#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright 2012-2024 EMBL - European Bioinformatics Institute # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Python Client Automatically generated with: # https://github.com/ebi-jdispatcher/webservice-clients-generator # # InterProScan 5 (REST) web service Python client using xmltramp2. # # For further information see: # https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/ # ############################################################################### from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import time import requests import platform from xmltramp2 import xmltramp from optparse import OptionParser try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import __version__ as urllib_version except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import urlencode from urllib2 import urlopen, Request, HTTPError from urllib2 import __version__ as urllib_version # Debug print def printDebugMessage(functionName, message, level): if (level <= debugLevel): print(u'[' + functionName + u'] ' + message, file=sys.stderr) # User-agent for request (see RFC2616). def getUserAgent(): printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'Begin', 11) # Agent string for urllib2 library. urllib_agent = u'Python-urllib/%s' % urllib_version clientRevision = version # Prepend client specific agent string. try: pythonversion = platform.python_version() pythonsys = platform.system() except ValueError: pythonversion, pythonsys = "Unknown", "Unknown" user_agent = u'EBI-Sample-Client/%s (%s; Python %s; %s) %s' % ( clientRevision, os.path.basename(__file__), pythonversion, pythonsys, urllib_agent) printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'user_agent: ' + user_agent, 12) printDebugMessage(u'getUserAgent', u'End', 11) return user_agent # Wrapper for a REST (HTTP GET) request def restRequest(url): printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'Begin', 11) printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'url: ' + url, 11) try: # Set the User-agent. user_agent = getUserAgent() http_headers = {u'User-Agent': user_agent} req = Request(url, None, http_headers) # Make the request (HTTP GET). reqH = urlopen(req) resp = reqH.read() contenttype = reqH.info() if (len(resp) > 0 and contenttype != u"image/png;charset=UTF-8" and contenttype != u"image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8" and contenttype != u"application/gzip;charset=UTF-8"): try: result = unicode(resp, u'utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: result = resp else: result = resp reqH.close() # Errors are indicated by HTTP status codes. except HTTPError as ex: result = requests.get(url).content printDebugMessage(u'restRequest', u'End', 11) return result # Get input parameters list def serviceGetParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'Begin', 1) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/parameters' printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameters', u'End', 1) return doc[u'id':] # Get list of parameters for error handling def getListOfParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'getListOfParameters', u'Begin', 1) return [str(x) for x in serviceGetParameters()] # Print list of parameters def printGetParameters(): printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameters', u'Begin', 1) idList = serviceGetParameters() for id_ in idList: print(id_) printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameters', u'End', 1) # Get input parameter information def serviceGetParameterDetails(paramName): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'paramName: ' + paramName, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/parameterdetails/' + paramName printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetParameterDetails', u'End', 1) return doc # Print description of a parameter def printGetParameterDetails(paramName): printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameterDetails', u'Begin', 1) doc = serviceGetParameterDetails(paramName) print(unicode(doc.name) + u"\t" + unicode(doc.type)) print(doc.description) if hasattr(doc, 'values'): for value in doc.values: print(value.value) if unicode(value.defaultValue) == u'true': print(u'default') print(u"\t" + unicode(value.label)) if hasattr(value, u'properties'): for wsProperty in value.properties: print(u"\t" + unicode(wsProperty.key) + u"\t" + unicode(wsProperty.value)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetParameterDetails', u'End', 1) # Submit job def serviceRun(email, title, params): printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'Begin', 1) # Insert e-mail and title into params params[u'email'] = email if title: params[u'title'] = title requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/run/' printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) # Get the data for the other options requestData = urlencode(params) printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'requestData: ' + requestData, 2) # Errors are indicated by HTTP status codes. try: # Set the HTTP User-agent. user_agent = getUserAgent() http_headers = {u'User-Agent': user_agent} req = Request(requestUrl, None, http_headers) # Make the submission (HTTP POST). reqH = urlopen(req, requestData.encode(encoding=u'utf_8', errors=u'strict')) jobId = unicode(reqH.read(), u'utf-8') reqH.close() except HTTPError as ex: print(xmltramp.parse(unicode(ex.read(), u'utf-8'))[0][0]) quit() printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceRun', u'End', 1) return jobId def multipleServiceRun(email, title, params, useSeqId, maxJobs, outputLevel): seqs = params['sequence'] seqs = seqs.split(">")[1:] i = 0 j = maxJobs done = 0 jobs = [] while done < len(seqs): c = 0 for seq in seqs[i:j]: c += 1 params['sequence'] = ">" + seq if c <= int(maxJobs): jobId = serviceRun(options.email, options.title, params) jobs.append(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: if useSeqId: print("Submitting job for: %s" % str(seq.split()[0])) else: print("JobId: " + jobId, file=sys.stderr) for k, jobId in enumerate(jobs[:]): if outputLevel > 0: print("JobId: " + jobId, file=sys.stderr) else: print(jobId) if useSeqId: options.outfile = str(seqs[i + k].split()[0]) getResult(jobId) done += 1 jobs.remove(jobId) i += maxJobs j += maxJobs time.sleep(pollFreq) # Get job status def serviceGetStatus(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/status/' + jobId printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) status = restRequest(requestUrl) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'status: ' + status, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetStatus', u'End', 1) return status # Print the status of a job def printGetStatus(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'printGetStatus', u'Begin', 1) status = serviceGetStatus(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("Getting status for job %s" % jobId) print(status) if outputLevel > 0 and status == "FINISHED": print("To get results: python %s --polljob --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetStatus', u'End', 1) # Get available result types for job def serviceGetResultTypes(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/resulttypes/' + jobId printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'requestUrl: ' + requestUrl, 2) xmlDoc = restRequest(requestUrl) doc = xmltramp.parse(xmlDoc) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResultTypes', u'End', 1) return doc[u'type':] # Print list of available result types for a job. def printGetResultTypes(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'printGetResultTypes', u'Begin', 1) if outputLevel > 0: print("Getting result types for job %s" % jobId) resultTypeList = serviceGetResultTypes(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("Available result types:") for resultType in resultTypeList: print(resultType[u'identifier']) if hasattr(resultType, u'label'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'label']) if hasattr(resultType, u'description'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'description']) if hasattr(resultType, u'mediaType'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'mediaType']) if hasattr(resultType, u'fileSuffix'): print(u"\t", resultType[u'fileSuffix']) if outputLevel > 0: print("To get results:\n python %s --polljob --jobid %s\n" " python %s --polljob --outformat --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId, os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) printDebugMessage(u'printGetResultTypes', u'End', 1) # Get result def serviceGetResult(jobId, type_): printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 2) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'type_: ' + type_, 2) requestUrl = baseUrl + u'/result/' + jobId + u'/' + type_ result = restRequest(requestUrl) printDebugMessage(u'serviceGetResult', u'End', 1) return result # Client-side poll def clientPoll(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'clientPoll', u'Begin', 1) result = u'QUEUED' while result == u'RUNNING' or result == u'QUEUED': result = serviceGetStatus(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print(result) if result == u'RUNNING' or result == u'QUEUED': time.sleep(pollFreq) printDebugMessage(u'clientPoll', u'End', 1) # Get result for a jobid # Allows more than one output file written when 'outformat' is defined. def getResult(jobId): printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'Begin', 1) printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'jobId: ' + jobId, 1) if outputLevel > 1: print("Getting results for job %s" % jobId) # Check status and wait if necessary clientPoll(jobId) # Get available result types resultTypes = serviceGetResultTypes(jobId) for resultType in resultTypes: # Derive the filename for the result if options.outfile: filename = (options.outfile + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'identifier']) + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'fileSuffix'])) else: filename = (jobId + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'identifier']) + u'.' + unicode(resultType[u'fileSuffix'])) # Write a result file outformat_parm = str(options.outformat).split(',') for outformat_type in outformat_parm: outformat_type = outformat_type.replace(' ', '') if outformat_type == 'None': outformat_type = None if not outformat_type or outformat_type == unicode(resultType[u'identifier']): if outputLevel > 1: print("Getting %s" % unicode(resultType[u'identifier'])) # Get the result result = serviceGetResult(jobId, unicode(resultType[u'identifier'])) if (unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"image/png" or unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"image/jpeg" or unicode(resultType[u'mediaType']) == u"application/gzip"): fmode = 'wb' else: fmode = 'w' try: fh = open(filename, fmode) fh.write(result) fh.close() except TypeError: fh.close() fh = open(filename, "wb") fh.write(result) fh.close() if outputLevel > 0: print("Creating result file: " + filename) printDebugMessage(u'getResult', u'End', 1) # Read a file def readFile(filename): printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'Begin', 1) fh = open(filename, 'r') data = fh.read() fh.close() printDebugMessage(u'readFile', u'End', 1) return data def print_usage(): print("""\ EMBL-EBI InterProScan 5 Python Client: Protein function analysis with InterProScan 5. [Required (for job submission)] --email E-mail address. --stype Indicates if the sequences to align are protein or nucleotide (DNA/RNA). --sequence Your protein sequence can be entered directly into this form in GCG, FASTA, EMBL, PIR, NBRF or UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot format. A partially formatted sequence is not accepted. Adding a return to the end of the sequence may help certain applications understand the input. Note that directly using data from word processors may yield unpredictable results as hidden/control characters may be present. [Optional] --goterms Switch on look-up of corresponding Gene Ontology annotations. --pathways Switch on look-up of corresponding pathway annotations. --appl A number of different protein sequence applications are launched. These applications search against specific databases and have preconfigured cut off thresholds. [General] -h, --help Show this help message and exit. --asyncjob Forces to make an asynchronous query. --title Title for job. --status Get job status. --resultTypes Get available result types for job. --polljob Poll for the status of a job. --pollFreq Poll frequency in seconds (default 3s). --jobid JobId that was returned when an asynchronous job was submitted. --outfile File name for results (default is JobId; for STDOUT). --outformat Result format(s) to retrieve. It accepts comma-separated values. --params List input parameters. --paramDetail Display details for input parameter. --verbose Increase output. --version Prints out the version of the Client and exit. --quiet Decrease output. --baseUrl Base URL. Defaults to: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/services/rest/iprscan5 Synchronous job: The results/errors are returned as soon as the job is finished. Usage: python iprscan5.py --email [options...] Returns: results as an attachment Asynchronous job: Use this if you want to retrieve the results at a later time. The results are stored for up to 24 hours. Usage: python iprscan5.py --asyncjob --email [options...] Returns: jobid Check status of Asynchronous job: Usage: python iprscan5.py --status --jobid Retrieve job data: Use the jobid to query for the status of the job. If the job is finished, it also returns the results/errors. Usage: python iprscan5.py --polljob --jobid [--outfile string] Returns: string indicating the status of the job and if applicable, results as an attachment. Further information: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices and https://github.com/ebi-jdispatcher/webservice-clients Support/Feedback: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/support/""") # allow unicode(str) to be used in python 3 try: unicode('') except NameError: unicode = str # Base URL for service baseUrl = u'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/services/rest/iprscan5' version = u'2024-07-11 07:51' # Set interval for checking status pollFreq = 3 # Output level outputLevel = 1 # Debug level debugLevel = 0 # Number of option arguments. numOpts = len(sys.argv) # Process command-line options parser = OptionParser(add_help_option=False) # Tool specific options (Try to print all the commands automatically) parser.add_option('--goterms', action='store_true', help=('Switch on look-up of corresponding Gene Ontology annotations')) parser.add_option('--pathways', action='store_true', help=('Switch on look-up of corresponding pathway annotations')) parser.add_option('--stype', type=str, help=('Indicates if the sequences to align are protein or nucleotide' '(DNA/RNA).')) parser.add_option('--appl', type=str, help=('A number of different protein sequence applications are launched.' 'These applications search against specific databases and have' 'preconfigured cut off thresholds.')) parser.add_option('--sequence', type=str, help=('Your protein sequence can be entered directly into this form in GCG,' 'FASTA, EMBL, PIR, NBRF or UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot format. A partially' 'formatted sequence is not accepted. Adding a return to the end of the' 'sequence may help certain applications understand the input. Note that' 'directly using data from word processors may yield unpredictable' 'results as hidden/control characters may be present.')) # General options parser.add_option('-h', '--help', action='store_true', help='Show this help message and exit.') parser.add_option('--email', help='E-mail address.') parser.add_option('--title', help='Job title.') parser.add_option('--outfile', help='File name for results.') parser.add_option('--outformat', help='Output format for results.') parser.add_option('--asyncjob', action='store_true', help='Asynchronous