#!/bin/bash # DEBUG MODE DEBUG="OFF" # Author: Ulrich Block , # Alexander Doerwald # # This file is part of Easy-WI. # # Easy-WI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Easy-WI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Easy-WI. If not, see . # # Diese Datei ist Teil von Easy-WI. # # Easy-WI ist Freie Software: Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen # der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation, # Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spaeteren # veroeffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren. # # Easy-WI wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nuetzlich sein wird, aber # OHNE JEDE GEWAEHELEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite # Gewaehrleistung der MARKTFAEHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FUER EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. # Siehe die GNU General Public License fuer weitere Details. # # Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem # Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe . # #shellcheck SC2193 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2193 # [ "$1" == "--debug" ] if [ "$DEBUG" == "ON" ] || [ "${1}" == "--debug" ]; then set -x fi # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -e "\\033[32;1m${@}}\033[0m" greenMessage() { echo -e "\\033[32;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -e "\\033[36;1m${@}\033[0m" cyanMessage() { echo -e "\\033[36;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -e "\\033[31;1m${@}\033[0m" redMessage() { echo -e "\\033[31;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -e "\\033[33;1m${@}\033[0m" yellowMessage() { echo -e "\\033[33;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -en "\\033[32;1m${@}\033[0m" greenOneLineMessage() { echo -en "\\033[32;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -en "\\033[36;1m${@}\033[0m" cyanOneLineMessage() { echo -en "\\033[36;1m$*\033[0m" } # #shellcheck SC2145 https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2145 # echo -en "\\033[33;1m${@}\033[0m" yellowOneLineMessage() { echo -en "\\033[33;1m$*\033[0m" } errorAndQuit() { errorAndExit "Exit now!" } errorAndExit() { cyanMessage " " redMessage "$*" cyanMessage " " exit 1 } errorAndContinue() { redMessage "Invalid option." } removeIfExists() { if [ -n "${1}" ] && [ -f "${1}" ]; then rm -f "${1}" fi } runSpinner() { SPINNER=("-" "\\" "|" "/") for _ in $(seq 1 "$1"); do for I in ${SPINNER[*]}; do echo -ne "\b${I}" sleep 0.1 done done } okAndSleep() { greenMessage "${1}" sleep 1 } makeDir() { if [ -n "${1}" ] && [ ! -d "${1}" ]; then mkdir -p "${1}" fi } backUpFile() { if [ ! -f "${1}.easy-install.backup" ]; then cp "${1}" "${1}.easy-install.backup" fi } checkInstall() { if [ "${OS}" == "debian" ] || [ "${OS}" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -z "$(dpkg-query -s "$1" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing package ${1}" $INSTALLER -y install "${1}" fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(rpm -qa "${1}")" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing package $1" $INSTALLER -y install "$1" fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ -z "$(slackpkg search "$1" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing package $1" $INSTALLER install "$1" fi fi if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then errorAndExit "\nPlease check Output!\nInstallation abort!\n" fi } checkUnInstall() { if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -z "$(dpkg-query -s "$1" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Uninstalling package $1" $INSTALLER -y remove "$1" fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(rpm -qa "$1")" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Uninstalling package $1" $INSTALLER -y remove "$1" fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ -z "$(slackpkg search "$1")" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Uninstalling package $1" $INSTALLER remove "$1" fi fi } importKey() { if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver "$1" "$2" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then rpm --import "$1" elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then slackpkg update gpg fi } checkUser() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then redMessage "Error: No masteruser specified" elif [ "$1" == "root" ]; then redMessage "Error: Using root as masteruser is a security hazard and not allowed." elif [ -n "$(id "$1" 2>/dev/null)" ] && { [ "$INSTALL" != "EW" ] && [ "$INSTALL" != "WR" ] || [ ! -d "/home/$1/sites-enabled" ]; }; then redMessage "Error: User \"$1\" already exists. Please name a not yet existing user" else echo 1 fi } RestartWebserver() { if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Restarting Apache2." apache2ctl restart 1>/dev/null elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Restarting Lighttpd." service lighttpd restart 1>/dev/null fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then cyanMessage " " if [ -f /etc/php-fpm.conf ]; then okAndSleep "Restarting PHP-FPM and Apache2." systemctl restart php-fpm.service 1>/dev/null else okAndSleep "Restarting Apache2." fi systemctl restart httpd.service 1>/dev/null elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then cyanMessage " " if [ -f /etc/php-fpm.conf ]; then okAndSleep "Restarting PHP-FPM and Lighttpd." systemctl restart php-fpm.service 1>/dev/null else okAndSleep "Restarting Lighttpd." fi systemctl restart lighttpd.service 1>/dev/null fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then cyanMessage " " if [ -f /etc/php-fpm.conf ]; then okAndSleep "Restarting PHP-FPM and Apache2." /etc/rc.d/rc.php-fpm restart 1>/dev/null else okAndSleep "Restarting Apache2." fi /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd restart 1>/dev/null fi fi } RestartDatabase() { # debian11 uses mariadb as service now if [[ "$OS" == "debian" && "$OSVERSION" -le "100" ]] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/mysql ]; then /etc/init.d/mysql restart 1>/dev/null else systemctl restart mysql 1>/dev/null fi elif [[ "$OS" == "debian" && "$OSVERSION" -ge "110" ]]; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/mariadb ]; then /etc/init.d/mariadb restart 1>/dev/null else systemctl restart mariadb 1>/dev/null fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then systemctl restart mariadb.service 1>/dev/null if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then systemctl restart mysql.service 1>/dev/null fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld restart 1>/dev/null fi } doReboot() { if [ -n "$2" ]; then redMessage " " redMessage "$2" fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Do you want to restart now?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3) break ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then cyanMessage " " redMessage "$1" removeIfExists /tmp/easy-wi_reboot shutdown -r now errorAndQuit else touch /tmp/easy-wi_reboot clearPassword errorAndQuit fi } clearPassword() { # clear password variable unset MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD DB_PASSWORD QUERY_PASSWORD WEBGROUPNAME2 FIREWALL MASTERUSER MYSQL_USER HTTPDSCRIPT } portRange() { RANDOMPORTRANGE=$(seq 1001 65536 | shuf -n 1) PORT_RANGE=$((RANDOMPORTRANGE + 200)) echo "$RANDOMPORTRANGE" $PORT_RANGE } setPath() { ## As standard sudo users on Slackware do not have access to /sbin and /usr/sbin ## directories which blocks access to usermod, userdel and useradd commands. CURRENTPATH=$(cat /etc/profile | grep PATH= | sed '/$PATH/d') CORRECTPATH='PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin"' ## If the PATH variable doesn't exist .. Yikes .. let's GTFO yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Checking if PATH is set ...." if [ $CURRENTPATH == "" ]; then errorAndExit "No PATH detected, you need to fix this! ... Exiting" exit 1 fi ## Write the new PATH to /etc/profile if it's not correct already if [ $CURRENTPATH != $CORRECTPATH ]; then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Writing new PATH to /etc/profile ..." sed -i "s|$CURRENTPATH|"'PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin"|' /etc/profile fi } # We need to be root to install and update if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then cyanMessage "Change to root account required" su - fi if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then errorAndExit "Still not root, aborting" fi cyanMessage " " yellowMessage "Please wait... Update is currently running." cyanMessage " " if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then INSTALLER="apt-get" OS="debian" $INSTALLER -y update if [ -z "$(which wget)" ]; then checkInstall wget fi if [ -z "$(which dialog)" ]; then checkInstall dialog fi if [ -z "$(which logger)" ]; then apt-get --reinstall install bsdutils fi if [ -z "$(which apt-utils)" ]; then checkInstall apt-utils fi if [ -z "$(which sudo)" ]; then checkInstall sudo fi elif [ -f /etc/centos-release ]; then INSTALLER="yum" OS="centos" setenforce 0 >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl stop postfix systemctl disable postfix $INSTALLER clean all $INSTALLER -y update if [ -z "$(rpm -qa wget)" ]; then checkInstall wget fi if [ -z "$(rpm -qa which)" ]; then checkInstall which fi elif [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then INSTALLER="slackpkg" OS="slackware" $INSTALLER update if [ -z "$(slackpkg search wget)" ]; then checkInstall wget fi if [ -z "$(slackpkg search which)" ]; then checkInstall which fi fi INSTALLER_VERSION=3.3 PKILL=$(which pkill) USERADD=$(which useradd) USERMOD=$(which usermod) USERDEL=$(which userdel) GROUPADD=$(which groupadd) MACHINE=$(uname -m) HOST_NAME=$(hostname -f | awk '{print tolower($0)}') LOCAL_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$LOCAL_IP" ] || [ "$LOCAL_IP" == "0" ] || [ "$LOCAL_IP" == "localhost" ]; then LOCAL_IP=$(ip route get | awk '{print $7; exit}') fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Checking for the latest installer version" LATEST_VERSION=$(wget -q --timeout=60 -O - https://api.github.com/repos/easy-wi/installer/releases/latest | grep -Po '(?<="tag_name": ")([0-9]\.[0-9]+)') if [ "$(printf "${LATEST_VERSION}\n${INSTALLER_VERSION}" | sort -V | tail -n 1)" != "$INSTALLER_VERSION" ]; then errorAndExit "You are using the old version ${INSTALLER_VERSION}. Please upgrade to version ${LATEST_VERSION} and retry." else okAndSleep "You are using the up to date version ${INSTALLER_VERSION}" fi cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Update the system packages to the latest version? Required, as otherwise dependencies might break!" OPTIONS=("Yes" "Quit") select UPDATE_UPGRADE_SYSTEM in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1) break ;; 2) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$UPDATE_UPGRADE_SYSTEM" == "Yes" ]; then cyanMessage " " yellowMessage "Please wait... Update is currently running." cyanMessage " " if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then cyanMessage " " $INSTALLER -y upgrade checkInstall debconf-utils checkInstall lsb-release elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Update all obsolete packages." $INSTALLER -y update checkInstall redhat-lsb checkInstall epel-release importKey /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY* checkInstall yum-utils elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Update all obsolete packages." $INSTALLER update fi fi checkInstall curl yellowMessage "" yellowMessage "Note: locales added en_US.UTF-8 if needed!" yellowMessage "" if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ "$(grep LANG= /etc/locale.conf)" != "LANG=en_US.UTF-8" ] && [ -n "$(localectl list-locales | grep en_US.UTF-8)" ]; then localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 elif [ "$(grep LANG= /etc/locale.conf)" != "LANG=en_US.utf8" ] && [ -n "$(localectl list-locales | grep en_US.utf8)" ]; then localectl set-locale LANG=en_US.utf8 fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ "$(grep '\bexport LANG=en_US.UTF-8\b' /etc/profile.d/lang.sh)" != " export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" ]; then echo "export LANG=en_US.UTF-8" >>/etc/profile.d/lang.sh fi else checkInstall locales if [ "$(grep en_US.UTF-8 /etc/locale.gen)" != "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" ]; then sed -i "s/# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/g" /etc/locale.gen dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive locales fi fi #CentOS - SELinux if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ ! -f /tmp/easy-wi_reboot ]; then if [ ! -d /home/easywi_web ] && [ -z "$(find /home -type d -name 'masterserver')" ] && [ -z "$(find /home -type f -name 'ts3server')" ]; then yellowMessage "" yellowMessage "Note: Please update your fresh operating system and restart it!" yellowMessage "" fi if [ -f /etc/selinux/config ]; then if [ "$(grep 'SELINUX=' /etc/selinux/config | sed -n '2 p')" != "SELINUX=disabled" ]; then backUpFile /etc/selinux/config sed -i "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g" /etc/selinux/config redMessage " " redMessage "Please reboot your Root/Vserver to disabled SELinux Security Function!" redMessage "Otherwise, the WebInterface can not work." redMessage " " doReboot "System is rebooting now for finish SELinux Security Function! (if this message is permanent please disable it by hand and delete /tmp/easy-wi_reboot)" fi fi else doReboot "System is rebooting now for finish SELinux Security Function!