# EdgeDB Editor Plugin [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/edgedb/edgedb-editor-plugin.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/edgedb/edgedb-editor-plugin) This is a package with syntax highlighter for EdgeDB languages: EdgeQL and ESDL (EdgeDB Schema Definition Language). The plugin is designed to work with [Sublime Text](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/EdgeDB), [Atom](https://atom.io/packages/edgedb) and [Visual Studio Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=magicstack.edgedb). ![](https://edgedb.github.io/edgedb-editor-plugin/edgedb-st.png) (The color scheme used in the screenshot is [Chromodynamics](https://github.com/MagicStack/Chromodynamics).) ## Installation In **Atom** and **Visual Studio Code** install the `EdgeDB` package. In **Sublime Text**, install the `EdgeDB` package via "Package Control". ## Contributing We are accepting pull requests for anything that improves this extension: new features, fixes or documentation. We are not accepting code refactors. ## Publishing To publish a new version: - increment the version number in `package.json` to e.g. `0.1.8`, - commit and tag the changes with tag of format `v0.1.8`, - push to GitHub. This will start the GitHub Action that will publish to the Azure Marketplace. To publish a prerelease version, tag the commit with `v0.1.8-pre`. Do not add `-pre` to the version in `package.json`. A regular release cannot have the same number as the prerelease version, so (at least) the patch number must be increased. For example, after publishing `v0.1.8-pre`, we would publish `v0.1.9`.