Creating a dataset plugin Please enter the plugin name ('?' for help) Hit 'return' to use the default value 'my_plugin' >>>> ? The plugin name is used to define: - The python package name `import climetlab_{plugin_name} ` - The pip package name `pip install climetlab-{plugin-name}`. It will also be used to suggest and appropriate URL on github. The plugin_name can be the name of the project you are working on, but notice that it should be specific enough as only one plugin with a given name can be installed. Highly generic names (such as "meteo", "domain", "copernicus", "country-name" are not recommended. The plugin name cannot be easily modified afterwards. Default value: my_plugin >>>> --> Using dataset-plugin Please enter the dataset name ('?' for help) >>>> dataset-plugin? The dataset name is used as follow: A climetlab dataset plugin package can provides one or more datasets. This scripts creates a plugin with one dataset. The dataset name will be used by the end users to access the data through CliMetLab with: cml.load_dataset("dataset-name", ...) The convention is to make the dataset name start with "dataset-plugin". The dataset name can easily be modified afterwards, without regenerating a new plugin, simply by editing the Default value: dataset-plugin >>>> dataset-plugin --> Using dataset-pluginrain-observations Please enter your full name ('?' for help) Hit 'return' to use the default value 'Joe Developer' >>>> ? The full name is used in to define the maintainer of the pip package. Default value: Joe Developer >>>> --> Using Joe Developer Please enter your email ('?' for help) Hit 'return' to use the default value '' >>>> ? The email is used in to define the email maintainer of the pip package. Default value: >>>> --> Using Please enter your Github user name ('?' for help) Hit 'return' to use the default value 'ecmwf-lab' >>>> ? The github username (or github space name) is used to suggest a github repository url. The username (ecmwf-lab) should be used if you wish to host your repository on the github space ""). Else, please provide your own github user name. Default value: ecmwf-lab >>>> --> Using ecmwf-lab (default) Please enter the repository url ('?' for help) Hit 'return' to use the default value '' >>>> The repository url name is used to define: - The package url in the, i.e. the url published in Pypi for pip. - The links in the README file. If your do not want to host you repository on github, please edit manually the generated afterwards. Default value: >>>> --> Using (default) Use the modified APACHE licence with ECMWF additions? ('y' or 'n', '?' for help) >>>> ? The APACHE 2.0 licence is used for the plugin code. Most users should answer "n" to use the standard APACHE 2.0 licence. ECMWF users should answer "y" to add the appropriate addition to the licence. The licence is added in the plugin code: - In the header of each python file. - In the LICENSE file. - In the README. If you choose another licence, please modify these files manually afterwards. >>>> --> Using y Using this licence: (C) Copyright 2022 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0 which can be obtained at In applying this licence, ECMWF does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an intergovernmental organisation nor does it submit to any jurisdiction. Plugin built in climetlab-dataset-plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------- Climetlab plugin generated successfully. Next steps: 1. Create a repository on github at 2. Push to the repository as instructed by github: cd climetlab-dataset-plugin git init git add . git commit -m'first commit' git branch -M main git remote add origin git push --set-upstream origin main [Optional: See tests running] 3 - Publish to pipy (pip) manually: python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install setuptools wheel twine twine upload dist/* # Need pipy login/password (create an account at Others can now do `pip install climetlab-dataset-plugin`. 4. Publish automatically from Github to pypi. [Optional] Edit climetlab-dataset-plugin/.github/workflows/check-and-publish to point to pypi instead of test.pypi. Create a token from pypi at Add the token as a Gihtub secret on the name PYPI_API_TOKEN at You are all set! Push the github repository and release from