#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The script converts a collection of SNPs in VCF format into a PHYLIP, FASTA, NEXUS, or binary NEXUS file for phylogenetic analysis. The code is optimized to process VCF files with sizes >1GB. For small VCF files the algorithm slows down as the number of taxa increases (but is still fast). Any ploidy is allowed, but binary NEXUS is produced only for diploid VCFs. """ __author__ = "Edgardo M. Ortiz" __credits__ = "Juan D. Palacio-Mejía" __version__ = "2.9" __email__ = "e.ortiz.v@gmail.com" __date__ = "2023-07-07" import argparse import gzip import random import sys from pathlib import Path # Dictionary of IUPAC ambiguities for nucleotides # '*' is a deletion in GATK, deletions are ignored in consensus, lowercase consensus is used when an # 'N' or '*' is part of the genotype. Capitalization is used by some software but ignored by Geneious # for example AMBIG = { "A" :"A", "C" :"C", "G" :"G", "N" :"N", "T" :"T", "*A" :"a", "*C" :"c", "*G" :"g", "*N" :"n", "*T" :"t", "AC" :"M", "AG" :"R", "AN" :"a", "AT" :"W", "CG" :"S", "CN" :"c", "CT" :"Y", "GN" :"g", "GT" :"K", "NT" :"t", "*AC" :"m", "*AG" :"r", "*AN" :"a", "*AT" :"w", "*CG" :"s", "*CN" :"c", "*CT" :"y", "*GN" :"g", "*GT" :"k", "*NT" :"t", "ACG" :"V", "ACN" :"m", "ACT" :"H", "AGN" :"r", "AGT" :"D", "ANT" :"w", "CGN" :"s", "CGT" :"B", "CNT" :"y", "GNT" :"k", "*ACG" :"v", "*ACN" :"m", "*ACT" :"h", "*AGN" :"r", "*AGT" :"d", "*ANT" :"w", "*CGN" :"s", "*CGT" :"b", "*CNT" :"y", "*GNT" :"k", "ACGN" :"v", "ACGT" :"N", "ACNT" :"h", "AGNT" :"d", "CGNT" :"b", "*ACGN":"v", "*ACGT":"N", "*ACNT":"h", "*AGNT":"d", "*CGNT":"b", "*" :"-", "*ACGNT":"N", } # Dictionary for translating biallelic SNPs into SNAPP, only for diploid VCF # 0 is homozygous reference # 1 is heterozygous # 2 is homozygous alternative GEN_BIN = { "./.":"?", ".|.":"?", "0/0":"0", "0|0":"0", "0/1":"1", "0|1":"1", "1/0":"1", "1|0":"1", "1/1":"2", "1|1":"2", } def extract_sample_names(vcf_file): """ Extract sample names from VCF file """ if vcf_file.lower().endswith(".gz"): opener = gzip.open else: opener = open sample_names = [] with opener(vcf_file, "rt") as vcf: for line in vcf: line = line.strip("\n") if line.startswith("#CHROM"): record = line.split("\t") sample_names = [record[i].replace("./", "") for i in range(9, len(record))] break return sample_names def is_anomalous(record, num_samples): """ Determine if the number of samples in current record corresponds to number of samples described in the line '#CHROM' """ return bool(len(record) != num_samples + 9) def is_snp(record): """ Determine if current VCF record is a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) as opposed to MNP (multinucleotide polymorphism) """ # must be replaced by the REF in the ALT field for GVCFs from GATK alt = record[4].replace("", record[3]) return bool(len(record[3]) == 1 and len(alt) - alt.count(",") == alt.count(",") + 1) def num_genotypes(record, num_samples): """ Get number of genotypes in VCF record, total number of samples - missing genotypes """ missing = 0 for i in range(9, num_samples + 9): if record[i].startswith("."): missing += 1 return num_samples - missing def get_matrix_column(record, num_samples, resolve_IUPAC): """ Transform a VCF record into a phylogenetic matrix column with nucleotides instead of numbers """ nt_dict = {str(0): record[3].replace("-","*").upper(), ".": "N"} # must be replaced by the REF in the ALT field for GVCFs from GATK alt = record[4].replace("-", "*").replace("", nt_dict["0"]) alt = alt.split(",") for n in range(len(alt)): nt_dict[str(n+1)] = alt[n] column = "" for i in range(9, num_samples + 9): geno_num = record[i].split(":")[0].replace("/", "").replace("|", "") try: geno_nuc = "".join(sorted(set([nt_dict[j] for j in geno_num]))) except KeyError: return "malformed" if resolve_IUPAC is False: column += AMBIG[geno_nuc] else: column += AMBIG[nt_dict[random.choice(geno_num)]] return column def get_matrix_column_bin(record, num_samples): """ Return an alignment column in NEXUS binary from a VCF record, if genotype is not diploid with at most two alleles it will return '?' as state """ column = "" for i in range(9, num_samples + 9): genotype = record[i].split(":")[0] if genotype in GEN_BIN: column += GEN_BIN[genotype] else: column += "?" return column def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", action = "store", dest = "filename", required = True, help = "Name of the input VCF file, can be gzipped") parser.add_argument("--output-folder", action = "store", dest = "folder", default = "./", help = "Output folder name, it will be created if it does not exist (same folder as input by " "default)") parser.add_argument("--output-prefix", action = "store", dest = "prefix", help = "Prefix for output filenames (same as the input VCF filename without the extension by " "default)") parser.add_argument("-m", "--min-samples-locus", action = "store", dest = "min_samples_locus", type = int, default = 4, help = "Minimum of samples required to be present at a locus (default=4)") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outgroup", action = "store", dest = "outgroup", default = "", help = "Name of the outgroup in the matrix. Sequence will be written as first taxon in the " "alignment.") parser.add_argument("-p", "--phylip-disable", action = "store_true", dest = "phylipdisable", help = "A PHYLIP matrix is written by default unless you enable this flag") parser.add_argument("-f", "--fasta", action = "store_true", dest = "fasta", help = "Write a FASTA matrix (disabled by default)") parser.add_argument("-n", "--nexus", action = "store_true", dest = "nexus", help = "Write a NEXUS matrix (disabled by default)") parser.add_argument("-b", "--nexus-binary", action = "store_true", dest = "nexusbin", help = "Write a binary NEXUS matrix for analysis of biallelic SNPs in SNAPP, only diploid " "genotypes will be processed (disabled by default)") parser.add_argument("-r", "--resolve-IUPAC", action = "store_true", dest = "resolve_IUPAC", help = "Randomly resolve heterozygous genotypes to avoid IUPAC ambiguities in the matrices " "(disabled by default)") parser.add_argument("-w", "--write-used-sites", action = "store_true", dest = "write_used", help = "Save the list of coordinates that passed the filters and were used in the alignments " "(disabled by default)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action = "version", version = "%(prog)s {version}".format(version=__version__)) args = parser.parse_args() outgroup = args.outgroup.split(",")[0].split(";")[0] # Get samples names and number of samples in VCF if Path(args.filename).exists(): sample_names = extract_sample_names(args.filename) else: print("\nInput VCF file not found, please verify the provided path") sys.exit() num_samples = len(sample_names) if num_samples == 0: print("\nSample names not found in VCF, your file may be corrupt or missing the header.\n") sys.exit() print("\nConverting file '{}':\n".format(args.filename)) print("Number of samples in VCF: {:d}".format(num_samples)) # If the 'min_samples_locus' is larger than the actual number of samples in VCF readjust it args.min_samples_locus = min(num_samples, args.min_samples_locus) # Output filename will be the same as input file, indicating the minimum of samples specified if not args.prefix: parts = Path(args.filename).name.split(".") args.prefix = [] for p in parts: if p.lower() == "vcf": break else: args.prefix.append(p) args.prefix = ".".join(args.prefix) args.prefix += ".min" + str(args.min_samples_locus) # Check if outfolder exists, create it if it doesn't if not