This file contains tips to help you take (and understand) your first steps in the world of Theia development. Are you in a hurry? See the [Quick Start](#quick-start). # How to build Theia and the example applications Theia is a framework to build IDEs, so you can't really "run" Theia itself. However, you can run the example applications included in its repository. One is a browser-based IDE and the other is the Electron-based equivalent. The following instructions are for Linux and macOS. For Windows instructions [click here](#building-on-windows). - [**Prerequisites**](#prerequisites) - [**Quick Start**](#quick-start) - [Run with SSL](#run-the-browser-example-with-ssl) - [Run with Gitpod](#run-the-browser-example-with-gitpod) - [**Clone the repository**](#clone-the-repository) - [**The repository structure**](#the-repository-structure) - [**Build core, extensions and examples packages**](#build-core-extensions-and-examples-packages) - [**Build extension packages individually**](#build-extension-packages-individually) - [**Run the browser-based example application**](#run-the-browser-based-example-application) - [**Run the Electron-based example application**](#run-the-electron-based-example-application) - [**Rebuilding**](#rebuilding) - [**Watching**](#watching) - [Watch the core and extension packages](#watch-the-core-and-extension-packages) - [Watch the examples](#watch-the-examples) - [Watch a specific package](#watch-a-specific-package) - [Watch a specific package and its local upstream dependencies](#watch-a-specific-package-and-its-local-upstream-dependencies) - [**Debugging**](#debugging) - [Debug the browser example's backend](#debug-the-browser-examples-backend) - [Debug the browser example's frontend](#debug-the-browser-examples-frontend) - [Debug the browser example's frontend and backend at the same time](#debug-the-browser-examples-frontend-and-backend-at-the-same-time) - [Debug the Electron example's backend](#debug-the-electron-examples-backend) - [Debug the Electron example's frontend](#debug-the-electron-examples-frontend) - [Debug the Electron example's frontend and backend at the same time](#debug-the-electron-examples-frontend-and-backend-at-the-same-time) - [Debug IPC servers](#debug-ipc-servers) - [Debug the plugin host](#debug-the-plugin-host) - [**Profiling**](#profiling) - [Profile the frontend process](#profile-the-frontend-process) - [Profile the backend process](#profile-the-backend-process) - [Profile IPC servers](#profile-ipc-servers) - [Profile the plugin host](#profile-the-plugin-host) - [**Testing**](#testing) - [**Code coverage**](#code-coverage) - [**Building on Windows**](#building-on-windows) - [**Troubleshooting**](#troubleshooting) - [Linux](#linux) - [Windows](#windows) - [macOS](#macos) - [Root privileges errors](#root-privileges-errors) ## Prerequisites - Node.js `>= 18.17.0` and `< 21`. - If you are interested in Theia's VS Code Extension support then you should use a Node version at least compatible with the one included in the version of Electron used by [VS Code]( - [Yarn package manager]( `>= 1.7.0` **AND** `< 2.x.x`. - git (If you would like to use the Git-extension too, you will need to have git version 2.11.0 or higher.) - Python3 is required for the build due to [`node-gyp@8.4.1`]( Some additional tools and libraries are needed depending on your platform: - Linux - [make]( - [gcc]( (or another compiling toolchain) - [pkg-config]( - build-essential: `sudo apt-get install build-essential` - [`native-keymap`](#prerequisite_native_keymap) native node module dependencies: - Debian-based: `sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxkbfile-dev` - Red Hat-based: `sudo yum install libX11-devel.x86_64 libxkbfile-devel.x86_64 # or .i686` - FreeBSD: `sudo pkg install libX11` - [`keytar`](#prerequisite_keytar) native node module dependencies ([reference]( - Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install libsecret-1-dev` - Red Hat-based: `sudo yum install libsecret-devel` - Arch Linux: `sudo pacman -S libsecret` - Alpine: `apk add libsecret-dev` - Linux/MacOS - [nvm]( is recommended to easily switch between Node.js versions. - Windows - We recommend using [`scoop`]( The detailed steps are [here](#building-on-windows). ## Quick Start To build and run the browser example: ```sh git clone \ && cd theia \ && yarn \ && yarn download:plugins \ && yarn browser build \ && yarn browser start ``` Start your browser on http://localhost:3000. To build and run the Electron example: ```sh git clone \ && cd theia \ && yarn \ && yarn download:plugins \ && yarn electron build \ && yarn electron start ``` ### Download plugins You can download plugins to use with the examples applications by running: ```sh yarn download:plugins ``` ### Run the browser example with SSL To run the browser example using SSL use: ```sh git clone \ && cd theia \ && yarn \ && yarn browser build \ && yarn download:plugins \ && yarn browser start --ssl --cert /path/to/cert.crt --certkey /path/to/certkey.key ``` Start