#!/usr/bin/env python ## # Copyright 2013-2024 Ghent University # # This file is part of EasyBuild, # originally created by the HPC team of Ghent University (http://ugent.be/hpc/en), # with support of Ghent University (http://ugent.be/hpc), # the Flemish Supercomputer Centre (VSC) (https://www.vscentrum.be), # Flemish Research Foundation (FWO) (http://www.fwo.be/en) # and the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) (http://www.ewi-vlaanderen.be/en). # # https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild # # EasyBuild is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation v2. # # EasyBuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with EasyBuild. If not, see . ## """ Bootstrap script for EasyBuild Installs distribute with included (patched) distribute_setup.py script to obtain easy_install, and then performs a staged install of EasyBuild: * stage 0: install setuptools (which provides easy_install), unless already available * stage 1: install EasyBuild with easy_install to a temporary directory * stage 2: install EasyBuild with EasyBuild from stage 1 to specified install directory Authors: Kenneth Hoste (UGent), Stijn Deweirdt (UGent), Ward Poelmans (UGent) License: GPLv2 inspired by https://bitbucket.org/pdubroy/pip/raw/tip/getpip.py (via http://dubroy.com/blog/so-you-want-to-install-a-python-package/) """ import codecs import copy import glob import os import re import shutil import site import sys import tempfile import traceback from distutils.version import LooseVersion from hashlib import md5 from platform import python_version IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if not IS_PY3: import urllib2 as std_urllib else: import urllib.request as std_urllib EB_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION = '20210715.01' # argparse preferrred, optparse deprecated >=2.7 HAVE_ARGPARSE = False try: import argparse HAVE_ARGPARSE = True except ImportError: import optparse PYPI_SOURCE_URL = 'https://pypi.python.org/packages/source' VSC_BASE = 'vsc-base' VSC_INSTALL = 'vsc-install' # Python 3 is not supported by the vsc-* packages EASYBUILD_PACKAGES = (([] if IS_PY3 else [VSC_INSTALL, VSC_BASE]) + ['easybuild-framework', 'easybuild-easyblocks', 'easybuild-easyconfigs']) STAGE1_SUBDIR = 'eb_stage1' # the EasyBuild bootstrap script is deprecated, and will only run if $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED is defined EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED', None) # set print_debug to True for detailed progress info print_debug = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG', False) # install with --force in stage2? forced_install = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_FORCED', False) # don't add user site directory to sys.path (equivalent to python -s), see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/ os.environ['PYTHONNOUSERSITE'] = '1' site.ENABLE_USER_SITE = False # clean PYTHONPATH to avoid finding readily installed stuff os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '' EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCEPATH = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCEPATH', None) EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SKIP_STAGE0 = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SKIP_STAGE0', False) EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_FORCE_VERSION = os.environ.pop('EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_FORCE_VERSION', None) # keep track of original environment (after clearing PYTHONPATH) orig_os_environ = copy.deepcopy(os.environ) # If the modules tool is specified, use it easybuild_modules_tool = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL', None) easybuild_module_syntax = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX', None) # If modules subdir specifications are defined, use them easybuild_installpath_modules = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH_MODULES', None) easybuild_subdir_modules = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_SUBDIR_MODULES', 'modules') easybuild_suffix_modules_path = os.environ.get('EASYBUILD_SUFFIX_MODULES_PATH', 'all') # # Utility functions # def debug(msg): """Print debug message.""" if print_debug: print("[[DEBUG]] " + msg) def info(msg): """Print info message.""" print("[[INFO]] " + msg) def error(msg, exit=True): """Print error message and exit.""" print("[[ERROR]] " + msg) sys.exit(1) def mock_stdout_stderr(): """Mock stdout/stderr channels""" try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO orig_stdout, orig_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout = StringIO() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stderr = StringIO() return orig_stdout, orig_stderr def restore_stdout_stderr(orig_stdout, orig_stderr): """Restore stdout/stderr channels after mocking""" # collect output sys.stdout.flush() stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stderr.flush() stderr = sys.stderr.getvalue() # restore original stdout/stderr sys.stdout = orig_stdout sys.stderr = orig_stderr return stdout, stderr def det_lib_path(libdir): """Determine relative path of Python library dir.""" if libdir is None: libdir = 'lib' pyver = '.'.join([str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2]]) return os.path.join(libdir, 'python%s' % pyver, 'site-packages') def det_modules_path(install_path): """Determine modules path.""" if easybuild_installpath_modules is not None: modules_path = os.path.join(easybuild_installpath_modules, easybuild_suffix_modules_path) else: modules_path = os.path.join(install_path, easybuild_subdir_modules, easybuild_suffix_modules_path) return modules_path def find_egg_dir_for(path, pkg): """Find full path of egg dir for given package.""" res = None for libdir in ['lib', 'lib64']: full_libpath = os.path.join(path, det_lib_path(libdir)) eggdir_regex = re.compile('%s-[0-9a-z.]