// * Copyright (c) 2015, 2018 Cirrus Link Solutions and others // * // * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the // * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at // * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0. // * // * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 // * // * Contributors: // * Cirrus Link Solutions - initial implementation // // To compile: // cd client_libraries/java // protoc --proto_path=../../ --java_out=src/main/java ../../sparkplug_b.proto // syntax = "proto2"; package org.eclipse.tahu.protobuf; option java_package = "org.eclipse.tahu.protobuf"; option java_outer_classname = "SparkplugBProto"; enum DataType { // Indexes of Data Types // Unknown placeholder for future expansion. Unknown = 0; // Basic Types Int8 = 1; Int16 = 2; Int32 = 3; Int64 = 4; UInt8 = 5; UInt16 = 6; UInt32 = 7; UInt64 = 8; Float = 9; Double = 10; Boolean = 11; String = 12; DateTime = 13; Text = 14; // Additional Metric Types UUID = 15; DataSet = 16; Bytes = 17; File = 18; Template = 19; // Additional PropertyValue Types PropertySet = 20; PropertySetList = 21; // Array Types Int8Array = 22; Int16Array = 23; Int32Array = 24; Int64Array = 25; UInt8Array = 26; UInt16Array = 27; UInt32Array = 28; UInt64Array = 29; FloatArray = 30; DoubleArray = 31; BooleanArray = 32; StringArray = 33; DateTimeArray = 34; } message Payload { message Template { message Parameter { optional string name = 1; optional uint32 type = 2; oneof value { uint32 int_value = 3; uint64 long_value = 4; float float_value = 5; double double_value = 6; bool boolean_value = 7; string string_value = 8; ParameterValueExtension extension_value = 9; } message ParameterValueExtension { extensions 1 to max; } } optional string version = 1; // The version of the Template to prevent mismatches repeated Metric metrics = 2; // Each metric includes a name, datatype, and optionally a value repeated Parameter parameters = 3; optional string template_ref = 4; // MUST be a reference to a template definition if this is an instance (i.e. the name of the template definition) - MUST be omitted for template definitions optional bool is_definition = 5; extensions 6 to max; } message DataSet { message DataSetValue { oneof value { uint32 int_value = 1; uint64 long_value = 2; float float_value = 3; double double_value = 4; bool boolean_value = 5; string string_value = 6; DataSetValueExtension extension_value = 7; } message DataSetValueExtension { extensions 1 to max; } } message Row { repeated DataSetValue elements = 1; extensions 2 to max; // For third party extensions } optional uint64 num_of_columns = 1; repeated string columns = 2; repeated uint32 types = 3; repeated Row rows = 4; extensions 5 to max; // For third party extensions } message PropertyValue { optional uint32 type = 1; optional bool is_null = 2; oneof value { uint32 int_value = 3; uint64 long_value = 4; float float_value = 5; double double_value = 6; bool boolean_value = 7; string string_value = 8; PropertySet propertyset_value = 9; PropertySetList propertysets_value = 10; // List of Property Values PropertyValueExtension extension_value = 11; } message PropertyValueExtension { extensions 1 to max; } } message PropertySet { repeated string keys = 1; // Names of the properties repeated PropertyValue values = 2; extensions 3 to max; } message PropertySetList { repeated PropertySet propertyset = 1; extensions 2 to max; } message MetaData { // Bytes specific metadata optional bool is_multi_part = 1; // General metadata optional string content_type = 2; // Content/Media type optional uint64 size = 3; // File size, String size, Multi-part size, etc optional uint64 seq = 4; // Sequence number for multi-part messages // File metadata optional string file_name = 5; // File name optional string file_type = 6; // File type (i.e. xml, json, txt, cpp, etc) optional string md5 = 7; // md5 of data // Catchalls and future expansion optional string description = 8; // Could be anything such as json or xml of custom properties extensions 9 to max; } message Metric { optional string name = 1; // Metric name - should only be included on birth optional uint64 alias = 2; // Metric alias - tied to name on birth and included in all later DATA messages optional uint64 timestamp = 3; // Timestamp associated with data acquisition time optional uint32 datatype = 4; // DataType of the metric/tag value optional bool is_historical = 5; // If this is historical data and should not update real time tag optional bool is_transient = 6; // Tells consuming clients such as MQTT Engine to not store this as a tag optional bool is_null = 7; // If this is null - explicitly say so rather than using -1, false, etc for some datatypes. optional MetaData metadata = 8; // Metadata for the payload optional PropertySet properties = 9; oneof value { uint32 int_value = 10; uint64 long_value = 11; float float_value = 12; double double_value = 13; bool boolean_value = 14; string string_value = 15; bytes bytes_value = 16; // Bytes, File DataSet dataset_value = 17; Template template_value = 18; MetricValueExtension extension_value = 19; } message MetricValueExtension { extensions 1 to max; } } optional uint64 timestamp = 1; // Timestamp at message sending time repeated Metric metrics = 2; // Repeated forever - no limit in Google Protobufs optional uint64 seq = 3; // Sequence number optional string uuid = 4; // UUID to track message type in terms of schema definitions optional bytes body = 5; // To optionally bypass the whole definition above extensions 6 to max; // For third party extensions }