(if this message is permanent please disable it by hand and delete /tmp/easy-wi_reboot)" "Please reboot your Root/Vserver to disabled SELinux Security Function(if this message is permanent please disable it by hand and delete /tmp/easy-wi_reboot)" fi fi cyanMessage " " if [ -f /etc/slackware-version ]; then OS=$(grep '\bNAME=\b' /etc/os-release | sed -n 's/^.*NAME=//p' | sed -e 's/\(.*\)/\L\1/') OSVERSION_TMP=$(grep '\bVERSION_ID=\b' /etc/os-release | sed -n 's/^.*VERSION_ID=//p') OSBRANCH=$(grep '\bVERSION_CODENAME=\b' /etc/os-release | sed -n 's/^.*VERSION_CODENAME=//p') else OS=$(lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | grep 'Distributor' | awk '{print tolower($3)}') OSVERSION_TMP=$(lsb_release -r 2>/dev/null | grep 'Release' | awk '{print $2}') OSBRANCH=$(lsb_release -c 2>/dev/null | grep 'Codename' | awk '{print $2}') fi if [ "$MACHINE" == "x86_64" ]; then ARCH="amd64" elif [ "$MACHINE" == "i386" ] || [ "$MACHINE" == "i686" ]; then ARCH="x86" fi if [ -z "$OS" ]; then errorAndExit "Error: Could not detect OS. Currently only Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS are supported. Aborting!" else okAndSleep "Detected OS: $OS" fi if [ -z "$OSBRANCH" ]; then errorAndExit "Error: Could not detect branch of OS. Aborting" else okAndSleep "Detected branch: $OSBRANCH" fi if [ -z "$OSVERSION_TMP" ]; then errorAndExit "Error: Could not detect version of OS. Aborting" else okAndSleep "Detected version: $OSVERSION_TMP" if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then OSVERSION=$(echo "$OSVERSION_TMP" | tr -d .) elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then OSVERSION=$(echo "$OSVERSION_TMP" | tr -d . | cut -c 1-2) elif [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then if [ $(echo "$OSVERSION_TMP" | wc -c) == "3" ]; then OSVERSION=$(echo "$OSVERSION_TMP")0 else OSVERSION=$(echo "$OSVERSION_TMP" | tr -d . | cut -c 1-2) fi fi fi if [ -z "$ARCH" ]; then errorAndExit "Error: $MACHINE is not supported! Aborting" else okAndSleep "Detected architecture: $ARCH" fi if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "1604" ] || [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "90" ] || [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "60" ]; then echo echo redMessage "Error: Your OS \"$OS $OSVERSION_TMP\" is not more supported from Easy-WI Installer." redMessage "Please Upgrade to a newer OS Version!" redMessage " " if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then redMessage "Reinstall CentOS to Version 7 or newer!" redMessage "A Upgrade from your OS is not available." redMessage " " errorAndQuit fi if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then OSBRANCH_NEW="xenial (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)" else OSBRANCH_NEW="stretch (Debian 9)" fi cyanMessage "Upgrade to $OS $OSBRANCH_NEW?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall update-manager-core do-release-upgrade elif [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then sed -i "s/$OSBRANCH/stretch/g" /etc/apt/sources.list $INSTALLER -y update $INSTALLER -y upgrade $INSTALLER -y dist-upgrade -u $INSTALLER -y autoremove fi doReboot "System is rebooting now for finish Upgrade!" else if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then redMessage "Run this command to manually update your OS: " redMessage "Command: do-release-upgrade" redMessage " " errorAndQuit elif [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then redMessage "Command: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade; apt-get autoremove" redMessage " " errorAndQuit fi fi fi yellowMessage " " yellowOneLineMessage "If you want to install everything on this system, then please install the " cyanOneLineMessage "Easy-WI Webpanel " yellowMessage "first!" cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "What shall be installed/prepared?" OPTIONS=("Easy-WI Webpanel" "Gameserver Root" "Voicemaster" "Webspace Root" "MySQL" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5) break ;; 6) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Easy-WI Webpanel" ]; then INSTALL="EW" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Gameserver Root" ]; then INSTALL="GS" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Voicemaster" ]; then INSTALL="VS" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Webspace Root" ]; then INSTALL="WR" elif [ "$OPTION" == "MySQL" ]; then INSTALL="MY" fi OTHER_PANEL="" if [ "$INSTALL" != "VS" ]; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/psa ]; then OTHER_PANEL="Plesk" elif [ -f /usr/local/vesta/bin/v-change-user-password ]; then OTHER_PANEL="VestaCP" elif [ -d /root/confixx ]; then OTHER_PANEL="Confixx" elif [ -d /var/www/froxlor ]; then OTHER_PANEL="Froxlor" elif [ -d /etc/imscp ]; then OTHER_PANEL="i-MSCP" elif [ -d /usr/local/ispconfig ]; then OTHER_PANEL="ISPConfig" elif [ -d /var/cpanel ]; then OTHER_PANEL="cPanel" elif [ -d /usr/local/directadmin ]; then OTHER_PANEL="DirectAdmin" fi fi if [ -n "$OTHER_PANEL" ]; then if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Warning an installation of the control panel $OTHER_PANEL has been detected." yellowMessage "If you continue the installer might end up breaking $OTHER_PANEL or same parts of Easy-WI might not work." OPTIONS=("Continue" "Quit") select OTHER_PANEL_CONTINUE in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1) break ;; 2) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OTHER_PANEL_CONTINUE" == "Continue" ]; then redMessage " " redMessage "At your own risk!" redMessage "Easy-WI does not support anyone in using other panels." fi else redMessage " " errorAndExit "Aborting as the risk of breaking the installed panel $OTHER_PANEL is too high." fi fi # Run the domain/IP check up front to avoid late error out. if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "At which URL/Domain should Easy-Wi be placed?" OPTIONS=("$LOCAL_IP" "Domain/IP" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Domain/IP" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please specify the IP or domain Easy-Wi should run at." read IP_DOMAIN else IP_DOMAIN=$OPTION fi if [ -z "$(grep -E '\b((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}\b' <<<"$IP_DOMAIN")" ] && [ -z "$(grep -E '^(([a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*)\.)*[a-zA-Z](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$' <<<"$IP_DOMAIN")" ]; then errorAndExit "Error: $IP_DOMAIN is neither a domain nor an IPv4 address!" fi FILE_NAME=${IP_DOMAIN//./_} cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Install stable or latest developer version?" OPTIONS=("Stable" "Developer" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done RELEASE_TYPE=$OPTION fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then checkInstall cron elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall crontabs fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "100" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Use dotdeb.org repository for more up to date server and PHP versions?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select DOTDEB in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$DOTDEB" == "Yes" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep 'packages.dotdeb.org' /etc/apt/sources.list)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Adding entries to /etc/apt/sources.list" if [ "$OSBRANCH" == "stretch" ]; then checkInstall software-properties-common fi add-apt-repository "deb http://packages.dotdeb.org $OSBRANCH all" curl --remote-name https://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg apt-key add dotdeb.gpg removeIfExists dotdeb.gpg $INSTALLER -y update fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then WEBSERVER="Apache" elif [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ ! -d /home/easywi_web/htdocs/ ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please select the webserver you would like to use" cyanMessage "Lighttpd is recommended for FastDL" cyanMessage "Apache is recommended in case you want to run many PHP supporting Vhosts aka mass web hosting" OPTIONS=("Apache" "Lighttpd" "None" "Quit") select WEBSERVER in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3) break ;; 4) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done else WEBSERVER="None" fi fi fi # If we need to install and configure a webspace then we need to identify the groupID if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then WEBGROUPNAME="www-data" WEBGROUPTMPID="33" WEBGROUPPATH="/var/www" WEBGROUPCOMMENT="Webserver" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then WEBGROUPNAME="lighttpd" WEBGROUPTMPID="993" WEBGROUPPATH="/var/www/lighttpd" WEBGROUPCOMMENT="lighttpd web server" elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then WEBGROUPNAME="apache" WEBGROUPTMPID="48" WEBGROUPPATH="/usr/share/httpd" WEBGROUPCOMMENT="Apache" elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "None" ]; then if [ -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf ]; then WEBGROUPNAME="lighttpd" WEBGROUPTMPID="993" WEBGROUPPATH="/var/www/lighttpd" WEBGROUPCOMMENT="lighttpd web server" elif [ -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ]; then WEBGROUPNAME="apache" WEBGROUPTMPID="48" WEBGROUPPATH="/usr/share/httpd" WEBGROUPCOMMENT="Apache" if [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then WEBSERVER="Apache" fi else errorAndExit "No Webserver Installation found. Aborting!" fi fi fi WEBGROUPID=$(getent group $WEBGROUPNAME | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') if [ "$WEBGROUPID" != "$WEBGROUPTMPID" ]; then $GROUPADD -g $WEBGROUPTMPID $WEBGROUPNAME >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then $USERADD -c "$WEBGROUPCOMMENT" -u $WEBGROUPTMPID -g $WEBGROUPTMPID -s /sbin/nologin -r -d $WEBGROUPPATH $WEBGROUPNAME fi WEBGROUPID=$(getent group $WEBGROUPNAME | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ -d /home/easywi_web/htdocs/ ]; then OPTION="Yes" else cyanMessage " " cyanOneLineMessage 'Found group "' yellowOneLineMessage "$WEBGROUPNAME" cyanOneLineMessage '" with group ID "' yellowOneLineMessage "$WEBGROUPID" cyanMessage '". Use as webservergroup?' OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done fi if [ "$OPTION" == "No" ]; then cyanMessage "Please name the group you want to use as webservergroup" read WEBGROUP WEBGROUPID=$(getent group "$WEBGROUP" | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') if [ -z "$WEBGROUPID" ]; then $GROUPADD "$WEBGROUP" WEBGROUPID=$(getent group "$WEBGROUP" | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') fi fi if [ -z "$WEBGROUPID" ]; then errorAndExit "Fatal Error: missing webservergroup ID" elif [ "$WEBGROUPID" != "$WEBGROUPTMPID" ]; then errorAndExit "Fatal Error: wrong webservergroup ID" fi fi # Run the TS3 server version detect up front to avoid user executing steps first and fail at download last. if [ "$INSTALL" == "VS" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Searching latest build for hardware type $MACHINE with arch $ARCH." for VERSION in $(curl -s "https://files.teamspeak-services.com/releases/server/?C=M;O=D" | grep -Po '(?<=href=")[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){2,3}(?