#!/bin/bash # Purpose: Automatic map of last 7 days of world-wide seismicity # ctr="-Xc -Yc" for i in 1 do fig[i]="Figures/GMT_example11-${i}.ps" done gmt set FONT_ANNOT_PRIMARY 10p FONT_TITLE 18p FORMAT_GEO_MAP ddd:mm:ssF # Get the data (-q quietly) from USGS using the wget (comment out in case # your system does not have wget or curl) #wget http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/gis/bulletin.asc -q -O Data/neic_quakes.d #curl http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/gis/bulletin.asc -s > Data/neic_quakes.d # Count the number of events (to be used in title later. one less due to header) n=`cat Data/neic_quakes.d | wc -l` n=`expr $n - 1` # Pull out the first and last timestamp to use in legend title first=`sed -n 2p Data/neic_quakes.d | awk -F, '{printf "%s %s\n", $1, $2}'` #sed print the 2nd line last=`sed -n '$p' Data/neic_quakes.d | awk -F, '{printf "%s %s\n", $1, $2}'` #sed print the last line # Assign a string that contains the current user @ the current computer node. # Note that two @@ is needed to print a single @ in gmt pstext: # Start plotting. First lay down map, then plot quakes with size = magintude/50": gmt pscoast -Rg -JK180/9i -B45g30 -B+t"World-wide earthquake activity" -Gchocolate -Slightblue \ -Dc -A1000 -Y2.75i -K > ${fig[1]} awk -F, '{ print $4, $3, $6, $5*0.02}' Data/neic_quakes.d \ | gmt psxy -R -JK -O -CCPTs/quakes.cpt -Sci -Wthin -h -K >> ${fig[1]} # Create legend input file for NEIS quake plot cat > neis.legend << END H 16 1 $n events during $first to $last D 0 1p N 3 V 0 1p S 0.1i c 0.1i red 0.25p 0.2i Shallow depth (0-100 km) S 0.1i c 0.1i green 0.25p 0.2i Intermediate depth (100-300 km) S 0.1i c 0.1i blue 0.25p 0.2i Very deep (> 300 km) D 0 1p V 0 1p N 7 V 0 1p S 0.1i c 0.06i - 0.25p 0.3i M 3 S 0.1i c 0.08i - 0.25p 0.3i M 4 S 0.1i c 0.10i - 0.25p 0.3i M 5 S 0.1i c 0.12i - 0.25p 0.3i M 6 S 0.1i c 0.14i - 0.25p 0.3i M 7 S 0.1i c 0.16i - 0.25p 0.3i M 8 S 0.1i c 0.18i - 0.25p 0.3i M 9 D 0 1p V 0 1p N 1 END # Put together a reasonable legend text, and add logo and user's name: cat << END >> neis.legend G 0.25l P T USGS/NEIS most recent earthquakes for the last seven days. The data were T obtained automatically from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program page at T @_http://neic/usgs.gov @_. Interested users may also receive email alerts T from the USGS. T This script can be called daily to update the latest information. G 0.4i G -0.3i L 12 6 LB END # OK, now we can actually run gmt pslegend. We center the legend below the map. # Trial and error shows that 1.7i is a good legend height: gmt pslegend -DJBC+o0/0.4i+w7i/1.7i -R -J -O -F+p+glightyellow neis.legend >> ${fig[1]} # Clean up after ourselves: rm -f neis.* gmt.conf gv ${fig[1]}