/* To run, copy-paste the below line into your browser's console: jQuery('head').append('\n'); If your page does not have jQuery, you can load with eight lines of vaniala JS: var filerefJquery=document.createElement('script') filerefJquery.setAttribute("type","text/javascript") filerefJquery.setAttribute("src", "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(filerefJquery) var fileref=document.createElement('script') fileref.setAttribute("type","text/javascript") fileref.setAttribute("src", "//ebiwd.github.io/EBI-Pattern-library/sample-site/migrations/testMigration.js") document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fileref) 1) Swap out the old compliance CSS/JS 2) Swap out the omega grid for the Foundation grid 3) Some nesting changes for the global/local header 4) A handful of minor CSS edits may be needed for any Service-specific oddities Originally authored on 2016-05-16 For assistance contact Ken Hawkins in Webdev or post to Github https://github.com/ebiwd/EBI-Framework/issues */ console.log('%c ' + String.fromCharCode(0xD83D,0xDC4B) + ' \n Hi. \n I\'ll autopilot a transition of this page to the new EMBL-EBI visual framework.', 'background: rgb(0,124,130); color: #FFF; font-size: 20px;'); console.log('%c This is meant as a rough guide and I\'ll talk through what I\'m doing. Use it as tool, but read the documentation too! ', 'background: #FFF; color: #999; font-style: italic;'); console.log('%c It\'s pretty straightforward, I don\'t think it will have many problems. I hope! ', 'background: #FFF; color: #999; font-style: italic;'); console.log('%c When you\'re ready, type: testMigration()', 'background: rgb(0,124,130); color: #FFF; font-size: 20px;'); function testMigration(steppingTimeSpeed) { // A stepping tool to pace out the execution steppingTimeSpeed = steppingTimeSpeed || 3000; //ms between each step steppingTimeInvoked = 0; // increments number of times invoked console.log('There will be '+steppingTimeSpeed+'ms between each step. If you\'d like to run faster or slower, pass a speed to this script a la: testMigration(5000)'); function steppingTime() { steppingTimeInvoked++; return steppingTimeSpeed * steppingTimeInvoked; } // setTimeout(function(){ // console.log('Firstoff I\'m going to zoom out a bit so we can see more of the changes.'); // document.body.style.zoom = "30%" // }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ console.log('%c We\'re off!', 'background: green; color: #FFF; font-style: italic;'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log('jQuery: Updating to jQuery 1.10. This is version (or newer) is only necessary if you plan to use Foundation\'s JS components.'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // Reset and remove old EBI compliance jQuery('link[href$="/ebi-global.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/ebi-visual.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/984-24-col-fluid.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/ebicompliance/css/style.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/ebi-fluid-embl.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/boilerplate-style.css"]').remove(); jQuery('link[href$="/ebi-fluid-embl-noboilerplate.css"]').remove(); console.log('CSS: Removed old EBI boilerplate-style sheets.'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#ebi-footer-meta').html(''); jQuery('#global-nav-expanded').html(''); console.log('Footer: Removed old injected footer.'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log('CSS: Injected new ebi-global.css fonts.css and foundation.css'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // Service colour updating console.log('Service colours:'); console.log(' - We now have much more customisable section and service specific "themes", instead of the previous colour palettes.'); // do not use a colour palette on certain services if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[1] === 'arrayexpress') { console.log(' - I have your site as one that has it\'s own special colours, I won\'t do anything.'); console.log(' - Consider using the standard colour implementation format: https://github.com/ebiwd/EBI-Framework/blob/gh-pages/css/colour-template.css'); console.log('------------------\n'); return; } // Define array of object pairs // [what we check for] [what we replace with] var colourPalettes = [ { "original" : "link[href$=\"/embl-petrol-colours.css\"]", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-embl-petrol.css" }, { "original" : "link[href$=\"/ebi-industry-colours.css\"]", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-ebi-industry.css" }, { "original" : "link[href$=\"/ebi-research.colour.css\"]", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-ebi-research.css" }, { "original" : "link[href$=\"/ebi-services-about-colours.css\"]", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-ebi-services-about.css" }, { "original" : "link[href$=\"/ebi-training-colours.css\"]", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-ebi-training.css" }, { "original" : ".no-match", "new" : "//ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/css/theme-embl-petrol.css" } ]; var i = 0; // which colour palette is used? for (; i < colourPalettes.length; i++) { if ((jQuery(colourPalettes[i].original).length) == 1) { break; } } // did we find a palette? if (i < colourPalettes.length) { jQuery(colourPalettes[i].original).remove(); jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log(' - Found ' + colourPalettes[i].original + ', and replaced with ' + colourPalettes[i].new); } else { // if no match, we use default EBI jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log(' - Not sure what service colours are meant to be used, adding default EBI Petrol palette: ' + colourPalettes[colourPalettes.length-1].new); } console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('div#content').addClass('row'); console.log('Added .row to div#content'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // Add new JS jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log('Javascript: I\'ve added three scripts:\n' + ' //ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/js/cookiebanner.js\n' + ' //ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/js/foot.js\n' + ' //ebi.emblstatic.net/web_guidelines/EBI-Framework/v1.1/js/script.js\n' ); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#ebi-footer-meta').addClass('row'); jQuery('#global-nav-expanded').addClass('row'); jQuery('#local-footer').wrapInner('
'); console.log('Footer: Adding .row class to footer, #ebi-footer-meta and #global-nav-expanded'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // CSS translations // grid-XX to medium-XX jQuery('div,section,aside').attr('class', function(i, str) { function whatColumnSize(toParse) { // deal with Qs like: 5 omgea cols to 2.5 foundation cols :( // this won't deal with all variations of this, such as 4 columns at 3.5, but should work for most scenarios switch (toParse) { case 0.5: case 1.5: case 2.5: case 3.5: case 4.5: case 5.5: toParse = Math.ceil(toParse); break; case 6.5: case 7.5: case 8.5: case 9.5: case 10.5: case 11.5: case 12.5: toParse = Math.floor(toParse); break; default: break; } return toParse; } // omega is 24 columns, foundation is 12 columns if (typeof str != 'undefined') { // swap grid_XX for medium-X function convert_columns(str, p1, p2, offset, s) { return ' columns medium-' + whatColumnSize(p2/2) + ' temporary-maker-that-this-is-a-column '; } var re_columns = /(grid_)([0-9]+)/; str = str.replace(re_columns, convert_columns); // swap pull_xx for medium-pull-X function convert_pull(str, p1, p2, offset, s) { return ' medium-pull-' + whatColumnSize(p2/2) + ' '; } var re_pull = /(pull_)([0-9]+)/; str = str.replace(re_pull, convert_pull); // swap push_xx for medium-push-X function convert_push(str, p1, p2, offset, s) { return ' medium-push-' + whatColumnSize(p2/2) + ' '; } var re_push = /(push_)([0-9]+)/; str = str.replace(re_push, convert_push); return str; } }); console.log('CSS: I\'ve substitued the Omeaga grid_XX classes for Foundation\'s "column medium-XX" classes.\n' + ' Note that I\'ve also stepped the 24 column grid to 12 column grid.' ); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // Wrap groups of columns with div.row jQuery('div#content .temporary-maker-that-this-is-a-column').has('.temporary-maker-that-this-is-a-column').wrapInner('
'); // jQuery('div#content .medium-12').wrap('