=")' | sort -Vr); do DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION="https://files.teamspeak-services.com/releases/server/$VERSION/teamspeak3-server_linux_$ARCH-$VERSION.tar.bz2" DOWNLOAD_URL=$DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION break done okAndSleep "Detected latest server version as $VERSION with download URL $DOWNLOAD_URL" fi #evenntuell ändern if [[ "$INSTALL" != "MY" ]]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please enter the name of the masteruser, which does not exist yet." read MASTERUSER CHECK_USER=$(checkUser "$MASTERUSER") if [ "$CHECK_USER" != "1" ]; then echo "$CHECK_USER" read MASTERUSER CHECK_USER=$(checkUser "$MASTERUSER") if [ "$CHECK_USER" != "1" ]; then echo "$CHECK_USER" errorAndExit "Fatal Error: No valid masteruser specified in two tries" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then $USERADD -m -b /home -s /bin/bash -g "$WEBGROUPNAME" "$MASTERUSER" else $GROUPADD "$MASTERUSER" $USERADD -m -b /home -s /bin/bash -g "$MASTERUSER" "$MASTERUSER" fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Create key or set password for login?" cyanMessage "Safest way of login is a password protected key." if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then cyanMessage "Neither is required, when installing Easy-WI Webpanel." fi OPTIONS=("Create key" "Set password" "Skip" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3) break ;; 4) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Create key" ]; then if [ -d /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh ]; then rm -rf /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh fi makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh chown "$MASTERUSER":$WEBGROUPNAME /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh >/dev/null 2>&1 cd /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh || exit cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "It is recommended but not required to set a password" #ssh-keygen creates not yet supported encrypted open ssh keys since version 7.8 -> https://www.openssh.com/txt/release-7.8 # support for encrypted open ssh keys comes with phpseclib v3 if [ "$(ssh -V 2>&1 | awk -F'[_.]' '{ print $2 "." $3+0 }')" \< "7.8" ]; then su -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/$MASTERUSER/.ssh/id_rsa -N ''" "$MASTERUSER" else su -c "ssh-keygen -m PEM -f /home/$MASTERUSER/.ssh/id_rsa -N ''" "$MASTERUSER" fi KEYNAME=$(find -maxdepth 1 -name "*.pub" | head -n 1) if [ -n "$KEYNAME" ]; then su -c "cat $KEYNAME >> authorized_keys" "$MASTERUSER" if [ "$INSTALL" != "EW" ] && [ "$INSTALL" != "MY" ]; then if [ -d /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/ ]; then cp /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/"$MASTERUSER".pub cp /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh/id_rsa /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/"$MASTERUSER" WEBGROUPNAME2=$(ls -ls /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/ | grep "easywi_web" | awk '{print $5}' | head -n1) chown -cR easywi_web:"$WEBGROUPNAME2" /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/ >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi else redMessage "Error: could not find a key. You might need to create one manually at a later point." fi elif [ "$OPTION" == "Set password" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please provide the user password for $MASTERUSER." passwd "$MASTERUSER" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/sites-enabled/ makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/htdocs makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/logs makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/sessions makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/tmp chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":$WEBGROUPNAME /home/"$MASTERUSER" >/dev/null 2>&1 #Fix Error 403 - You don't have permission to access /install/install.php on this server. chmod +x /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/ >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/htdocs >/dev/null 2>&1 cyanMessage " " if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then checkInstall lighttpd if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then systemctl enable lighttpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall apache2 elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall httpd systemctl enable httpd.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "MY" ]; then if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Please note that Easy-Wi requires a MySQL or MariaDB server to be installed, and will install MariaDB if no server is already installed" fi # don't use mysql for debian >= 10 if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "100" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [[ -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mysqld' | grep -v 'grep')" || -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mariadb' | grep -v 'grep')" ]]; then cyanMessage " " else cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please select which database server to install." OPTIONS=("MySQL" "MariaDB" "None" "Quit") select SQL in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3) break ;; 4) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(ps fax | grep 'mysqld' | grep -v 'grep')" ]; then SQL="MariaDB" SQL_VERSION="10" fi else SQL="MariaDB" fi if [[ -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mysqld' | grep -v 'grep')" || -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mariadb' | grep -v 'grep')" ]]; then if [ -f /root/database_root_login.txt ]; then MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(grep "Password:" /root/database_root_login.txt | awk '{print $2}') else cyanMessage " " cyanOneLineMessage "Please provide the " greenOneLineMessage "root " cyanMessage "password for the MySQL Database." read -r MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD fi mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e exit 2>/dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? until [ $ERROR_CODE == 0 ]; do cyanOneLineMessage "Password incorrect, please provide the " greenOneLineMessage "root " cyanMessage "password for the MySQL Database." read -r MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e exit 2>/dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? done else MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(tr /dev/null)" ]; then curl -LsSO https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb-keyring-2019.gpg mv mariadb-keyring-2019.gpg /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ add-apt-repository "deb https://downloads.mariadb.com/MariaDB/mariadb-$MARIADB_VERSION/repo/$OS $OSBRANCH main" RUNUPDATE=1 fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$DOTDEB" == "Yes" ]; then echo "Package: *" >/etc/apt/preferences.d/mariadb.pref echo "Pin: origin downloads.mariadb.com" >>/etc/apt/preferences.d/mariadb.pref echo "Pin-Priority: 1000" >>/etc/apt/preferences.d/mariadb.pref RUNUPDATE=1 fi elif ([ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$SQL_VERSION" == "10" ] && [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo ]); then MARIADB_TMP_VERSION="$(echo "$OSVERSION" | cut -c 1)" MARIADB_FILE=$(ls /etc/yum.repos.d/) for search_mariadb in "${MARIADB_FILE[@]}"; do if [ -z "$(grep '/MariaDB/' "$search_mariadb" >/dev/null 2>&1)" ] && [ ! -f /etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo ]; then echo "# MariaDB $MARIADB_VERSION CentOS repository list # http://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/ [mariadb] name = MariaDB baseurl = "http://yum.mariadb.org/"$MARIADB_VERSION"/centos"$MARIADB_TMP_VERSION"-amd64" gpgkey=https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB gpgcheck=1" >/etc/yum.repos.d/MariaDB.repo fi done importKey https://yum.mariadb.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB RUNUPDATE=1 fi if [ "$RUNUPDATE" == "1" ]; then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Please wait... Update is currently running." yellowMessage " " $INSTALLER -y update fi fi if [ "$SQL" == "MySQL" ]; then cyanMessage " Checking if MySQL is installed ..." checkInstall mysql-server checkInstall mysql-client checkInstall mysql-common elif [ "$SQL" == "MariaDB" ]; then cyanMessage " Checking if MariaDB is installed ..." # FIX MariaDB Install (#96) && => || if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall mariadb-server checkInstall mariadb-client if [ "$(printf "${OSVERSION}\n80" | sort -V | tail -n 1)" == "80" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ -z "$(grep '/mariadb/' /etc/apt/sources.list)" ]; then checkInstall mysql-common else checkInstall mariadb-common fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "80" ]; then checkInstall perl-DBI checkInstall mariadb-server systemctl enable mariadb.service >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "80" ]; then dnf install -y perl-DBI dnf install -y boost-program-options dnf install -y MariaDB-server MariaDB-client --disablerepo=AppStream fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf.easy-install.backup ]; then backUpFile /etc/mysql/my.cnf fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ -f /etc/my.cnf ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/my.cnf.easy-install.backup ]; then backUpFile /etc/my.cnf if [ -f /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf ]; then cp /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf -R /etc/my.cnf fi fi else errorAndExit "$SQL Database not fully installed!" fi RestartDatabase cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Securing MySQL by running \"mariadb-secure-installation\" commands." if [ -n "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then mysqladmin -u root password "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" mysqladmin shutdown -p "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" RestartDatabase fi mysql --user=root --password="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" <<_EOF_ DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=''; DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1'); DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; _EOF_ else cyanMessage " " errorAndExit "Error: Password for MySQL Server not found!" fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then MYSQL_CONF="/etc/mysql/my.cnf" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then MYSQL_CONF="/etc/my.cnf" fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "MY" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Allow access to the Database from outside?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select EXTERNAL_INSTALL in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done elif [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then EXTERNAL_INSTALL="No" fi if [ "$EXTERNAL_INSTALL" == "Yes" ]; then mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0;" 2>/dev/null mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "UPDATE mysql.user SET Select_priv='Y',Insert_priv='Y',Update_priv='Y',Delete_priv='Y',Create_priv='Y',Drop_priv='Y',Reload_priv='Y',Shutdown_priv='Y',Process_priv='Y',File_priv='Y',Grant_priv='Y',References_priv='Y',Index_priv='Y',Alter_priv='Y',Show_db_priv='Y',Super_priv='Y',Create_tmp_table_priv='Y',Lock_tables_priv='Y',Execute_priv='Y',Repl_slave_priv='Y',Repl_client_priv='Y',Create_view_priv='Y',Show_view_priv='Y',Create_routine_priv='Y',Alter_routine_priv='Y',Create_user_priv='Y',Event_priv='Y',Trigger_priv='Y',Create_tablespace_priv='Y' WHERE User='root' AND Host='';" 2>/dev/null if [ -z "$LOCAL_IP" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Could not detect local IP. Please specify which to use." read LOCAL_IP fi if [ -n "$LOCAL_IP" ] && [ -f "$MYSQL_CONF" ]; then if [ "$(grep 'bind-address' $MYSQL_CONF | awk '{print $3}')" != "" ]; then sed -i "s/bind-address.*/bind-address =" $MYSQL_CONF elif [ -z "$(grep 'bind-address' $MYSQL_CONF)" ]; then sed -i "/\[mysqld\]/abind-address =" $MYSQL_CONF fi fi elif [ "$EXTERNAL_INSTALL" == "No" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep 'bind-address' $MYSQL_CONF)" ]; then sed -i "/\[mysqld\]/abind-address =" $MYSQL_CONF elif [ -z "$(grep 'bind-address =' $MYSQL_CONF)" ] && [ ! "$MYSQL_CONF".easy-install.backup ]; then sed -i "s/bind-address.