+-py[0-9.]+.egg' % pkg.replace('-', '_')) subdirs = (os.path.exists(full_libpath) and sorted(os.listdir(full_libpath))) or [] for subdir in subdirs: if eggdir_regex.match(subdir): eggdir = os.path.join(full_libpath, subdir) if res is None: debug("Found egg dir for %s at %s" % (pkg, eggdir)) res = eggdir else: debug("Found another egg dir for %s at %s (ignoring it)" % (pkg, eggdir)) # no egg dir found if res is None: debug("Failed to determine egg dir path for %s in %s (subdirs: %s)" % (pkg, path, subdirs)) return res def prep(path): """Prepare for installing a Python package in the specified path.""" debug("Preparing for path %s" % path) # restore original environment first os.environ = copy.deepcopy(orig_os_environ) debug("os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] after reset: %s" % os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) # update PATH os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(path, 'bin')] + [x for x in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0]) debug("$PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH']) # update actual Python search path sys.path.insert(0, path) # make sure directory exists (this is required by setuptools) # usually it's 'lib', but can be 'lib64' as well for libdir in ['lib', 'lib64']: full_libpath = os.path.join(path, det_lib_path(libdir)) if not os.path.exists(full_libpath): os.makedirs(full_libpath) # PYTHONPATH needs to be set as well, otherwise setuptools will fail pythonpaths = [x for x in os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0] os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([full_libpath] + pythonpaths) debug("$PYTHONPATH: %s" % os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL'] = easybuild_modules_tool debug("$EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL set to %s" % os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL']) if easybuild_module_syntax: # if module syntax is specified, use it os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX'] = easybuild_module_syntax debug("Using specified module syntax: %s" % os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX']) elif easybuild_modules_tool != 'Lmod': # Lua is the default module syntax, but that requires Lmod # if Lmod is not being used, use Tcl module syntax os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX'] = 'Tcl' debug("$EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX set to %s" % os.environ['EASYBUILD_MODULE_SYNTAX']) def check_module_command(tmpdir): """Check which module command is available, and prepare for using it.""" global easybuild_modules_tool if easybuild_modules_tool is not None: info("Using modules tool specified by $EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL: %s" % easybuild_modules_tool) return easybuild_modules_tool def check_cmd_help(modcmd): """Check 'help' output for specified command.""" modcmd_re = re.compile(r'module\s.*command') cmd = "%s python help" % modcmd os.system("%s > %s 2>&1" % (cmd, out)) txt = open(out, 'r').read() debug("Output from %s: %s" % (cmd, txt)) return modcmd_re.search(txt) def is_modulecmd_tcl_modulestcl(): """Determine if modulecmd.tcl is EnvironmentModulesTcl.""" modcmd_re = re.compile('Modules Release Tcl') cmd = "modulecmd.tcl python --version" os.system("%s > %s 2>&1" % (cmd, out)) txt = open(out, 'r').read() debug("Output from %s: %s" % (cmd, txt)) return modcmd_re.search(txt) # order matters, which is why we don't use a dict known_module_commands = [ ('lmod', 'Lmod'), ('modulecmd.tcl', 'EnvironmentModules'), ('modulecmd', 'EnvironmentModulesC'), ] out = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'module_command.out') modtool = None for modcmd, modtool in known_module_commands: if check_cmd_help(modcmd): # distinguish between EnvironmentModulesTcl and EnvironmentModules if modcmd == 'modulecmd.tcl' and is_modulecmd_tcl_modulestcl(): modtool = 'EnvironmentModulesTcl' easybuild_modules_tool = modtool info("Found module command '%s' (%s), so using it." % (modcmd, modtool)) break elif modcmd == 'lmod': # check value of $LMOD_CMD as fallback modcmd = os.environ.get('LMOD_CMD') if modcmd and check_cmd_help(modcmd): easybuild_modules_tool = modtool info("Found module command '%s' via $LMOD_CMD (%s), so using it." % (modcmd, modtool)) break elif modtool == 'EnvironmentModules': # check value of $MODULESHOME as fallback moduleshome = os.environ.get('MODULESHOME', 'MODULESHOME_NOT_DEFINED') modcmd = os.path.join(moduleshome, 'libexec', 'modulecmd.tcl') if os.path.exists(modcmd) and check_cmd_help(modcmd): easybuild_modules_tool = modtool info("Found module command '%s' via $MODULESHOME (%s), so using it." % (modcmd, modtool)) break if easybuild_modules_tool is None: mod_cmds = [m for (m, _) in known_module_commands] msg = [ "Could not find any module command, make sure one available in your $PATH.", "Known module commands are checked in order, and include: %s" % ', '.join(mod_cmds), "Check the output of 'type module' to determine the location of the module command you are using.", ] error('\n'.join(msg)) return modtool def check_setuptools(): """Check whether a suitable setuptools installation is already available.""" debug("Checking whether suitable setuptools installation is available...") res = None _, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp() # note: we need to be very careful here, because switching to a different setuptools installation (e.g. in stage0) # after the setuptools module was imported is very tricky... # So, we'll check things by running commands through os.system rather than importing setuptools directly. cmd_tmpl = "%s -c '%%s' > %s 2>&1" % (sys.executable, outfile) # check setuptools version try: os.system(cmd_tmpl % "import setuptools; print(setuptools.