(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.quickLoader = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i b ? -1 : 0; }); } /** * Adding callback to the signal * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @param {number} priority in the dispatch call. The higher priority it is, the eariler it will be dispatched. * @param {any...} additional argument prefix */ function add (fn, context, priority, args) { if(!fn) { throw ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK; } priority = priority || 0; var listeners = this._listeners; var listener, realFn, sliceIndex; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener.f === fn && listener.c === context) { return false; } } if(typeof priority === 'function') { realFn = priority; priority = args; sliceIndex = 4; } listeners.unshift({f: fn, c: context, p: priority, r: realFn || fn, a: _slice.call(arguments, sliceIndex || 3), j: 0}); _sort(listeners); } /** * Adding callback to the signal but it will only trigger once * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @param {number} priority in the dispatch call. The higher priority it is, the eariler it will be dispatched. * @param {any...} additional argument prefix */ function addOnce (fn, context, priority, args) { if(!fn) { throw ERROR_MESSAGE_MISSING_CALLBACK; } var self = this; var realFn = function() { self.remove.call(self, fn, context); return fn.apply(context, _slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; args = _slice.call(arguments, 0); if(args.length === 1) { args.push(undef); } args.splice(2, 0, realFn); add.apply(self, args); } /** * Remove callback from the signal * @param {Function} the callback function * @param {object} the context of the callback function * @return {boolean} return true if there is any callback was removed */ function remove (fn, context) { if(!fn) { this._listeners.length = 0; return true; } var listeners = this._listeners; var listener; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener.f === fn && (!context || (listener.c === context))) { listener.j = 0; listeners.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } /** * Dispatch the callback * @param {any...} additional argument suffix */ function dispatch(args) { args = _slice.call(arguments, 0); this.dispatchCount++; var dispatchCount = this.dispatchCount; var listeners = this._listeners; var listener, context, stoppedListener; var i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listener = listeners[i]; if(listener && (listener.j < dispatchCount)) { listener.j = dispatchCount; if(listener.r.apply(listener.c, listener.a.concat(args)) === false) { stoppedListener = listener; break; } } } listeners = this._listeners; i = listeners.length; while(i--) { listeners[i].j = 0; } return stoppedListener; } if (typeof module !== 'undefined') { module.exports = MinSignal; } }()); },{}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ var MinSignal = require('min-signal') var undef function QuickLoader () { this.isLoading = false this.totalWeight = 0 this.loadedWeight = 0 this.itemUrls = {} this.itemList = [] this.loadingSignal = new MinSignal() this.crossOriginMap = {} this.queue = [] this.activeItems = [] this.maxActiveItems = 4 } var _p = QuickLoader.prototype _p.addChunk = addChunk _p.setCrossOrigin = setCrossOrigin _p.add = add _p.load = load _p.start = start _p.loadNext = loadNext _p._createItem = _createItem _p._onLoading = _onLoading _p.VERSION = '0.1.17' _p.register = register _p.retrieveAll = retrieveAll _p.retrieve = retrieve _p.testExtensions = testExtensions _p.create = create _p.check = check var addedItems = _p.addedItems = {} var loadedItems = _p.loadedItems = {} var ITEM_CLASS_LIST = _p.ITEM_CLASS_LIST = [] var ITEM_CLASSES = _p.ITEM_CLASSES = {} var quickLoader = module.exports = create() function setCrossOrigin (domain, value) { this.crossOriginMap[domain] = value } function addChunk (target, type) { var i, j, len, itemsLength, retrievedTypeObj var retrievedTypeObjList = retrieveAll(target, type) for (i = 0, len = retrievedTypeObjList.length; i < len; i++) { retrievedTypeObj = retrievedTypeObjList[i] for (j = 0, itemsLength = retrievedTypeObj.items.length; j < itemsLength; j++) { this.add(retrievedTypeObj.items[j], {type: retrievedTypeObj.type}) } } return retrievedTypeObjList } function add (url, cfg) { var