#!/bin/bash # Purpose: Extend GMT to plot custom symbols # Plot a world-map with volcano symbols of different sizes # on top given locations and sizes in hotspots.d ctr="-Xc -Yc" for i in 1 do fig[i]="Figures/GMT_example10-${i}.ps" done cat > hotspots1.d << END 55.5 -21.0 0.5 63.0 -49.0 0.5 END cat > hotspots2.d << END -12.0 -37.0 0.5 -28.5 29.34 0.5 END cat > hotspots3.d << END 48.4 -53.4 0.5 155.5 -40.4 0.5 END cat > hotspots4.d << END -155.5 19.6 0.5 -138.1 -50.9 0.5 -153.5 -21.0 0.5 -116.7 -26.3 0.5 -16.5 64.4 0.5 END gmt pscoast -Rg -JR9i -Bx60 -By30 -B+t"Hotspot Islands and Cities" -Gdarkgreen -Slightblue \ -Dc -A5000 -K > ${fig[1]} gmt psxy -R -J hotspots1.d -Skvolcano -O -K -Wthinnest -Gred >> ${fig[1]} gmt psxy -R -J hotspots2.d -SkCustomSymbols/sun -O -K -Wthinnest -Gred >> ${fig[1]} gmt psxy -R -J hotspots3.d -SkCustomSymbols/hurricane -O -K -Wthinnest -Gblue >> ${fig[1]} gmt psxy -R -J hotspots4.d -SkCustomSymbols/astroid -O -K -Wthinnest -Gyellow >> ${fig[1]} # Overlay a few bullseyes at NY, Cairo, and Perth cat > cities.d << END 286 40.45 0.8 31.15 30.03 0.5 115.49 -31.58 0.4 END gmt psxy -R -J cities.d -SkCustomSymbols/bullseye -O >> ${fig[1]} rm -f hotspots*.d cities.d gmt* gv ${fig[1]}