__version__)") setuptools_ver = LooseVersion(open(outfile).read().strip()) debug("Found setuptools version %s" % setuptools_ver) min_setuptools_ver = '0.6c11' if setuptools_ver < LooseVersion(min_setuptools_ver): debug("Minimal setuptools version %s not satisfied, found '%s'" % (min_setuptools_ver, setuptools_ver)) res = False except Exception as err: debug("Failed to check setuptools version: %s" % err) res = False os.system(cmd_tmpl % "from setuptools.command import easy_install; print(easy_install.__file__)") out = open(outfile).read().strip() debug("Location of setuptools' easy_install module: %s" % out) if 'setuptools/command/easy_install' not in out: debug("Module 'setuptools.command.easy_install not found") res = False if res is None: os.system(cmd_tmpl % "import setuptools; print(setuptools.__file__)") setuptools_loc = open(outfile).read().strip() res = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(setuptools_loc)) debug("Location of setuptools installation: %s" % res) try: os.remove(outfile) except Exception: pass return res def run_easy_install(args): """Run easy_install with specified list of arguments""" import setuptools debug("Active setuptools installation: %s" % setuptools.__file__) from setuptools.command import easy_install orig_stdout, orig_stderr = mock_stdout_stderr() try: easy_install.main(args) easy_install_stdout, easy_install_stderr = restore_stdout_stderr(orig_stdout, orig_stderr) except (Exception, SystemExit) as err: easy_install_stdout, easy_install_stderr = restore_stdout_stderr(orig_stdout, orig_stderr) error("Running 'easy_install %s' failed: %s\n%s" % (' '.join(args), err, traceback.format_exc())) debug("stdout for 'easy_install %s':\n%s" % (' '.join(args), easy_install_stdout)) debug("stderr for 'easy_install %s':\n%s" % (' '.join(args), easy_install_stderr)) def check_easy_install_cmd(): """Try to make sure available 'easy_install' command matches active 'setuptools' installation.""" debug("Checking whether available 'easy_install' command matches active 'setuptools' installation...") _, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp() import setuptools debug("Location of active setuptools installation: %s" % setuptools.__file__) easy_install_regex = re.compile('^(setuptools|distribute) %s' % setuptools.__version__) debug("Pattern for 'easy_install --version': %s" % easy_install_regex.pattern) pythonpath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '') cmd = "PYTHONPATH='%s' %s -m easy_install --version" % (pythonpath, sys.executable) os.system("%s > %s 2>&1" % (cmd, outfile)) outtxt = open(outfile).read().strip() debug("Output of '%s':\n%s" % (cmd, outtxt)) res = bool(easy_install_regex.match(outtxt)) debug("Result: %s" % res) if res: debug("Found right 'easy_install' command") return error("Failed to find right 'easy_install' command!") # # Stage functions # def stage0(tmpdir): """STAGE 0: Prepare and install distribute via included (patched) distribute_setup.py script.""" print('\n') info("+++ STAGE 0: installing distribute via included (patched) distribute_setup.py...\n") txt = DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY if not print_debug: # silence distribute_setup.py by redirecting output to /dev/null txt = re.sub(r'([^\n]*)(return subprocess.call\(args)(\) == 0)', r"\1f = open(os.devnull, 'w'); \2, stdout=f, stderr=f\3", txt) # silence distribute_setup.py completely by setting high log level threshold txt = re.sub(r'([^\n]*)(# extracting the tarball[^\n]*)', r'\1log.set_verbosity(1000)\n\1\2', txt) # write distribute_setup.py to file (with correct header) distribute_setup = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'distribute_setup.py') f = open(distribute_setup, "w") f.write(txt) f.close() # create expected directories, set Python search path debug("preparing environment...") prep(tmpdir) import distribute_setup debug("distribute_setup.__file__: %s" % distribute_setup.__file__) # install easy_install to temporary directory from distribute_setup import main as distribute_setup_main orig_sys_argv = sys.argv[:] # make a copy sys.argv.append('--prefix=%s' % tmpdir) # We download a custom version of distribute: it uses a newer version of markerlib to avoid a bug (#1099) # It's is the source of distribute 0.6.49 with the file _markerlib/markers.py replaced by the 0.6 version of # markerlib which can be found at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/markerlib/0.6.0 sys.argv.append('--download-base=https://easybuilders.github.io/easybuild/files/') distribute_setup_main(version="0.6.49-patched1") sys.argv = orig_sys_argv # sanity check if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bin', 'easy_install')): debug("easy_install sanity check OK") else: error("Installing distribute which should deliver easy_install failed?") # prepend distribute egg dir to sys.path, so we know which setuptools we're using distribute_egg_dir = find_egg_dir_for(tmpdir, 'distribute') if distribute_egg_dir is None: error("Failed to determine egg dir path for distribute_egg_dir in %s" % tmpdir) else: sys.path.insert(0, distribute_egg_dir) # make sure we're getting the setuptools we expect import setuptools from setuptools.command import easy_install for mod, path in [('setuptools', setuptools.