*** See also the Changes @section in include/frei0r.h or git log
** See also the Release section on https://github.com/dyne/frei0r/releases
* Usernames prefixed by '@' and issues prefixed by '#' refer to github/dyne/frei0r

1.8   - 27 March 2021

What's Changed:
Consolidated opencv4 support by @kwizart in #101
spelling fixes by @umlaeute in #98
Fix build warning in 64 bit Windows by @gbendy in #107
using the void keyword in function declaration by @mypopydev in #104
Add FX aech0r . Aim to simulate an analog video echo. by @d-j-a-y in #73
Fix build for opencv4 by @mingwandroid in #112
Support MSYS2/mingw-w64 by @mingwandroid in #113
Fill uninitialized gaps between grid images by @bmatherly in #118
Avoid destructing alpha channel. by @andre-caldas in #119
pixeliz0r: Limit the blocksize to a minimum of 1 pixel by @rrrapha in #120
edgeglow: Fix hsl to rgb conversion by @rrrapha in #121

New Contributors:
@kwizart made their first contribution in #101
@gbendy made their first contribution in #107
@mypopydev made their first contribution in #104
@mingwandroid made their first contribution in #112
@bmatherly made their first contribution in #118
@andre-caldas made their first contribution in #119	

1.7   - 6 December 2019

	This release includes three new filters, code cleanups and several
	bugfixes improving stability of existing plugins.
	New filters (3): normaliz0r, elastic_scale, premultiply.
	Updated (47): alpha0ps, baltan, bgsubtractor, bluescreen0r, blur,
	c0rners, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, cartoon, cluster,
	coloradj, colorhalftone, curves, d90stairsteppingfix, defish0r,
	delay0r, edgeglow, emboss, facebl0r, facedetect, levels,
	lightgraffiti, measure, ndvi, nervous, nosync0r, primaries,
	rgbnoice, rgbsplit0r, scanline0r, select0r, sopsat, spillsupress,
	three_point_balance, timeout, tutorial, vertigo, vignette, water,
	alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alphaover, alphaxor,
	cairoaffineblend, cairoblend, xfade0r

1.6.1 - 25 May 2017

	Minor fixes to the build system. Version correctly updated.

1.6.0 - 24 March 2017

	This release contains new filters and some bugfixes to parameters
	and building environment, documentation is updated accordingly.
	New filters (3): bgsubtract0r, glitch0r, rgbsplit0r
	Updated (2): Distort0r now mode and velocity, Curves has improved

1.5.0 - 2 April 2016

	This release fixes several major bugs in existing plugins and adds
	one new filter: NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index).

1.4.0 - 24 February 2013

	This release fixes several major bugs in existing plugins,
	adds new filters and the optional dependency to cairo.
	New filters (18): IIRblur, Vignette, Keyspillm0pup, Timeout,
	  Posterize, Dither, Spillsupress, Emboss, Colgate, RGBNoise,
	  Colorize, Softglow, ColrHalftone, Sigmoidaltransfer,
	  Colortap, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, medians
	New mixers: cairoblend, cairoaffineblend

1.3.0 - 8 March 2011

	This release adds more plugins, better documentation and better
	examples for writing code that makes use of thed opencv library.
	New filters (4): tutorial, sharpness, denoise, lightgraffiti
	New generator: test_pat (broadcast test patterns)
	New mixer: addition_alpha

1.2.1 - 4 October 2010

	This is a bugfix release which avoids a crash on load of the
	Vertigo plugin and corrects the install path according do
	distribution needs.

1.2.0 - 13 September 2010

	This release adds many new filters, cross-platform compatibility
	to build Win32 plugins, some fixes to the specification, a new Web
	page, and more documentation.

1.1.22 - 28 October 2008

	Three new plugins were added: UV Map, Edge Glow, and K-Means
	Clustering. Various bugfixes were done.

1.1.21 - 1 April 2008

	This release adds six new plugins: Lenscorrection, Transparency,
	Color Distance, Perspective, RGB Parade, and Vector Scope.

1.1.20 - 7 November 2007

	This is the first release as a standard autoconf tarball. It
	contains various bugfixes and some new plugins.

*** At last, see also git --log from repository