#!/bin/bash # update_gfwlist.sh # Author : VincentSit # Copyright (c) http://xuexuefeng.com # # Example usage # # ./whatever-you-name-this.sh # # Task Scheduling (Optional) # # crontab -e # # add: # 30 9 * * * sh /path/whatever-you-name-this.sh # # Now it will update the PAC at 9:30 every day. # # Remember to chmod +x the script. GFWLIST="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gfwlist/gfwlist/master/gfwlist.txt" PROXY="" USER_RULE_NAME="user-rule.txt" check_module_installed() { pip list | grep gfwlist2pac &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Installing gfwlist2pac." pip install gfwlist2pac fi } update_gfwlist() { echo "Downloading gfwlist." curl -s "$GFWLIST" --fail --socks5-hostname "$PROXY" --output /tmp/gfwlist.txt if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "abort due to error occurred." exit 1 fi cd ~/.ShadowsocksX || exit 1 if [ -f "gfwlist.js" ]; then mv gfwlist.js ~/.Trash fi if [ ! -f $USER_RULE_NAME ]; then touch $USER_RULE_NAME fi /usr/local/bin/gfwlist2pac \ --input /tmp/gfwlist.txt \ --file gfwlist.js \ --proxy "SOCKS5 $PROXY; SOCKS $PROXY; DIRECT" \ --user-rule $USER_RULE_NAME \ --precise rm -f /tmp/gfwlist.txt echo "Updated." } check_module_installed update_gfwlist