'); jQuery('.temporary-maker-that-this-is-a-column').removeClass('temporary-maker-that-this-is-a-column'); console.log('CSS: Groups of .columns should be wrapped in div.row s.\n'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('div').attr('class', function(i, c) { if (typeof c != 'undefined') { return c.replace(/(^|\s)omega/g, ' last'); } }); jQuery('div').removeClass('alpha'); console.log('CSS: .alpha is no longer needed.'); console.log(' .omega is now .last and is only neeeded when you have not specified 12 columns of width.'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ console.log('CSS: Assorted cleanup'); jQuery('div,input').attr('class', function(i, c) { if (jQuery(this).hasClass('medium-24') === true) { // return c.replace(/(^|\s)medium-24/g, ' medium-12'); } if (jQuery(this).hasClass('submit') === true) { jQuery(this).addClass('button'); console.log(' - submit elements we want to look like buttons need the .button class'); } }); if (jQuery('.hidden, .visuallyhidden').length > 0) { jQuery('.hidden').addClass('hide').removeClass('hidden'); jQuery('.visuallyhidden').addClass('hide').removeClass('visuallyhidden'); console.log(' - .visuallyhidden and .hidden are now .hide'); } if (jQuery('.submenu ul').length > 0) { jQuery('.submenu ul.menu').addClass('vertical'); console.log(' - .submenu ul.menu should use .vertical'); } if (jQuery('#intro').length > 0) { jQuery('#intro').addClass('callout'); console.log(' - #intro should use the new .callout'); } if (jQuery('div.rounded-corner').length > 0) { jQuery('div.rounded-corner').removeClass('rounded-corner').addClass('callout'); console.log(' - div.rounded-corner should use the new .callout'); } if (jQuery('.shortcuts.transparent ul.split').length > 0) { jQuery('.shortcuts.transparent ul.split').removeClass().addClass('columns small-6 no-bullet'); console.log(' - the popular list should drop .split in favour of .columns.small-6.no-bullet /n' + ' alternativley: .columns.small-6.menu.vertical.no-pad-left and add .icon-bullet to each li'); } console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // if the search box is missing #local-search if (jQuery('div#content fieldset').length > 0) { jQuery('div#content fieldset').addClass('callout'); console.log('Fieldsets: It looks like you have some fieldsets in div#content, I\'m assuming you want these highlighted and have added .callout classes.'); console.log('------------------\n'); } if (jQuery('div#content fieldset legend').length > 0) { jQuery('div#content fieldset legend').addClass('label'); console.log('Fieldsets legends: Also assume you want these to be .label s.'); console.log('------------------\n'); } }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // Update global-mastehad var newGloablMasthead = '
\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\
\n'; jQuery('#global-masthead').remove(); jQuery('#local-masthead').prepend(newGloablMasthead); console.log('Removing old global nav and inserting new. It now goes inside the #local-masthead wrapper.'); console.log('Note: I\'ve made the EMBL-EBI tab .active, you can set whichever you\'d like to be active.'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#local-masthead').removeClass().addClass('meta-background-image'); jQuery('#local-masthead').attr({'data-sticky': true, 'data-sticky-on': 'large', 'data-top-anchor': 180, 'data-btm-anchor': 300000}); jQuery('#local-masthead').wrap('
'); console.log('Updating local-navigation to be sticky (You\'ll need to invoke Foundation JS later)'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); // setTimeout(function(){ // // if the search box is missing #local-search // if (jQuery('#local-search').length == 0) { // if (jQuery('#local-masthead .medium-6.last').length == 1) { // jQuery('#local-masthead .medium-6.last').attr('id', 'local-search'); // console.log('%c Local search: It looks like it\'s missing #local-search. I\'ll add it.', 'background: green; color: yellow; background: 000;'); // console.log('------------------\n'); // } // } // }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#local-masthead #local-title, #local-masthead #local-search.medium-6, #local-masthead .medium-6.last').wrapAll('
'); console.log('Local title and search: wrapping in a new div with classes .masthead.row'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ console.log('Local-nav: '); if (jQuery('nav ul#gxaLocalNav').length > 0) { jQuery('nav ul#gxaLocalNav').attr('id','local-nav'); console.log(' - the nav ul doesn\'t have the spec local-nav id, changing this ...'); } jQuery('ul#local-nav').addClass('dropdown menu float-left columns medium-12'); jQuery('ul#local-nav').attr({'data-dropdown-menu':true}); console.log(' - adding classes .dropdown.menu.float-left.columns.medium-12 '); console.log(' - adding attribute data-dropdown-menu for mobile'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ var localNavTabs = jQuery('#local-masthead > nav').detach(); jQuery('div.masthead.row').append(localNavTabs); console.log(' - moved the local nav tabs inside the new .masthead.row div'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ if (jQuery('ul#local-nav li.functional').length > 0) { jQuery('ul#local-nav li.functional').addClass('float-right'); console.log(' - add