Path(args.folder).exists(): Path(args.folder).mkdir(parents=True) outfile = str(Path(args.folder, args.prefix)) # We need to create an intermediate file to hold the sequence data vertically and then transpose # it to create the matrices if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: temporal = open(outfile+".tmp", "w") # If binary NEXUS is selected also create a separate temporal if args.nexusbin: temporalbin = open(outfile+".bin.tmp", "w") ########################## # PROCESS GENOTYPES IN VCF if args.write_used: used_sites = open(outfile+".used_sites.tsv", "w") used_sites.write("#CHROM\tPOS\tNUM_SAMPLES\n") if args.filename.lower().endswith(".gz"): opener = gzip.open else: opener = open with opener(args.filename, "rt") as vcf: # Initialize line counter snp_num = 0 snp_accepted = 0 snp_shallow = 0 mnp_num = 0 snp_biallelic = 0 while 1: # Load large chunks of file into memory vcf_chunk = vcf.readlines(50000) if not vcf_chunk: break for line in vcf_chunk: line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith("#"): # skip empty and commented lines # Split line into columns record = line.split("\t") # Keep track of number of genotypes processed snp_num += 1 # Print progress every 500000 lines if snp_num % 500000 == 0: print("{:d} genotypes processed.".format(snp_num)) if is_anomalous(record, num_samples): print("Skipping malformed line:\n{}".format(line)) continue else: # Check if the SNP has the minimum number of samples required num_samples_locus = num_genotypes(record, num_samples) if num_samples_locus < args.min_samples_locus: # Keep track of loci rejected due to exceeded missing data snp_shallow += 1 continue else: # Check that neither REF nor ALT contain MNPs if is_snp(record): # If nucleotide matrices are requested if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: # Uncomment for debugging # print(record) # Transform VCF record into an alignment column site_tmp = get_matrix_column(record, num_samples, args.resolve_IUPAC) # Uncomment for debugging # print(site_tmp) # Write entire row of single nucleotide genotypes to temp file if site_tmp == "malformed": print("Skipping malformed line:\n{}".format(line)) continue else: # Add to running sum of accepted SNPs snp_accepted += 1 temporal.write(site_tmp+"\n") if args.write_used: used_sites.write(record[0] + "\t" + record[1] + "\t" + str(num_samples_locus) + "\n") # Write binary NEXUS for SNAPP if requested if args.nexusbin: # Check that the SNP only has two alleles if len(record[4]) == 1: # Add to running sum of biallelic SNPs snp_biallelic += 1 # Translate genotype into 0 for homozygous REF, 1 for # heterozygous, and 2 for homozygous ALT binsite_tmp = get_matrix_column_bin(record, num_samples) # Write entire row to temporary file temporalbin.write(binsite_tmp+"\n") else: # Keep track of loci rejected due to multinucleotide genotypes mnp_num += 1 # Print useful information about filtering of SNPs print("Total of genotypes processed: {:d}".format(snp_num)) print("Genotypes excluded because they exceeded the amount " "of missing data allowed: {:d}".format(snp_shallow)) print("Genotypes that passed missing data filter but were " "excluded for being MNPs: {:d}".format(mnp_num)) print("SNPs that passed the filters: {:d}".format(snp_accepted)) if args.nexusbin: print("Biallelic SNPs selected for binary NEXUS: {:d}".format(snp_biallelic)) if args.write_used: print("Used sites saved to: '" + outfile + ".used_sites.tsv'") used_sites.close() print("") if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: temporal.close() if args.nexusbin: temporalbin.close() ####################### # WRITE OUTPUT MATRICES if not args.phylipdisable: output_phy = open(outfile+".phy", "w") output_phy.write("{:d} {:d}\n".format(len(sample_names), snp_accepted)) if args.fasta: output_fas = open(outfile+".fasta", "w") if