#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright 2012-2024 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Python Client Automatically generated with: # https://github.com/ebi-jdispatcher/webservice-clients-generator # # EMBOSS pepstats (REST) web service Python client using xmltramp2. # # For further information see: # https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/ # ############################################################################### from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import time import requests import platform from xmltramp2 import xmltramp from optparse import OptionParser try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import __version__ as urllib_version except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError from urllib2 import __version__ as urllib_version # Debug print def printDebugMessage(functionName, message, level): if (level <= debugLevel): print(u'[' + functionName + u'] ' + message, file=sys.stderr) # User-agent for request (see RFC2616). def getUserAgent(): printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'Begin', 11) # Agent string for urllib2 library. urllib_agent = u'Python-urllib/%s' % urllib_version clientRevision = version # Prepend client specific agent string. try: pythonversion = platform.python_version() pythonsys = platform.system() except ValueError: pythonversion, pythonsys = "Unknown", "Unknown" user_agent = u'EBI-Sample-Client/%s (%s; Python %s; %s) %s' % ( clientRevision, os.path.basename(__file__), pythonversion, pythonsys, urllib_agent) printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'user_agent: ' + user_agent, 12) printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'End', 11) return user_agent # Wrapper for a REST (HTTP GET) request def restRequest(url): printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'Begin', 11) printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'url: ' + url, 11) try: # Set the User-agent. user_agent = getUserAgent() http_headers = {u'User-Agent': user_agent} req = Request(url, None, http_headers) # Make the request (HTTP GET). reqH = urlopen(req) resp = reqH.read() contenttype = reqH.info() if (len(resp) > 0 and contenttype != u"image/png;charset=UTF-8" and contenttype != u"image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8" and contenttype != u"application/gzip;charset=UTF-8"): try: result = unicode(resp, u'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: result = resp else: result = resp reqH.close() # Errors are indicated by HTTP status codes. except HTTPError as ex: result = requests.get(url).content printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'End', 11) return result # Get input parameters list def serviceGetParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'Begin', 1) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/parameters' printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'End', 1) return doc[u'id':] # Get list of parameters for error handling def getListOfParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'getListOfParameters', u'Begin', 1) return [str(x) for x in serviceGetParameters()] # Print list of parameters def printGetParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameters', u'Begin', 1) idList = serviceGetParameters() for id_ in idList: print(id_) printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameters', u'End', 1) # Get input parameter information def serviceGetParameterDetails(paramName): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'paramName: ' + paramName, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/parameterdetails/' + paramName printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'End', 1) return doc # Print description of a parameter def printGetParameterDetails(paramName): printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameterDetails', u'Begin', 1) doc = serviceGetParameterDetails(paramName) print(unicode(doc.name) + u"\t" + unicode(doc.type)) print(doc.description) if hasattr(doc, 'values'): for value in doc.values: print(value.value) if unicode(value.defaultValue) == u'true': print(u'default') print(u"\t" + unicode(value.label)) if hasattr(value, u'properties'): for wsProperty in value.properties: print(u"\t" + unicode(wsProperty.key) + u"\t" + unicode(wsProperty.value)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameterDetails', u'End', 1) # Submit job def serviceRun(email, title, params): printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'Begin', 1) # Insert e-mail and title into params params[u'email'] = email if title: params[u'title'] = title requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/run/' printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) # Get the data for the other options requestData = urlencode(params) printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'requestData: ' + requestData, 2) # Errors are indicated by HTTP status codes. try: # Set the HTTP User-agent. user_agent = getUserAgent() http_headers = {u'User-Agent': user_agent} req = Request(requestUrl, None, http_headers) # Make the submission (HTTP POST). reqH = urlopen(req, requestData.encode(encoding=u'utf_8', errors=u'strict')) jobId = unicode(reqH.read(), u'utf-8') reqH.close() except HTTPError as ex: print(xmltramp.parse(unicode(ex.read(), u'utf-8'))[0][0]) quit() printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'End', 1) return jobId # Get job status def serviceGetStatus(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/status/' + jobId printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) status = restRequest(requestUrl) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'status: ' + status, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'End', 1) return status # Print the status of a job def printGetStatus(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'printGetStatus', u'Begin', 1) status = serviceGetStatus(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("Getting status for job %s" % jobId) print(status) if outputLevel > 0 and status == "FINISHED": print("To get results: python %s --polljob --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetStatus', u'End', 1) # Get available result types for job def