*/bind-address =" $MYSQL_CONF fi fi MYSQL_VERSION=$(mysql -V | awk {'print $5'} | tr -d ,) # FIX MariaDB Install (#107) if [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == "Linux" ]]; then MYSQL_VERSION=$(mysql -V | awk {'print $3'} | tr -d . | cut -c 1-2) elif [[ "$MYSQL_VERSION" == *"-MariaDB" ]]; then # -> mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.18-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper into 10 MYSQL_VERSION=$(mysql -V | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d , | tr -d 'MariaDB' | awk -F\- '{ print $1 }' | cut -c 1-2) fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -n "$(grep -E 'key_buffer[[:space:]]*=' /etc/mysql/my.cnf)" ] && [ "printf ""${MYSQL_VERSION}"\n5.5" | sort -V | tail -n 1" != "5.5" ]; then sed -i -e "51s/key_buffer[[:space:]]*=/key_buffer_size = /g" $MYSQL_CONF sed -i -e "57s/myisam-recover[[:space:]]*=/myisam-recover-options = /g" $MYSQL_CONF fi if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "1603" ] && [ ! -f /etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf ]; then echo '[mysqld]' >/etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf if [ "$MYSQL_VERSION" -lt "80" ]; then echo 'sql_mode=IGNORE_SPACE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' >>/etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf else echo 'sql_mode=IGNORE_SPACE,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' >>/etc/mysql/conf.d/disable_strict_mode.cnf fi fi fi RestartDatabase if [[ -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mysqld' | grep -v 'grep')" || -n "$(ps fax | grep 'mariadb' | grep -v 'grep')" ]]; then cyanMessage " " else cyanMessage " " errorAndExit "Error: No SQL server running but required for Webpanel installation." fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Please note that Easy-Wi will install required PHP packages." PHPINSTALL="Yes" elif ([ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] && [ "$WEBSERVER" != "None" ]); then if [ -z "$(rpm -qa php 2>/dev/null)" ] && [ -z "$(dpkg -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -o "php-common")" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Install/Update PHP?" cyanMessage "Select \"None\" in case this server should host only Fastdownload webspace." OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "None" "Quit") select PHPINSTALL in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2 | 3) break ;; 4) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done fi else PHPINSTALL="None" fi if [ "$PHPINSTALL" == "Yes" ]; then #should already include debian11 if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "100" ]; then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif ([ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "85" ]) || ([ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "1610" ]); then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "1610" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "1803" ]; then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "1803" ]; then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -eq "2004" ]; then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -eq "2204" ]; then USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "80" ]; then REMIREPO=$(yum list installed | grep "remi-release" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$REMIREPO" ]; then checkInstall http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm fi yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74 RUNUPDATE="1" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "80" ]; then REMIREPO=$(yum list installed | grep "remi-release" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$REMIREPO" ]; then checkInstall http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm fi yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74 RUNUPDATE="1" else USE_PHP_VERSION='7.4' fi if [ "$RUNUPDATE" == "1" ]; then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Please wait... Update is currently running." yellowMessage " " $INSTALLER -y update fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "100" ]; then sudo apt -y install lsb-release apt-transport-https ca-certificates sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg echo "deb https://packages.sury.org/php/ $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list sudo apt update fi if [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -eq "2204" ]; then sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php fi if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION} fi checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-common checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-curl checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-gd if ([ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "1803" ]) || ([ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -lt "100" ]); then checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-mcrypt elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "1804" ]; then checkInstall libsodium-dev fi checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-mysql checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-cli if ([ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "85" ]) || ([ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" == "100" ]) || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-xml checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-mbstring checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-zip fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall php checkInstall php-common checkInstall php-gd checkInstall libsodium-devel checkInstall php-mysqlnd checkInstall php-cli checkInstall php-xml checkInstall php-mbstring checkInstall php-zip if [ "${OSVERSION%?}" == "8" ]; then checkInstall php-json fi fi if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-fpm lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi-php elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall php-fpm systemctl enable php-fpm.service >/dev/null 2>&1 backUpFile /etc/php.ini backUpFile /etc/php-fpm.conf backUpFile /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf sed -i "s/user = apache/user = lighttpd/g" /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf sed -i "s/group = apache/group = lighttpd/g" /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf fi elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then checkInstall libapache2-mpm-itk checkInstall libapache2-mod-php${USE_PHP_VERSION} a2enmod php${USE_PHP_VERSION} elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall httpd if [ "${OSVERSION%?}" == "7" ]; then checkInstall httpd-itk fi backUpFile /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm-itk.conf sed -i "s/#LoadModule mpm_itk_module modules\/mod_mpm_itk.so/LoadModule mpm_itk_module modules\/mod_mpm_itk.so/g" /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm-itk.conf fi fi if [ -f /etc/php/"${USE_PHP_VERSION}"/fpm/php-fpm.conf ]; then makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/fpm-pool.d/ if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then sed -i "s/include=\/etc\/php\/${USE_PHP_VERSION}\/fpm\/pool.d\/\*.conf/include=\/home\/$MASTERUSER\/fpm-pool.d\/\*.conf/g" /etc/php/"${USE_PHP_VERSION}"/fpm/php-fpm.conf fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ -f /etc/php/${USE_PHP_VERSION}/fpm/php-fpm.conf ]; then #In case of php 7 the socket is different PHP_SOCKET="/var/run/php/php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-fpm.sock" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ -f /etc/php-fpm.conf ]; then #In case of centos the socket is different PHP_SOCKET="/var/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock" fi RestartWebserver fi if ([ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] && [ -z "$(grep '/bin/false' /etc/shells)" ]); then echo "/bin/false" >>/etc/shells fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ -z "$(rpm -qa proftpd 2>/dev/null)" ] && [ -z "$(dpkg -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -o "proftpd")" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Install/Update ProFTPD?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done else OPTION="No" fi if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then echo "proftpd-basic shared/proftpd/inetd_or_standalone select standalone" | debconf-set-selections elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then $INSTALLER -y -q update elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then $INSTALLER update fi cyanMessage " " checkInstall proftpd if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then backUpFile /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf if [ -f /etc/proftpd/modules.conf ]; then backUpFile /etc/proftpd/modules.conf sed -i 's/.*LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c.*/#LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c/g' /etc/proftpd/modules.conf fi sed -i 's/.*UseIPv6.*/UseIPv6 off/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf sed -i 's/#.*DefaultRoot.*~/DefaultRoot ~/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf sed -i 's/# RequireValidShell.*/RequireValidShell on/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then makeDir /etc/proftpd if [ ! -f /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ]; then mv /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/ cd /etc || exit ln -s /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf proftpd.conf fi backUpFile /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf if [ -z "$(grep 'Include' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then echo "Include /etc/proftpd/conf.d/" >>/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf makeDir /etc/proftpd/conf.d fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then makeDir /etc/proftpd if [ ! -f /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ]; then mv /etc/proftpd.conf /etc/proftpd/ cd /etc || exit ln -s /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf proftpd.conf fi sed -i 's/.*UseIPv6.*/UseIPv6 off/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf backUpFile /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerType standalone' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then sed -i 's/.*#ServerType.*/ServerType standalone/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi sed -i 's/.*ServerType inetd.*/#ServerType inetd/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf if [ -z "$(grep 'DefaultRoot ~' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then sed -i 's/#.*DefaultRoot.*~/DefaultRoot ~/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi if [ ! "$(grep -q RequireValidShell /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then echo "RequireValidShell on" >>/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi if [ ! -f /etc/proftpd/modules.conf ]; then touch /etc/proftpd/modules.conf fi if [ -z "$(grep 'LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c' /etc/proftpd/modules.conf)" ]; then echo "#LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c" >>/etc/proftpd/modules.conf fi if [ -z "$(grep 'Include' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then echo "Include /etc/proftpd/conf.d/" >>/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf makeDir /etc/proftpd/conf.d fi if [ -z "$(grep 'Include' /etc/proftpd/modules.conf)" ]; then echo "Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf" >>/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi fi if [ -f /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ] && [ "$INSTALL" != "GS" ]; then sed -i 's/Umask.*/Umask 037 027/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf elif [ -f /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf ] && [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then sed -i 's/Umask.*/Umask 077 077/g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi cyanMessage "Use PassivePort range in ProFTPD?" cyanMessage "Heplful when behind a firewall or using NAT" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then if [ ! "$(grep -q PassivePorts /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ]; then echo "PassivePorts $(portRange)" >>/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf fi fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Install/Update Easy-WI ProFTPD Rules?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] && [ -z "$(grep '' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf)" ] && [ ! -f /etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf ]; then makeDir /etc/proftpd/conf.d/ chmod 755 /etc/proftpd/conf.d/ echo " HideFiles (^\..+|\.ssh|\.bash_history|\.bash_logout|\.bashrc|\.profile|srcds_run|srcds_linux|hlds_run|hlds_amd|hlds_i686|\.rc|\.sh|\.7z|\.dll)$ PathDenyFilter (^\..+|\.ssh|\.bash_history|\.bash_logout|\.bashrc|\.profile|srcds_run|srcds_linux|hlds_run|hlds_amd|hlds_i686|\.rc|\.sh|\.7z|\.dll)$ HideNoAccess on DenyAll " >/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf echo "" >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf echo "HideFiles (^\..+|\.ssh|\.bash_history|\.bash_logout|\.bashrc|\.profile)$ PathDenyFilter (^\..+|\.ssh|\.bash_history|\.bash_logout|\.bashrc|\.profile)$ HideNoAccess on Umask 137 027 AllowAll Umask 077 077 AllowAll Umask 177 077 AllowAll HideFiles (^\..+|srcds_run|srcds_linux|hlds_run|hlds_amd|hlds_i686|\.rc|\.sh|\.7z|\.dll)$ PathDenyFilter (^\..