class .float-right to .functional tabs'); } console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ if (jQuery('#local-search').length == 0) { console.log('Local-search: it looks like this page doesn\'t have a local search box. Skipping...'); console.log('------------------\n'); return; } $.fn.changeElementType = function(newType) { var attrs = {}; $.each(this[0].attributes, function(idx, attr) { attrs[attr.nodeName] = attr.nodeValue; }); var newelement = $("<" + newType + "/>", attrs).append($(this).contents()); this.replaceWith(newelement); return newelement; }; console.log('Local-search: The local-search in the local-masthead has an updated structure. I\'ve rearanged as follows:'); $('#local-search div.left').removeClass().addClass('input-group'); console.log(' - div.left is now div.input-group'); $('#local-search div.input-group').append('
'); console.log(' - div.input-group now contains a div.input-group-button'); $('#local-search input.submit.button').detach().appendTo('#local-search div.input-group-button'); console.log(' - input.submit.button is now inside div.input-group-button'); $('#local-search input.submit.button').addClass('secondary'); console.log(' - input.submit.button colouring updated with .secondary. This is fully optional depending on your themeing.'); if ($('#local-search span.examples').length > 0) { $('#local-search span.examples').changeElementType('p'); console.log(' - The span.examples is now a p element'); } $('#local-search p.examples').detach().insertAfter('#local-search input#local-searchbox'); console.log(' - p.examples is now grouped with the searchbox'); // $('#local-search p.examples').addClass('small'); // console.log(' - added .small to p.examples '); $('#local-search div.right').detach().appendTo('#local-search div.input-group-button'); console.log(' - div.right is now inside div.input-group-button'); $('#local-search div.right').removeClass().addClass('small'); console.log(' - div.right is now div.small'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ // The Foundation theme JavaScript jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); console.log('Javascript: I\'ve added (but not executed) the Foundation JS. Invoke with runJS()'); console.log('------------------\n'); }, steppingTime()); setTimeout(function(){ console.log('%c All done!', 'background: green; color: #FFF; font-style: italic;'); // console.log('Zooming back to 100%.'); // document.body.style.zoom = "100%" console.log('%c Want JS features? By default we\'ve not invoked the JS features, if you\'d like to do so type runJS() ', 'background: #FFF; color: #999; font-style: italic;'); console.log('%c Want a diff? Type diffUsingJS() ', 'background: #FFF; color: #999; font-style: italic;'); }, steppingTime()); // setTimeout(function(){ // }, steppingTime()); } // END testMigration function runJS() { $(document).foundation(); $(document).foundationExtendEBI(); console.log('Javascript: Foundation JS invoked'); } // Option to add a diff var pageOriginalHTML = jQuery('html').html(); jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); function diffUsingJS() { console.log('Bam! Diffed.'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); jQuery('head').append('\n'); // max-width: 35rem; // get the baseText and newText values from the two textboxes, and split them into lines var base = difflib.stringAsLines(pageOriginalHTML); var newtxt = difflib.stringAsLines($('html').html()); // create a SequenceMatcher instance that diffs the two sets of lines var sm = new difflib.SequenceMatcher(base, newtxt); // get the opcodes from the SequenceMatcher instance // opcodes is a list of 3-tuples describing what changes should be made to the base text // in order to yield the new text var opcodes = sm.get_opcodes(); // $('body').prepend('
'); // var element = document.createElement("Input"); var diffoutputdiv = document.createElement("diffoutput"); while (diffoutputdiv.firstChild) diffoutputdiv.removeChild(diffoutputdiv.firstChild); var contextSize = null; contextSize = contextSize ? contextSize : null; // build the diff view and add it to the current DOM diffoutputdiv.appendChild(diffview.buildView({ baseTextLines: base, newTextLines: newtxt, opcodes: opcodes, // set the display titles for each resource baseTextName: "Original", newTextName: "Modified", contextSize: contextSize, viewType: 1 // 1 for inline, 0 for side-by-side })); $('div#content').prepend(diffoutputdiv); // scroll down to the diff view window. // location = url + "#diff"; } // Auto run // testMigration(100);