serviceGetResultTypes(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/resulttypes/' + jobId printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'End', 1) return doc[u'type':] # Print list of available result types for a job. def printGetResultTypes(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'printGetResultTypes', u'Begin', 1) if outputLevel > 0: print("Getting result types for job %s" % jobId) resultTypeList = serviceGetResultTypes(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("Available result types:") for resultType in resultTypeList: print(resultType[u'identifier']) if hasattr(resultType, u'label'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'label']) if hasattr(resultType, u'description'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'description']) if hasattr(resultType, u'mediaType'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'mediaType']) if hasattr(resultType, u'fileSuffix'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'fileSuffix']) if outputLevel > 0: print("To get results:\n python %s --polljob --jobid %s\n" " python %s --polljob --outformat --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId, os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetResultTypes', u'End', 1) # Get result def serviceGetResult(jobId, type_): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'type_: ' + type_, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/result/' + jobId + u'/' + type_ result = restRequest(requestUrl) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'End', 1) return result # Client-side poll def clientPoll(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'clientPoll', u'Begin', 1) result = u'QUEUED' while result == u'RUNNING' or result == u'QUEUED': result = serviceGetStatus(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print(result) if result == u'RUNNING' or result == u'QUEUED': time.sleep(pollFreq) printDebugMessage(u'clientPoll', u'End', 1) # Get result for a jobid # Allows more than one output file written when 'outformat' is defined. def getResult(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 1) if outputLevel > 1: print("Getting results for job %s" % jobId) # Check status and wait if necessary clientPoll(jobId) # Get available result types resultTypes = serviceGetResultTypes(jobId) for resultType in resultTypes: # Derive the filename for the result if options.outfile: filename = (options.outfile + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'identifier']) + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'fileSuffix'])) else: filename = (jobId + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'identifier']) + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'fileSuffix'])) # Write a result file outformat_parm = str(options.outformat).split(',') for outformat_type in outformat_parm: outformat_type = outformat_type.replace(' ', '') if outformat_type == 'None': outformat_type = None if not outformat_type or outformat_type == unicode(resultType[u'identifier']): if outputLevel > 1: print("Getting %s" % unicode(resultType[u'identifier'])) # Get the result result = serviceGetResult(jobId, unicode(resultType[u'identifier'])) if (unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"image/png" or unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"image/jpeg" or unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"application/gzip"): fmode = 'wb' else: fmode = 'w' try: fh = open(filename, fmode) fh.write(result) fh.close() except TypeError: fh.close() fh = open(filename, "wb") fh.write(result) fh.close() if outputLevel > 0: print("Creating result file: " + filename) printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'End', 1) # Read a file def readFile(filename): printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'Begin', 1) fh = open(filename, 'r') data = fh.read() fh.close() printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'End', 1) return data def print_usage(): print("""\ EMBL-EBI EMBOSS pepstats Python Client: Sequence statistics and plots with pepstats. [Required (for job submission)] --email E-mail address. --sequence The sequence to be analysed can be entered directly into this form. The sequence can be in GCG, FASTA, PIR, NBRF, PHYLIP or UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot format. Partially formatted sequences are not accepted. [Optional] --termini Include charges from the N-terminus and C-terminus when calculating the Isoelectric Point. --mono Use weight from the most abundant (prinicpal) isotope of each amino acid when calculating molecular weights. By default this is not enabled, so the average isotope weight is used instead. [General] -h, --help Show this help message and exit. --asyncjob Forces to make an asynchronous query. --title Title for job. --status Get job status. --resultTypes Get available result types for job. --polljob Poll for the status of a job. --pollFreq Poll frequency in seconds (default 3s). --jobid JobId that was returned when an asynchronous job was submitted. --outfile File name for results (default is JobId; for STDOUT). --outformat Result format(s) to retrieve. It accepts comma-separated values. --params List input parameters. --paramDetail Display details for input parameter. --verbose Increase output. --version Prints out the version of the Client and exit. --quiet Decrease output. --baseUrl Base URL. Defaults to: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/services/rest/emboss_pepstats Synchronous job: The results/errors are returned as soon as the job is finished. Usage: python emboss_pepstats.py --email [options...] Returns: results as an attachment Asynchronous job: Use this if you want to retrieve the results at a later time. The results are stored for up to 24 hours. Usage: python emboss_pepstats.py --asyncjob --email [options...] Returns: jobid Check status of Asynchronous job: Usage: python emboss_pepstats.py --status --jobid Retrieve job data: Use the jobid to query for the status of the job. If the job is finished, it also returns the results/errors. Usage: python emboss_pepstats.py --polljob --jobid [--outfile string] Returns: string indicating the status of the job and if applicable, results as an attachment. Further information: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices and https://github.com/ebi-jdispatcher/webservice-clients Support/Feedback: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/support/""") # allow unicode(str) to be used in python 3 try: unicode('') except NameError: unicode = str # Base URL for service baseUrl = u'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/services/rest/emboss_pepstats' version = u'2024-07-11 07:51' # Set interval for checking status pollFreq = 3 # Output level outputLevel = 1 # Debug level debugLevel = 0 # Number of option arguments. numOpts = len(sys.argv) # Process command-line options parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False) # Tool specific options (Try to print all the commands automatically) parser.add_option('--sequence', type=str, help=('The sequence to be analysed can be entered directly into this form.' 