+|srcds_run|srcds_linux|hlds_run|hlds_amd|hlds_i686|\.rc|\.sh|\.7z|\.dll)$ HideNoAccess on " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf GAMES=("ark" "arma3" "bukkit" "hexxit" "mc" "mtasa" "projectcars" "rust" "samp" "spigot" "teeworlds" "tekkit" "tekkit-classic") for GAME in "${GAMES[@]}"; do echo " Umask 077 077 AllowAll " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf done GAME_MODS=("csgo" "cstrike" "czero" "orangebox" "dod" "garrysmod") for GAME_MOD in "${GAME_MODS[@]}"; do echo " Umask 077 077 AllowAll " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf done FOLDERS=("addons" "cfg" "maps") for FOLDER in "${FOLDERS[@]}"; do echo " Umask 077 077 AllowAll Umask 077 077 AllowAll " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-game.conf done fi if [ "$INSTALL" != "GS" ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-web.conf ]; then echo " Umask 022 022 AllowAll " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-web.conf elif [ -z "$(grep '' /etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-web.conf)" ]; then echo " Umask 022 022 AllowAll " >>/etc/proftpd/conf.d/easy-wi-web.conf fi fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -f /etc/init.d/proftpd ]; then service proftpd restart fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -f /usr/sbin/proftpd ]; then systemctl enable proftpd >/dev/null 2>&1 systemctl restart proftpd 1>/dev/null fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ -f /usr/sbin/proftpd ]; then chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.proftpd >/dev/null 2>&1 /etc/rc.d/rc.proftpd start 1>/dev/null fi fi else PROFTP_INSTALL="NO" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ "$OS" != "centos" ]; then if [ ! -f /home/aquota.user ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Install Quota?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select QUOTAINSTALL in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done else QUOTAINSTALL="No" fi if [ "$QUOTAINSTALL" == "Yes" ]; then cyanMessage " " checkInstall quota removeIfExists /root/tempfstab removeIfExists /root/tempmountpoints cat /etc/fstab | while read LINE; do if [[ $(echo "$LINE" | grep '/' | egrep -v '#|boot|proc|swap|floppy|cdrom|usrquota|usrjquota|/sys|/shm|/pts') ]]; then CURRENTOPTIONS=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $4}') echo "$LINE" | sed "s/$CURRENTOPTIONS/$CURRENTOPTIONS,usrjquota=aquota.user,jqfmt=vfsv0/g" >>/root/tempfstab echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}' >>/root/tempmountpoints else echo "$LINE" >>/root/tempfstab fi done cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Quota Table Output" cyanMessage " " cat /root/tempfstab cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please check above output and confirm it is correct. On confirmation the current /etc/fstab will be replaced in order to activate Quotas!" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select QUOTAFSTAB in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done cyanMessage " " if [ "$QUOTAFSTAB" == "Yes" ]; then backUpFile /etc/fstab mv /root/tempfstab /etc/fstab fi removeIfExists /root/tempfstab removeIfExists /aquota.user touch /aquota.user chmod 600 /aquota.user if [ -f /root/tempmountpoints ]; then cat /root/tempmountpoints | while read LINE; do quotaoff -ugv "$LINE" removeIfExists "$LINE"/aquota.user okAndSleep "Remounting $LINE" mount -o remount "$LINE" quotacheck -vumc "$LINE" quotaon -uv "$LINE" done removeIfExists /root/tempmountpoints fi fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then backUpFile /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf echo "include_shell \"find /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cat {} \;\"" >>/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then APACHE_CONFIG="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then APACHE_CONFIG="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" fi backUpFile $APACHE_CONFIG if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep '' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG cat >>$APACHE_CONFIG <<_EOF_ AssignUserId $WEBGROUPNAME $WEBGROUPNAME MaxClientsVHost 50 NiceValue 10 LimitUIDRange 0 10000 LimitGIDRange 0 10000 _EOF_ fi fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerName localhost' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to prevent error message Could not reliably determine the servers fully qualified domain name' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerName localhost' >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerTokens' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to prevent the server information off in productive systems' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerTokens prod' >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerSignature' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to prevent the server signatur off in productive systems' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerSignature off' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo "" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then APACHE_VERSION=$(apache2 -v | grep 'Server version') elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then APACHE_VERSION=$(httpd -v | grep 'Server version') fi if [ -z "$(grep '/home/'"$MASTERUSER"'/sites-enabled/' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo '# Load config files in the "/home/'"$MASTERUSER"'/sites-enabled" directory, if any.' >>$APACHE_CONFIG if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [[ "$APACHE_VERSION" =~ .*Apache/2.2.* ]]; then echo "Include /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/" >>$APACHE_CONFIG else echo "IncludeOptional /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/*.conf" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [[ $APACHE_VERSION =~ .*Apache/2.2.* ]]; then echo "Include /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/" >>$APACHE_CONFIG else echo "IncludeOptional /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/*.conf" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi fi fi if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf ]; then rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then okAndSleep "Activating Apache mod_rewrite module." a2enmod rewrite a2enmod version 2>/dev/null fi fi #TODO: Logrotate fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then backUpFile /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf echo "include_shell \"find /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec cat {} \;\"" >>/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then APACHE_CONFIG="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then APACHE_CONFIG="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then APACHE_CONFIG="/etc/httpd/httpd.conf" fi backUpFile $APACHE_CONFIG if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep '' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>"$APACHE_CONFIG" cat >>"$APACHE_CONFIG" <<_EOF_ AssignUserId $WEBGROUPNAME $WEBGROUPNAME MaxClientsVHost 50 NiceValue 10 LimitUIDRange 0 10000 LimitGIDRange 0 10000 _EOF_ fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep '' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>"$APACHE_CONFIG" cat >>"$APACHE_CONFIG" <<_EOF_ AssignUserId $WEBGROUPNAME $WEBGROUPNAME MaxClientsVHost 50 NiceValue 10 LimitUIDRange 0 10000 LimitGIDRange 0 10000 _EOF_ fi fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerName localhost' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to prevent error message Could not reliably determine the servers fully qualified domain name' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerName localhost' >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerTokens' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to turn off the server information off in production systems' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerTokens prod' >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ -z "$(grep 'ServerSignature' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo " " >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo '# Added to turn off the server signature in production systems' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo 'ServerSignature off' >>$APACHE_CONFIG echo "" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then APACHE_VERSION=$(apache2 -v | grep 'Server version') elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ] || [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then APACHE_VERSION=$(httpd -v | grep 'Server version') if [ -z "$(grep '/home/'"$MASTERUSER"'/sites-enabled/' "$APACHE_CONFIG")" ]; then echo '# Load config files in the "/home/'"$MASTERUSER"'/sites-enabled" directory, if any.' >>$APACHE_CONFIG if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [[ "$APACHE_VERSION" =~ .*Apache/2.2.* ]]; then echo "Include /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/" >>$APACHE_CONFIG else echo "IncludeOptional /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/*.conf" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [[ $APACHE_VERSION =~ .*Apache/2.2.* ]]; then echo "Include /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/" >>$APACHE_CONFIG else echo "IncludeOptional /home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/*.conf" >>$APACHE_CONFIG fi fi fi if [ -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf ]; then rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then okAndSleep "Activating Apache mod_rewrite module." a2enmod rewrite a2enmod version 2>/dev/null fi fi fi #TODO: Logrotate fi # No direct root access for masteruser. Only limited access through sudo if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then checkInstall sudo if [ $OS == "slackware" ]; then backUpFile /etc/profile ## Call the setPath function to check if sudo users have access to required programs setPath fi if [ -f /etc/sudoers ] && [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep "$PKILL")" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $PKILL" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ -f /etc/sudoers ] && [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep "$USERADD")" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $USERADD" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ -f /etc/sudoers ] && [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep "$USERMOD")" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $USERMOD" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ -f /etc/sudoers ] && [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep "$USERDEL")" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $USERDEL" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ "$QUOTAINSTALL" == "Yes" ] && [ -f /etc/sudoers ]; then if [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep setquota)" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $(which setquota)" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep repquota)" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $(which repquota)" >>/etc/sudoers fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] && [ -f /etc/sudoers ] && [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep temp)" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = (ALL, !root:$MASTERUSER) NOPASSWD: /home/$MASTERUSER/temp/*.sh" >>/etc/sudoers echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = (ALL, !root:$MASTERUSER) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash /home/$MASTERUSER/temp/*.sh" >>/etc/sudoers fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then HTTPDBIN=$(lighttpd) HTTPDSCRIPT="/etc/init.d/lighttpd reload" elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then HTTPDBIN=$(apache2) HTTPDSCRIPT="/etc/init.d/apache2 reload" fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then HTTPDBIN=$(lighttpd) HTTPDSCRIPT='/bin/systemctl reload lighttpd' elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then HTTPDBIN=$(httpd) HTTPDSCRIPT='/bin/systemctl reload httpd' fi fi if [ -n "$(which "$HTTPDBIN")" ] && [ -f /etc/sudoers ]; then if [ -z "$(grep "$MASTERUSER" /etc/sudoers | grep "$HTTPDBIN")" ]; then echo "$MASTERUSER ALL = NOPASSWD: $HTTPDSCRIPT" >>/etc/sudoers fi fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":$WEBGROUPNAME /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ >/dev/null 2>&1 cyanMessage " " yellowMessage "Following data need to be configured at the easy-wi.com panel:" cyanMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "The path to the folder \"sites-enabled\" is: " cyanMessage "/home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/" greenOneLineMessage "The useradd command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $USERADD %cmd%" greenOneLineMessage "The usermod command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $USERMOD %cmd%" greenOneLineMessage "The userdel command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $USERDEL %cmd%" if [ -n "$HTTPDSCRIPT" ]; then greenOneLineMessage "The Webserver restart command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $HTTPDSCRIPT" fi fi if ([ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] && [ "$QUOTAINSTALL" == "Yes" ]); then cyanMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "The setquota command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $(which setquota) %cmd%" greenOneLineMessage "The repquota command is: " cyanMessage "sudo $(which repquota) %cmd%" fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then if [ ! -f /bin/false ]; then touch /bin/false fi if [ -z "$(grep '/bin/false' /etc/shells)" ]; then echo "/bin/false" >>/etc/shells fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Java JDK 17 will be required for running Minecraft and its mods. Shall it be installed?