item = addedItems[url] if (!item) { item = this._createItem(url, (cfg && cfg.type) ? cfg.type : retrieve(url).type, cfg) } if (cfg && cfg.onLoad) item.onLoaded.addOnce(cfg.onLoad) if (!this.itemUrls[url]) { this.itemUrls[url] = item this.itemList.push(item) this.totalWeight += item.weight } return item } function load (url, cfg) { var item = addedItems[url] if (!item) { item = this._createItem(url, (cfg && cfg.type) ? cfg.type : retrieve(url).type, cfg) } if (cfg && cfg.onLoad) item.onLoaded.addOnce(cfg.onLoad) if (loadedItems[url]) { item.dispatch() } else { if (!item.isStartLoaded) { item.load() } } return item } function start (onLoading) { if (onLoading) this.loadingSignal.add(onLoading) this.isLoading = true var len = this.itemList.length if (len) { var itemList = this.itemList.splice(0, this.itemList.length) var item for (var url in this.itemUrls) { delete this.itemUrls[url]; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = itemList[i] var isAlreadyLoaded = !!loadedItems[item.url] item.onLoaded.addOnce(_onItemLoad, this, -1024, item, itemList, isAlreadyLoaded) if (item.hasLoading) { item.loadingSignal.add(_onLoading, this, -1024, item, itemList, undef) } if (isAlreadyLoaded) { item.dispatch(_onItemLoad) } else { if (!item.isStartLoaded) { this.queue.push(item) } } } if (this.queue.length) { this.loadNext() } } else { _onItemLoad.call(this, undef, this.itemList) } } function loadNext () { if (this.queue.length && (this.activeItems.length < this.maxActiveItems)) { var item = this.queue.shift() this.activeItems.push(item) this.loadNext() item.load() } } function _onLoading (item, itemList, loadingSignal, itemPercent, percent) { // leave the onLoading triggered by the _onItemLoad() to prevent stacked call. if (item && !item.isLoaded && (item.getCombinedPercent(itemPercent) === 1)) return if (percent === undef) { this.loadedWeight = _getLoadedWeight(itemList) percent = this.loadedWeight / this.totalWeight } loadingSignal = loadingSignal || this.loadingSignal loadingSignal.dispatch(percent, item) } function _getLoadedWeight (itemList) { var loadedWeight = 0 for (var i = 0, len = itemList.length; i < len; i++) { loadedWeight += itemList[i].loadedWeight } return loadedWeight } function _onItemLoad (item, itemList, isAlreadyLoaded) { this.loadedWeight = _getLoadedWeight(itemList) if (!isAlreadyLoaded) { var activeItems = this.activeItems var i = activeItems.length while (i--) { if(activeItems[i] === item) { activeItems.splice(i, 1) break } } } var loadingSignal = this.loadingSignal if (this.loadedWeight === this.totalWeight) { this.isLoading = false this.loadedWeight = 0 this.totalWeight = 0 this.loadingSignal = new MinSignal() this._onLoading(item, itemList, loadingSignal, 1, 1) if (item && item.noCache) _removeItemCache(item) } else { this._onLoading(item, itemList, loadingSignal, 1, this.loadedWeight / this.totalWeight) if (item && item.noCache) _removeItemCache(item) if (!isAlreadyLoaded) { this.loadNext() } } } function _removeItemCache (item) { var url = item.url item.content = undef addedItems[url] = undef loadedItems[url] = undef } function _createItem (url, type, cfg) { cfg = cfg || {} if (!cfg.crossOrigin) { for (var domain in this.crossOriginMap) { if (url.indexOf(domain) === 0) { cfg.crossOrigin = this.crossOriginMap[domain] break } } } return new ITEM_CLASSES[type](url, cfg) } function register (ItemClass) { if (!ITEM_CLASSES[ItemClass.type]) { ITEM_CLASS_LIST.push(ItemClass) ITEM_CLASSES[ItemClass.type] = ItemClass } } function retrieveAll (target, type) { var i, retrievedTypeObj var len = target.length var retrievedTypeObjList = [] if (len && (typeof target !== 'string')) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { retrievedTypeObj = retrieve(target[i], type) if (retrievedTypeObj) { retrievedTypeObjList = retrievedTypeObjList.concat(retrievedTypeObj) } } } else { retrievedTypeObj = retrieve(target, type) if (retrievedTypeObj) { retrievedTypeObjList = retrievedTypeObjList.concat(retrievedTypeObj) } } return retrievedTypeObjList } function retrieve (target, type) { var i, len, items, ItemClass, guessedType if (type) { ItemClass = ITEM_CLASSES[type] items = ItemClass.retrieve(target) } else { for (i = 0, len = ITEM_CLASS_LIST.length; i < len; i++) { ItemClass = ITEM_CLASS_LIST[i] guessedType = ItemClass.type if (typeof target === 'string') { if (testExtensions(target, ItemClass)) { items = [target] break } } else { items = ItemClass.retrieve(target) if (items && items.length && (typeof items[0] === 'string') && testExtensions(items[0], ItemClass)) { break } } items = undef guessedType = undef } } if (items) { return { type: type || guessedType, items: items } } return } function testExtensions (url, ItemClass) { if (!url) return var urlExtension = _getExtension(url) var extensions = ItemClass.extensions var i = extensions.length while (i--) { if (urlExtension === extensions[i]) { return true } } return false } function _getExtension (url) { return url.split('.').pop().split(/#|\?/)[0] } function create () { return new QuickLoader() } function check () { var addedUrl = [] var notLoadedUrl = [] for (var url in addedItems) { addedUrl.push(url) if (!loadedItems[url]) { notLoadedUrl.push(addedItems[url]) } } console.log({ added: addedUrl, notLoaded: notLoadedUrl }) } },{"min-signal":3}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ var MinSignal = require('min-signal') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') function AbstractItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) return this.url = url this.loadedWeight = 0 this.weight = 1 this.postPercent = 0 for (var id in cfg) { this[id] = cfg[id] } if (!this.type) { this.type = this.constructor.type } if (this.hasLoading) { this.loadingSignal = new MinSignal() this.loadingSignal.add(_onLoading, this) if (this.onLoading) { this.loadingSignal.add(this.onLoading) } } if (this.onPost) { this.onPostLoadingSignal = new MinSignal() this.onPostLoadingSignal.add(this._onPostLoading, this) this.postWeightRatio = this.postWeightRatio || 0.1 } else { this.postWeightRatio = 0 } var self = this this.boundOnLoad = function () { self._onLoad() } this.onLoaded = new MinSignal() quickLoader.addedItems[url] = this } module.exports = AbstractItem var _p = AbstractItem.prototype _p.load = load _p._onLoad = _onLoad _p._onLoading = _onLoading _p._onPostLoading = _onPostLoading _p._onLoadComplete = _onLoadComplete _p.getCombinedPercent = getCombinedPercent _p.dispatch = dispatch AbstractItem.extensions = [] AbstractItem.retrieve = function () { return false } function load () { this.isStartLoaded = true } function _onLoad () { if (this.onPost) { this.onPost.call(this, this.content, this.onPostLoadingSignal) } else { this._onLoadComplete() } } function _onPostLoading (percent) { this.postPercent = percent if (this.hasLoading) { this.loadingSignal.dispatch(1) } if (percent === 1) { this._onLoadComplete() } } function _onLoadComplete () { this.isLoaded = true this.loadedWeight = this.weight quickLoader.loadedItems[this.url] = this this.onLoaded.dispatch(this.content) } function getCombinedPercent (percent) { return percent * (1 - this.postWeightRatio) + (this.postWeightRatio * this.postPercent) } function _onLoading (percent) { this.loadedWeight = this.weight * this.getCombinedPercent(percent) } function dispatch () { if (this.hasLoading) { this.loadingSignal.remove() } this.onLoaded.dispatch(this.content) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"min-signal":3}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') function AnyItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) return _super.constructor.call(this, url, cfg) if (!this.loadFunc && console) { console[console.error || console.log]('require loadFunc in the config object.') } } module.exports = AnyItem AnyItem.type = 'any' AnyItem.extensions = [] quickLoader.register(AnyItem) AnyItem.retrieve = function () { return false } var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = AnyItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = AnyItem _p.load = load function load () { var self = this this.loadFunc(this.url, function (content) { self.content = content _super._onLoad.call(self) }, this.loadingSignal) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') var undef function AudioItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) return this.loadThrough = !cfg || cfg.loadThrough === undef ? true : cfg.loadThrough _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) try { this.content = this.content || new Audio() } catch (e) { this.content = this.content || document.createElement('audio') } if (this.crossOrigin) { this.content.