mode.') parser.add_option('--jobid', help='Job identifier.') parser.add_option('--polljob', action="store_true", help='Get job result.') parser.add_option('--pollFreq', type='int', default=3, help='Poll frequency in seconds (default 3s).') parser.add_option('--status', action="store_true", help='Get job status.') parser.add_option('--resultTypes', action='store_true', help='Get result types.') parser.add_option('--params', action='store_true', help='List input parameters.') parser.add_option('--paramDetail', help='Get details for parameter.', choices=getListOfParameters()) parser.add_option('--multifasta', action='store_true', help='Treat input as a set of fasta formatted sequences.') parser.add_option('--useSeqId', action='store_true', help='Use sequence identifiers for output filenames.' 'Only available in multi-fasta and multi-identifier modes.') parser.add_option('--maxJobs', type='int', help='Maximum number of concurrent jobs. ' 'Only available in multifasta or list file modes.') parser.add_option('--quiet', action='store_true', help='Decrease output level.') parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', help='Increase output level.') parser.add_option('--version', action='store_true', help='Prints out the version of the Client and exit.') parser.add_option('--debugLevel', type='int', default=debugLevel, help='Debugging level.') parser.add_option('--baseUrl', default=baseUrl, help='Base URL for service.') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Increase output level if options.verbose: outputLevel += 1 # Decrease output level if options.quiet: outputLevel -= 1 # Debug level if options.debugLevel: debugLevel = options.debugLevel if options.pollFreq: pollFreq = options.pollFreq if options.baseUrl: baseUrl = options.baseUrl if options.multifasta: multifasta = options.multifasta if options.useSeqId: useSeqId = options.useSeqId if options.maxJobs: maxJobs = options.maxJobs # No options... print help. if numOpts < 2: print_usage() elif options.help: print_usage() # List parameters elif options.params: printGetParameters() # Get parameter details elif options.paramDetail: printGetParameterDetails(options.paramDetail) # Print Client version elif options.version: print("Revision: %s" % version) sys.exit() # Submit job elif options.email and not options.jobid: params = {} if len(args) == 1 and "true" not in args and "false" not in args: if os.path.exists(args[0]): # Read file into content params[u'sequence'] = readFile(args[0]) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'sequence'] = args[0] elif len(args) == 2 and "true" not in args and "false" not in args: if os.path.exists(args[0]) and os.path.exists(args[1]): # Read file into content params[u'asequence'] = readFile(args[0]) params[u'bsequence'] = readFile(args[1]) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'asequence'] = args[0] params[u'bsequence'] = args[0] elif hasattr(options, "sequence") or (hasattr(options, "asequence") and hasattr(options, "bsequence")): # Specified via option if hasattr(options, "sequence"): if os.path.exists(options.sequence): # Read file into content params[u'sequence'] = readFile(options.sequence) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'sequence'] = options.sequence elif hasattr(options, "asequence") and hasattr(options, "bsequence"): if os.path.exists(options.asequence) and os.path.exists(options.bsequence): # Read file into content params[u'asequence'] = readFile(options.asequence) params[u'bsequence'] = readFile(options.bsequence) else: # Argument is a sequence id params[u'asequence'] = options.asequence params[u'bsequence'] = options.bsequence # Pass default values and fix bools (without default value) if options.stype: params['stype'] = options.stype if not options.goterms: params['goterms'] = 'true' if options.goterms: params['goterms'] = options.goterms if not options.pathways: params['pathways'] = 'true' if options.pathways: params['pathways'] = options.pathways if options.appl: params['appl'] = options.appl # Submit the job if options.multifasta: multipleServiceRun(options.email, options.title, params, options.useSeqId, options.maxJobs, outputLevel) else: if options.useSeqId: print("Warning: --useSeqId option ignored.") if options.maxJobs: print("Warning: --maxJobs option ignored.") jobId = serviceRun(options.email, options.title, params) if options.asyncjob: # Async mode print(jobId) if outputLevel > 0: print("To check status: python %s --status --jobid %s" "" % (os.path.basename(__file__), jobId)) else: # Sync mode if outputLevel > 0: print("JobId: " + jobId, file=sys.stderr) else: print(jobId) time.sleep(pollFreq) getResult(jobId) # Get job status elif options.jobid and options.status: printGetStatus(options.jobid) elif options.jobid and (options.resultTypes or options.polljob): status = serviceGetStatus(options.jobid) if status == 'QUEUED' or status == 'RUNNING': print("Error: Job status is %s. " "To get result types the job must be finished." % status) quit() # List result types for job if options.resultTypes: printGetResultTypes(options.jobid) # Get results for job elif options.polljob: getResult(options.jobid) else: # Checks for 'email' parameter if not options.email: print('\nParameter "--email" is missing in your command. It is required!\n') print(u'Error: unrecognised argument combination', file=sys.stderr) print_usage()