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "Yes" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Adding ADOPTIUM Temurin backports" if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep adoptium //etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list)" ]; then $INSTALLER install apt-transport-https ca-certificates dirmngr gnupg software-properties-common -y wget -O - https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/deb $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then cat < /etc/yum.repos.d/adoptium.repo [Adoptium] name=Adoptium baseurl=https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/rpm/centos/8/$(uname -m) enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://packages.adoptium.net/artifactory/api/gpg/key/public EOF fi $INSTALLER -y update checkInstall temurin-17-jdk fi cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Creating folders and files" CREATEDIRS=("conf" "fdl_data/hl2" "logs" "masteraddons" "mastermaps" "masterserver" "temp") for CREATEDIR in "${CREATEDIRS[@]}"; do greenMessage "Adding dir: /home/$MASTERUSER/$CREATEDIR" makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/"$CREATEDIR" done LOGFILES=("addons" "hl2" "server" "fdl" "update" "fdl-hl2") for LOGFILE in "${LOGFILES[@]}"; do touch "/home/$MASTERUSER/logs/$LOGFILE.log" done chmod 660 /home/"$MASTERUSER"/logs/*.log chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod -R 750 /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ chmod -R 770 /home/"$MASTERUSER"/logs/ /home/"$MASTERUSER"/temp/ /home/"$MASTERUSER"/fdl_data/ if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing required packages wput screen bzip2 sudo rsync zip unzip" $INSTALLER -y install wput screen bzip2 sudo rsync zip unzip if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing 32bit support for 64bit systems." dpkg --add-architecture i386 $INSTALLER -y install libcurl3-gnutls:i386 $INSTALLER -y update $INSTALLER -y upgrade $INSTALLER -y install zlib1g $INSTALLER -y install libc6-i386 if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -gt "90" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -gt "1803" ]; then $INSTALLER -y install lib32readline7 $INSTALLER -y install libreadline7:i386 else $INSTALLER -y install lib32readline5 $INSTALLER -y install libreadline5:i386 fi $INSTALLER -y install lib32z1 $INSTALLER -y install libc6-i386 $INSTALLER -y install lib32gcc1 $INSTALLER -y install lib32ncursesw5 $INSTALLER -y install lib32stdc++6 $INSTALLER -y install libstdc++6 $INSTALLER -y install libgcc1:i386 $INSTALLER -y install libtinfo5:i386 $INSTALLER -y install libncurses5:i386 $INSTALLER -y install libncursesw5:i386 $INSTALLER -y install libncurses5-dev $INSTALLER -y install libncursesw5-dev $INSTALLER -y install zlib1g:i386 else if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -gt "90" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -gt "1803" ]; then $INSTALLER -y install libreadline7 libncursesw5 else $INSTALLER -y install libreadline5 libncursesw5 fi fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing required packages screen bzip2 sudo rsync zip unzip ncurses" checkInstall screen checkInstall bzip2 checkInstall sudo checkInstall rsync checkInstall zip checkInstall unzip checkInstall ncurses-libs.i686 LASTEST_WPUT_VERSION=$(curl -s http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/dag/redhat/el7/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/ | grep -o "wput-[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]-[0-9].el[0-9].rf.x86_64.rpm" | head -n1) if [ "${OSVERSION%?}" == "8" ]; then wget -q --timeout=60 -P /tmp/ http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/dag/redhat/el7/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/"$LASTEST_WPUT_VERSION" if [ ! -f /tmp/"$LASTEST_WPUT_VERSION" ]; then errorAndExit "Wput cant be Downloaded for CentOS-8" fi rpm -Uvh /tmp/"LASTEST_WPUT_VERSION" fi # wput from rpmforge if [ -n "$LASTEST_RPMFORGE_VERSION" ] && [ "${OSVERSION%?}" -lt "8" ]; then okAndSleep "Installing required packages rpmforge-release wput" wget -q --timeout=60 -P /tmp/ http://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/dag/redhat/el7/en/x86_64/rpmforge/RPMS/"$LASTEST_RPMFORGE_VERSION" rpm -Uvh /tmp/"$LASTEST_RPMFORGE_VERSION" checkInstall wput fi if [ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]; then okAndSleep "Installing 32bit support for 64bit systems." checkInstall glibc.i686 checkInstall libstdc++.i686 fi checkInstall libgcc fi cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Downloading SteamCmd" cd /home/"$MASTERUSER"/masterserver || exit makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/masterserver/steamCMD/ cd /home/"$MASTERUSER"/masterserver/steamCMD/ || exit curl --remote-name https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz if [ -f steamcmd_linux.tar.gz ]; then tar xfvz steamcmd_linux.tar.gz removeIfExists steamcmd_linux.tar.gz chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" /home/"$MASTERUSER"/masterserver/steamCMD >/dev/null 2>&1 su -c "./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +quit" "$MASTERUSER" # if steam failed then installing standard kernel (mini fix) if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then cyanMessage " " yellowMessage "Steam Bug found! Installing the latest Standard Kernel to run Steam." touch /tmp/easy-wi_reboot $INSTALLER update -y $INSTALLER install linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64 -y fi if [ -f /home/"$MASTERUSER"/masterserver/steamCMD/linux32/steamclient.so ]; then su -c "mkdir -p ~/.steam/sdk32/" "$MASTERUSER" su -c "chmod 750 -R ~/.steam/" "$MASTERUSER" su -c "ln -s ~/masterserver/steamCMD/linux32/steamclient.so ~/.steam/sdk32/steamclient.so" "$MASTERUSER" fi fi chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" /home/"$MASTERUSER" >/dev/null 2>&1 cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Minecraft cronjobs are used to periodically remove large log files" cyanMessage "Do you want to install the minecraft cronjobs?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ $OPTION == "Yes" ]; then if [ "$OS" != "slackware" ]; then if [ -f /etc/crontab ] && [ -z "$(grep 'Minecraft can easily produce 1GB' /etc/crontab)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing Minecraft Crontabs" if ionice -c3 true 2>/dev/null; then IONICE="ionice -n 7 " fi echo "#Minecraft can easily produce 1GB+ logs within one hour" >>/etc/crontab echo "*/5 * * * * root nice -n +19 ionice -n 7 find /home/*/server/*/ -maxdepth 2 -type f -name \"screenlog.0\" -size +100M -delete" >>/etc/crontab echo "# Even if sudo /usr/sbin/deluser --remove-all-files is used some data remain from time to time" >>/etc/crontab echo "*/5 * * * * root nice -n +19 $IONICE find /home/ -maxdepth 2 -type d -nouser -delete" >>/etc/crontab echo "*/5 * * * * root nice -n +19 $IONICE find /home/*/fdl_data/ /home/*/temp/ /tmp/ /var/run/screen/ -nouser -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf" >>/etc/crontab echo "*/5 * * * * root nice -n +19 $IONICE find /var/run/screen/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -nouser -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf" >>/etc/crontab fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ ! -f /etc/crond./easy-wi ]; then touch /etc/cron.d/easy-wi fi if [ -f /etc/cron.d/easy-wi ] && [ -z "$(grep 'Minecraft can easily produce 1GB' /etc/cron.d/easy-wi)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing Minecraft Crontabs" if ionice -c3 true 2>/dev/null; then IONICE="ionice -n 7 " fi ## Slackware does not use any screen socket directory, so cronjobs for /var/run/screen have been removed echo "#Minecraft can easily produce 1GB+ logs within one hour" >>/etc/cron.d/easy-wi echo "*/5 * * * * nice -n +19 ionice -n 7 find /home/*/server/*/ -maxdepth 2 -type f -name \"screenlog.0\" -size +100M -delete" >>/etc/cron.d/easy-wi echo "# Even if sudo /usr/sbin/deluser --remove-all-files is used some data remain from time to time" >>/etc/cron.d/easy-wi echo "*/5 * * * * nice -n +19 $IONICE find /home/ -maxdepth 2 -type d -nouser -delete" >>/etc/cron.d/easy-wi fi fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then service cron restart 1>/dev/null elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then systemctl restart crond.service 1>/dev/null elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.crond restart 1>/dev/null fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then if [ -f /home/easywi_web/htdocs/serverallocation.php ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "There is already an existing installation. Should it be removed?" OPTIONS=("Yes" "Quit") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1) break ;; 2) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done cyanMessage " " rm -rf /home/easywi_web/htdocs/* cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please provide the root password for the MySQL Database, to remove the old easywi database." read MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mysql --user=root --password="$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" <<_EOF_ DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='easy_wi'; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS easy_wi; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; _EOF_ fi if [ -z "$(id easywi_web 2>/dev/null)" ] && [ ! -d /home/easywi_web ]; then $USERADD -md /home/easywi_web -g $WEBGROUPNAME -s /bin/bash -k /home/"$MASTERUSER"/skel/ easywi_web elif [ -z "$(id easywi_web 2>/dev/null)" ] && [ -d /home/easywi_web ]; then $USERADD -d /home/easywi_web -g $WEBGROUPNAME -s /bin/bash easywi_web fi makeDir /home/easywi_web/htdocs makeDir /home/easywi_web/logs makeDir /home/easywi_web/tmp makeDir /home/easywi_web/sessions #Fix Error 403 - You don't have permission to access /install/install.php on this server. chmod +x /home/easywi_web/ >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod +x /home/easywi_web/htdocs/ >/dev/null 2>&1 chown -cR easywi_web:$WEBGROUPNAME /home/easywi_web >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "$(id easywi_web 2>/dev/null)" ]; then errorAndExit "Web user easywi_web does not exists! Exiting now!" fi if [ ! -d /home/easywi_web/htdocs ]; then errorAndExit "No /home/easywi_web/htdocs dir created! Exiting now!" fi checkInstall unzip cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs/ || exit cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Downloading latest Easy-WI ${RELEASE_TYPE} version." if [ "${RELEASE_TYPE}" == "Stable" ]; then DOWNLOAD_URL=$(wget -q --timeout=60 -O - https://api.github.com/repos/easy-wi/developer/releases/latest | grep -Po '(?<="zipball_url": ")([\w:/\-.]+)') else DOWNLOAD_URL=$(wget -q --timeout=60 -O - https://api.github.com/repos/easy-wi/developer/tags | grep -Po '(?<="zipball_url": ")([\w:/\-.]+)' | head -n 1) fi curl -L "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" -o web.zip if [ ! -f web.zip ]; then errorAndExit "Can not download Easy-WI. Aborting!" fi okAndSleep "Unpack zipped Easy-WI archive." unzip -u web.zip >/dev/null 2>&1 removeIfExists web.zip HEX_FOLDER=$(ls | grep 'easy-wi-developer-' | head -n 1) if [ -n "${HEX_FOLDER}" ]; then mv "${HEX_FOLDER}"/* ./ rm -rf "${HEX_FOLDER}" fi find /home/easywi_web/ -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} \; find /home/easywi_web/ -mindepth 1 -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \; chown -cR easywi_web:$WEBGROUPNAME /home/easywi_web >/dev/null 2>&1 DB_PASSWORD=$(tr mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.18-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper into 10 MYSQL_VERSION=$(mysql -V | awk '{ print $5 }' | tr -d , | tr -d 'MariaDB' | awk -F\- '{ print $1 }' | cut -c 1-2) # adds 0 at the end for further checks now MYSQL_VERSION is 100 MYSQL_VERSION+="0" fi if [ "$MYSQL_VERSION" -le "80" ]; then mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS easy_wi; CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'easy_wi'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$DB_PASSWORD'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON easy_wi.* TO 'easy_wi'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" else mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS easy_wi; CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'easy_wi'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$DB_PASSWORD'; GRANT ALL ON easy_wi.