{ "title": "RESOLUTE Transcriptome of RESOLUTE parental cell lines", "description": "To enable successful SLC function deorphanization we aimed to select minimal number of cell lines covering expression of as many SLCs as possible based on publicly available RNA-Seq dataset of 675 cell lines (Klijn C. et al, Nat. Biotechnol. 2015). A set of 6 adherent human cell lines (HCT116, HuH-7, LS-180, MDA-MB-468, SK-MEL-28, 1321-N1) cumulatively covers expression of about 80 % of all SLCs (TPM  1). These cell lines will be used to generate SLC-knockout and SLC-overexpressing single cell clones. Additionally, Jump In T-REx HEK 293 cells will be used for generating SLC-overexpression cell lines.", "contacts": [{ "lastName": "Viollet", "firstName": "Coralie" }, { "lastName": "Sedlyarov", "firstName": "Vitaly", "email":"VSedlyarov@cemm.oeaw.ac.at" }, { "lastName": "Goldmann", "firstName": "Ulrich", "email":"UGoldmann@cemm.oeaw.ac.at" }, { "lastName": "Lackner", "firstName": "Daniel", "email": "dlackner@re-solute.eu", "address": "Lazarettgasse 14, AKH BT 25.3 1090 Vienna, Austria", "affiliation": [{"name":"CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences"}], "roles": "scientific project manager" }, { "lastName": "Superti-Furga", "firstName": "Giulio", "email": "gsuperti@cemm.oeaw.ac.at", "affiliation": [{"name":"Pfizer Ltd."}], "roles": "Academic Project coordinator" }, { "lastName": "Steppan", "firstName": "Claire", "email": "Claire.M.Steppan@pfizer.com", "affiliation": [{"name":"CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences"}], "roles": "EFPIA Project Leader" } ], "studies": [{ "title": "RNA-Seq measurements of parental cell lines", "description": "Transcription profiling of 6 (+1) Resolute cell lines.", "studyType": "RNASeq", "contacts": [{ "lastName": "Viollet", "firstName": "Coralie", "affiliation": [{"name":"Boehringer Ingelheim"}] }, { "lastName": "Sedlyarov", "firstName": "Vitaly", "email":"VSedlyarov@cemm.oeaw.ac.at", "affiliation": [{"name":"CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences"}] } ], "assays": [{ "sample_input": "cell line HuH-7", "library_source": "TRANSCRIPTOMIC", "library_layout": "SINGLE", "library_strategy": "RNA-Seq", "sequencing_platform": { "platform": "Illumina", "model": "Illumina HiSeq 4000" }, "data_output": { "filename": "180927_J00151_0269_AH2C25BBXY_716_{SampleNr}_SXX_LXXX_R1_001.fastq", "file_format": "fastq" }}], "protocols": [{ "name": "cell culture", "protocol_description": "cell line origin: JCRB; Growthmedia: DMEM; 10 % FCS; Pen-Strep; tested for mycoplasma;STR profiling was performed for all cell lines to confirm identity", "protocol_type": "cell culture" }, { "name": "RNA isolation", "protocol_description": "Cells (1 x 106 ) were washed 1x with PBS and lysed directly on the dish with RLT buffer (Qiagen) supplemented with 0.143 M -Mercaptoethanol.RNA was isolated using RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen) including DNase I digestion according to the manufacture’s protocol. RNA quality was accessed using Bioanalyzer (Agilent). All samples showed high RNA integrity, i.e. RIN 9.6  0.21 (mean  sd)", "protocol_type": "RNA isolation" }, { "name": "library preparation", "protocol_description": "mRNA-Seq libraries were prepared using NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina, together with rRNA depletion (NEB).", "protocol_type": "library preparation" }, { "name": "data quality control", "protocol_url": "FastQC, RNA-Seq reads of high quality in all samples. Standard trimming/clipping should be performed.", "protocol_type": "data quality control" } ], "processed_data_file": [{ "analysis_type": "REFERENCE_ALIGNMENT", "software": "STAR (2.6.1a)", "input_files": "Raw reads in fastq.gz format from ‘1. RNA-Seq measurements of parental cell lines", "reference_genome": "hg38 genome", "output_files": [{ "filename": "{i}_sorted.bam i in 1:21", "file_format": "bam" }, { "filename": "{i}_sorted.bai i in 1:21", "file_format": "bai" } ] }, { "analysis_type": "REFERENCE_ALIGNMENT", "software": "kallisto (0.44.0)", "reference_genome": " ENSEMBL GRCh38 cDNA transcriptome", "output_files": { "filename": " {i}_abundance.tsv, {i}_abundance.h5 i in 1:21" } } ], "conclusions": "We generated transcriptome profile for 7 cell line which will be used in course of RESOLUTE project. RNA-Seq based transcriptome profile of 1321-N1 and Jump In T-REx HEK 293, to our knowledge, have not been published before. Transcriptome of the RESOLUTE cell lines would be interesting to SLC community as a minimal set of cell lines covering maximal number of expressed SLC (approx. 80%)." } ], "acknowledges": [{ "name": "RESOLUTE – Research Empowerment on SOLUTE carriers" }] }