__file__), ('easy_install', easy_install.__file__)]: if tmpdir not in path: error("Found another %s module than expected: %s" % (mod, path)) else: debug("Found %s in expected path, good!" % mod) info("Installed setuptools version %s (%s)" % (setuptools.__version__, setuptools.__file__)) return distribute_egg_dir def stage1(tmpdir, sourcepath, distribute_egg_dir, forcedversion): """STAGE 1: temporary install EasyBuild using distribute's easy_install.""" print('\n') info("+++ STAGE 1: installing EasyBuild in temporary dir with easy_install...\n") # determine locations of source tarballs, if sources path is specified source_tarballs = {} if sourcepath is not None: info("Fetching sources from %s..." % sourcepath) for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES: pkg_tarball_glob = os.path.join(sourcepath, '%s*.tar.gz' % pkg) pkg_tarball_paths = glob.glob(pkg_tarball_glob) if len(pkg_tarball_paths) > 1: error("Multiple tarballs found for %s: %s" % (pkg, pkg_tarball_paths)) elif len(pkg_tarball_paths) == 0: if pkg not in [VSC_BASE, VSC_INSTALL]: # vsc-base package is not strictly required # it's only a dependency since EasyBuild v2.0; # with EasyBuild v2.0, it will be pulled in from PyPI when installing easybuild-framework; # vsc-install is an optional dependency, only required to run unit tests error("Missing source tarball: %s" % pkg_tarball_glob) else: info("Found %s for %s package" % (pkg_tarball_paths[0], pkg)) source_tarballs.update({pkg: pkg_tarball_paths[0]}) if print_debug: debug("$ easy_install --help") run_easy_install(['--help']) # prepare install dir targetdir_stage1 = os.path.join(tmpdir, STAGE1_SUBDIR) prep(targetdir_stage1) # set PATH, Python search path # install latest EasyBuild with easy_install from PyPi cmd = [ '--upgrade', # make sure the latest version is pulled from PyPi '--prefix=%s' % targetdir_stage1, ] post_vsc_base = [] if source_tarballs: # install provided source tarballs (order matters) cmd.extend([source_tarballs[pkg] for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES if pkg in source_tarballs]) # add vsc-base again at the end, to avoid that the one available on the system is used instead if VSC_BASE in source_tarballs: cmd.append(source_tarballs[VSC_BASE]) else: # install meta-package easybuild from PyPI if forcedversion: cmd.append('easybuild==%s' % forcedversion) elif IS_PY3: cmd.append('easybuild>=4.0') # Python 3 support added in EasyBuild 4 else: cmd.append('easybuild') if not IS_PY3: # install vsc-base again at the end, to avoid that the one available on the system is used instead post_vsc_base = cmd[:] post_vsc_base[-1] = VSC_BASE + '<2.9.0' if not print_debug: cmd.insert(0, '--quiet') # There is no support for Python3 in the older vsc-* packages and EasyBuild 4 includes working versions of vsc-* if not IS_PY3: # install vsc-install version prior to 0.11.4, where mock was introduced as a dependency # workaround for problem reported in https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2712 # also stick to vsc-base < 2.9.0 to avoid requiring 'future' Python package as dependency for pkg in [VSC_INSTALL + '<0.11.4', VSC_BASE + '<2.9.0']: precmd = cmd[:-1] + [pkg] info("running pre-install command 'easy_install %s'" % (' '.join(precmd))) run_easy_install(precmd) info("installing EasyBuild with 'easy_install %s'\n" % (' '.join(cmd))) syntax_error_note = '\n'.join([ "Note: a 'SyntaxError' may be reported for the easybuild/tools/py2vs3/py%s.py module." % ('3', '2')[IS_PY3], "You can safely ignore this message, it will not affect the functionality of the EasyBuild installation.", '', ]) info(syntax_error_note) run_easy_install(cmd) if post_vsc_base: info("running post install command 'easy_install %s'" % (' '.join(post_vsc_base))) run_easy_install(post_vsc_base) pkg_egg_dir = find_egg_dir_for(targetdir_stage1, VSC_BASE) if pkg_egg_dir is None: # if vsc-base available on system is the same version as the one being installed, # the .egg directory may not get installed... # in that case, try to have it *copied* by also including --always-copy; # using --always-copy should be used as a last resort, since it can result in all kinds of problems info(".egg dir for vsc-base not found, trying again with --always-copy...") post_vsc_base.insert(0, '--always-copy') info("running post install command 'easy_install %s'" % (' '.join(post_vsc_base))) run_easy_install(post_vsc_base) # clear the Python search path, we only want the individual eggs dirs to be in the PYTHONPATH (see below) # this is needed to avoid easy-install.pth controlling what Python packages are actually used if distribute_egg_dir is not None: os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = distribute_egg_dir else: del os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] # template string to inject in template easyconfig templates = {} for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES: templates.update({pkg: ''}) pkg_egg_dir = find_egg_dir_for(targetdir_stage1, pkg) if pkg_egg_dir is None: if pkg in [VSC_BASE, VSC_INSTALL]: # vsc-base is optional in older EasyBuild versions continue # prepend EasyBuild egg dirs to Python search path, so we know which EasyBuild we're using sys.path.insert(0, pkg_egg_dir) pythonpaths = [x for x in os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0] os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([pkg_egg_dir] + pythonpaths) debug("$PYTHONPATH: %s" % os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) if source_tarballs: if pkg in source_tarballs: templates.update({pkg: "'%s'," % os.path.basename(source_tarballs[pkg])}) else: # determine per-package versions based on egg dirs, to use them in easyconfig template version_regex = re.compile('%s-([0-9a-z.