* TO 'easy_wi'@'localhost'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" fi cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Secure Vhost with SSL? (recommended!)" OPTIONS=("Yes" "No" "Quit") select SSL in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$SSL" == "Yes" ]; then if [[ "$IP_DOMAIN" =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then SSL_KEY="Self-signed" else cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Which Certificate do you want to install?" OPTIONS=("Self-signed" "Lets Encrypt" "Quit") select SSL_KEY in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done fi if [ "$SSL_KEY" == "Lets Encrypt" ]; then cyanMessage " " cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing package certbot" if [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then checkInstall certbot elif [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then add-apt-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot $INSTALLER -y update checkInstall certbot elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then $INSTALLER-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional -y checkInstall certbot checkInstall mod_ssl fi elif [ "$SSL_KEY" == "Self-signed" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then SSL_DIR=/etc/apache2/ssl elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then SSL_DIR=/etc/httpd/ssl fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then cyanMessage " " checkInstall openssl elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then cyanMessage " " checkInstall openssl checkInstall mod_ssl fi makeDir $SSL_DIR cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Creating a self-signed SSL certificate." if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "85" ]; then openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".key -out $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".crt -subj "/CN=$IP_DOMAIN" else if [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$OSVERSION" -ge "80" ]; then openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".key -out $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".crt -subj "/C=XX/CN=$IP_DOMAIN" else openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".key -out $SSL_DIR/"$FILE_NAME".crt -subj "/C=/ST=/L=/O=/OU=/CN=$IP_DOMAIN" fi fi fi fi #Certbot - create Cerfiticate if [ "$SSL" == "Yes" ] && [ "$SSL_KEY" == "Lets Encrypt" ]; then if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Stopping PHP-FPM and Apache2." service php${USE_PHP_VERSION}-fpm stop service apache2 stop fi cyanMessage " " if [ "$OS" == "debian" ]; then certbot certonly --standalone -d "$IP_DOMAIN" -d www."$IP_DOMAIN" if [ ! -d /etc/letsencrypt/live/"$IP_DOMAIN" ]; then cyanMessage " " redMessage 'Error in certificate.. it will be tried without "www."' certbot certonly --standalone -d "$IP_DOMAIN" fi fi elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then okAndSleep "Stopping Apache2." systemctl stop httpd.service elif [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then okAndSleep "Stopping Lighttpd and PHP-FPM." systemctl stop lighttpd systemctl stop php-fpm.service fi cyanMessage " " certbot certonly --standalone -d "$IP_DOMAIN" -d www."$IP_DOMAIN" if [ ! -d /etc/letsencrypt/live/"$IP_DOMAIN" ]; then cyanMessage " " redMessage 'Error in certificate.. it will be tried without "www."' certbot certonly --standalone -d "$IP_DOMAIN" fi fi fi if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Lighttpd" ]; then makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/fpm-pool.d/ FILE_NAME_POOL=/home/$MASTERUSER/fpm-pool.d/$FILE_NAME.conf echo "[$IP_DOMAIN]" >"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "user = easywi_web" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "group = $WEBGROUPNAME" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "listen = ${PHP_SOCKET}" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "listen.owner = easywi_web" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "listen.group = $WEBGROUPNAME" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm = dynamic" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm.max_children = 1" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm.start_servers = 1" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm.min_spare_servers = 1" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm.max_spare_servers = 1" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "pm.max_requests = 500" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "chdir = /" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "access.log = /home/easywi_web/logs/fpm-access.log" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_flag[display_errors] = off" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_value[error_log] = /home/easywi_web/logs/fpm-error.log" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_value[memory_limit] = 32M" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /home/easywi_web/htdocs/:/home/easywi_web/tmp/" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_value[upload_tmp_dir] = /home/easywi_web/tmp" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" echo "php_admin_value[session.save_path] = /home/easywi_web/sessions" >>"$FILE_NAME_POOL" chown "$MASTERUSER":$WEBGROUPNAME "$FILE_NAME_POOL" fi FILE_NAME_VHOST=/home/$MASTERUSER/sites-enabled/$FILE_NAME.conf if [ "$WEBSERVER" == "Apache" ]; then echo '' >"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " ServerName $IP_DOMAIN" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " ServerAdmin info@$IP_DOMAIN" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" if [ "$SSL" == "Yes" ]; then echo " Redirect permanent / https://$IP_DOMAIN/" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo '' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" if [ "$OS" != "centos" ]; then okAndSleep "Activating TLS/SSL related Apache modules." a2enmod ssl fi if [ "$OS" != "centos" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Activating Headers related Apache modules." a2enmod headers fi if [ "$SSL_KEY" == "Lets Encrypt" ]; then echo '' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " ServerName $IP_DOMAIN" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' SSLEngine on' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/$IP_DOMAIN/fullchain.pem" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/$IP_DOMAIN/privkey.pem" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomain"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" else echo '' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " ServerName $IP_DOMAIN" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' SSLEngine on' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " SSLCertificateFile $SSL_DIR/$FILE_NAME.crt" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " SSLCertificateKeyFile $SSL_DIR/$FILE_NAME.key" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" fi echo " " >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" fi echo ' DocumentRoot "/home/easywi_web/htdocs/"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ErrorLog "/home/easywi_web/logs/error.log"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' CustomLog "/home/easywi_web/logs/access.log" common' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' DirectoryIndex index.php index.html' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo " AssignUserId easywi_web $WEBGROUPNAME" >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' MaxClientsVHost 50' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' NiceValue 10' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_flag allow_url_include off' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_flag display_errors off' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_flag log_errors on' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_flag mod_rewrite on' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/easywi_web/htdocs/:/home/easywi_web/tmp"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_value session.save_path "/home/easywi_web/sessions"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir "/home/easywi_web/tmp"' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_value upload_max_size 32M' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' php_admin_value memory_limit 32M' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' AllowOverride None' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' = 2.4>' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Require all granted' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Order allow,deny' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Allow from all' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' = 2.4>' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Require all denied' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Order deny,allow' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' Deny from all' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo ' ' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" echo '' >>"$FILE_NAME_VHOST" fi chown "$MASTERUSER":$WEBGROUPNAME "$FILE_NAME_VHOST" RestartWebserver if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ] || [ "$OS" = "centos" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep -o ./reboot.php /etc/crontab)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing Easy-WI Crontabs" echo '0 */1 * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 300 php ./reboot.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./statuscheck.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */1 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./startupdates.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./jobs.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */10 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./cloud.php >/dev/null 2>&1' >>/etc/crontab fi elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep -o ./reboot.php /etc/cron.d/easy-wi)" ]; then cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Installing Easy-WI Crontabs" echo '0 */1 * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 300 php ./reboot.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./statuscheck.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */1 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./startupdates.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */5 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./jobs.php >/dev/null 2>&1 */10 * * * * easywi_web cd /home/easywi_web/htdocs && timeout 290 php ./cloud.php >/dev/null 2>&1' >>/etc/cron.d/easy-wi fi fi if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then service cron restart 1>/dev/null elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then systemctl restart crond.service 1>/dev/null elif [ "$OS" == "slackware" ]; then /etc/rc.d/rc.crond restart 1>/dev/null fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "VS" ]; then LOCAL_IP=$(ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}') if [ -z "$LOCAL_IP" ] || [ "$LOCAL_IP" == "0" ] || [ "$LOCAL_IP" == "localhost" ]; then LOCAL_IP=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') fi if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then checkInstall bzip2 fi ps -u "$MASTERUSER" | grep ts3server | awk '{print $1}' | while read PID; do kill "$PID" done if [ -f /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ts3server_startscript.sh ]; then rm -rf /home/"$MASTERUSER"/* fi makeDir /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ chmod 750 /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" /home/"$MASTERUSER" >/dev/null 2>&1 cd /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ || exit cyanMessage " " okAndSleep "Downloading TS3 server files." su -c "curl $DOWNLOAD_URL -o teamspeak3-server.tar.bz2" "$MASTERUSER" if [ ! -f teamspeak3-server.tar.bz2 ]; then errorAndExit "Download failed! Exiting now!" fi okAndSleep "Extracting TS3 server files." su -c "tar -xf teamspeak3-server.tar.bz2 --strip-components=1" "$MASTERUSER" removeIfExists teamspeak3-server.tar.bz2 QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT=/home/$MASTERUSER/query_ip_whitelist.txt if [ ! -f "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" ]; then touch "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" chown "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" fi if [ -f "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" ]; then if [ -z "$(grep '' "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT")" ]; then echo "" >>"$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" fi if [ -n "$LOCAL_IP" ]; then if [ -n "$(grep -E '\b((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}\b' <<<"$LOCAL_IP")" ] && [ -z "$(grep "$LOCAL_IP" "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT")" ]; then echo "$LOCAL_IP" >>"$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" fi fi ##### # alle IPs: ip a | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' # -> IP check ob mehrere IPs # -> wenn nur eine IP, dann Single Command # -> ansonsten per ts3server.ini die IP zuweisen ##### cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please specify the IPv4 address of the Easy-WI web panel." OPTIONS=("$LOCAL_IP" "Other") select OPTION in "${OPTIONS[@]}"; do case "$REPLY" in 1 | 2) break ;; 3) errorAndQuit ;; *) errorAndContinue ;; esac done if [ "$OPTION" == "$LOCAL_IP" ] && [ -n "$LOCAL_IP" ]; then IP_ADDRESS="$LOCAL_IP" else cyanMessage " " cyanMessage "Please provide the IP address of the Easy-WI web panel." read IP_ADDRESS fi if [ -n "$IP_ADDRESS" ]; then if [ -n "$(grep -E '\b((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\.