args.nexus: output_nex = open(outfile+".nexus", "w") output_nex.write("#NEXUS\n\nBEGIN DATA;\n\tDIMENSIONS NTAX={:d} NCHAR={:d};\n\tFORMAT " "DATATYPE=DNA MISSING=N GAP=- ;\nMATRIX\n".format(len(sample_names), snp_accepted)) if args.nexusbin: output_nexbin = open(outfile+".bin.nexus", "w") output_nexbin.write("#NEXUS\n\nBEGIN DATA;\n\tDIMENSIONS NTAX={:d} NCHAR={:d};\n\tFORMAT " "DATATYPE=SNP MISSING=? GAP=- ;\nMATRIX\n".format(len(sample_names), snp_biallelic)) # Get length of longest sequence name len_longest_name = 0 for name in sample_names: if len(name) > len_longest_name: len_longest_name = len(name) # Write outgroup as first sequence in alignment if the name is specified idx_outgroup = None if outgroup in sample_names: idx_outgroup = sample_names.index(outgroup) if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: with open(outfile+".tmp") as tmp_seq: seqout = "" # This is where the transposing happens for line in tmp_seq: seqout += line[idx_outgroup] # Write FASTA line if args.fasta: output_fas.write(">"+sample_names[idx_outgroup]+"\n"+seqout+"\n") # Pad sequences names and write PHYLIP or NEXUS lines padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[idx_outgroup])) * " " if not args.phylipdisable: output_phy.write(sample_names[idx_outgroup]+padding+seqout+"\n") if args.nexus: output_nex.write(sample_names[idx_outgroup]+padding+seqout+"\n") # Print current progress print("Outgroup, '{}', added to the matrix(ces).".format(outgroup)) if args.nexusbin: with open(outfile+".bin.tmp") as bin_tmp_seq: seqout = "" # This is where the transposing happens for line in bin_tmp_seq: seqout += line[idx_outgroup] # Write line of binary SNPs to NEXUS padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[idx_outgroup])) * " " output_nexbin.write(sample_names[idx_outgroup]+padding+seqout+"\n") # Print current progress print("Outgroup, '{}', added to the binary matrix.".format(outgroup)) # Write sequences of the ingroup for s in range(0, len(sample_names)): if s != idx_outgroup: if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: with open(outfile+".tmp") as tmp_seq: seqout = "" # This is where the transposing happens for line in tmp_seq: seqout += line[s] # Write FASTA line if args.fasta: output_fas.write(">"+sample_names[s]+"\n"+seqout+"\n") # Pad sequences names and write PHYLIP or NEXUS lines padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[s])) * " " if not args.phylipdisable: output_phy.write(sample_names[s]+padding+seqout+"\n") if args.nexus: output_nex.write(sample_names[s]+padding+seqout+"\n") # Print current progress print("Sample {:d} of {:d}, '{}', added to the nucleotide matrix(ces).".format( s+1, len(sample_names), sample_names[s])) if args.nexusbin: with open(outfile+".bin.tmp") as bin_tmp_seq: seqout = "" # This is where the transposing happens for line in bin_tmp_seq: seqout += line[s] # Write line of binary SNPs to NEXUS padding = (len_longest_name + 3 - len(sample_names[s])) * " " output_nexbin.write(sample_names[s]+padding+seqout+"\n") # Print current progress print("Sample {:d} of {:d}, '{}', added to the binary matrix.".format( s+1, len(sample_names), sample_names[s])) print() if not args.phylipdisable: print("PHYLIP matrix saved to: " + outfile+".phy") output_phy.close() if args.fasta: print("FASTA matrix saved to: " + outfile+".fasta") output_fas.close() if args.nexus: output_nex.write(";\nEND;\n") print("NEXUS matrix saved to: " + outfile+".nex") output_nex.close() if args.nexusbin: output_nexbin.write(";\nEND;\n") print("BINARY NEXUS matrix saved to: " + outfile+".bin.nex") output_nexbin.close() if args.fasta or args.nexus or not args.phylipdisable: Path(outfile+".tmp").unlink() if args.nexusbin: Path(outfile+".bin.tmp").unlink() print( "\nDone!\n") if __name__ == "__main__": main()