var MinSignal = (function(undef){ function MinSignal() { this._listeners = []; this.dispatchCount = 0; } var _p = MinSignal.prototype; _p.add = add; _p.addOnce = addOnce; _p.remove = remove; _p.dispatch = dispatch; var ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK = 'Callback function is missing!'; var _slice = Array.prototype.slice; function _sort(list) { list.sort(function(a, b){ a = a.p; b = b.p; return b < a ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0; }); } /** * Adding callback to the signal * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @param {number} priority in the dispatch call. The higher priority it is, the eariler it will be dispatched. * @param {any...} additional argument prefix */ function add (fn, context, priority, args) { if(!fn) { throw ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK; } priority = priority || 0; var listeners = this._listeners; var listener, realFn, sliceIndex; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener.f === fn && listener.c === context) { return false; } } if(typeof priority === 'function') { realFn = priority; priority = args; sliceIndex = 4; } listeners.unshift({f: fn, c: context, p: priority, r: realFn || fn, a:, sliceIndex || 3), j: 0}); _sort(listeners); } /** * Adding callback to the signal but it will only trigger once * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @param {number} priority in the dispatch call. The higher priority it is, the eariler it will be dispatched. * @param {any...} additional argument prefix */ function addOnce (fn, context, priority, args) { if(!fn) { throw ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK; } var self = this; var realFn = function() {, fn, context); return fn.apply(context,, 0)); }; args =, 0); if(args.length === 1) { args.push(undef); } args.splice(2, 0, realFn); add.apply(self, args); } /** * Remove callback from the signal * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @return {boolean} return true if there is any callback was removed */ function remove (fn, context) { if(!fn) { this._listeners.length = 0; return true; } var listeners = this._listeners; var listener; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener.f === fn && (!context || (listener.c === context))) { listener.j = 0; listeners.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } /** * Dispatch the callback * @param {any...} additional argument suffix */ function dispatch(args) { args =, 0); this.dispatchCount++; var dispatchCount = this.dispatchCount; var listeners = this._listeners; var listener, context, stoppedListener; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener && (listener.j < dispatchCount)) { listener.j = dispatchCount; if(listener.r.apply(listener.c, listener.a.concat(args)) === false) { stoppedListener = listener; break; } } } listeners = this._listeners; i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listeners[i].j = 0; } return stoppedListener; } if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = MinSignal; } }());