38 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 175 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share WAITING_SESSION HOLDING_SESSION LOCK ADDRESS MODE_HELD MODE_REQU --------------- --------------- ---- ---------------- --------- --------- 127 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 114 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 110 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 106 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 80 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Exclusive 46 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 31 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 30 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 28 78 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 175 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 127 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share WAITING_SESSION HOLDING_SESSION LOCK ADDRESS MODE_HELD MODE_REQU --------------- --------------- ---- ---------------- --------- --------- 114 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 110 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 106 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 80 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Exclusive 46 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 31 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 30 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 28 92 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 175 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 127 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 114 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share WAITING_SESSION HOLDING_SESSION LOCK ADDRESS MODE_HELD MODE_REQU --------------- --------------- ---- ---------------- --------- --------- 110 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 106 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 80 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Exclusive 46 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 31 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 30 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 28 170 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 175 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 127 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 114 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 110 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share WAITING_SESSION HOLDING_SESSION LOCK ADDRESS MODE_HELD MODE_REQU --------------- --------------- ---- ---------------- --------- --------- 106 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 80 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Exclusive 46 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 31 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 30 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 28 184 Pin 07000000ACBBE940 Share Share 50 rows selected. SQL> oradebug setmypid oradebug unlimit oradebug hanganalyze 3 Statement processed. SQL> Statement processed. SQL> Hang Analysis in /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc SQL> host vi /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc "/u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc" 880 lines, 45434 characters Dump file /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options JServer Release - Production ORACLE_HOME = /u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0 System name: AIX Node name:erp Release:3 Version:5 Machine:00066345D600 Instance name: ERP Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1 Oracle process number: 70 Unix process pid: 1863752, image: oracle@erp (TNS V1-V3) *** SESSION ID:(79.3983) 2013-07-03 16:25:16.197 *** 2013-07-03 16:25:16.197 ============== HANG ANALYSIS: ============== Open chains found: Chain 1 : : <0/38/37/0xa87b3b68/2388080/queue messages> -- <0/80/7524/0xa879b848/593972/library cache pin> Chain 2 : : <0/78/1346/0xa87b4ab0/2027618/PL/SQL lock timer> -- <0/80/7524/0xa879b848/593972/library cache pin> Chain 3 : : <0/92/60842/0xa87b4598/2056366/queue messages> -- <0/80/7524/0xa879b848/593972/library cache pin> Other chains found: Chain 4 : :"/u2/TEST/testora/testdb/9.2.0/admin/ERP_erp/udump/erp_ora_1863752.trc" 880 lines, 45434 characters SQL> select username,program,sql_hash_value from v$session where sid=38; USERNAME PROGRAM SQL_HASH_VALUE ---------- ---------------- --------------------------- APPS JDBC Thin Client 4251209219 SQL> select sql_text from v$sql where hash_value=4251209219; SQL_TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN FND_CP_GSM_IPC.Get_Message(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10); END; SQL> select s.sid,p.spid from v$session s,v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.sid in (38,78,92); SID SPID ---------- ------------ 38 2388080 92 2056366 78 2027618 SQL> host kill -9 2388080 SQL> host kill -9 2056366 SQL> host kill -9 2027618 ## Retest retest and the issue remains stop apps and asoqueue.sql can be executed successfully. segment size SELECT DS.OWNER, DS.SEGMENT_NAME, DS.SEGMENT_TYPE, (SUM(BYTES) / 1024 / 1024) "SEGMENT_SIZE(MB)" FROM DBA_SEGMENTS DS WHERE DS.SEGMENT_NAME = UPPER('&segment') GROUP BY DS.OWNER, DS.SEGMENT_NAME, DS.SEGMENT_TYPE; OWNER SEGMENT_NAME SEGMENT_TYPE SEGMENT_SIZ ------ ------------------------ --------------- ------------------------- ASO ASO_ORDER_FEEDBACK_T TABLE 0.125 ## Reference: * Release 11.5.10 / R12 Quoting/Order Capture Order Feedback Queue FAQ [ID 181410.1]