-]*)-py[0-9.]*.egg' % pkg.replace('-', '_')) pkg_egg_dirname = os.path.basename(pkg_egg_dir) res = version_regex.search(pkg_egg_dirname) if res is not None: pkg_version = res.group(1) debug("Found version for easybuild-%s: %s" % (pkg, pkg_version)) templates.update({pkg: "'%s-%s.tar.gz'," % (pkg, pkg_version)}) else: tup = (pkg, pkg_egg_dirname, version_regex.pattern) error("Failed to determine version for easybuild-%s package from %s with %s" % tup) # figure out EasyBuild version via eb command line # note: EasyBuild uses some magic to determine the EasyBuild version based on the versions of the individual pkgs ver_regex = {'ver': '[0-9.]*[a-z0-9]*'} pattern = r"This is EasyBuild (?P%(ver)s) \(framework: %(ver)s, easyblocks: %(ver)s\)" % ver_regex version_re = re.compile(pattern) version_out_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'eb_version.out') eb_version_cmd = 'from easybuild.tools.version import this_is_easybuild; print(this_is_easybuild())' cmd = "%s -c '%s' > %s 2>&1" % (sys.executable, eb_version_cmd, version_out_file) debug("Determining EasyBuild version using command '%s'" % cmd) os.system(cmd) txt = open(version_out_file, "r").read() res = version_re.search(txt) if res: eb_version = res.group(1) debug("installing EasyBuild v%s" % eb_version) else: error("Stage 1 failed, could not determine EasyBuild version (txt: %s)." % txt) templates.update({'version': eb_version}) # clear PYTHONPATH before we go to stage2 # PYTHONPATH doesn't need to (and shouldn't) include the stage1 egg dirs os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = '' # make sure we're getting the expected EasyBuild packages import easybuild.framework import easybuild.easyblocks pkgs_to_check = [easybuild.framework, easybuild.easyblocks] # vsc is part of EasyBuild 4 if LooseVersion(eb_version) < LooseVersion('4'): import vsc.utils.fancylogger pkgs_to_check.append(vsc.utils.fancylogger) for pkg in pkgs_to_check: if tmpdir not in pkg.__file__: error("Found another %s than expected: %s" % (pkg.__name__, pkg.__file__)) else: debug("Found %s in expected path, good!" % pkg.__name__) debug("templates: %s" % templates) return templates def stage2(tmpdir, templates, install_path, distribute_egg_dir, sourcepath): """STAGE 2: install EasyBuild to temporary dir with EasyBuild from stage 1.""" print('\n') info("+++ STAGE 2: installing EasyBuild in %s with EasyBuild from stage 1...\n" % install_path) preinstallopts = '' eb_looseversion = LooseVersion(templates['version']) # setuptools is no longer required for EasyBuild v4.0 & newer, so skip the setuptools stuff in that case if eb_looseversion < LooseVersion('4.0') and distribute_egg_dir is not None: # inject path to distribute installed in stage 0 into $PYTHONPATH via preinstallopts # other approaches are not reliable, since EasyBuildMeta easyblock unsets $PYTHONPATH; # this is required for the easy_install from stage 0 to work preinstallopts += "export PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH && " % distribute_egg_dir # ensure that (latest) setuptools is installed as well alongside EasyBuild, # since it is a required runtime dependency for recent vsc-base and EasyBuild versions # this is necessary since we provide our own distribute installation during the bootstrap (cfr. stage0) preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s setuptools && " % sys.executable # vsc-install is no longer required for EasyBuild v4.0, so skip pre-installed vsc-install in that case if eb_looseversion < LooseVersion('4.0'): # vsc-install is a runtime dependency for the EasyBuild unit test suite, # and is easily picked up from stage1 rather than being actually installed, so force it vsc_install = "'%s<0.11.4'" % VSC_INSTALL if sourcepath: vsc_install_tarball_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcepath, 'vsc-install*.tar.gz')) if len(vsc_install_tarball_paths) == 1: vsc_install = vsc_install_tarball_paths[0] preinstallopts += "%s -m easy_install -U --prefix %%(installdir)s %s && " % (sys.executable, vsc_install) templates.update({ 'preinstallopts': preinstallopts, }) # determine PyPI URLs for individual packages pkg_urls = [] for pkg in EASYBUILD_PACKAGES: # vsc-base and vsc-install are not dependencies anymore for EasyBuild v4.0, # so skip them here for recent EasyBuild versions if eb_looseversion >= LooseVersion('4.0') and pkg in [VSC_INSTALL, VSC_BASE]: continue # format of pkg entries in templates: "''," pkg_filename = templates[pkg][1:-2] # the lines below implement a simplified version of the 'pypi_source_urls' and 'derive_alt_pypi_url' functions, # which we can't leverage here, partially because of transitional changes in PyPI (#md5= -> #sha256=) # determine download URL via PyPI's 'simple' API pkg_simple = None try: pkg_simple = std_urllib.urlopen('https://pypi.python.org/simple/%s' % pkg, timeout=10).read() except (std_urllib.URLError, std_urllib.HTTPError) as err: # failing to figure out the package download URl may be OK when source tarballs are provided if sourcepath: info("Ignoring failed attempt to determine '%s' download URL since source tarballs are provided" % pkg) else: raise err if pkg_simple: if IS_PY3: pkg_simple = pkg_simple.decode('utf-8') pkg_url_part_regex = re.compile('/(packages/[^#]+)/%s#' % pkg_filename) res = pkg_url_part_regex.search(pkg_simple) if res: pkg_url = 'https://pypi.python.org/' + res.group(1) pkg_urls.append(pkg_url) elif sourcepath: info("Ignoring failure to determine source URL for '%s' (source tarballs are provided)" % pkg_filename) else: error_msg = "Failed to determine PyPI package URL for %s using pattern '%s': %s\n" error(error_msg % (pkg, pkg_url_part_regex.pattern, pkg_simple)) # vsc-base and vsc-install are no longer required for EasyBuild v4.0.0, # so only include them in 'sources' for older versions sources_tmpl = "%(easybuild-framework)s%(easybuild-easyblocks)s%(easybuild-easyconfigs)s" if eb_looseversion < LooseVersion('4.0'): sources_tmpl = "%(vsc-install)s%(vsc-base)s" + sources_tmpl templates.update({ 'source_urls': '\n'.join(["'%s'," % x for x in pkg_urls]), 'sources': sources_tmpl % templates, 'pythonpath': distribute_egg_dir, }) # create easyconfig file ebfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'EasyBuild-%s.eb' % templates['version']) handle = open(ebfile, 'w') ebfile_txt = EASYBUILD_EASYCONFIG_TEMPLATE % templates handle.write(ebfile_txt) handle.close() debug("Contents of generated easyconfig file:\n%s" % ebfile_txt) # set command line arguments for eb eb_args = ['eb', ebfile, '--allow-modules-tool-mismatch'] if print_debug: eb_args.extend(['--debug', '--logtostdout']) if forced_install: info("Performing FORCED installation, as requested...") eb_args.append('--force') # make sure we don't leave any stuff behind in default path $HOME/.local/easybuild # and set build and install path explicitely if LooseVersion(templates['version']) < LooseVersion('1.3.0'): os.environ['EASYBUILD_PREFIX'] = tmpdir os.environ['EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH'] = tmpdir if install_path is not None: os.environ['EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH'] = install_path else: # only for v1.3 and up eb_args.append('--prefix=%s' % tmpdir) eb_args.append('--buildpath=%s' % tmpdir) if install_path is not None: eb_args.append('--installpath=%s' % install_path) if sourcepath is not None: eb_args.append('--sourcepath=%s' % sourcepath) # make sure EasyBuild can find EasyBuild-*.eb easyconfig file when it needs to; # (for example when HierarchicalMNS is used as module naming scheme, # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2393) eb_args.append('--robot-paths=%s:' % tmpdir) # make sure parent modules path already exists (Lmod trips over a non-existing entry in $MODULEPATH) if install_path is not None: modules_path = det_modules_path(install_path) if not os.path.exists(modules_path): os.makedirs(modules_path) debug("Created path %s" % modules_path) debug("Running EasyBuild with arguments '%s'" % ' '.join(eb_args)) sys.argv = eb_args # location to 'eb' command (from stage 1) may be expected to be included in $PATH # it usually is there after stage1, unless 'prep' is called again with another location # (only when stage 0 is not skipped) # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2279 curr_path = [x for x in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep) if len(x) > 0] os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([os.path.join(tmpdir, STAGE1_SUBDIR, 'bin')] + curr_path) debug("$PATH: %s" % os.environ['PATH']) # install EasyBuild with EasyBuild from easybuild.main import main as easybuild_main easybuild_main() if print_debug: os.environ['EASYBUILD_DEBUG'] = '1' # make sure the EasyBuild module was actually installed # EasyBuild configuration options that are picked up from configuration files/environment may break the bootstrap, # for example by having $EASYBUILD_VERSION defined or via a configuration file specifies a value for 'stop'... from easybuild.tools.config import build_option, install_path, get_module_syntax from easybuild.framework.easyconfig.easyconfig import ActiveMNS eb_spec = { 'name': 'EasyBuild', 'hidden': False, 'toolchain': {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'}, 'version': templates['version'], 'versionprefix': '', 'versionsuffix': '', 'moduleclass': 'tools', } mod_path = os.path.join(install_path('mod'), build_option('suffix_modules_path')) debug("EasyBuild module should have been installed to %s" % mod_path) eb_mod_name = ActiveMNS().det_full_module_name(eb_spec) debug("EasyBuild module name: %s" % eb_mod_name) eb_mod_path = os.path.join(mod_path, eb_mod_name) if get_module_syntax() == 'Lua': eb_mod_path += '.lua' if os.path.exists(eb_mod_path): info("EasyBuild module installed: %s" % eb_mod_path) else: error("EasyBuild module not found at %s, define $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEBUG to debug" % eb_mod_path) def main(): """Main script: bootstrap EasyBuild in stages.""" self_txt = open(__file__).read() if IS_PY3: self_txt = self_txt.encode('utf-8') url = 'https://docs.easybuild.io/en/latest/Installation.html' info("Use of the EasyBuild boostrap script is DEPRECATED (since June 2021).") info("It is strongly recommended to use one of the installation methods outlined at %s instead!\n" % url) if not EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED: error("The EasyBuild bootstrap script will only run if $EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED is defined.") else: msg = "You have opted to continue with the EasyBuild bootstrap script by defining " msg += "$EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_DEPRECATED. Good luck!