your browser on https://localhost:3000. ### Run the browser example with Gitpod [Gitpod]( is a Theia-based IDE for GitHub. You can start by prefixing any GitHub URL in the Theia repository with ``: - Open to start development with the master branch. - Gitpod will start a properly configured for Theia development workspace, clone and build the Theia repository. - After the build is finished, run from the terminal in Gitpod: ```sh yarn browser start ../.. --hostname ``` ## Clone the repository ```sh git clone ``` The directory containing the Theia repository will now be referred to as `$THEIA`, so if you want to copy-paste the examples, you can set the `THEIA` variable in your shell: ```sh THEIA=$PWD/theia ``` ## The repository structure Theia repository has multiple folders: - `packages` folder contains runtime packages, as the core package and extensions to it - `dev-packages` folder contains devtime packages - [@theia/cli](../dev-packages/cli/ is a command line tool to manage Theia applications - [@theia/ext-scripts](../dev-packages/private-ext-scripts/ is a command line tool to share scripts between Theia runtime packages - `examples` folder contains example applications, both Electron-based and browser-based - `doc` folder provides documentation about how Theia works - `scripts` folder contains JavaScript scripts used by npm scripts when installing - the root folder lists dev dependencies and wires everything together with [Lerna]( ## Build core, extensions and examples packages You can download dependencies and build TypeScript packages using: ```sh yarn ``` This command downloads dev dependencies, links and builds all TypeScript packages. To build the example applications: ```sh yarn browser build yarn electron build # build both example applications at once: yarn build:examples ``` To learn more and understand precisely what's going on, please look at scripts in [package.json](../package.json). ## Build Everything ```sh yarn all ``` This will install dependencies, link and build TypeScript packages, lint, and build the example applications. ## Build TypeScript sources Dependencies must be installed before running this command. ```sh yarn compile ``` ## Linting Linting takes a lot of time, this is a limitation from ESLint. We always lint in the GitHub Workflows, but if you want to lint locally you have to do it manually: ```sh yarn # build TypeScript yarn lint # lint TypeScript sources ``` Note that `yarn all` does linting. ## Build extension packages individually From the root: ```sh npx run compile @theia/package-name ``` From the package: ```sh yarn compile ``` ## Run the browser-based example application We can start the application from the [examples/browser](../examples/browser) directory with: ```sh yarn start ``` This command starts the backend application listening on port `3000`. The frontend application should be available on http://localhost:3000. If you rebuild native Node.js packages for Electron then rollback these changes before starting the browser example by running from the root directory: ``` yarn browser rebuild ``` ## Run the Electron-based example application ```sh yarn electron start ``` ## Rebuilding Rebuilds everything: TypeScript and example applications. ```sh yarn build ``` ## Watching ### Watch the TypeScript packages To run TypeScript in watch-mode so that TypeScript files are compiled as you modify them: ```sh yarn watch:compile ``` ### Watch the core and extension packages To rebuild _everything_ each time a change is detected run: ```sh yarn watch:all ``` ### Watch the examples To rebuild each time a change is detected in frontend or backend you can run: ```sh # either yarn browser watch # or yarn electron watch ``` ### Watch a specific package You can use `npx` to watch a single package: ```sh npx run watch @theia/the-package-name ``` ### Watch a specific package and its local upstream dependencies #### Using TypeScript build mode Once you have built all TypeScript packages once, making a single change and recompiling should be rather quick. Given this, you can efficiently watch the whole monorepo using TypeScript build mode and have it quickly compiled. See [Watch the TypeScript packages](#watch-the-typescript-packages). In this mode, TypeScript only compiles what changed along with its dependents. #### Using Theia's `run` utility Let assume you have to work for instance in the `@theia/navigator` extension. But you might have to apply changes in any of its upstream dependencies such as `@theia/filesystem` or `@theia/core`, you can either do `yarn watch` which could be super expensive, as it watches all the packages. Or you can do `npx run watch @theia/navigator` and `npx run watch @theia/filesystem` and `npx run watch @theia/core` in three individual shells. Or you can do the following single-liner: ```sh npx run watch @theia/navigator --include-filtered-dependencies --parallel ``` ## Debugging ### Debug the browser example's backend - Open the debug view and run the `Launch Browser