0. Metadata ----------- Copyright: 2013-2018 University of La Rochelle, France License: http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-B_V1-en.html CeCILL-B license 1. Copyright and disclaimer --------------------------- This application is opensource software released under the CeCILL-B license. Please see source code at https://github.com/e-lang/moodle-mod_elang. 2. Changelog ------------ This is a non-exhaustive (but still near complete) changelog for moodle-mod_elang, including alpha and beta versions. Our thanks to all those people who've contributed bug reports and code fixes. Legend: * -> Security Fix # -> Issue Fix $ -> Language fix or change + -> Addition ^ -> Change - -> Removed ! -> Note ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.5 ----------------------------------------- 2018-09-10 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.5 2018-09-10 Christophe Demko ^ Reuse vendor folder $ reintroduce 'formatname' language string + Introduce 'composer finalize' command ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.4 ----------------------------------------- 2018-09-09 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.4 2018-09-09 Christophe Demko # Fix autoloading for Captioning ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.3 ----------------------------------------- 2018-09-08 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.3 2018-09-08 Christophe Demko ^ Fix codechecking for moodle style ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.2 ----------------------------------------- 2018-09-04 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.2 2018-09-03 Christophe Demko # Add srt file type # Display correct errors for incorrect srt or webvtt file + Give the possibility to erase own teacher activity # Detect language correctly in server.php # Move completion in play view ^ Use new phpunit and phcs ^ Use new Joomla phpcs rules 2018-09-03 Christophe Demko # Use correct file types for subtitle file ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.1 ----------------------------------------- 2016-10-19 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.1 2016-10-19 Christophe Demko # Removing empty directories in zip file ----------------------------------------- stable-1.3.0 ----------------------------------------- 2016-07-03 Christophe Demko ! Publish version 1.3.0 2016-05-26 Christophe Demko # Fix some bugs in permissions and roles + Add the list of encodings supported by the moodle site + Allow 'Gb', 'Mb', and 'Kb' notation in video, poster and subtitle maxsize # Fix regex for default Jaro's distance 2016-05-25 Christophe Demko # Set the focus to the next input when help is asked or a success is set and keep the focus on the current input else + Implement unit test for Jaro's distance # Add a control type on admin setting for the Jaro's distance 2016-05-25 David-Dwayne Cachau + Implement Jaro's distance for tolerant fault checking + Use the current language locale if available + Set an option for converting to lower case ----------------------------------------- stable-1.2.0 ----------------------------------------- 2016-04-25 Christophe Demko ^ Change $module by $plugin in version.php 2015-07-07 Christophe Demko + Enable activity completion (Thanks to Ralf Erlebach) + Add a mod/elang:isinreport capability to report only users that have this ability ('student' archetype by default) -$ Remove useless language string # Issue when a report is done for a unenrolled user 2015-06-21 Christophe Demko + Comparison between answer and correct value can be done using ASCII transliteration 2015-06-17 Christophe Demko $ Fix language string 'subtitleunknownencoding' ----------------------------------------- stable-1.1.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-06-17 Christophe Demko + Allow to add a link for an input using [my text (http://link.to)] and {my text (http://link.to)} # Corrected character encoding 2015-06-16 Christophe Demko + Allow to sort by email in the report view # Fix empty subtitle file 2015-06-15 Christophe Demko $ Fix some language strings +* Add view capability for non-editing teacher + Remove useless spaces in text submitted + Add a student view link in the teacher view (Thanks to Ralf Erlebach) 2015-06-14 Christophe Demko # Correct pdf output (broken when captioning library was introduced) ----------------------------------------- rc2-1.1.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-06-14 Christophe Demko # Correct output when a single page is present in pagination + Add encoding detection (Thanks to Ralf Erlebach) + Enhance client view by adding error/help/success badges in cues view 2015-06-13 Christophe Demko + Adapt onclick behavior to student/teacher when clicking on the course module 2015-06-12 Christophe Demko + Add group selection in the report view - Remove .gitignore ^ Change language code using UTF-8 ----------------------------------------- rc1-1.1.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-06-11 Christophe Demko + Add report view for teacher 2015-06-07 Christophe Demko ^ Change version number + Add poster file in backup/restore process + Add userinfo in backup/restore process # Change moodle version detection for logging API ^ Convert string ids ^ Complete modulename_help strings 2015-05-14 Christophe Demko # Apply date offset to datecreated 2015-05-14 Christophe Demko # Fix some PHP notice and some indents 2015-05-13 Gabriel Audignon-Le Louët + Implement Backup/Restore feature 2015-04-21 Christophe Demko ^ Change sed command to work with MAC OS 2015-04-19 Christophe Demko ^ Use https://github.com/captioning/captioning library. 2015-04-17 Christophe Demko ^ Move to composer and bower 2015-04-09 Christophe Demko # Don't translate the client when the moodle site is on debugging mode 2015-04-07 Christophe Demko + Add PHP Code Style sniffs using Joomla standard ----------------------------------------- stable-1.0.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-04-02 Christophe Demko ! Publishing version stable-1.0.0 2015-04-02 Christophe Demko - Remove enyo-ilib + Add a i18n.js file + Add comment in src/classes/event/course_module_viewed.php for init function ^ Move JS strings to moodle strings # Fix IS behavior for changing subtitle # Add a prelod="auto" for Safari browser + Add a focus function is js code + Handle a 'RETURN' key event instead of a 'textchange' event ----------------------------------------- rc2-1.0.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-03-27 Christophe Demko ! Publishing version rc2-1.0.0 2015-03-26 Christophe Demko # Correcting bad field name in elang_delete_instance ----------------------------------------- rc1-1.0.0 ----------------------------------------- 2015-03-26 Christophe Demko ! Publishing version rc1-1.0.0 2015-03-25 Christophe Demko ^ Update javascript code to the current version of enyojs and bootstrap ^ Update PHP code to the new feature of moodle (add_to_log is now deprecated) 2013-08-05 Christophe Demko # Correct foreign key (issue #47 https://github.com/e-lang/moodle-mod_elang/issues/47) 2013-07-02 Christophe Demko # Correct the increment of errors 2013-07-01 Christophe Demko # Detect BOM ----------------------------------------- beta-0.1.0 ----------------------------------------- 2013-06-27 Christophe Demko ! Publishing version beta-0.1.0 2013-06-27 Christophe Demko # Correct an error in the indicator # Moodle does not take into account new mimetype + Implement the indicator progress bar + badges $ Change some language strings ^ Accept to share files between exercises $ Correcting language files + Add indexes on tables 2013-06-26 Christophe Demko + Verify forbidden actions +$ Add french translation + Add help button on limit field + Detect video subtitles capability ^ Change the logging structure ^ Update README.txt to be linked on new project url + Display a warning when a module is updated + Add the display of the creation date in the pdf + Compare strings ignoring case ! Prepare for backup + Add support for {} markup 2013-06-17 Christophe Demko # Converting string number to number +$ Adding globalization to student view + reorganizing code 2013-06-16 Christophe Demko + Implementing a limit select list for the user + Adding jsonp support 2013-06-15 Christophe Demko ^ Removing .gitmodule file ^ Deleting build directory when preparing +^ Adding some comments and cleaning test files ----------------------------------------- alpha-0.0.2 ----------------------------------------- 2013-06-15 Christophe Demko ! Publishing version alpha-0.0.2