{ "name": "Dell SonicWall", "description": "# SonicWall Content Pack for Graylog\nTested with Graylog 2.1\n\nThis content pack provides extractors for SonicWall Firewalls and a few example dashboards:\n* VPN Connections (24h)\n* More coming soon (*help is welcome!*)\n\n## Includes\n* Input SonicWall (Raw/Plaintext UDP)\n* Extractors (Garbage Cleanup and KVP, dst_ip, dst_port, dst_if, dst_hostname, src_ip, src_port, src_if, src_hostname, proto_type, proto_service, timestamp)\n* Dashboards\n\n ### Tip\n The Dashboards use the \"gl2_source_input\" field in queries. Be sure to verify if it matches your SonicWall Input ID\n\n## Requirements\n* Dell SonicWall Firewall configured to send SYSLOG to 12202/UDP, no custom settings\n\n## SonicWall Reference Guide\n* Dell SonicWall Log Reference PDF: http://software.sonicwall.com/Manual/232-003262-00_RevA_SonicOS_6.2.5_LogEvents_ReferenceGuide.pdf\n", "category": "Firewall, VPN, SonicWall, SonicOS", "inputs": [{ "title": "SonicWall", "configuration": { "override_source": null, "recv_buffer_size": 26214400, "bind_address": "", "port": 12202 }, "static_fields": {}, "type": "org.graylog2.inputs.raw.udp.RawUDPInput", "global": true, "extractors": [{ "title": "Garbage Cleanup and KVP", "type": "REGEX_REPLACE", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "message", "source_field": "message", "configuration": { "regex": "^<\\d+\\>(.*)", "replacement": "$1", "replace_all": true }, "converters": [{ "type": "TOKENIZER", "configuration": {} }, { "type": "NUMERIC", "configuration": {} }, { "type": "DATE", "configuration": { "date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z" } }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "dst_ip", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "dst_ip", "source_field": "dst", "configuration": { "index": 1, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "dst_port", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "dst_port", "source_field": "dst", "configuration": { "index": 2, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [{ "type": "NUMERIC", "configuration": {} }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "dst_if", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "dst_if", "source_field": "dst", "configuration": { "index": 3, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "src_ip", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "src_ip", "source_field": "src", "configuration": { "index": 1, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "src_port", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "src_port", "source_field": "src", "configuration": { "index": 2, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [{ "type": "NUMERIC", "configuration": {} }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "src_if", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "src_if", "source_field": "src", "configuration": { "index": 3, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "proto_type", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "proto_type", "source_field": "proto", "configuration": { "index": 1, "split_by": "/" }, "converters": [{ "type": "LOWERCASE", "configuration": {} }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "proto_service", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "proto_service", "source_field": "proto", "configuration": { "index": 2, "split_by": "/" }, "converters": [{ "type": "LOWERCASE", "configuration": {} }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "timestamp", "type": "REGEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "timestamp", "source_field": "time", "configuration": { "regex_value": "(\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d)" }, "converters": [{ "type": "DATE", "configuration": { "date_format": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "time_zone": "Etc/UTC" } }], "condition_type": "NONE", "condition_value": "", "order": 0 }, { "title": "src_hostname", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "src_hostname", "source_field": "src", "configuration": { "index": 4, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "REGEX", "condition_value": "(.*:.*:.*:.*)", "order": 0 }, { "title": "dst_hostname", "type": "SPLIT_AND_INDEX", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "dst_hostname", "source_field": "dst", "configuration": { "index": 4, "split_by": ":" }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "REGEX", "condition_value": "(.*:.*:.*:.*)", "order": 0 }] }], "streams": [], "outputs": [], "dashboards": [{ "title": "SonicWall - VPN Audit (24h)", "description": "VPN Connections from last 24 hours", "dashboard_widgets": [{ "description": "Failed VPN Connections", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "interval": "hour", "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Failed with VPN client, Authentication failure\" OR m:140)" }, "col": 1, "row": 4, "height": 1, "width": 2 }, { "description": "Established VPN Connections", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "interval": "hour", "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Succeeded with VPN client\" OR m:139)" }, "col": 1, "row": 1, "height": 1, "width": 2 }, { "description": "Failed VPN Connections", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "lower_is_better": true, "trend": true, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Failed with VPN client, Authentication failure\" OR m:140)" }, "col": 3, "row": 4, "height": 1, "width": 1 }, { "description": "Established VPN Connections", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "lower_is_better": false, "trend": true, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Succeeded with VPN client\" OR m:139)" }, "col": 3, "row": 1, "height": 1, "width": 1 }, { "description": "Users who successfully connected", "type": "QUICKVALUES", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "usr", "show_pie_chart": false, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Succeeded with VPN client\" OR m:139)", "show_data_table": true }, "col": 3, "row": 2, "height": 2, "width": 1 }, { "description": "Users who failed to connect", "type": "QUICKVALUES", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "usr", "show_pie_chart": false, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Failed with VPN client, Authentication failure\" OR m:140)", "show_data_table": true }, "col": 3, "row": 5, "height": 2, "width": 1 }, { "description": "Failed Connection Sources", "type": "org.graylog.plugins.map.widget.strategy.MapWidgetStrategy", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "src_ip_geolocation", "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Failed with VPN client, Authentication failure\" OR m:140)" }, "col": 1, "row": 5, "height": 2, "width": 2 }, { "description": "Established Connection Sources", "type": "org.graylog.plugins.map.widget.strategy.MapWidgetStrategy", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "src_ip_geolocation", "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Succeeded with VPN client\" OR m:139)" }, "col": 1, "row": 2, "height": 2, "width": 2 }, { "description": "Established Connection IPs", "type": "QUICKVALUES", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "src_ip", "show_pie_chart": true, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Succeeded with VPN client\" OR m:139)", "show_data_table": true }, "col": 4, "row": 1, "height": 3, "width": 1 }, { "description": "Failed Connection IPs", "type": "QUICKVALUES", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 86400 }, "field": "src_ip", "show_pie_chart": true, "query": "gl2_source_input:\"589b68dd125a995ccad62ab7\" AND (msg:\"XAUTH Failed with VPN client, Authentication failure\" OR m:140)", "show_data_table": true }, "col": 4, "row": 4, "height": 3, "width": 1 }] }], "grok_patterns": [] }