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin } } module.exports = AudioItem AudioItem.type = 'audio' AudioItem.extensions = ['mp3', 'ogg'] quickLoader.register(AudioItem) AudioItem.retrieve = function (target) { // TODO add dom audios support return false } var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = AudioItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = AudioItem _p.load = load _p._onLoad = _onLoad function load () { _super.load.apply(this, arguments) var self = this var audio = self.content audio.src = this.url if (this.loadThrough) { audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', this.boundOnLoad, false) } else { audio.addEventListener('canplay', this.boundOnLoad, false) } audio.load() } function _onLoad () { this.content.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', this.boundOnLoad, false) this.content.removeEventListener('canplay', this.boundOnLoad, false) if (this.isLoaded) { return } _super._onLoad.call(this) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var computedStyle = require('computed-style') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') function ImageItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) return _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) this.content = this.content || new Image() if (this.crossOrigin) { this.content.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin } } module.exports = ImageItem var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = ImageItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = ImageItem _p.load = load _p._onLoad = _onLoad ImageItem.retrieve = function (target) { if (target.nodeType && target.style) { var list = [] if ((target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img') && (target.src.indexOf(';') < 0)) { list.push(target.src) } computedStyle(target, 'background-image').replace(/s?url\(\s*?['"]?([^;]*?)['"]?\s*?\)/g, function (a, b) { list.push(b) }) var i = list.length while (i--) { if (!_isNotData(list[i])) { list.splice(i, 1) } } return list.length ? list : false } else if (typeof target === 'string') { return [target] } else { return false } } ImageItem.type = 'image' ImageItem.extensions = ['jpg', 'gif', 'png'] quickLoader.register(ImageItem) function load () { _super.load.apply(this, arguments) var img = this.content img.onload = this.boundOnLoad img.src = this.url } function _onLoad () { delete this.content.onload this.width = this.content.width this.height = this.content.height _super._onLoad.call(this) } function _isNotData (url) { return url.indexOf('data:') !== 0 } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5,"computed-style":2}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ var TextItem = require('./TextItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') function JSONItem (url) { if (!url) return _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) } module.exports = JSONItem JSONItem.type = 'json' JSONItem.extensions = ['json'] quickLoader.register(JSONItem) JSONItem.retrieve = function () { return false } var _super = TextItem.prototype var _p = JSONItem.prototype = new TextItem() _p.constructor = JSONItem _p._onLoad = _onLoad function _onLoad () { if (!this.content) { this.content = window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ? JSON.parse(this.xmlhttp.responseText.toString()) : eval(this.xmlhttp.responseText.toString()) } _super._onLoad.call(this) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./TextItem":11}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') function __generateFuncName () { return '_jsonp' + new Date().getTime() + ~~(Math.random() * 100000000) } function JSONPItem (url) { if (!url) return _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) } module.exports = JSONPItem JSONPItem.type = 'jsonp' JSONPItem.extensions = [] quickLoader.register(JSONPItem) JSONPItem.retrieve = function (target) { if ((typeof target === 'string') && (target.indexOf('=') > -1)) { return [target] } return false } var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = JSONPItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = JSONPItem _p.load = load function load (callback) { _super.load.apply(this, arguments) var self = this var lastEqualIndex = this.url.lastIndexOf('=') + 1 var urlPrefix = this.url.substr(0, lastEqualIndex) var funcName = this.url.substr(lastEqualIndex) if (funcName.length === 0) { funcName = __generateFuncName() this.jsonpCallback = callback } else { this.jsonpCallback = this.jsonpCallback || window[funcName] } window[funcName] = function (data) { if (script.parentNode) script.parentNode.removeChild(script) self.content = data self._onLoad() } var script = document.createElement('script') script.type = 'text/javascript' script.src = urlPrefix + funcName document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ var XHRItem = require('./XHRItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') var undef function TextItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) return cfg.responseType = 'text' _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) } module.exports = TextItem TextItem.type = 'text' TextItem.extensions = ['html', 'txt', 'svg'] quickLoader.register(TextItem) TextItem.retrieve = function () { return false } var _super = XHRItem.prototype var _p = TextItem.prototype = new XHRItem() _p.constructor = TextItem _p._onLoad = _onLoad function _onLoad () { if (!this.content) { this.content = this.xmlhttp.responseText; } _super._onLoad.apply(this, arguments) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./XHRItem":13}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') var undef function VideoItem (url, cfg) { if (!url) { return } this.loadThrough = !cfg || cfg.loadThrough === undef ? true : cfg.loadThrough _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) try { this.content = this.content || new Video() } catch (e) { this.content = this.content || document.createElement('video') } if (this.crossOrigin) { this.content.crossOrigin = this.crossOrigin } } module.exports = VideoItem VideoItem.type = 'video' VideoItem.extensions = ['mp4', 'webm', 'ogv'] quickLoader.register(VideoItem) VideoItem.retrieve = function (target) { // TODO add dom videos support return false } var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = VideoItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = VideoItem _p.load = load _p._onLoad = _onLoad function load () { _super.load.apply(this, arguments) var video = this.content video.preload = 'auto' video.src = this.url if (this.loadThrough) { video.addEventListener('canplaythrough', this.boundOnLoad, false) } else { video.addEventListener('canplay', this.boundOnLoad, false) } video.load() } function _onLoad () { this.content.removeEventListener('canplaythrough', this.boundOnLoad) this.content.removeEventListener('canplay', this.boundOnLoad) if (this.isLoaded) { return } _super._onLoad.call(this) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ var AbstractItem = require('./AbstractItem') var quickLoader = require('../quickLoader') var undef var IS_SUPPORT_XML_HTTP_REQUEST = !!window.XMLHttpRequest function XHRItem (url) { if (!url) return _super.constructor.apply(this, arguments) this.responseType = this.responseType || '' this.method = this.method || 'GET' } module.exports = XHRItem XHRItem.type = 'xhr' XHRItem.extensions = [] quickLoader.register(XHRItem) XHRItem.retrieve = function () { return false } var _super = AbstractItem.prototype var _p = XHRItem.prototype = new AbstractItem() _p.constructor = XHRItem _p.load = load _p._onXmlHttpChange = _onXmlHttpChange _p._onXmlHttpProgress = _onXmlHttpProgress _p._onLoad = _onLoad function load () { _super.load.apply(this, arguments) var self = this var xmlhttp if (IS_SUPPORT_XML_HTTP_REQUEST) { xmlhttp = this.xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest() } else { xmlhttp = this.xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') } if (this.hasLoading) { xmlhttp.onprogress = function (evt) { self._onXmlHttpProgress(evt) } } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { self._onXmlHttpChange() } xmlhttp.open(this.method, this.url, true) this.xmlhttp.responseType = this.responseType if (IS_SUPPORT_XML_HTTP_REQUEST) { xmlhttp.send(null) } else { xmlhttp.send() } } function _onXmlHttpProgress (evt) { this.loadingSignal.dispatch(evt.loaded / evt.total) } function _onXmlHttpChange () { if (this.xmlhttp.readyState === 4) { if (this.xmlhttp.status === 200) { this._onLoad(this.xmlhttp) } } } function _onLoad () { if (!this.content) { this.content = this.xmlhttp.response } this.xmlhttp = undef _super._onLoad.call(this) } },{"../quickLoader":4,"./AbstractItem":5}]},{},[1])(1) });