'The sequence can be in GCG, FASTA, PIR, NBRF, PHYLIP or' 'UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot format. Partially formatted sequences are not' 'accepted..')) parser.add_option('--termini', action='store_true', help=('Include charges from the N-terminus and C-terminus when calculating' 'the Isoelectric Point')) parser.add_option('--mono', action='store_true', help=('Use weight from the most abundant (prinicpal) isotope of each amino' 'acid when calculating molecular weights. By default this is not' 'enabled, so the average isotope weight is used instead.')) # General options parser.add_option('-h', '--help', action='store_true', help='Show this help message and exit.') parser.add_option('--email', help='E-mail address.') parser.add_option('--title', help='Job title.') parser.add_option('--outfile', help='File name for results.') parser.add_option('--outformat', help='Output format for results.') parser.add_option('--asyncjob', action='store_true', help='Asynchronous mode.') parser.add_option('--jobid', help='Job identifier.') parser.add_option('--polljob', action="store_true", help='Get job result.') parser.add_option('--pollFreq', type='int', default=3, help='Poll frequency in seconds (default 3s).') parser.add_option('--status', action="store_true", help='Get job status.') parser.add_option('--resultTypes', action='store_true', help='Get result types.') parser.add_option('--params', action='store_true', help='List input parameters.') parser.add_option('--paramDetail', help='Get details for parameter.', choices=getListOfParameters()) parser.add_option('--quiet', action='store_true', help='Decrease output level.') parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Increase output level.') parser.add_option('--version', action='store_true', help='Prints out the version of the Client and exit.') parser.add_option('--debugLevel', type='int', default=debugLevel, help='Debugging level.') parser.add_option('--baseUrl', default=baseUrl, help='Base URL for service.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Increase output level if options.verbose: outputLevel += 1 # Decrease output level if options.quiet: outputLevel -= 1 # Debug level if options.debugLevel: debugLevel = options.debugLevel if options.pollFreq: pollFreq = options.pollFreq if options.baseUrl: baseUrl = options.baseUrl # No options... print help. if numOpts < 2: print_usage() elif options.help: print_usage() # List parameters elif options.params: printGetParameters() # Get parameter details elif options.paramDetail: printGetParameterDetails(options.paramDetail) # Print Client version elif options.version: print("Revision: %s" % version) sys.exit() # Submit job elif options.email and not options.jobid: params = {} if len(args) == 1 and "true" not in args and "false" not in args: if os.path.exists(args[0]): # Read file into content params[u'sequence'] = readFile(args[0]) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'sequence'] = args[0] elif len(args) == 2 and "true" not in args and "false" not in args: if os.path.exists(args[0]) and os.path.exists(args[1]): # Read file into content params[u'asequence'] = readFile(args[0]) params[u'bsequence'] = readFile(args[1]) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'asequence'] = args[0] params[u'bsequence'] = args[0] elif hasattr(options, "sequence") or (hasattr(options, "asequence") and hasattr(options, "bsequence")): # Specified via option if hasattr(options, "sequence"): if os.path.exists(options.sequence): # Read file into content params[u'sequence'] = readFile(options.sequence) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'sequence'] = options.sequence elif hasattr(options, "asequence") and hasattr(options, "bsequence"): if os.path.exists(options.asequence) and os.path.exists(options.bsequence): # Read file into content params[u'asequence'] = readFile(options.asequence) params[u'bsequence'] = readFile(options.bsequence) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'asequence'] = options.asequence params[u'bsequence'] = options.bsequence # Pass default values and fix bools (without default value) if not options.termini: params['termini'] = 'true' if options.termini: params['termini'] = options.termini if not options.mono: params['mono'] = 'false' if options.mono: params['mono'] = options.mono # Submit the job jobId = serviceRun(options.email, options.title, params) if options.asyncjob: # Async mode print(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("To check status: python %s --status --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) else: # Sync mode if outputLevel > 0: print("JobId: " + jobId, file=sys.stderr) else: print(jobId) time.sleep(pollFreq) getResult(jobId) # Get job status elif options.jobid and options.status: printGetStatus(options.jobid) elif options.jobid and (options.resultTypes or options.polljob): status = serviceGetStatus(options.jobid) if status == 'QUEUED' or status == 'RUNNING': print("Error: Job status is %s. " "To get result types the job must be finished." % status) quit() # List result types for job if options.resultTypes: printGetResultTypes(options.jobid) # Get results for job elif options.polljob: getResult(options.jobid) else: # Checks for 'email' parameter if not options.email: print('\nParameter "--email" is missing in your command. It is required!\n') print(u'Error: unrecognised argument combination', file=sys.stderr) print_usage()