# --- General options --- # # url is the full website URL # baseurl is the website's URL without the hostname # If you are building a simple GitHub user page (http://username.github.io) then use these settings: url: "http://dymaxionkim.github.io/beautiful-jekyll" baseurl: "/beautiful-jekyll" # If you are building a GitHub project page then use these settings: #url: "http://username.github.io/projectname" #baseurl: "/projectname" # Of course don't forget to change the username and projectname to YOUR username and project # Name of website title: Design & Analysis ! # Short description of your site description: Dymaxionkim's Personal Blog # --- Navigation bar options --- # # List of links in the navigation bar navbar-links: ABOUT: - ABOUT: "aboutme" - SLIDES: "https://slides.com/dymaxionkim" LINK: #- Beautiful Jekyll: "http://deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll/" #- Learn markdown: "http://www.markdowntutorial.com/" #- GitHub Pages: "https://pages.github.com/" #- Author's home: "http://deanattali.com" - MARKDOWN?: "https://gist.github.com/ihoneymon/652be052a0727ad59601" - HOME: "https://dymaxionkim.github.io" - REPOSITORY: "https://github.com/dymaxionkim/beautiful-jekyll" - PROSE.IO: "http://prose.io/" - dILLINGER.IO: "http://dillinger.io/" - DRAW.IO: "https://www.draw.io/" - HOSTMATH: "http://www.hostmath.com/" - SCI-HUB: "" SEARCH: - SIMPLE: "search/" - GOOGLE: "searchGoogle/" # Image to show in the navigation bar - image must be a square (width = height) # Remove this parameter if you don't want an image in the navbar avatar: "/img/avatar-icon.png" # If you want to have an image logo in the top-left corner instead of the title text, # then specify the following parameter # title-img: /path/to/image # --- Footer options --- # # Change all these values or delete the ones you don't want. # Important: you must keep the "name" parameter, everything else you can remove author: name: DymaxionKim email: "dymaxion.kim@gmail.com" facebook: dymaxionkim # eg. daattali github: dymaxionkim # eg. daattali twitter: # eg. daattali reddit: # eg. daattali google-plus: +DymaxionKim # eg. +DeanAttali or 109424658772469020925 linkedin: 동호-김-881556119?trk=hp-identity-name # eg. daattali xing: # eg. daattali stackoverflow: # eg. "3943160/daattali" snapchat: # eg. daattali instagram: # eg. daattali youtube: dymaxionkim # eg. user/daattali or channel/daattali spotify: # eg. daattali telephone: # eg. +14159998888 # Select which links to show in the footer footer-links-active: rss: false facebook: true email: true twitter: false google-plus: true github: true reddit: false linkedin: true xing: false stackoverflow: false snapchat: false instagram: false youtube: true spotify: false telephone: false # Select which share links to show in posts share-links-active: twitter: true facebook: true google: true linkedin: true # How to display the link to the website in the footer # Remove this if you don't want a link in the footer url-pretty: "DymaxionKim.github.io/beautiful-jekyll" # eg. "deanattali.com/beautiful-jekyll" # --- Misc --- # # Fill in your Disqus shortname (NOT the userid) if you want to support Disqus comments disqus: "beautiful-jekyll" # Fill in your Google Analytics ID to track your website using GA #google_analytics: "" # Facebook App ID # fb_app_id: "" # Excerpt Word Length # Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page excerpt_length: 50 # Character used to separate site title and description in HTML document title # and RSS feed title title-separator: "-" # --- Don't need to touch anything below here (but you can if you want) --- # # Output options (more information on Jekyll's site) timezone: "Asia/Seoul" markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/ paginate: 5 kramdown: input: GFM # Default YAML values (more information on Jekyll's site) defaults: - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: layout: "post" comments: true # add comments to all blog posts social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts - scope: path: "" # all files values: layout: "page" show-avatar: true # Use tags pages (not recommended if you are deploying via GitHub pages, only set to true if deploying locally with ruby) link-tags: false # Exclude these files from production site exclude: - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - LICENSE - README.md - CNAME - Vagrantfile # prose.io config prose: rooturl: '_posts' media: 'img' ignore: - 404.html - LICENSE - feed.xml - _config.yml - /_layouts - /_includes - /css - /img - /js metadata: _posts: - name: "layout" field: element: "hidden" value: "post" - name: "title" field: element: "text" label: "Post title" placeholder: "Title" alterable: true - name: "subtitle" field: element: "textarea" label: "Subtitle" placeholder: "A description of your post." alterable: true - name: "date" field: element: "text" label: "Date" help: "Enter date of post." placeholder: "yyyy-mm-dd" alterable: true - name: "bigimg" field: element: "text" label: "bigimg" help: "Add a bigimg like this : /img/bigimg01.jpg" placeholder: "/img/bigimg01.jpg" alterable: true - name: "image" field: element: "text" label: "Image" help: "Add a thumbnail image's URL" placeholder: "http://...png" alterable: true - name: "tags" field: element: "text" label: "Tags" help: "Add a tags like this : project software mechanics life" placeholder: "project software mechanics life" alterable: true - name: "published" field: element: "checkbox" label: "Publish" help: "Check to publish post, uncheck to hide." gems: - jekyll-paginate # Beautiful Jekyll / Dean Attali # 2fc73a3a967e97599c9763d05e564189