\n" info(msg) info("EasyBuild bootstrap script (version %s, MD5: %s)" % (EB_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION, md5(self_txt).hexdigest())) info("Found Python %s\n" % '; '.join(sys.version.split('\n'))) # disallow running as root, since stage 2 will fail if os.getuid() == 0: error("Don't run the EasyBuild bootstrap script as root, " "since stage 2 (installing EasyBuild with EasyBuild) will fail.") # general option/argument parser if HAVE_ARGPARSE: bs_argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser() bs_argparser.add_argument("prefix", help="Installation prefix directory", type=str) bs_args = bs_argparser.parse_args() # prefix specification install_path = os.path.abspath(bs_args.prefix) else: bs_argparser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] prefix") (bs_opts, bs_args) = bs_argparser.parse_args() # poor method, but should prefer argparse module for better pos arg support. if len(bs_args) < 1: error("Too few arguments\n" + bs_argparser.get_usage()) elif len(bs_args) > 1: error("Too many arguments\n" + bs_argparser.get_usage()) # prefix specification install_path = os.path.abspath(str(bs_args[0])) info("Installation prefix %s" % install_path) sourcepath = EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SOURCEPATH if sourcepath is not None: info("Fetching sources from %s..." % sourcepath) forcedversion = EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_FORCE_VERSION if forcedversion: info("Forcing specified version %s..." % forcedversion) if IS_PY3 and LooseVersion(forcedversion) < LooseVersion('4'): error('Python 3 support is only available with EasyBuild 4.x but you are trying to install EasyBuild %s' % forcedversion) # create temporary dir for temporary installations tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() debug("Going to use %s as temporary directory" % tmpdir) os.chdir(tmpdir) # check whether a module command is available, we need that modtool = check_module_command(tmpdir) # clean sys.path, remove paths that may contain EasyBuild packages or stuff installed with easy_install orig_sys_path = sys.path[:] sys.path = [] for path in orig_sys_path: include_path = True # exclude path if it's potentially an EasyBuild/VSC package, providing the 'easybuild'/'vsc' namespace, resp. if any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, pkg, '__init__.py')) for pkg in ['easyblocks', 'easybuild', 'vsc']): include_path = False # exclude any .egg paths if path.endswith('.egg'): include_path = False # exclude any path that contains an easy-install.pth file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'easy-install.pth')): include_path = False if include_path: sys.path.append(path) else: debug("Excluding %s from sys.path" % path) debug("sys.path after cleaning: %s" % sys.path) # install EasyBuild in stages # STAGE 0: install distribute, which delivers easy_install distribute_egg_dir = None if EASYBUILD_BOOTSTRAP_SKIP_STAGE0: info("Skipping stage 0, using local distribute/setuptools providing easy_install") else: setuptools_loc = check_setuptools() if setuptools_loc: info("Suitable setuptools installation already found, skipping stage 0...") sys.path.insert(0, setuptools_loc) else: info("No suitable setuptools installation found, proceeding with stage 0...") distribute_egg_dir = stage0(tmpdir) # STAGE 1: install EasyBuild using easy_install to tmp dir templates = stage1(tmpdir, sourcepath, distribute_egg_dir, forcedversion) # add location to easy_install provided through stage0 to $PATH # this must be done *after* stage1, since $PATH is reset during stage1 if distribute_egg_dir: prep(tmpdir) # make sure the active 'easy_install' is the right one (i.e. it matches the active setuptools installation) check_easy_install_cmd() # STAGE 2: install EasyBuild using EasyBuild (to final target installation dir) stage2(tmpdir, templates, install_path, distribute_egg_dir, sourcepath) # clean up the mess debug("Cleaning up %s..." % tmpdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) print('') info('Bootstrapping EasyBuild completed!\n') if install_path is not None: info('EasyBuild v%s was installed to %s, so make sure your $MODULEPATH includes %s' % (templates['version'], install_path, det_modules_path(install_path))) else: info('EasyBuild v%s was installed to configured install path, make sure your $MODULEPATH is set correctly.' % templates['version']) info('(default config => add "$HOME/.local/easybuild/modules/all" in $MODULEPATH)') print('') info("Run 'module load EasyBuild', and run 'eb --help' to get help on using EasyBuild.") info("Set $EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL to '%s' to use the same modules tool as was used now." % modtool) print('') info("By default, EasyBuild will install software to $HOME/.local/easybuild.") info("To install software with EasyBuild to %s, set $EASYBUILD_INSTALLPATH accordingly." % install_path) info("See http://easybuild.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Configuration.html for details on configuring EasyBuild.") # template easyconfig file for EasyBuild EASYBUILD_EASYCONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ easyblock = 'EB_EasyBuildMeta' name = 'EasyBuild' version = '%(version)s' homepage = 'http://easybuilders.github.com/easybuild/' description = \"\"\"EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework written in Python that allows you to install software in a structured, repeatable and robust way.