|$)){4}\b' <<<"$IP_ADDRESS")" ] && [ -z "$(grep "$IP_ADDRESS" "$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT")" ]; then echo "$IP_ADDRESS" >>"$QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT" fi fi else redMessage "Cannot edit the file $QUERY_WHITLIST_TXT, please maintain it manually." fi if [ ! -f /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ts3server_license_accepted ]; then su -c "touch .ts3server_license_accepted" "$MASTERUSER" chown -cR "$MASTERUSER":"$MASTERUSER" /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ts3server_license_accepted >/dev/null 2>&1 fi QUERY_PASSWORD=$(tr /dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? until [ $ERROR_CODE == 0 ]; do cyanMessage " " cyanOneLineMessage "Password incorrect, please provide the " greenOneLineMessage "root password " cyanMessage "for the MySQL Database." read -r MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e exit 2>/dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? done mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "CREATE USER '$MYSQL_USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD'; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, PROCESS, FILE, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, SHOW DATABASES, SUPER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, CREATE VIEW, EVENT, TRIGGER, SHOW VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, CREATE USER, EXECUTE ON *.* TO '$MYSQL_USER'@'localhost' REQUIRE NONE WITH GRANT OPTION MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" 2>/dev/null else redMessage " " redMessage "Error: No Database Server running!" fi else mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e exit 2>/dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? until [ $ERROR_CODE == 0 ]; do cyanMessage " " cyanOneLineMessage "Password incorrect, please provide the " greenOneLineMessage "root" cyanMessage " password for the MySQL Database." read -r MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e exit 2>/dev/null ERROR_CODE=$? done mysql -u root -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "CREATE USER '$MYSQL_USER'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD';GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, RELOAD, PROCESS, FILE, REFERENCES, INDEX, ALTER, SHOW DATABASES, SUPER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES, CREATE VIEW, EVENT, TRIGGER, SHOW VIEW, CREATE ROUTINE, ALTER ROUTINE, CREATE USER, EXECUTE ON *.* TO '$MYSQL_USER'@'%' REQUIRE NONE WITH GRANT OPTION MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" 2>/dev/null fi fi # Removing not needed packages if [ "$OS" == "debian" ] || [ "$OS" == "ubuntu" ]; then $INSTALLER -y -q autoremove >/dev/null 2>&1 elif [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then $INSTALLER -y -q clean all rm -rf /var/cache/yum fi # Firewall CentOS if [ "$OS" == "centos" ]; then if ([ -n "$(rpm -qa firewalld)" ] && [ -z "$(systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | egrep -o 'inactive')" ]); then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Adding Firewall Rules for:" if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o 'http')" ]; then greenMessage " - HTTP Port: 80/tcp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi if [ "$SSL" == "Yes" ] && [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o 'https')" ]; then greenMessage " - HTTPS Port: 443/tcp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then if [ "$PROFTP_INSTALL" != "NO" ]; then if [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o 'ftp')" ]; then greenMessage " - FTP Port: 21/tcp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=ftp 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ] || [ "$INSTALL" == "MY" ]; then if [ "$EXTERNAL_INSTALL" == "Yes" ] && [ "$SQL" != "None" ]; then if [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o 'mysql')" ]; then greenMessage " - MySQL Port: 3306/tcp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=mysql 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "VS" ]; then if [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o '9987')" ]; then greenMessage " - Teamspeak Port: 10011/tcp, 30033/tcp, 9987/udp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=10011/tcp 1>/dev/null firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=30033/tcp 1>/dev/null firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=9987/udp 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then if [ -z "$(firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all | egrep -o '4380')" ]; then greenMessage " - Steam Port: 4380/udp, 27000-27030/udp" firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=4380/udp 1>/dev/null firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=27000-27030/udp 1>/dev/null FIREWALL="Yes" fi fi if [ "$FIREWALL" == "Yes" ]; then firewall-cmd --reload 1>/dev/null greenMessage " " else if [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then FIREWALL="Yes" fi greenMessage "Nothing to do." greenMessage " " fi else FIREWALL="No" fi fi if [ "$INSTALL" == "EW" ]; then if [ "$SSL" == "Yes" ]; then PROTOCOL="https" else PROTOCOL="http" fi yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Don't forget to change date.timezone (your Timezone) inside your php.ini." greenMessage " " greenMessage "Easy-WI Webpanel setup is done regarding architecture." greenOneLineMessage "Please open " cyanOneLineMessage "$PROTOCOL://$IP_DOMAIN/install/install.php" greenMessage " and complete the installation dialog." greenOneLineMessage "DB user and table name are " cyanOneLineMessage "easy_wi" greenOneLineMessage " and the password is " cyanMessage "$DB_PASSWORD" redMessage " " if [ ! -f /root/database_root_login.txt ]; then touch /root/database_root_login.txt echo "User: root" >/root/database_root_login.txt echo "Password: $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" >>/root/database_root_login.txt greenOneLineMessage "Database root login data is saved in " cyanOneLineMessage "\"/root/database_root_login.txt\"" greenMessage "." redMessage "Please download and remove this file from this system!" echo redMessage "Don´t use root Login for Easy-WI or so!" redMessage "The root Login is only for Expert User and Reseller!" fi yellowMessage " " elif [ "$INSTALL" == "GS" ]; then greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "Gameserver Root setup is done. Please enter the above data at the webpanel at " cyanOneLineMessage "\"App/Game Master > Overview > Add\"" greenMessage "." greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "Username: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" if [ -f /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/"$MASTERUSER" ]; then greenOneLineMessage "Keyfile Name: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" else yellowMessage "Don't forget to copy your private Keyfile id_rsa from /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ into \"/home/EASYWI_PANEL/htdocs/keys/\" as "$MASTERUSER"" yellowMessage "Don't forget to copy your public Keyfile id_rsa.pub from /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ into \"/home/EASYWI_PANEL/htdocs/keys/\" as "$MASTERUSER".pub" fi if [ "$OS" == "centos" ] && [ "$FIREWALL" == "Yes" ]; then redMessage " " redMessage "Don't forget to open Game Server Ports self!" redMessage " " cyanMessage 'Command:' yellowMessage 'firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=Port_Number/tcp_or_udp' yellowMessage 'After adding: firewall-cmd --reload' yellowMessage " " cyanMessage 'Example:' yellowMessage 'firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=27015/udp' yellowMessage 'firewall-cmd --reload' fi yellowMessage " " if [ -f /tmp/easy-wi_reboot ]; then greenMessage "Please execute following Command after reboot:" cyanMessage "cd /home/""$MASTERUSER""/masterserver/steamCMD/ && su -c \"./steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +quit\" $MASTERUSER" yellowMessage " " doReboot "System will rebooting now for activating a new Kernel!" fi elif [ "$INSTALL" == "VS" ]; then greenMessage " " greenMessage "Teamspeak 3 setup is done." greenOneLineMessage "TS3 Query password is " cyanMessage "$QUERY_PASSWORD" greenOneLineMessage "Please enter this server at the webpanel at " cyanOneLineMessage "\"Voiceserver > Master > Add\"" greenMessage "." greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "Username: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" if [ -f /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/"$MASTERUSER" ] && [ "$SSH_KEY_NOT_COPY" != "YES" ]; then greenOneLineMessage "Keyfile Name: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" else yellowMessage "Don't forget to copy your private Keyfile id_rsa from /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ into \"/home/EASYWI_PANEL/htdocs/keys/\" as "$MASTERUSER"" yellowMessage "Don't forget to copy your public Keyfile id_rsa.pub from /home/"$MASTERUSER"/ into \"/home/EASYWI_PANEL/htdocs/keys/\" as "$MASTERUSER".pub" fi greenMessage " " elif [ "$INSTALL" == "WR" ]; then if [ "$PHPINSTALL" == "Yes" ]; then yellowMessage " " yellowMessage "Don't forget to change date.timezone (your Timezone) inside your php.ini." fi greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "Webspace Root setup is done. Please enter the above data at the webpanel at " cyanOneLineMessage "\"Webspace > Master > Add\"" greenMessage "." greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "Username: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" greenOneLineMessage "Webgroup: " cyanMessage "$WEBGROUPNAME" if [ -f /home/easywi_web/htdocs/keys/"$MASTERUSER" ] && [ "$SSH_KEY_NOT_COPY" != "YES" ]; then greenOneLineMessage "Keyfile Name: " cyanMessage "$MASTERUSER" else yellowMessage "Don't forget to copy and your Keyfiles id_rsa and id_rsa.pub from /home/"$MASTERUSER"/.ssh into \"/home/EASYWI_PANEL/htdocs/keys/\"" fi greenMessage " " if [ -n "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" ]; then if [ ! -f /root/database_root_login.txt ]; then touch /root/database_root_login.txt echo "User: root" >/root/database_root_login.txt echo "Password: $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" >>/root/database_root_login.txt greenOneLineMessage "Database root login data is saved in " cyanOneLineMessage "\"/root/database_root_login.txt\"" greenMessage "." redMessage "Please download and remove this file from this system!" redMessage " " redMessage "Don't use root Login for Easy-WI or so!" redMessage "The root Login is only for Expert User and Reseller!" fi greenMessage " " fi elif [ "$INSTALL" == "MY" ]; then if [ -n "$MYSQL_USER" ] && [ -n "$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD" ]; then greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "MySQL setup is done. Please enter the server at the webpanel at " cyanOneLineMessage "\"MySQL > Master > Add\"" greenMessage "." greenMessage " " greenOneLineMessage "DB user name are " cyanOneLineMessage "$MYSQL_USER" greenOneLineMessage " and the password is " cyanMessage "$MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD" greenMessage " " fi if [ -n "$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" ] && [ "$SQL" != "None" ]; then if [ ! -f /root/database_root_login.txt ]; then touch /root/database_root_login.txt echo "User: root" >/root/database_root_login.txt echo "Password: $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" >>/root/database_root_login.txt greenOneLineMessage "Database root login data is saved in " cyanOneLineMessage "\"/root/database_root_login.txt\"" greenMessage "." redMessage "Please download and remove this file from this system!" redMessage " " redMessage "Don´t use root Login for Easy-WI or so!" redMessage "The root Login is only for Expert User and Reseller!" fi greenMessage " " fi fi if [ -f /root/database_root_login.txt ]; then chmod 600 /root/database_root_login.txt >/dev/null 2>&1 fi clearPassword cyanMessage " " if [ "$DEBUG" == "ON" ]; then set +x fi exit 0