Change Log ========== ## Version 6.0.0 * Make plugin compatible with Tabris.js 3.2+ ## Version 5.0.0 * Make plugin compatible with Tabris.js 2.4 and 2.5. * Update used Play Services version to 12.0.1. ## Version 4.0.1 * Fix marker image scaling on Android. ## Version 4.0.0 * Update tabris-plugin-maps to Tabris.js 2.2 custom widget API. This version is not compatible with Tabris.js 2.0 and 2.1 anymore. * Support customizing the marker appearance by applying a custom image. ## Version 3.0.0 * Migrate tabris-plugin-maps to Tabris.js 2 API (breaks compatibility with Tabris.js 1.x) * fire events with a single callback argument (see [Tabris.js events documentation]( * rename "change:camera" event to "cameraChanged" * rename "cameramove" event to "cameraMoved" * pressing the "show my location" button now also triggers "cameraMoved" ## Version 2.0.1 _2016-08-30_ * Restructure project to be more friendly on ## Version 2.0.0 _2016-08-30_ * Complete rewrite of public js API * New namespace `esmaps` for `Map` and `Marker` * New properties `position`, `camera` and `region` * New ways of positioning the camera via `moveToPosition` and `moveToRegion` * New Marker API when creating and adding markers * Allow to get users location from `Map` * Allow to show and move to users location on `Map` * Ensure same behavior on Android and iOS for all documented features