\"\"\" toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': 'dummy'} source_urls = [%(source_urls)s] sources = [%(sources)s] # EasyBuild is a (set of) Python packages, so it depends on Python # usually, we want to use the system Python, so no actual Python dependency is listed allow_system_deps = [('Python', SYS_PYTHON_VERSION)] preinstallopts = "%(preinstallopts)s" sanity_check_paths = { 'files': ['bin/eb'], 'dirs': ['lib'], } moduleclass = 'tools' """ # check Python version loose_pyver = LooseVersion(python_version()) min_pyver2 = LooseVersion('2.6') min_pyver3 = LooseVersion('3.5') if loose_pyver < min_pyver2 or (loose_pyver >= LooseVersion('3') and loose_pyver < min_pyver3): sys.stderr.write("ERROR: Incompatible Python version: %s (should be Python 2 >= %s or Python 3 >= %s)\n" % (python_version(), min_pyver2, min_pyver3)) sys.exit(1) # distribute_setup.py script (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute) # # A compressed copy of a patched distribute_setup.py (version 0.6.49), generated like so: # >>> import base64 # >>> import zlib # >>> base64.b64encode(zlib.compress(open("distribute_setup.py").read())) # compressed copy below is for setuptools 0.6c11, after applying patch: # # --- distribute_setup.py.orig 2013-07-05 03:50:13.000000000 +0200 # +++ distribute_setup.py 2015-11-27 12:20:12.040032041 +0100 # @@ -528,6 +528,8 @@ # log.warn("--user requires Python 2.6 or later") # raise SystemExit(1) # install_args.append('--user') # + if options.prefix_install: # + install_args.append('--prefix=%s' % options.prefix_install) # return install_args # # def _parse_args(): # @@ -539,6 +541,8 @@ # '--user', dest='user_install', action='store_true', default=False, # help='install in user site package (requires Python 2.6 or later)') # parser.add_option( # + '--prefix', dest='prefix_install', metavar="PATH", help='install in prefix') # + parser.add_option( # '--download-base', dest='download_base', metavar="URL", # default=DEFAULT_URL, # help='alternative URL from where to download the distribute package') # @@ -549,7 +553,7 @@ # def main(version=DEFAULT_VERSION): # """Install or upgrade setuptools and EasyInstall""" # options = _parse_args() # - tarball = download_setuptools(download_base=options.download_base) # + tarball = download_setuptools(version=version, download_base=options.download_base) # return _install(tarball, _build_install_args(options)) # # if __name__ == '__main__': # DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY = """ eJztPGtz2ziS3/UrcHK5SGVlxs7Mze6lTlOVmTizrs0mqdjZ/ZC4ZIiEJI75Gj6saH/9dTcAAiAh 2bmZ/XBV592JJaLRaPS7G6BP/qPat9uymEyn05/Ksm3amlcsSeF3uupawdKiaXmW8TYFoMnVmu3L ju140bK2ZF0jWCParmrLMmsAFkdrVvH4nm9E0MjBqNrP2a9d0wJAnHWJYO02bSbrNEP08AWQ8FzA qrWI27Les13ablnazhkvEsaThCbgggjblhUr13Iljf/ly8mEwc+6LnOL+iWNszSvyrpFapeGWoJ3 H4Wz0Q5r8VsHZDHOmkrE6TqN2YOoG2AG0mCmzvEzQCXlrshKnkzytK7Les7KmrjEC8azVtQFB55q ILPjOS0aA1RSsqZkqz1ruqrK9mmxmeCmeVXVZVWnOL2sUBjEj7u74Q7u7qLJ5AbZRfyNaWHEKFjd wecGtxLXaUXbU9IlKqtNzRNbnhEqxUQxr2z0p2bbtWnWf9v3A22aC/15XeS8jbf9kMgrpKf/zmv7 K+yo4nUjJpNegLhGoyWXlZvJpK33L42QmxSVUw5/ur78uLy+urmciK+xgJ1d0fNLlICc0kOwBXtX FsLCpvfRrYDDsWgaqUmJWLOltI1lnCfhM15vmpmcgj/4FZCFsP9IfBVx1/JVJuYz9ica6uFqYGdd WOijGBgeEja2WLDzyUGiT8AOQDYgORBywtYgJEkQexF994cSecJ+68oWdA0fd7koWmD9GpYvQFUN GDxCTBV4AyAmR/IDgPnuRWCW1GQhQoHbnLljCk8A/wPbh/HxsMW2YHraTAN2ioAjOAUzHFKb/mwo INbBB7ViczuUTtlETcXBKEP49GH5z1dXN3M2YBp7Zsvs9eWbV5/e3iz/cfnx+ur9O1hveh79EH3/ X9N+6NPHt/h427bVy+fPq32VRlJUUVlvnisf2TxvwI/F4nny3Lit59PJ9eXNpw8379+/vV6+efW3 y9eDheKLi+nEBvrwt1+WV+/evMfx6fTL5O+i5Qlv+dk/pLd6yS6i88k7cLMvLQuf9KOnzeS6y3MO VsG+ws/kr2UuziqgkL5PXnVAeW1/PhM5TzP55G0ai6JRoK+F9C+EFx8AQSDBQzuaTCakxsoVheAa VvB7rn3TEtm+CGczbRTiK8SomLSVwoGEp8E2r8ClAg+0v4ny+wQ/g2fHcfAj0Y7XRRhcGiSgFKdN MFeTJWCZJctdAohAHzaijXeJwtC7DYICY97CnNCeSlCciJBOLiorUehtGZil2ofaszM5irOyERiO jIVuSkUsbroPHD0AOBi5dSCq4u02+hXgFWFzfJiBelm0fj6/nY03IrGYAcOwd+WO7cr63uaYhrao VELDsDXGcdUPste9sgcz278UZet4tEBHeFguUMjh4zNbOQYexqx3DToMmQMstwOXxnZ1CR+Trtaq Y+c2kUXHAIsQBC3QM7McXDhYBeOr8kEMJ6Fypm1cQhjVrvuFA6D8jXy4TgtY3adPUv0Mbhlyozpv ayF6bVOGs+pSABebTQj/zVlvP225RLD/N5v/A2ZDMqT4WzCQogfRTz2EZTsIawQh5W04dciMzn7D f1cYb1Bt6NEZfoN/agvRH6Kkcn9S77Xu1aLpstZVLSBEAisnoOUBBtW0DQ0bGmqeQk599Z6SpTD4 ueyyhGYRH6W1bjZoncpGEtiSSrpDlb/P+zR8ueKN0Nu2Hici43u1KjJ6qCQKPjCB++y0Oav2p0kE /0fOelMb+DllhgpMM9QXiIHrEjTM8/DidvZ09iijAYL7vVglwoH9H6J18HOAS0brHnFHBEhZJJIP HljUbXg+Z0b+Kh93CzWrKlnpMlWnDEsqCBZkOFLeg6JI7XgxSNoGHFhYiZuXG3IHCzSArvYwYXHx n3MQznLN78Xipu5E73tzTg6g6aCS3FE6TzrKV02ZoRkjLyZmCUvTAAR/hzb3drxZSi4J9LVBdb9Z gklRHtlQWo38zcuky0SDpd2XfjeB4coQcOynnS+WaJz1Jg7ECbs27YDz6M8rquAhwoqapVR6diml 0yzEgaoWa1Hj92EcBR/ZtGmLzKHkvdjbbk8JNHImjcjFH4fWSFXz4dSw4ccFkjmdjWZKl+U8VoVa 6CLt6QKK3pXtm7IrEr81ufNU7v1zWayzNG49dVLFmwF/lfVvecPbtnYJAU+0TKy0ylt34Wylov7C i4bcnsiIM9L7mnK1hzhUybo8/V3u+LB2HhC1YcmPiykUvmq9mYew4T6OystdXIAhyoIxJocdzsBl 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UL2KbkIA/f6pfwvHvE4M3jRQby/rmMX6bk2pX8/qizFVHrve0VpZejXFDEVFhBW/ps/xUgeM8YdD GdpUdg/0XeuGfdDvXf+AIZreZxhcz5KX4q/3TSvyS4ytF1bSZBGunZpuUMyGm5CFhGcbfiQSfCHP Vfw4nL6FjabvB4P1SnkOBPkBR2S4ludaEMwKYTW1GgecENFFSfU+f/SeoAhNrbyNBIp4kiwlDlNS a57g3dmmXQS2POEhp2tDi6BpsbvYgrchyDXvMtUBMNdztyKrFjoDQzdC8qQ/GqBUi4XHpDsLnkKt 6uBpel22B5gmtfyB14vph1c3f4W0aUSVbgE+YS19z/AMr272SzoXOu0VP318OzXs0FzyXmWWVOk/ T4E5Gl7wpTxDXdQtzS1Hv52qHSilmOtEVO3IVjCdl5cgC5VC9T6CY1N4U4B0E1tltaqRtuYc/PyB i9tGe6+O/V0LCkGXvNkrKK2++u9qLFyTkO2sp7xSt/Bfil9os3SeOlY5fvv9mLcFj5zSNUqsRZfU 7lwukTHLpfpLDH2GT+yCCf8D2cp1xw== """ if IS_PY3: DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY = DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY.encode('ascii') DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY = codecs.decode(codecs.decode(DISTRIBUTE_SETUP_PY, "base64"), "zlib") # run main function as body of script main()