import json import subprocess import os import socket import dotenv from os import environ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, run from ast import literal_eval from dotenv import load_dotenv from simple_term_menu import TerminalMenu from datetime import datetime def askYesNo(question: str) -> bool: YesNoAnswer = "" while not YesNoAnswer.startswith(("Y", "N")): YesNoAnswer = input(f"{question}: ").upper() if YesNoAnswer.startswith("Y"): return True return False def setVar(fileName, keyName, updateName): if environ.get(keyName): dotenv.unset_key(fileName, keyName) dotenv.set_key(fileName, keyName, updateName) return serverHostName = socket.gethostname() userHomeDir = os.path.expanduser("~") dotenv_file = f"{userHomeDir}/.easynode.env" timeNow = if os.path.isdir(f"{userHomeDir}/harmony"): harmonyFolder = f"{userHomeDir}/harmony" elif os.path.isfile(f"{userHomeDir}/harmony"): harmonyFolder = f"{userHomeDir}" else: print("* Harmony binary file not found in your user directory or in ~/harmony") raise SystemExit(0) if os.path.isfile(f"{userHomeDir}/.easynode.env"): load_dotenv(dotenv_file) ourShard = int(environ.get("SHARD")) else: os.system(f"touch {userHomeDir}/.easynode.env") # ask shard and record here os.system("clear") print("***") print("* First Boot - Gathering more information about your server *") print("***") print("* Which shard do you want this node run on? *") print("***") menuOptions = ["[0] - Shard 0", "[1] - Shard 1", "[2] - Shard 2", "[3] - Shard 3", ] terminal_menu = TerminalMenu(menuOptions, title="* Which Shard will this node operate on? ") ourShard = setVar(dotenv_file, "SHARD", str(ourShard)) # get database sizes def getDBSize(ourShard, harmonyFolder, countTrim) -> str: checkSymlink = f'du -h {harmonyFolder}/harmony_db_{ourShard}' if os.path.islink(checkSymlink): harmonyFolder = os.path.relpath(checkSymlink) harmonyDBSize = subprocess.getoutput(f"du -h {harmonyFolder}/harmony_db_{ourShard}") harmonyDBSize = harmonyDBSize.rstrip('\t') return harmonyDBSize[:-countTrim] # gathering information countTrim = len(harmonyFolder) + 13 remote_shard_0 = [f'{harmonyFolder}/hmy', 'blockchain', 'latest-headers', '--node='] result_remote_shard_0 = run(remote_shard_0, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) remote_data_shard_0 = json.loads(result_remote_shard_0.stdout) remote_shard = [f'{harmonyFolder}/hmy', 'blockchain', 'latest-headers', f'--node=https://api.s{ourShard}'] result_remote_shard = run(remote_shard, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) remote_data_shard = json.loads(result_remote_shard.stdout) local_shard = [f'{harmonyFolder}/hmy', 'blockchain', 'latest-headers'] result_local_shard = run(local_shard, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True) local_data_shard = json.loads(result_local_shard.stdout) ourUptime = subprocess.getoutput("uptime") ourVersion = subprocess.getoutput(f"{harmonyFolder}/harmony -V") dbZeroSize = getDBSize('0', harmonyFolder, countTrim) # print it out if ourShard >= 0: print(f""" *** * * Current Date & Time: {timeNow} * *** * * Current Status of our server {serverHostName} currently on Shard {environ.get('SHARD')}: * * Shard 0 Sync Status: * Local Server - Epoch {local_data_shard['result']['beacon-chain-header']['epoch']} (Always 1 epoch behind Remote Server) - Shard 0 not required on Shard {environ.get('SHARD')} * Remote Server - Epoch {remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['epoch']} - Shard {remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['shardID']} - Block {literal_eval(remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['number'])} * * * Shard {ourShard} Sync Status: * * Local Server - Epoch {local_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['epoch']} - Shard {local_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['shardID']} - Block {literal_eval(local_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['number'])} * Remote Server - Epoch {remote_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['epoch']} - Shard {remote_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['shardID']} - Block {literal_eval(remote_data_shard['result']['shard-chain-header']['number'])} * *** * * Harmony DB 0 Size :: {dbZeroSize} * Harmony DB {ourShard} Size :: {getDBSize(str(ourShard), harmonyFolder, countTrim)} * * {ourVersion} * Uptime :: {ourUptime} * *** """) else: print(f""" *** * * Current Date & Time: {timeNow} * *** * * Current Status of our server {serverHostName} currently on Shard {environ.get('SHARD')}: * * Shard 0 Sync Status: * Local Server - Epoch {local_data_shard['result']['beacon-chain-header']['epoch']} - Shard {local_data_shard['result']['beacon-chain-header']['shardID']} - Block {literal_eval(local_data_shard['result']['beacon-chain-header']['number'])} * Remote Server - Epoch {remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['epoch']} - Shard {remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['shardID']} - Block {literal_eval(remote_data_shard_0['result']['shard-chain-header']['number'])} * *** * * Harmony DB 0 Size :: {dbZeroSize} * * {ourVersion} * Uptime :: {ourUptime} * *** """)