import glob, os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10,6] plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})'seaborn') from obspy import read, Stream import matplotlib.dates as mdates from matplotlib import dates from matplotlib.colors import Normalize from spectrogram_obspy_modified import compute_spectrogram mseed_data_comb = "appended_out.mseed" concatenate_traces = False if concatenate_traces: mseed_data = glob.glob(os.path.join("data", "*.mseed")) datarange = np.arange(0,15, dtype=int) stZ = read(mseed_data[datarange[0]]) mytrace = stZ[0] starttime0 = mytrace.stats.starttime endtime0 = mytrace.stats.endtime for i,trdata in enumerate(mseed_data[datarange[1]:datarange[-1]]): st = read(trdata) if i==0: oldend = endtime0 print(f"Reading trace {i+2}: {trdata}, range: {st[0].stats.starttime}-{st[0].stats.endtime}, jump: {st[0].stats.starttime-oldend} second") tr = st[0] mytrace+=tr oldend = tr.stats.endtime mystream = Stream(traces=[mytrace]) for tr in mystream: if isinstance(, = ## I want the final sampling rate to be 1Hz mystream.interpolate(sampling_rate=mystream[0].stats.sampling_rate/mystream[0].stats.sampling_rate,starttime=starttime0) #to deal with missing data #abort downsampling in case of changing end times (strict_length=true) # mystream[0].decimate(factor=10, strict_length=False, no_filter=False) #lowpass filter is applied to ensure no aliasing artifacts are introduced # mystream[0].decimate(factor=4, strict_length=False, no_filter=False) mystream.write(mseed_data_comb, format="MSEED") ## Read back and plot newMseed = read(mseed_data_comb) print(newMseed) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) ax.plot(newMseed[0].times('matplotlib'), newMseed[0].data, lw=0.5, color='k') fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('new-mseed-data.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) plt.close('all') # ## Plot spectrogram # fig, axx = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,4)) # total_length = newMseed[0].data.shape[0] # wlength = int(total_length/12) #window length for fft # newMseed[0].spectrogram(log=False, wlen=wlength,show=False, axes=axx, cmap='jet', dbscale=True) #wlen for the trade off between freq and time # ymin, ymax = axx.get_ylim() # xmin, xmax = axx.get_xlim() # print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # axx.set_xlim([xmin+wlength, xmax-wlength]) # axx.set_title('Spectrogram') # axx.set_xlabel('Time in sec') # axx.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('spectrogram_plot.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) # plt.close('all') ## Plot spectrogram fig, axx = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(10,4)) total_length = newMseed[0].data.shape[0] wlength = int(total_length/12) #window length for fft specgram, freq, time = compute_spectrogram(newMseed[0].data,samp_rate=newMseed[0].stats.sampling_rate, wlen=wlength, dbscale=True) #wlen for the trade off between freq and time ## Normalize the color map vmin = specgram.min() vmax = specgram.max() if vmin<0: vmin = 0 norm = Normalize(vmin, vmax, clip=True) axx.set_yscale('log') cscale = axx.pcolormesh(time, freq, specgram, norm=norm, cmap='jet') # Log scaling for frequency values (y-axis) axx.set_title('Spectrogram') axx.set_xlabel('Time in seconds') axx.set_ylabel('Frequency (Hz)') cbar = fig.colorbar(cscale, extend='max') cbar.set_label('Amplitude in dbscale') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('spectrogram_plot2.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) plt.close('all')