# SublimeText Earthly Syntax README Syntax highlighting for [Earthly](https://earthly.dev) Earthfiles for Sublime Text. For an introduction of Earthly see the [Earthly GitHub repository](https://github.com/earthly/earthly) or the [Earthly documentation](https://docs.earthly.dev). ## Installation Notes ### For Sublime 3 * From Sublime -> `Preferences` -> `Browse Packages` -> This will open a directory * Copy the `Earthfile.tmLanguage` and `Earthfile.tmPreferences` inside this directory and the syntax will be added to Sublime * After this, new Earthfiles that you open will have the syntax highlighted, and for the already opened earthfiles, either reopen it, or restart sublime, or select `View` -> `Syntax` -> `Earthfile` ### For Sublime 2 * From Sublime -> `Preferences` -> `Browse Packages` * It will open a directory similar to `\Data\Packages` * It will have a lot of dircetories with language names such as `C++`, `Java`, `Python` and many more. We need to create a folder called `Earthfile` and copy the `Earthfile.tmLanguage` and `Earthfile.tmPreferences` inside the newly created directory * After this, new Earthfiles that you open will have the syntax highlighted, and for the already opened earthfiles, either reopen it, or restart sublime, or select `View` -> `Syntax` -> `Earthfile` ## Screenshot ![sublime syntax highlighting screenshot](Screenshot.png) ## Release Notes ### 0.0.1 Initial release of earthfile-syntax-highlighting with readme and screenshot