Backend` configuration. ### Debug the browser example's frontend - Start the backend by using `yarn run start`. - In a browser: Open http://localhost:3000/ and use the dev tools for debugging. - Open the debug view and run the `Launch Browser Frontend` configuration. ### Debug the browser example's frontend and backend at the same time - Open the debug view and run the `Launch Browser Backend` configuration. - Then run the `Launch Browser Frontend` configuration. ### Debug the Electron example's backend - Open the debug view and run the `Launch Electron Backend` configuration. ### Debug the Electron example's frontend - Start the Electron backend - Either open the debug view and run the `Launch Electron Backend` configuration - Or use `yarn run start`. - Attach to the Electron Frontend - Either open the debug view and run the `Attach to Electron Frontend` configuration - Or in Electron: Help -> Toggle Electron Developer Tools. ### Debug the Electron example's frontend and backend at the same time - Open the debug view and run the `Launch Electron Backend & Frontend` configuration. ### Debug IPC servers - Pass `--${server-name}-inspect` arg to the backend server. - For example `--nsfw-watcher-inspect=0` to inspect nsfw watcher processes with dynamic port allocation. - All variations of `--inspect` flag are supported: - Attach the debugger to the logged port. In order to look up `server-name` run the backend server with `--log-level=debug` flag to enable logging of IPC servers instantiation. You should be able to see message of `[${server-name}: ${server-PID}]: IPC started` format, like `[nsfw-watcher: 37557] IPC started`. ### Debug the plugin host - Pass `--hosted-plugin-inspect=9339` arg to the backend server from the command line. - Instead, you can run `Launch Browser Backend` launch configuration which is already pre-configured. - Open the debug view and run the `Attach to Plugin Host` launch configuration. - It connects to the plugin host if at least one extension is detected, otherwise it timeouts after 60s. - If you want to debug the activation then enable `stopOnEntry` flag. - Open the browser page. --- ### Debugging Plugin Sources [click for base article]( The following launch configuration is meant to be used when the Theia project is opened as the main project in VS Code, the following launch configuration is added inside .vscode/launch.json. - The source repository of your plugin is expected under your `${workspaceFolder}/plugins` folder - You can start the frontend from URL: http://localhost:3030 - It's suggested to update your frontend launch configuration URL to open your favorite target project in a second launch Launch configuration template that will start the backend process, and then attempt to connect on port 9339 to debug the plugin-host sub-process: ```jsonc { "name": "Launch VS Code extension as Theia plugin", "type": "node", "request": "launch", "port": 9339, "timeout": 100000, "args": [ "${workspaceFolder}/examples/browser/src-gen/backend/main.js", "${workspaceFolder}", "--port=3030", "--hosted-plugin-inspect=9339", // spawn the plugin-host in debug mode "--plugins=local-dir:${workspaceFolder}/plugins" ], "stopOnEntry": false, "sourceMaps": true, "outFiles": [ "${workspaceFolder}/**/*.js" ], "internalConsoleOptions": "openOnSessionStart", "outputCapture": "std" } ``` #### Producing typescript maps for your plugin Enable source maps in the plugin's `tsconfig.json` ```jsonc { "compilerOptions": { "sourceMap": true } } ``` If Webpack is used you should bundle in development mode in the `package.json` scripts to avoid minification: ```sh webpack --mode development ``` As well as enabling source map output in the **webpack.config.js** ```js module.exports = { devtool: 'source-map' } ``` #### Compiling and blocking typescript from walking up parent directories [(see discussion)]( If you get errors while building like: ``` (parent folders)/index.d.ts: error TS2300: Duplicate identifier ``` You can fix it by modifying your `tsconfig.json`: ```jsonc { "compilerOptions": { "typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types"] } } ``` ## Profiling - Use Chrome devtools to profile both the frontend and backend (Node.js). - For Node.js: open chrome://inspect, click the configure button and ensure target host and port are listed. - Learn how to get and understand CPU measurements: - Learn how to get and understand Memory measurements: - Before taking the memory snapshot always collect garbage. - Make sure that Chrome extensions don't distort measurements by disabling them. - For frontend: React extension is leaking components. - Make measurements before and after improvements to provide them as evidence on a pull request. - Also document how to reproduce improved measurements in `How to test` section of a pull request description. - If objects don't have a proper class, i.e. plain JSON, then find one of them in the first snapshot and check that it is garbage collected in the diff between snapshots. ### Profile the frontend process - In Browser: open the devtools. - In Electron: Help -> Toggle Electron Developer Tools. ### Profile the backend process - Pass `--inspect` arg to the backend server: ### Profile IPC servers - Pass `--${server-name}-inspect` arg to the backend server. - For example `--nsfw-watcher-inspect=0` to inspect nsfw watcher processes with dynamic port allocation. - All variations of `--inspect` flag are supported: ### Profile the plugin host - Pass `--hosted-plugin-inspect` arg to the backend server. - All variations of `--inspect` flag are supported: ## Testing - See the [unit testing]( documentation. - See the [API integration testing]( documentation. ## Code coverage yarn run test By default, this will generate the code coverage for the tests in an HTML format, which can be easily viewed with your browser (Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari etc.) by opening `packages//coverage/index.html`. ## Building on Windows - Install [`scoop`]( - Install [`nvm`]( with scoop: `scoop install nvm`. - Install Node.js with `nvm`: `nvm install 18.17.0`, then use it: `nvm use 18.17.0`. You can list all available Node.js versions with `nvm list available` if you want to pick another version. - Install `yarn`: `scoop install yarn`. - If you need to install `windows-build-tools`, see [`Installing Windows Build Tools`](#installing-windows-build-tools). - If you run into problems with installing the required build tools, the `node-gyp` documentation offers a useful [guide]( how to install the dependencies manually. The versions required for building Theia are: - Python 3.6 or higher - Visual Studio [build tools]( 17 - If you have multiple versions of either python or Visual Studio installed or if the tool is not found, you may adjust the used version via the npm config: - `npm config set python /path/to/executable/python --global` - `npm config set msvs_version 2017 --global` Clone, build and run Theia. Using Git Bash as administrator: ```sh git clone \ && cd theia \ && yarn \ && yarn browser build \ && yarn browser start ``` If you do not have Git Bash installed on your system, [get one](, or use `scoop`: `scoop install git`. ### Installing Windows Build Tools - Previously, [`windows-build-tools`]( is required to build Native Nodes modules on Windows. The npm package is now [`deprecated`]( because NodeJS installer can now install all the required tools that it needs, including Windows Build Tools. - In case you need to install the tool manually, after installing `yarn`, run `PowerShell` as _Administrator_ and copy paste the following: `npm --add-python-to-path install --global --production windows-build-tools`. ## Troubleshooting > First make sure that you follow the steps given in the [docs]( correctly. ### Linux The start command will start a watcher on many files in the theia directory. To avoid ENOSPC errors, increase your default inotify watches. It can be done like so: ```sh echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p ``` ### Windows If you see `LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\\Users\\path\\to\\node.lib' [C:\path\to\theia\node_modules\drivelist\build\drivelist.vcxproj]`, then set the Visual Studio version manually with `npm config set msvs_version 2017 --global`. If you are facing with `EPERM: operation not permitted` or `permission denied` errors while building, testing or running the application then; - You don't have write access to the installation directory. - Try to run your command line (`PowerShell`, `GitBash`, `Cygwin` or whatever you are using) as an administrator. - The permissions in the NPM cache might get corrupted. Please try to run `npm cache clean` to fix them. - If you experience issues such as `Error: EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename`, try to disable (or uninstall) your anti-malware software. See [here]( - Still having issues on Windows? File a [bug]. We are working on Linux or OS X operating systems. Hence, we are more than happy to receive any Windows-related feedbacks, [bug]( reports. If you're still struggling with the build, but you use Windows 10, then you can enable the `Windows Subsystem for Linux` and you can get a Linux distro for free. ### macOS You need to have the Xcode command line tools installed in order to build and run Theia. You can install the tools by running ```sh xcode-select --install ``` If you already have Xcode installed, but you see the `xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance` error, you need to run the following command to fix it: `sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools`. The solution is the same if you have updated to `10.14` (Mojave) and you can see the `gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!` error. More details [here]( ### Root privileges errors When trying to install with root privileges, you might encounter errors such as `cannot run in wd`. Several options are available to you: - Install without root privileges - Use the `--unsafe-perm` flag: `yarn --unsafe-perm`